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Everything posted by Ethre

  1. Generally appears stable. Notes: Mobs seem to be spawning in groups and at times erratically, but they are around. Enemy mobs are off for the moment. There's a great looking option that may allow them to be turned on for lower areas only, but that will remain to be seen. Trade signs/etc seem to be good. New special at store on dirt. As noted, craftbook is down right now. I'm looking at an unofficial build of it. Weather works, but I have yet to see a natural storm. Questions: Are the protection message still occurring when you use items? Quoted for truth. Updates are great for the continuation of the game, but because of the revisions to source code they tend to break the server mods in some fashion or another.
  2. Hmm still getting you are not permitted to build. Thanks - I missed VIP for some reason. Remedied. Should do the trick.
  3. User data and warps should be restored correctly now. That includes you Anton.
  4. The server is coming down for a bit while I work on things. Lets see if I can do anything. EDIT: Server up. Testing. Some problems already noted. Working on it. EDIT 2: Testing paused slightly while I move to reliable internet connection. Server up in the meantime, but not reliable. EDIT 3: Server is up, but far from working. Proceed with caution.
  5. I hope everyone appreciates the work Pronam has put in these past two weeks while I have been derelict in my duties. If you see him on, thank him. I am back - I was traveling around for the past week and a half without cell service or internet access. Now that I'm back, I shall now proceed to spend the night at the bar to celebrate Osama's death (its the afternoon here), and shall then proceed to see what I can learn about the updated setup.
  6. I'll join the club. :confused: For the next ~3 days I will be mostly offline due to real-life commitments (academics!). If you have a problem which needs addressing, please email me (gmail account: ethrejade) or message me here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. However, I will likely not be on the server for much time. EDIT: Alonso got the 1000th post in this thread - wow. :P
  7. Unfortunately it looks like they are doing some more server maintenance. Server is temporarily down.
  8. Update seems to be just about done. Slowly but surely it is coming . . .
  9. Server is down at the host. Nothing I can do about it right now. I think its due to some physical work at the host and should hopefully be back up soon. CB670 is reported to break a few other important things too (which may or may not affect our server - I am not certain as to these yet), but the important issue is, as Pronam mentioned, WorldGuard. Any server is always somewhat vulnerable to takedown, and the fix to CB670 just removes one of the ways (perhaps an easy one - I do not know).
  10. Map surface: 16574720 square meters Block amounts: Air: 984174823 Stone: 876238597 Grass: 8763299 Dirt: 92977679 Cobblestone: 253051 Moss Cobblestone: 66723 Monster Spawner: 1323 Bedrock: 49665489 Snow: 597431 Water: 25946922 Ice: 357716 Lava: 6694772 Fire: 113 Portal Field: 13 Obisidian: 88769 Wood: 703054 > Normal: 610933 > Redwood: 17494 > Birch: 74627 Sapling: 22 Leaves: 9456654 Wooden planks: 18174 Cactus: 3664 Yellow Flower: 24691 Red Rose: 5611 Brown Mushroom: 4090 Red Mushroom: 2234 Sand: 13938000 Sandstone: 5706068 Snow Block: 158 Gravel: 28365079 Clay: 14792 Gold Ore: 512138 Iron Ore: 4863528 Coal Ore: 9965542 Diamond Ore: 211428 Lapis Lazuli Ore: 186220 Redstone Ore: 1703968 Gold: 13 Iron: 48 Diamond: 14 Lapis Lazuli: 82 Wool: 2693 > White: 1930 > Orange: 9 > Magenta: 12 > Light Blue: 116 > Yellow: 75 > Light Green: 15 > Pink: 11 > Gray: 24 > Light Gray: 27 > Cyan: 1 > Purple: 15 > Blue: 15 > Brown: 0 > Dark Green: 55 > Red: 331 > Black: 60 Farmland: 631 Crops: 483 Sugar Cane: 3022 Cake: 3 Torch: 9403 Craft Table: 162 Chest: 2440 Furnace: 207 Dispenser: 7 Note Block: 3 Jukebox: 3 Bookshelf: 107 Beds: 45 Wooden Doors: 214 Iron Doors: 44 Wooden Stairs: 810 Cobblestone Stairs: 2166 Slabs: 11331 > Stone Slabs: 6981 > Sand Slabs: 128 > Wooden Slabs: 384 > Cobblestone Slabs: 3838 Double Slabs: 1159 > Stone Double Slabs: 857 > Sand Double Slabs: 4 > Wooden Double Slabs: 32 > Cobblestone Double Slabs: 266 Sponge: 1 Glass: 8443 Brick: 642 TNT: 129 Pumpkin: 301 Jack-O-Lantern: 43 Netherrack: 164 Soul Sand: 1 Glowstone: 421 Signs: 972 Ladder: 728 Fence: 1959 Minecart Track: 1967 Lever: 44 Buttons: 25 Pressure Plates: 40 Redstone Wire: 940 Redstone Torches: 119 Redstone Repeaters: 37
  11. For those interested in the update to v1.4: We are waiting on WorldGuard right now. You can check the progress of the developer here. https://spreadsheets.google.com/lv?hl=en&key=tmzLJerg2AJGcut1xRKLKjg&toomany=true Its quite close to being done, but I'm avoiding the alpha build right now. This developer produces very solid content and I am happy to wait on him to update the server. Its quite a complex plugin - so a delay is to be expected. Our other main plugins are ready to be updated.
  12. Not quite true. For privacy reasons this discussion is being moved to PM. I'll update everyone once things are decided - but until then please relax. EDIT: REMINDER: The server will stay on 1.3 until we know what the update will/won't break. I recommend you all backup your minecraft/bin folders if you wish to play after the update but before the server updates.
  13. Note: We will be phasing out LWC over the next week or so (due to some plugin conflicts). If you have chests which are protected you are advise to switch over to one of the following options: 1) EssentialsProtection: Create a sign next to the chest as follows: 2) WorldGuard Protection: If your chests are inside your home or another protected area (remember - we can easily create these for you as needed), an Admin can toggle the chest protection flag on that region which will automatically protect any chests inside. Right now nothing is changed, but in the next day or so you should be unable to create new LWC protections. After maybe a week or so of that, we'll remove the LWC plugin entirely. So change over your protections. :)
  14. Pronam seems to have dealt with the slime issue for us. Thank you. I think that health regen will stay off. Be careful out there and don't jump from high heights. If you're worried about the impact on inventory space, remember that you can stack most food. Alternatively, using the command "/stack" will do it for you.
  15. A gentle reminder to all: We ask that you not use X-Ray mods and the like on this server. Also, there is a disposal sign at the Server Store if you want to clean out useless (?) blocks.
  16. Thanks to Pronam for pushing me to update this. ;) Now running CB 544 with updated plugins. Basic craftbook is installed and is being tested as I write. Pumpkins are woking . .. but others are to be tested. Note: IC's will not work yet. The installed plugin is the official Craftbook 3.1A, not Falsebook. Falsebook looked to potentially use some different hookins that might conflict. Due to some issues with the plugins, the updated user config/permission files have been mostly postponed. This will not affect most users though. Edit: My connection is fading, so I will be back on to test Craftbook later. Hopefully its working . . . Edit2: Crazy - Did this get resolved? If not, I'll check up on it when I get on
  17. I really hope he does so . . . I really do. :tongue:
  18. When you negatively affect other's play experience to the point that they can no longer participate, it stops just being "something DIFFERENT". When you start noticing that you specifically are causing excessive lag, you need to reconsider your actions. For reference regarding enemy mobs (since I see the question came up again in the logs): Mobs in general have been glitchy the last week or so. They're spawning incorrectly, not spawning, or over spawning. Until this cleans up, enemy mobs are off the table. Craftbook's coming.
  19. Its not so complicated - come on over and you'll see things are pretty simple. :)
  20. Those are some pretty neat models there. :) Server note: I'm doing a little work/restructuring of files. Shouldn't affect anyone much - but a heads up.
  21. Must mean I have no soul left. :( Personally I am not much in favor of a hunger mod. I think to add that in any meaningful way you would really have to revamp the game (to necessitate sleep, limit what you can carry, etc).
  22. Server world right now is only 108mb (70 some zipped). The final backup I made of the earlier server world was 400 and some (270mb zipped?). If you are interested in a map of the current world (not too much to it right now), a copy is available here. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20IBHB1Y (The file's ~18mb)
  23. I'm giving it a go Ub3r - but am having some problems (I believe they're related to the conversion to the new map format) and right now its not looking promising. Interesting note: I now have close to 1.25 gb of minecraft files on my computer (and more than half of those are compressed into zip files) - that's a lot of minecraft. :)
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