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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Yeah, you have to talk to Delphine to be sent to the Thalmor Embassy.
  2. Sounds like a Monty Python mod may be in order...fish weapons, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, an Eric Idle follower, Graham Chapman's King Arthur outfit from The Holy Grail...oh my god yes.
  3. I play a lot of World of Warcraft...I mean, a LOT of WoW...and I've kinda become spoiled on being able to transmog armour. I'd love to see it in Skyrim. For those who don't play, or don't understand, transmogrification (in this sense) is taking one piece of armour and making it look like another piece of the same type of armour. In WoW, Plate can only be mogged to other plate pieces, mail to mail, etc. I'm thinking that I'd like to be able to take a set of higher-tier armour and make it look like a set of lower-tier, but cooler-looking, armour. Restrictions would obviously be that you can only change light armour to look like other light pieces, and heavy armour to look like other heavy pieces. Allows a little more mix-and-match while still retaining the armour rating of the higher piece. I'm mainly wanting to use this for modded armours, so that I can get the armour rating of, say, Daedric or Dragon armour, while looking like a weaker item whose appearance I prefer. I realize that could become very, very complicated, especially with smithing and mod-added armours.
  4. Without spoiling the series for you...yeah, they do that. :P
  5. Wouldn't necessarily be all that hard...sounds very World of Warcraft-ish, actually. Could add a spell, power, or just a fancy doorway of some sort that takes you back to where you fought that particular boss (WoW calls it an "instanced area") where the boss is alive and still hostile, and dies in the same manner. The only roadblock I see is with Alduin. You enter Sovngarde for the final battle through the portal at Skuldafn, which is unreachable through any means other than the scripted scene where you jump on Odahviing's back.
  6. Last night I managed, through pure chance, to make a character that looked almost exactly like actor Timothy Omundsen, whom I know best for his role as Cain in the TV series "Supernatural". It got me to thinking...maybe someone could come up with presets for some of the other characters? I'm going to try my hand at it, but I'm not real great with creating characters that look like real people. The other cast members I'd like to see are: Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) Crowley (Mark Sheppard) Charlie (Felicia Day) - who wouldn't want a Felicia Day preset!? Rowena (Ruth Connell) Bobby (Jim Beaver) Castiel (Misha Collins) Again, I'll be trying my hand at it, but I don't have much faith in my own capability. I use Racemenu, so obviously that's the chargen mod I'd like these to be for, but I'm sure there's got to be a way to convert them to ECE.
  7. I've searched the Nexus and can't find anything that does what I'm looking for. Long story short, particle effects are causing enough of a framerate drop to become problematic. I have a pretty low-end system. I'm already running low-res particle mods for snow, and for the leaves/pine needles in the Rift, but it's not enough. Can someone make a mod that completely removes them? I know it'd cause silly conflicts like "I hear rain but I don't see it", but I'm willing to put up with that for a playable framerate. Alternatively, is there a way I can completely disable them (or reduce them to nearly disabled) with an .ini tweak?
  8. FXAA Post Process Injector (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/131/?) has been the best graphic option I've found. It runs flawlessly on this poor little piece of junk. I was saving for an honest-to-Talos gaming rig, but lost my patience altogether when my good computer crapped out on me (ironic, considering not too long after my monitor went down and I wound up on the laptop anyway). My laptop had actually been running fairly beautifully, but my girlfriend accidentally cracked the screen, forcing me to fork out for a new monitor. I do intend to upgrade this worthless junkheap eventually, but I don't know when that will be.
  9. Crayons, fill the 1's with crayons!! Bwahahaha! Yeah, I rolled 1's almost constantly. I eventually got killed off, and rolled a melee class instead, and did sooooooo much better that it's been almost all I've run.
  10. Just looking to get the best in-game performance out of this computer without having to go to extremes. I intend to upgrade this thing as soon as possible, but I just can't afford it right now. I don't use any graphics-intensive mods - as a matter of fact, all my graphics mods are aimed at getting better performance out of Skyrim. I already use reduced textures, Skyrim Project Optimization, and several mods that disable things like smoke, dust, and fog, but I still only get 12FPS indoors and 15 outdoors (which is weird, I figured I'd get better FPS indoors than out). I only get above 15FPS when I pull up the pause menu, at which point it shoots up to 60. I also use Razer Cortex to boost performance. The only way to get good, solid, smooth, and visually appealing gameplay is to play in 800x600 window mode, which is ridiculous on the huge widescreen monitor I've got. Turns the game into this little box that's too small for me to be able to read anything without straining (what is this, a game for ants!?) I'm using a basically brand-new computer, bought it at the beginning of the year with my tax return. Specs are as follows: acer Aspire XC-603G Windows 8.1 Processor: Intel Pentium CPU J2900 @ 2.41GHz RAM: 4.00GB (3.88GB usable) 64-bit OS, x64-based processor In addition to Razer Cortex (if indeed it is helping and not hurting), what else can I do to at least be able to run higher than 800x600 window mode and avoid all the crappy pixelated edges and low FPS? I have an older computer that will run Ultra with ENB and HD textures all day long, but it bit the dust, and the parts won't transfer due to differences in the case size (that thing was massive compared to this one)...I really miss it. I've accepted that I can't get that kind of performance out of this one without hardware upgrades, but what can I do until I can afford to hot rod this one?
  11. I haven't played a magic-using character since...gods, since my first tabletop RPG back in elementary school. My rolls were so consistently awful that it kind of put me off magic altogether.
  12. So far I've seen Smithing and Alchemy changed. I haven't gone to Enchanting yet, it's not something I really fool around with much. I've managed to play two out of the three better-known Elder Scrolls games without once making my own enchanted item.
  13. I had pretty much figured out it was an update that I'd missed. I recently swapped computers due to my laptop breaking, and was redownloading all my mods in a flurry. Didn't even pay attention to version, just downloaded whatever was at the top of the main files list. As I said, it's really convenient in terms of functionality, it's just a pain because I use a lot of armour and weapon mods.
  14. Final update: I'm pretty convinced this is the latest version of SkyUI. It automatically moves items you have the materials to craft to the top of the list. Tt's only bothersome because I use a lot of weapon and armour mods. It's convenient in nature, but terrible in terms of list length.
  15. Update: Reinstalling SkyUI did nothing. Still looks like the first post. I can live with it until someone can tell me what's going on, but I don't like it.
  16. Funky isn't exactly the word I used at first, but it's more forum-friendly. As stated...there's something off about my smithing menu. Here's what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/wAtNrWG.png Here's my load order from NMM. I don't know what could be causing it, or how to even fix it. I've been into the "interface" folders in my Data folder, but I don't actually know what I'm looking for, so I left everything alone. It may also be worth mentioning that I'm not actually able to see my overlays in RaceMenu. I'm going to attempt to pull and reinstall SkyUI while I wait for a response, and will add if that fixes the issue or not.
  17. I correct myself...I ran an unmodded test and had the same result. I'm pretty sure it was a leftover scripting issue. I'm going to go through the painstaking purge/reinstall process and slowly, carefully add mods.
  18. You're a freaking god, cloudedtruth. I've been dealing with this for days and had no idea why. I tip my hat to you, good sir or madame.
  19. This was one of the first immersion mods I installed. I still get a little freaked out by watching Hulda take a break from bartending to go warm herself by the fire (Frostfall may play into that too)
  20. Well, if the body doesn't die, what becomes of it? Not trolling, genuinely curious.
  21. That's...a lot to take in. I was hoping for some mod names or links, but...wow. That's a lot.
  22. Saw a giant moon-launch a dragon once. Took me three days to stop laughing about it...
  23. Here lately I've been hooked on adding mods that up the realism and immersion factors in-game. I'm already running Frostfall, Hunterborn, and Realistic Needs & Diseases, but I was wondering what other mods could be added. I'm already having to eat, sleep, drink, treat sickness, and stay warm and dry...is there really anything else to add at this point?
  24. Who cares if it's lore-friendly or not? Don't like the mod, don't download it. Don't like the idea, don't download it when/if it comes to fruition. That said, I've never even played Xenoblade Chronicles and I want this.
  25. Forgot I'd even made this thread. Good to see it's still active and this isn't a necro-bump. I thought of a way to make it fairly lore-friendly. Dwemer-esque textures. Megatron could be a secret, long-abandoned attempt at building a new Numidium, one that was imbued with the soul of a Daedra hell-bent on destroying everything. Optimus Prime could be the response built by a different clan to put a stop to the first clan's attempts...or hell, even a weapon that was unintentionally imbued with the soul of a fallen hero with a pure heart.
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