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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. accepting infrequent CTDs as part of TES life




    maybe once every 3 or 4 hours


    ...that's more like clockwork.


    It's very possible to get a solid Skyrim. But you have to be willing to experiment (and for heaven's sake, DO NOT do that with your main save - keep a stable collection of mods on any run because pulling and adding mods at random during an in progress game is asking for trouble - use wrye bash to keep saves and mod profiles separate) and maybe give up on some mods you thought were awesome because they give you trouble. Maybe you can run them in a different combo on a different save profile.


    It's often combinations of mods which give you grief - mods which are fine in other combinations. This can be hard to track down. Warzones + monster wars + monster mod + ASIS + HD textures was a recipe for trouble on my machine - but warzones does just fine in a different profile which has almost no other mods in it and no HD textures, and monster wars runs like a dream on another. On my aging machine I had to pull the HD textures altogether even though it made me sad to do so. Just couldn't hack it.


    And as bben46 points out, your computer is not a gaming console by default, it's a general purpose machine. Make sure there is as little nonsense running as possible. Use autoruns to have a look at your startup programs and services.

  2. I just wish you wouldn't try to parade your ideas for others to ignorantly follow




    I refer you back to my first post on the topic


    I think making a custom mesh for use in a different game as a form of fan art/tribute is eminently defendable - but does anyone have the deep pockets needed to actually take it to court? Once the owners decide to throw their weight in the ring with a cease & desist, you're looking at either complying or a prolonged legal battle - with no guarantee of actually winning. What modder is waiting for or even capable of that?


    The rest was a discussion of copyright law and exception cases which was interesting, I thought, and expressing my personal views (which I think is within my rights on this forum), I did not expect everyone to agree, nor did I at any point try to incite people to copy stuff with wanton abandon and post it on the nexus.

  3. These are the four points by which fair use are measured, on a case-by-case basis.

    1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
    3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
    4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work."

    Unlike, say, a speeding law (which is absolute and measurable with ease - radar gun, photo, speeding ticket), this by its very nature has a large grey area (by which I mean some degree of subjectivity/uncertainty with fuzzy rather than discrete borders - for instance "the effect of the use" is not something which may be clearly demonstrable ). You see this reflected in the many court cases surrounding fair use and things like fan fiction etc. etc. There is no single unified ruling. Some cases win, some lose, some get settled out of court. There is no single unified ruling or precedent by which these things are measured and judged, even if the letter of the law is quite clear. That's what I was getting at with "letter of the law" and "spirit of the law". If the letter of the law was all that mattered, all these cases would end in exactly the same way.


    ...can I borrow that horse of yours? I kind of like the color :tongue:

  4. Would seem to be a matter of going through all the game's imagespace and imagespace modifiers and killing off the blur and/or bloom settings. Don't have dawnguard and not very interested in a mod like this in the first place, but just FYI in case you yourself or anyone is willing to attempt this. It's not hard to do, just tedious and it will take a while to go through every single IS system in the game.
  5. By your reckoning, a kid drawing a picture of superman (a copy) and giving it to his grandparents (a third party) or heaven forbid, scanning it and putting it on the internet would be copyright infringement. I think there should be a distinct line between letter of the law (in which this is true) and spirit of the law (in which this is obviously not infringement). There's a lot of grey area there, maybe we can both agree on that.


    I do personally think copyright is horribly broken, for the reasons I outlined and more. Patent trolls, big players being able to stifle competition with mere threats of lawsuits which they know the other party can't afford, and ridiculous extensions to expiration terms effectively killing the public domain - but that's a whole different discussion.


    By the way, I do not think fair use (which this is not, we're agreed on that and I never claimed it was) is the only exception - there is also parody which is a subset of derivative works, another two possible exceptions with their own tests. None of which apply here, but just for completeness sake.

  6. These are the meshes for kids in Skyrim:



    And these are the textures that go with them:



    You can either

    a) wipe your entire skyrim install, remove any remaining folders, and reinstall (slow but sure)


    b) use a tool like BSA browser to open skyrim-meshes.bsa and skyrim-textures.bsa and extract these specific meshes and textures in the hope that fixes whatever is wrong. This may work or not but is a quicker fix than (a).

  7. Every single house mod and dungeon on the Nexus represents a modder who has had to learn to navmesh. The navmesh system works fine, it's not perfect, but it allows for large degrees of flexibility in AI pathing and object placement for both vanilla objects and any new resource added later.


    Complaining about how you think it should be isn't going to fix anything for anyone. Comparing Skyrim to the Sims is like comparing Lego Technic to Lego Duplo.


    I tried this and all it did was create a yellow vertex but no triangle


    You either have no valid edge selected (the 2 edge vertices should turn green) or you're not holding the CTRL button, or both.

  8. Probably version conflict. Make sure your Skyrim and CK are updated to the latest version through steam, open your mod, save it, test. Make sure everyone else also understands they need the latest updated version.


    Specifically, loading mods created with the latest version of the CK will in most cases cause instant CTD for people still playing with the 1.7.x series of Skyrim.

  9. You're going to have to break out the creation kit - with the console you can only do so much and I don't think you can create the linked refs between the weapon rack display (which is what you see) and the activator (which does the magic), nor add the necessary scripts to them and fill in the script properties.


    Honestly, I don't know why people are still using the console to "mod" their homes when the CK makes it all so easy.

  10. Swing the camera around or turn the cloud 180 degrees - by default clouds face away from you and are invisible from the other side. They may also turn invisible if you look at them at an extreme high/low angle.
  11. It seems to be a common problem, um, this thread




    Open console

    player.addspell (here you need to find the ID for whatever MGEF is affecting you)

    Close console

    Open console

    player.removespell (your MGEF ID here again

    Close console


    The MGEF in your case is probably

    000A852B : Draugr Glow Eyes (AbFXDraugrEyes)



  12. Then by now your skyrim is 3 or 4 versions out of date and you won't be able to load most mods anyway, even if you got the rest of the setup working. You don't have to pay again if you have the legal PC version but you do need the updates.
  13. You'll probably want to learn how to use Wrye Bash to create a patch.




    It's not the easiest tool to get into, but if you plan on playing skyrim for a good while it's probably a good investment of your time.






    ^^^ not sure how up to date everything is

  14. Yeah, that's just the thing. Fair use, fan art, fan tribute, parody, derivative works, I think making a custom mesh for use in a different game as a form of fan art/tribute is eminently defendable - but does anyone have the deep pockets needed to actually take it to court? Once the owners decide to throw their weight in the ring with a cease & desist, you're looking at either complying or a prolonged legal battle - with no guarantee of actually winning. What modder is waiting for or even capable of that?


    Of course, I have no idea how that would even work if it's international - US copyright holder vs. guy in, say, Poland making a Superman mesh and putting it on the Nexus. But the fact that they can stifle people's loving tributes with nothing but the threat of legal action, well, it sort of grates.

  15. Actually the Nexus doesn't even allow compilations to be uploaded, for reasons which bben46 outlines here, and which after giving it some thought make perfect sense




    Altering your game to suit your personal preferences takes a little skill and knowledge (and more than a little experimenting), who knew?

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