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Everything posted by Ethre

  1. Probably means you need to update your minecraft installation. That's my guess anyway. Are you running the most current update from notch?
  2. Map as of this morning. http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/aXDIzk8jj5Fr9Vi6eTV3GA?feat=directlink
  3. Good suggestions. Worth a trial at least. Next time I catch the server empty, I will restart with the following changes: -no tp (I know, I know . . . but it is really a cheat) -Limited warps (moot point as there is only one already) -Health! If the general consensus comes out against these changes, they will be reverted. Kits are a moot point right now since I cant get them working anyway. However, I built a house over spawn and stocked a chest of tools and a chest of torches. They are just stone tools, but they should be enough to start things out easier (wood tools to get to stone is pointless in my view). They are free for all. I've been playing around with server commands recently, but now that we know things work that is done. Since this is getting moving again, please, try not to dup-glitch items.
  4. Thank you Vagrant. It looks correct. Good to see you around.
  5. Thank you Dark0ne. When you open an official server this server will obviously be redundant and can go its way. As a college student who still buys lego sets though . . . I can justify glorified legos. :)
  6. UPDATE (August 30, 2011): This server has reached the end of its time. It was fun all - I hope you had a good time. DR Grimm has started hosting a new one. Please see 69.27 . 127.182 : 25565 for his server Background: After SimplyEricJames' server went down, we were stuck without an unofficial Minecraft server. I have since put up one using Art of War Central. It is free to join and play for all TESNexus members, friends, and family. Please note: This server is in no way officially associated with the Nexus sites. Any and all activity on the server occurs without any over-site from Nexus staff. Do not complain to them about server occurrences - it is not their problem (and they have little ability to assist you). The Nexus name has not been licensed to the server - it is used in an unofficial fan-based manner only. If Dark0ne or Nexus staff have objections, the name will be removed. Server Description: -8 slot server -Atlanta, GA, USA host -Running hey0 server mod -Up 24/7 -IP: xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx Masked the IP so that it cannot be read by bots and other stuffs. Mouse over to view Playing: -Groups: 1)Admins: All server controls 2)Mods: General administration (ban, unban, kick, etc) 3)VIPs: Building and general convenience (warps, etc) 4)Default: Build only If you have no prior history on the server, you will start as default. Play constructively and make friends and you will quickly get VIP level for your convenience. If we develop griefer problems, the default will be moved to a observer status only, and you will have to contact an admin to get building abilities. -Conduct: Two words: Be good. :) Griefing will not be tolerated. You will be banned. Listen to the Mods - pending further review their actions are absolute. If you have a problem with their actions, contact me (Ethre) here at TESNexus or use the email-address provided ingame. I will review the situation and get back to you. No forest fires! Be careful with lava and fire! Make Smokie proud! Other than that, build anything you want - any style, any look. -Blocks/etc: Dynamite has to much potential for griefing. Don't use it (if you can find away to get it) Same goes for flint/steel. Fires are bad. Admins can spawn blocks if needed under extenuating circumstances. -Health: Enabled. PvP is not though. -Mumble: Dark0ne has been kind enough to add a room on Mumble for this server. Instructions are available here for those wishing to join that. ---------------------------------------------------- Open for comments and suggestions.
  7. Ethre


    Good to know though. The server was rented for 8 slots - so if we have lag showing up (I noticed a comment about it in the server log) that doesn't go away after a little bit I'll have to get in contact with the host to try changing some things. So as not to hijack the minecraft thread entirely, I'll start a new thread for the server.
  8. Ethre


    Ahahaha! I just read the server logs. Great times you had. :) Sarge - I remember you. Added. Someoneelse - are you here? My apologies if I don't remember you. You should now be able to build at least though. Let me know of any bugs.
  9. Ethre


    Seems to work. Default changed to allow building and work. /help,/spawn,/me,/msg,/motd,/tell Get known and you will get warps. Or message me if you're known and I haven't put you in the list.
  10. Ethre


    Server up. Testing right now. Anyone is free to login right now - but you should (if I set it up right) be unable to do much of anything. This will change once I make certain things are working. More to follow
  11. Ethre


    :ohmy: Well, that may change things a little. Good to hear he's alright though.
  12. Ethre


    I'll post if I hear back from him. I hope he's doing alright. If we don't hear anything by this Sunday though, I'll seriously look into renting a host for a bit. More information to follow.
  13. I would say Mount and Blade is in my top list. Simply because of the incredible game mechanics. Interestingly, they are somewhat similar to Arena . . .
  14. Ethre


    It happens. Good time to play some singleplayer. Hope you're doing well James. We will see you on the flip side.
  15. Ethre


    You beat me to it Deathwarrior. Oh the firefighting was epic. Through the smoke and haze my diamond ax did lag . . .
  16. Ethre


    The PCGamer hands on looks really nice. Looking forward to it . . .
  17. Perhaps you could type them into your forum signatures?
  18. Ethre


    Gah - that was a mess. I was trying to set up some lava lighting and it overflowed its area. Took me 3 hours to get it cleaned up (I would clean it up only to have it break out again and again)). All better now at least. :/
  19. Ethre


    I am of the opinion that you will find a PC far superior to your consoles.
  20. CO2 is nice. You can get them refilled relatively cheaply, but it is still an added expense. I don't think you will find many stock spring pistols above 300. A teflon tape mod may push that mauser over 300. Depending on the stock spring, a spring replacement could also do the trick. If you go with an AEG, don't cheap out. There are a number of nice low priced rifles, but the dirt cheap electric ones (the kind you find at many sporting goods stores, walmart, etc) are generally worthless. A little research can point you in the right direction. Another option might be a shotgun. I haven't played in several years, but I remember there being a couple well made pump shotguns that were available for cheap.
  21. Ahhh! That would be a scary. Dremora I don't mind, but scamps I despise. Dirty little *****s! I don't think I'd want them grabbing modern weaponry. It would be great fun though. I like the concept. :)
  22. Haha. I never knew it was illegal to play poker. Has the Lucky 38 brought you any luck yet? +5 permanent bonus? :P
  23. Ethre


    I had to drop in and check it out Terminator. Looks nice. Dang it KD! I missed out on the filming. I haven't been on much recently. When I have I've been away in the hills. Once things are presentable (They're messy right now) I will have to invite you all to take a look. Hopefully you will approve. ;)
  24. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_S1ZWLdh_W6A/TL9segL8MjI/AAAAAAAAASw/saDbn1uB6CI/s800/EthreDesktop.jpg
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