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Everything posted by Ethre
Finally - groups are working! It was a very stupid error on my part. Edit: Server will be down temporarily while I line things up.
Lag should be better now. Unfortunately, while the permissions/groups are being detected, they are apparently not working correctly. Again, an apology for the delay.
Spawn is messed up which is why world will be restarted. I want to make absolutely certain groups are good first though.
Alright - I believe she should be working now. *cross fingers*. I need someone to hop online so I can test it. Thank you to my previous testers.
Yes. I just got back. Server will be up and down for the next while as I try to sort this out.
Server's up. Here's the deal - its up and running (and seems to be quite stable). However, I was having a fight with the config files (yaml problems - I'm not used to it, but apparently will be soon ;) ), so I am not certain this is configured entirely as I hoped to do it (I ended up rolling back to basically the "recommended" example configs). Since I've got to be gone for the weekend (bad timing - for which I apologize), I'm leaving it up as is for people to play around on. Nothing special running - basically a generic minecraft server. You should be able to use kits, warp, etc. I didn't bother messing with the seeds - will get to that on Monday (unless people really like this world for some reason). Anyway, I do apologize about the delay. Hope things work well while I'm gone. -E
Its up for no one right now. I set it up for normal minecraft and am working my way through bukkit. Its taking a little longer than I expected because I discovered that I didn't like some of the plugins I was going to use (for administration).
Working but not up publicly right now. Bukkit is very powerful but takes a little getting used to from hMod.
Yeah. I'm not certain what exactly is causing that. Server will be down for the day while I move files around/etc. With luck, expect it up in the next 18 hours. This will be running bukkit (assuming everything works according to plan of course). Details to follow.
Server's been buggy the last two days. It doesn't help that minecraft.net keeps going up and down either. I know Bukkit is out - I want to make certain we get everything lined up so the transition can be as smooth as possible. My apologies about that delay.
Ub3r - youre reset. Plugins for Bukkit: Any suggestions? I'm looking at MinecartMania, Multiverse (travel to nether), SimpleShop, and RPGCraft (Plus various boring admin ones).
We'll be moving to Bukkit when the official release for 1.3 comes out. That is also when, assuming the opinion does not change against the option, we will be moving to an entirely new world. I can do some stuff to run the server on 1.3 right now - but it is guaranteed to be buggy. Downgrading is a quick and simple solution that works quite well. Copy-paste and you are done. If you don't wish to do that though - then hopefully we will see you in a couple days (week?) or so!
Ohhh my jeez all mighty queen - I tried walking to your wasteland (tnt). I didn't even get into the lagoon before tnt started going off and it crashed my client! I honorarily dubb you the "Knight of Chernobyl" for your achievement! :D
Alrighty then, she'll stay up! :) Just wanted to make sure there would be a demand. Server rent's $22.57 / 3 months (USD) which works to ~$7.50 a month. Not a huge cost by any means. I think the 8 slot server's a pretty good balance for us so far. We've never really had problems hitting the cap, though if we dropped it down we would have (plus, the increase in cost to 8 slots from 6 slots is marginal). I don't mind paying the rent, though if you feel the need to there is a set up with the host that makes it easy to contribute. Good discussion regarding changing the world. A few points from my end: The world that we've built is very nice and very large. As mentioned, for any new terrain you have to move a good ways out. Since you need new terrain for some of the updates, this gets slightly tiresome. On the otherhand - there is the benefit of multiple sets of existing infrastructure. A couple things are showing themselves to be problematic in the current world. We've been pretty lucky about chunk resets, but there are definitely parts of the world that are permanently off limits (Queen . . . ;) ). Certain minerals are not showing themselves very well either (Diamond for one - is findable but in general has been elusive). Because it has been built up over several updates, the original parts of the world obviously don't include all the new goodies. In terms of server administration, I think that we've been stretching out hMod for long enough. At some point we will have to switch over to bukkit or another control setup. Doing this with a new world would certainly be the cleanest way to do so. This would also get rid of the warp/home/etc problems with a map conversion (I have no idea if the new format maintains the same access patterns). Performance-wise I would guess that switching to a new world might be a good idea. When I compressed the world (to map) two days ago, the zipped file was 222mb. That's getting pretty heavy, especially if people are scattered across it. tl;dr Benefit of world is the buildings. Problems have been building up. Personally, I think it may be time to zip the world up (I can distribute it to anyone who would want a copy) and see minecraft from a new light. If we do this though, I'd leave it up until the 6th. Regarding server access (right now): Its always up but with update you will be unable to access. If you haven't updated MC yet - I recommend you make a backup of your .bin folder (inside minecraft). Then let it update. Close minecraft and replace the .jar files in the .bin folder with your backed up ones. You should be able to play and connect now. Edit2: All you need to replace is the minecraft.jar file Did I miss anything? Edit: Antonkr makes a good point. There's been talk for a while of doing something akin to the IC on EricJames' server (large communal work). Worth doing? Edit3: If you don't understand why ub3r would probably like to keep his castle - I recommend you take a look at it. Quite impressive work.
Important Question: Server rent will be up on the 6th. Is it worth it for me to keep it up? Put in a vote if you think you'll still be playing for the next couple of months. -E
Anything I should know about the server? -Maybe? ;) Are there ever any hostile mobs? -Shouldn't be any. Are we allowed to build mechanisms with redstone? -Should be able to. Redstone used to be broken, but no longer. Are there any other restrictions? -Normal stuff. No Griefing. No lava buckets (the server should actually prevent you from using them). Forest fires are very bad. Other than that, basically have fun
I'd be happy to see you on Anton!
Public wheat replanted.
When MC.net goes down, it is sometimes sporadic (ie you can log into minecraft but not always get authenticated by the server). That was probably your problem.
Being in a spot you don't recognize would be normal I believe (since the spawn point for smp is set by the server). Crashing cartographer - not so normal. I would say it is the tnt killing it - but that save file shouldn't have the tnt problems.
Well I don't know about not lagging anymore . . . since I timeout when I try to warp to the arena warp (where this is, correct?). Your spawn's reset ub3r. Edit: Well, it doesn't timeout on warp there with a tiny render distance - but the warp seems to be unsafe (instadeath).
Was this next to spawn? If so, it looks to be out. Mistakes happen. Try to post a detailed location next time though. ;)
You two are reset again. Don't worry about it. (no inventories again though) Ub3r's idea of resetting the chunk isn't bad.
Moved to hmod 134 alpha 15. Lets see if this helps a bit. Woopsie daisy. Exactly how much tnt did you put there? It hadn't even loaded when I started hearing explosions . . . ;) You two (queenston, lasers) should be able to log in safely now though. I had to clear you .dat files - which means your inventories will be wiped, but you should spawn safely. Inventories can be replaced easily enough. In the mean time, lets call the arena "OFF LIMITS". Think of it like Chernobyl if you need to - you will DIE on entering there. I will be a bio robot for a while and try to clean it up slightly - but no promises . . .
Bad lag spikes. Sounds like it might be related to the Alpha 16 update. I think I'm going to try moving us down to Alpha 15, since I see fewer servers reporting lag on that. Unfortunately this will probably kill the dye for wool.