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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. If you're using winrar, just rar/zip your esp file as you normally would (I only have winrar but I imagine the process is much the same for winzip or other archive software) Next, open the archive using winrar. 1. right-click in the files area > new folder. Call this folder "meshes" 2. Open this folder by doubleclicking it (still in the winrar program) 3. If all your meshes are in the data\meshes folder, just drag and drop all the meshes you need from explorer to winrar, you will get a parameters dialogue, normally just click OK (if your meshes are in a subfolder of \data\meshes, recreate this folder structure first, then drop everything in the proper subfolders) 4. Do the same for \textures, and for whatever other custom resources you have used. Finally, test your archive just to be sure - close it, then extract it to a test folder - does everything look the way it should? i.e. esp at top level folder, then subfolders with all the meshes etc. You may also want to test this in a "live" skyrim installation which hasn't seen your mod (or temporarily remove your mod + resources used). This is the "loose files" method, in that people extracting your mod will end up with a bunch of loose files in their skyrim data folder. I may be doing it in a horribly convoluted way, I don't know how everyone else does it. This works for me. The other method is using the archive.exe tool which came with creation kit to create a single BSA file - for that method see http://creationkitad...ive-for-skyrim/ Which is better? I personally have no real preference, but some people have problems with BSAs if the comments on many mod threads are to be believed - I've never had them myself so I don't know. Other people dislike having a bunch of random files in their data folder. You could go the "complete" route and offer both, if you really wanted to please everyone. Not a stupid question - all part of the process ;)
  2. If it's a modders resource, it's pretty much a given that you're going to use meshes from it. The prohibition is talking about rehosting the entire file somewhere else. If some other people see the meshes and/or textures, it means they already have that resource or another one which uses the same meshes/textures. Unless you screwed up something else, but let's assume not and given that you haven't actually packed the meshes and textures with the archive, it's a safe bet.
  3. Wait, isn't he that man vs. wild guy? His real name is Edward. Just sayin'. Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_vs._Wild#Criticism lol Nothing bad about MSG now :)
  4. I do like sneaking in skyrim but no, I just want some predators and snapping turtles :)
  5. If you've created or are using unique textures or meshes they are living in \data\textures and \data\meshes (or subfolders of that) of your skyrim installation. You need to package them in your archive.
  6. That's actually several questions :) For the navmesh, you need to finalize it after you've hooked up your castle to the world (door in your castle > teleport > door on the outside in Tamriel) http://www.creationk...alizing_Navmesh For the scripting, you should probably ask a new question on here once you get to that stage. And, you know, learn a little bit about Papyrus scripting ;)
  7. Skyrim should have some turtles. And snakes. Where are all the snakes?
  8. Save, exit, reload, and make sure you're not summoning him in an area with hostiles.
  9. Load the Creation Kit as normal. Load your plugin (or create a new one)In this example, we’ll pretend our active plugin is “nifty.esp”Launch Skyrim as normal (and load your cell if it's an interior)Make some changes in the Creation Kit, such as moving or adding a static.In-game, open the console (~) and enter the command: “FCF”This step only applies if you loaded nifty.esp in the Data files section of the launcherThis only has to be done once per boot of the game.FCF is shorthand for “force close files”, and allows the Creation Kit to save a loaded plugin [*]Return to the creation kit and save nifty.esp[*]Return to the game. If possible, position yourself where you’ll notice your changes.[*]Open the console and enter: “HLP nifty” (or the name of your .esp file) HLP is shorthand for “Hotload plugin” [*]The scene will re-load. Your changes show now be visible in-game! Source http://www.bethblog.com/2012/06/19/creation-kit-hot-loading/ Works as advertised for me.
  10. So you mucked up the cell :biggrin: Probably easier to start over and be more judicious with deleting stuff. Just my 2c.
  11. I'm not sure if it's roombounds - but View > Show/Hide Window > enable Portals and Rooms. This will show you huge blue cubes if roombounds are defined. Not sure if you should just go about deleting them - they improve performance in large interior cells. However, if you've moved geometry you may just be able to move them around - but you'll have to move the portals too. Maybe just easier to delete the bunch and create new ones as needed. Read up on the CK wiki article linked to earlier. (the roombound button is the "empty box" icon in the same row with the trigger box - about in the middle, but unless you have rooms/portals set to on AND have selected the objects you want to include in your room nothing will happen when you click it)
  12. Ha, don't worry about it, I went through my entire first playthrough without knowing about it. RTFM - I should do it more.
  13. You can hotkey weapons, spells, and items, you know. and with SKSE and this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23416 you can hotkey even MORE.
  14. This thread veers between annoying me with rigid lore-mongering and making me laugh out loud with... that other stuff :biggrin: I think I may have to mod up some magic thermal underwear of +5 frost resistance, just to put everyone's minds at ease over the skimpy armor issue vs cold climates. *must...wash...eyes...with...soap...to....remove...image....of...naked...flapping....dovahkiin*
  15. generate > recast-based generation is the right one. Maybe your layout is just too large - I haven't done massive scale layouts.
  16. Hey, if you can have frost dragons you can have snow hummingbirds :tongue: Snummingbirds!
  17. That's... pretty massive. I think. It's kind of hard to judge scale. I don't have dawnguard active right now or I'd load it up and check. Still, I don't see why it wouldn't navmesh. The only odd thing I can think of is I think you said you scaled all the pieces to 3x. Have you tried creating a new mod, throwing in a couple of regular unscaled pieces (same type you're using), then doing the autonavmesh thing? Might be worth a shot to see if your CK is borked or whether it's something particular to your mod. If all else fails, navmeshing by hand isn't that much of a chore and in some cases (particularly with large empty spaces) will give you nicer/more efficient meshes), but still... odd. Anyway, if you're willing to try the "make a test mod" thing, do that, otherwise, here's a hand-navmeshing tutorial which covers some of the basic tricks to quickly and efficiently doing it by hand - I've actually become more of a proponent of fully manual navmeshing after seeing the automated process make a terrible hash of things in complex surroundings. http://www.youtube.c...d&v=ztzoEXTDrYk
  18. To add to what Ankh said, you probably want to have a look at this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7723 To add to what Ishara said, I think it's technically possible (after all, all the skyrim UI thingies are flash + scaleform and someone with sufficient skill in both could hack them up any which way) but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for such a mod. I think the mod I linked to will do what you want.
  19. It's under worldobjects/static but you can just filter for "mapmarker" under "all. If you wanted to know where to find it in the object list, ask where you can find it in the object list, not "how do I place it".
  20. ? Just find the piece in the CK and drag it into the exterior scene. http://www.creationk...ng_a_Map_Marker
  21. You get assigned a random fileserver when downloading the mod (fs1...fsX), you got fs7, looks like it was busy. Try again later, or press F5 on that error message screen to try again.
  22. Don't worry about BSA (archive) and other files. That's just when you're packing textures, scripts, meshes and other things into a single archive instead of giving people loose files. For your purposes, a single esp file should be fine. Have you reset your navmesh settings to defaults? (navmesh > generation > recast-based and then hit "default settings" in the new window). I asked this before and I would like you to either do it or confirm the settings are at default. If yes, could you post a screenshot of the level you're trying to navmesh? For example, here's a recent fort level I did, it took about 2-3 minutes to auto-navmesh (and then hours to manually adjust) on PC specs similar to yours. http://i45.tinypic.com/10da13b.jpg
  23. "Motherboard:


    Graphics Card::

    VIC-II MOS 8569


    Internal SID - 6581, multi-channeled. w/integrated RF modulation "

    ... I think I lurves ya.

  24. Antstubell, I highly recommend setting up notepad++ or another text editor with papyrus syntax - it will help you a lot in deciphering and writing code. External Text Editors Notepad++ SetupSublime Text SetupEmacs SetupUltraEdit Setup
  25. I put on my necromancer's coat and hat and resurrect my own unanswered thread, for I... have found the answer. A while ago, actually. But I thought I'd share because I'm nice that way :whistling:. Okay, so, controlling dragons. It's actually dead easy. First, you need an custom worldspace/exterior cell. Dragons are just too awesome to be contained in your puny interior cells, no matter how epic. Seriously though, exterior cells. You need one. Create a new world space, create some land mass, add detail and objects, do your thing. I recommend making it at least 2 cells wide, give your dragon some breathing room. More is better. Now add a dragon. Don't remove the scripts on the dragon, it needs those. Save, load up skyrim, notice how your dragon happily flies through land and objects like mountains. This is bad. So load up your custom world again, and then click menu World > Generate max height data for world. Select your custom worldspace from the list provided, click OK. Yup, that's it. That's all there is to it. Save your mod. Load it up in Skyrim. Behold the awesomeness of a dragon behaving all proper-like and not, in fact, flying through terrain and objects. Do a little happy dance. Then kill the dragon. Note that if you change the architecture and terrain after doing this, you will have to regenerate the max height data. I'm so chuffed I made a little video showing off a tiny part of a mod I'm working on. Which doesn't really show off the dragon behaving well with regards to architecture and terrain, but trust me, it does. Huzzah!
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