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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater
Console key (`) does nothing?
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I'll have to find a way to get this info to him. His phone's a prepaid that he keeps on "text only" status to preserve minutes...and that's a bit much for texting. I'll figure it out though. Thanks! This should really brighten up his day. -
So, my brother and I were chatting about out most irritating Oblivion moments, and he said something that kinda freaked me out. We were talking about how annoyingly difficult KotN can be at times, in terms of enemy difficulty. He said that he kept dying and was going crazy because it was keeping him from completing a quest. I joked about how "the tgm command does wonderful things for those situations", and he told me that the console will not pull up on his computer. The [~] key on his keyboard works fine - just doesn't seem to do anything in-game. Does anyone know what could be causing this? He's not one for console commands anyways, but in the even that he has a bug that the console could fix, I'd like for him to be able to fix it. I'm posting on his behalf because we don't live together and he doesn't have internet. If it helps any, his computer has a "partitioned drive", whatever that means...he gave me kind of a rough explanation but I don't get it.
LE Would a Parkour or Freerunning mod be possible in Skyrim?
AlduinWorldEater replied to Rotastico's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I was hoping not to shout...kinda defeats the stealth class build. -
Performance-enhancing mods for low-end PC?
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The texture pack did help, though not enough to let me go up a step on the quality options. I'm running pretty smoothly right now, even if my game does look like it belongs somewhere in the late-PS2 to early-PS3 graphics area. -
LE Gun-style Magic Casting Animation
AlduinWorldEater replied to datael's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I'm imagining the sheer amount of in-game douchebaggery this offers...mod up a stupidly high-powered spell and just walk around going bang, bang, bang, bang...bahaha. Beautiful! Must have this. -
That's enough to make me swear off TES forever. Holy hell.
Lack of Gargoyle lore?
AlduinWorldEater replied to ChampionOfContinuity's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think Serana said something about them while discussing Valerica's obsession with magical constructs, but I can't remember for sure. -
LE "The Golden Claw" Quest Alteration
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
This is pure genius. I hadn't even thought about that. -
LE "The Golden Claw" Quest Alteration
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I know that, I was just looking for a smooth, immersive way. -
LE Cyberpunk/Apocalyptic Skyrim mod idea
AlduinWorldEater replied to Ardoku's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Extracted from original post: "The daedric apocalypse itself isn't a mystery, because a very powerful daedra is responsible for it. This daedra is completely unknown in Nirn due to his daedra basically never having interacted with it up to this point. This daedra is as powerful as the other daedric princes, but it's a bit more... liberal with its powers. And by liberal, I mean it just tore its way out of the planes of oblivion and straight into Nirn to cause havoc, raise the dead, and tear down civilization as we know it." Sounds like OP wants a new Daedric Prince, or one that we just haven't seen yet. -
LE Sword Art Online Kirito ALO, GGO Armor
AlduinWorldEater replied to zacharycgames's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Found a ref for anyone willing to entertain this. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/053/d/3/kirigaya_kazuto_characters_by_kiritoxggo-d77iht8.jpg -
LE Jon's sword from season's trilogy
AlduinWorldEater replied to woosinator's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Easily one of the most dickish suggestions I've ever seen. But - given the circumstances surrounding the sword, it does sound like the best option. -
There was a mod for Morrowind that allowed the construction of living armour suits...if it can be done in TES III surely it can be done in TES V.
LE Cyberpunk/Apocalyptic Skyrim mod idea
AlduinWorldEater replied to Ardoku's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Following this topic. Not because I want to deal with yet another Daedra-fueled apocalypse, I got enough of that in Oblivion, but because I'm fascinated by the mental images that the original description brings to mind. I'd like to see it fleshed out purely out of curiosity...and who knows, I might yet be sold on the idea. -
I've been thinking that I'd like to be able to hang on to the Golden Claw, but the kind of characters I usually play have a moral obligation to return it to Lucan. What I'd like to see is a mod that adds an extra dialogue option - "Would you be willing to part with the claw for the right amount of money?" Now, to Lucan and Camilla, the claw is a personal treasure - their prized possession. As such, it may take some persuasion (and a little bit of butt-kissing) to get them to part with it - for a rather hefty sum. Definitely more than he pays you for finding it. Or - perhaps, if you decide to woo Camilla, be it for love or just to spite Faendal and Sven, the claw becomes an item that you can pick up legally. After all, what's hers is yours once you marry her, right? And since the claw is half hers, and Lucan becomes your brother-in-law...well, you get it. Sure, it may end up involving the awkward idea of moving into her family's home, but still a viable option.
LE "Victory is yours, I submit!"
AlduinWorldEater replied to Warburner's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Maybe I'm just heartless, but I enjoy wiping them out...like...they hit me first, and then want to live? HA. Right. See you in hell, trash. That said - I've been wanting to experiment with a pally build, and this would be a great mod for it. I'd like to see this happen. -
It'd be one overpowered ward, if it works exactly like the Absolute Terror Field. Remember - virtually nothing could punch through those suckers. Can you say Thalmor outrage? It'd be the ultimate way to give those damn elves the middle finger!
Well, I think I know how to go about it, though it could get a little awkward if not properly used. Invisible meshes that take up non-armour slots should cover it (i.e. ring slots, necklace, circlet, etc.). I don't necessarily know about things like crutches though. I wouldn't mind seeing this - I had a fanfic (scrapped it) where the dragonborn loses an arm in the fight against Mirmulnir, so yeah.
I didn't get it til I watched the video very, very closely. You're talking about the bend & flex from real-world physics, the motion transfer from string to arrow. I'm no modder, but I know that arrows come in two varieties when pulled up with the 'help' command in the console - AMMO and PROJ. AMMO is the formID you use to actually add the arrows to your inventory...PROJ is the model it uses in-flight. Should be as simple as locating and replacing the PROJ model.
A Laptop that can run Skyrim with realvision Mods (Ultra)
AlduinWorldEater replied to zacn95's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
HP Envy. My fiancee uses one, runs Skyrim beautifully. -
Very Specific Help Needed!
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I found the smoke removing mod I needed. Still trying to find something to help with map mode. -
I've almost got Skyrim playing smoothly on my crappy little laptop. Don't have the visual quality my desktop gave me, but I'm slowly getting the FPS issues resolved. All I'm really missing now is a mod that increases performance when using the map - I'm currently taking a pretty big hit. Could also use a mod that removes smoke from blacksmith forges, torches, and fires. While not exactly realistic, it would be a big help (and I play WoW, so a little unrealistic weirdness won't bother me).
LE How to train your dragon 2 Armor and Dragon set
AlduinWorldEater replied to SoldieroftheLord8604's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I love love LOVE the meshes, but it definitely needs a little texture work. Should be much darker. May tool around with the textures a bit myself and see if I can't come up with something (after all, if I'm gonna critique, the least I can do is try to contribute!) -
Having lost my gaming rig, as discussed in a different thread, I've downloaded Skyrim to my laptop. I'm currently running on Low with no visual mods except the Imaginator, and I'm still getting a rather choppy framerate. I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some mods that boost performance on low-end machines, be it by removing things, altering textures, what have you. Here's my system specs: Overall Windows Experience rating is a 4.3 Processor: Intel Pentium CPU B980 @2.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 4.00GB (3.89GB Usable) System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor Video card is the built-in for an ASUS...I'm not sure which particular model. All I know is that it was the very last one in the store at the time...it's technically just the display model, wasn't ever really intended for consumer purchase, but my fiancee's mom managed to talk the store employees into it two Christmases ago. I'm not looking to make it jaw-droppingly beautiful. I just want it to run smoothly. When I find myself longing for ridiculous detail levels again, I'll go out and buy a new gaming rig. So if anyone can point me towards some nice performance-enhancing mods, it'd be greatly appreciated :) I'll be browsing the Nexus in the mean time.
Possible Infected File on Skyrim Nexus
AlduinWorldEater replied to AlduinWorldEater's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I can happily report it's not the Nexus. Got to looking at the gaming rig, poor thing was just too old. Finally gave out on me. Hell, damn computer's from the early days of Vista. Going to figure out whether I want to spend my tax money on reviving and updating it or on getting a new computer altogether.