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Storm Raven

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Everything posted by Storm Raven

  1. Yes, FDM is supported as is DTA. I haven't used FDM for some time, DTA works great with firefox so don't know what the settings would be/ Which browser, I will run a test or two when I have time. Buddah I got used to using IE7 as for certain business applications as they left me no choice. I have had plenty of experience with FDM and little or no experience with DTA. Ben, just went through a terrible experience, with a Firefox plug-in. So I am leery. They are not always compatible with one another. But it is been some time since I've used IE7 for anything else. (Did I just recommend Firefox?) *the old man smiles* 8)
  2. Well, it would appear that the votes are in and a motion has been passed... I will continue this brazen series. Therefore, at the request of someone who I am a fan of, my next submission will be a revisiting of, "The Counting Conundrum." However, as I am still in the process of rewriting it (my hope is to make it much funnier) look for it here soon. As well as other chapters, to this ongoing story. Slip Sliding Away! *the old man laughs out loud*. Storm Raven
  3. Am I allowed to use, Free Download Manager, and if so, what would be the best settings?
  4. This is indeed very sad news. Some of those old files will be very hard to replace.
  5. Thank you for your replies, When I took driver's education in high school, class started in the dead of winter, January in the state of Kansas. The wind whips down from the northern Plains, dropping the temperatures into the negative 30s. The only state I know of with a higher your round relative humidity index is Florida. So it's not just cold, its wet cold, and wet cold is the worst cold there is in my experience. I remember how happy I was at 16, when my father bought me the same winter parka that the Navy Seaman use on icebreakers, in the far north of the Atlantic. So when I learned to drive. It was on snow, ice, and a special treat, called black ice. The tires on vehicle in those weather conditions, are rarely in contact with the asphalt. In fact, many accidents occur when the tire actually comes into contact with the asphalt. This is because a tire that has been happily spinning through the snow suddenly finds traction! The tire finding traction on the asphalt can throw a car out of control very quickly. It's the one time of year, when traction is not necessarily a good thing. Most of the time, in those weather conditions. The tires are almost always in contact with one kind of ice or another. Often in Kansas. It would freeze, melt, freeze, melt, freeze, melt until you had a layered cake of ice and snow. Oh how my heart warms, at the thought of driving in those conditions! Those were the conditions I learned to drive on. Today, I would not exchange, learning to drive in those conditions for any other kind. Nor would I if I had any choice, ever drive on them again. I learned to experience something I later began to call "the controlled slide." You're not really in control of the vehicle. So much as you are the rate of the slide. Various road conditions can change the slide factor. So you must be quick to adapt your rate of slide to the surfaces you are driving on. My driving instructor considered it important that we learned to drive in reverse, in high speeds, under these conditions. It's a miracle. We all lived through the experience. Although a few of us did not stay entirely on the road. The strange thing is, at that age. You have no fear. So my memories are of having a great time learning to drive. Later on in life, those experiences helped me to quickly adapt to the controlled slide through the air of an airplane. Learning to pilot a plane, was one of the most exciting experiences I ever enjoyed. When that plane is in the air, you can control only the speed and the surfaces of the plane in what is basically a battle to the death with gravity. Once you get used to it, the hardest part is getting off the ground. The rest of it is constantly making minor adjustments to the speed and surfaces, which control your slide through the air. What does this have to do with the topic? Most of my experience in life has been in the form of business communications. For those of you who do not all ready know this, creative writing is not encouraged in business communications. (Many of you will recognize that last sentence as a very funny one, but true.) I think what you're telling me is that what I was experiencing was a slide. I started out going in one direction, and then the story slid off an entirely different one, and felt as if, the story was beginning to write itself. Based on the majority of my writing experience, the writing was out of control. Not a good thing in a lot of situations, but maybe not a bad thing, in a creative writing situation. Now, I will need your help, with interpretation. If I have interpreted what you have said, correctly, it's okay to let go and let the story write itself. You never know where it might take you. If you don't like where it goes, you can always gently bring it back, by controlling the slide. This makes sense to me; but does it make sense to you? Have I understood what you have said, correctly? I eagerly await your replies, as the story must go on, one way or another. Storm Raven
  6. I decided to edit that last post and remove the story about the counting of the posts. Looking over it, I decided it needed more work, and so it will be reintroduced later. I'm sure many of you will simply not believe me when I say this, but nonetheless, it is a fact, that this is the first time, I have ever attempted to write anything remotely resembling this. Most of what I've written in my life, has been business correspondence, and from time to time although very rarely, I have attempted my hand at poetry. But this is the first time I've ever tried to write a story. Something strange has happened, and I sincerely hope, that I am not the first person, to experience this. (Check the phone, for speed dial, to the Psychiatrist!) But I have been writing these little pieces in the very early hours of the morning, surrounded by darkness, and the soft glow of my monitor. The page is blank, and I think I have an idea, as to what it is I'm about to write. I write a few sentences, a paragraph or two, and then something changes, something that having had no experience with this before in the past, I find very disconcerting. The story begins to write itself! No no, I'm not being possessed by some other spirit, it's just that the story takes directions that I had no idea it would take. And the next thing I know, I'm looking at several pages full of words. Words I know I wrote, because this is very hard work for me, and hours go by, in this process, as I said before, I am not experienced at this. It's just that when I start, I think the story is going in one direction, and before I know it, it's taken off in a new direction all by itself! Perhaps some of you, at least I hope so, are familiar with this, and can tell me that this is not too far out of the ordinary, or I will be forced stop. Because for me. It is very much out of the ordinary. I'm hanging on desperately to a short exchange I had once, with an extremely gifted young writer. I thought he was joking at the time. In response to a question I asked him. He replied, "Do I write the stories, or do the stories write me?" I am beginning to realize, that perhaps this young man was not joking with me at all... Lest you get the wrong idea, I am not seeking praise, far from it. I need to know that this is not some strange or extra-ordinary behavior, or I will stop writing, I am quite serious. At least fiction, because this is way outside my realm of experience, and I do not want to find myself drowning in some deep dark water... Can anybody help me? I don't want to stop writing, but I will mark my words. Storm Raven
  7. The Grousing Game... If Storm Raven is beard white, with fifty winters knew his friends were quite concerned, which of course he also knew they would never admit. And so of course, he would be the primary target for their frustration. Thinking fast, a surprise attack, might just throw them off his heels, fired the first salvo. "Master Hammonds, what were you thinking? Sneaking about the Palace in your black ninja pajama suit with that enormous gold gift card? Did you think, for one moment that the Emperor would not notice that? Why, I'm sure he could see that silly grin on your face, straight through your black mask. Do you have any idea how anxious the Blades got over that? Flitting from one dark corner to the next... even though they knew it was you, we've all been trained to question stunts like that. What if it hadn't been you, but someone else pretending to be you?" Master Hammonds face began to redden. Storm Raven smiled slightly, but not enough give away how pleased he that his surprise attacks had struck home so quickly and accurately. Everyone's eyes turned to see Mr. Hammonds; Storm Raven could not help but smile quickly his success. Everyone was now focused on Mr. Hammonds, and for the moment he had been forgotten entirely. Mr. Hammonds, sensing that all eyes were upon him, flushed a slightly deeper red. The younger man began his defense. "Sir Raven," he began using the formal title to indicate he had picked up the glove and accepted the challenge, "I am only going to warn you once, I nearly paid for that ninja stealth suit with my life, and if you ever, ever refer to it again as a "Pajama Suit" I will see to it that you spend the next month counting posts." This was indeed a serious threat, Storm Raven blanched as all eyes turn once again to him. Although, Storm Raven was older, than Master Hammonds, Master Hammonds held a higher position within The Imperial City, and so the threat of such humiliation was indeed a serious one. Storm Raven had been caught quite off guard by such a serious threat. But remember, this was the game of grousing, and the object was to poke your opponent in the ribs and irritate them as much as possible. Master Hammonds had now managed to land a serious blow on Storm Raven and there would have to be some response even though all present knew including and most especially, Master Hammonds that the threat was idle. This was after all just a game. Master Hammonds would've no more carried out that threat than he would've cut off his big toe. As all eyes turned to see what Storm Raven's response would be. Ban 'em Ben, knowing the room was full of hot air, and seeking his own opportunity to score a blow. As well, an opportunity to defend his very close friend Storm Raven was in the position now to kill two birds with one stone, a rare and priceless opportunity, in the game of grouse. As he began to speak, all eyes turned to him, and the considerable heat Storm Raven had been feeling began to drop. "Master Hammonds," began Ban 'em Ben, "How many times must we be reminded of your legendary fight to obtain that suit? I do not even begin to think that I could remember the number of times you have mentioned that fact. Is it not better and more honorable for others to tell the story of your legendary fight?" He said, with just a tinge of false irony in his voice. "Furthermore I do not believe, that was the point of Storm Raven's comment. Clearly, he was simply pointing out that between the suit and the gift card, you might have stood out, just a little bit from the crowd…" he paused. Well, this was a brilliant strike, and by using a suggested and understated comment at the end of his repost, he had made it even all the more cutting. Buddah smiled, this was getting very good, and so far, he had managed to escape any attention. This was another and very important aspect of the game, as so far, he had remained completely unscathed. Meanwhile, Storm Raven was forced to hide another smile as he had clearly been rescued by his friends, crossfire and redirection of the sortie. Master Hammonds responded. "Damn you Ben, you know I had Storm Raven in the pinch, the rascal. And then you come along and pull Storm Raven right out of the fire. Putting me in the hot seat again? How could you?" he said rhetorically. Now this was an honorable way to end the first round of the game and not unusual by any means. He had simply called a shovel, a shovel, thereby neutralizing Ban 'em Ben's thrust. It signaled the beginning of the next round. To be continued... All comments are welcome...
  8. Dark0ne, as I promised, so the explanation begins As the light began to dim in the Imperial Indoor Amphitheater, the crowd that had gathered, that evening began to quiet in anticipation of the performance they were about to see. As a near total darkness enveloped the audience, a single light began to brighten in the center of the stage. Deep crimson curtains disappeared high above into the darkness, formed outside the pool of light, now brightening quickly against the shadows formed by the curtains folds. The conductor tapped his baton on the medal stand that held the music for the evening's events, signaling the orchestra in the pit beneath him to total silence. There was a very quiet rustling as a single man with whitening hair emerged from between the hidden folds of the theater's curtains, and moved forward into the focus of the light. He cleared his throat before he spoke, so that he might be heard clearly throughout the theater and in a voice loud enough to be heard in the far corners began to speak. "The events portrayed in this evening's performance, are to be understood are work of complete fiction. The actors and the dialogue bear no reference upon any real individuals, among the living or the dead. They are a complete fabrication of the author's imagination, having nothing to do with real events, past or present." He paused for a moment before delivering a final line. "It is to be understood with absolutely crystal clarity, that nothing, you're about to see has any bearing on any real events. They are complete and utter fabrication of the author's mind and never have nor probably ever will occur." He smiled before he turned and moved back between the curtains of the stage. "Well," he thought to himself as he entered the welcome darkness behind the curtains, "Most of them will believe that, and for those few who know bits and pieces of the truth, they will at least have had the seeds of doubt firmly planted in their minds." He then quickly moved to the far right stage, where members of the actors guild, awaited him. Even as he moved into their circle, they began to move quickly as they dressed him in his costume for that night's performance. Moments later, the curtains parted revealing a scene within the Imperial Library, as the soft light of the early-morning enveloped the figures of four very different men. They took their various positions before and around a warm fire blazing in the hearth, to chase away the mornings chill. It was very early in the spring, but one can hardly say that winter had released its grip upon the land. "Uh-Oh, the first man said, "the Emperor of Nexiom has demanded an explanation for your absence these past eighteen months, and like it or not, you will have to face him, Storm Raven, and give a full account of your travels across the width and breadth of the empire. The question is, what will you tell him, and how do you think he will react to what you say?" Storm Raven looked at his friend, for they had traveled many miles together, many battles, and many simple joys of the things they had created together, and the many hours they had spoken together of their dreams and the events which had quite by accident, put them together. "Sooner or later, the truth will always come out," began, Storm Raven, before he was interrupted by his friend, "so you had best be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.", the other man finished for him, having heard the statement, so many times before. A slow smile began to form around the lips of Ban 'em Ben, as he remembered the many times and places in times both good and bad, his good friend, Storm Raven had made that statement. "What is it with you two? Constantly finishing the spoken thoughts of one another," Master Hammonds said, with just a hint of frustration, because he knew the question was rhetorical. The fourth and final man in the room, known simply as Buddah spoke up, "Clearly, they have spent too much time together to know one another's minds so well." He answered, with calm and tranquility. He was the oldest of the four and carried with him an aura of peace and patience. Buddha was known far and wide for his wisdom, and his tolerance, of the opinions of others. When conflicts appeared, if necessary, he could settle them quite decisively, but he preferred wherever possible, more diplomatic and peaceful resolutions. "Well, it can be a damn bit unsettling," said Master Hammonds, the youngest of the four stating, his annoyance, more at the situation, than his friends around the room. "So what will you tell the Emperor?" He asked, directing his question at Storm Raven, and returning them all to the central issue that had brought them together for their quiet meeting in the morning. "The unvarnished truth, of course," Storm Raven answered, "Did you honestly think I have any another choice?" he asked rhetorically, for he knew his friends already knew him too well to expect anything different from him. "And how do you expect he will respond?" Master Hammonds asked, knowing that this was the real question on all minds, and the central issue for which the meeting had been called. "I've no idea," Storm Raven answered, for he had taken the mission upon himself, not knowing when he started, what he would find. He now knew it was a risk yet taken upon himself seeking answers to questions, which at the time he knew were ill-defined. More than anything, it'd been a quest for learning, and an understanding of a larger world beyond the one he knew. It had always been his nature to explore, and to learn from his experiences. He'd always sought to understand those things beyond the boundaries of his paradigm and he enjoyed the surprise and wonder at the things that he had found. Well, the question central to all their minds still unanswered, was how the Emperor would react to what he would hear from Storm Raven's travels, a certain tension in the air began to ease, because they knew, they would not know, until they knew. There was no point pursuing, what would not be known, until it was. That settled, they began the game of grousing. The four friends began to look for ways to poke each other in the ribs. It was a way known to all good friends, to ease the tension and sometimes see the humor in the situation. For friendships based on laughter will always last longer, and be much deeper, than those alliances that are formed in fear and suspicions. Those temporary alliances of convenience almost always fell apart in the true face of danger. They all knew this well, just as they knew, having played the game of grousing many times before that the comments coming would be in jest, and would not be taken seriously. An outsider looking in, might think they were close to blows as insults flew, but they knew better, it was the way that old friends bonded. As individuals, they would face the future together strengthened by the knowledge, that each would watch the others back. To be continued... as soon as this poor author can put the words together. I would advise you to stay tuned, as the fun is about to begin. Laughing out loud, at whatever the future might hold... Storm Raven :cool:
  9. Dark0ne, I apologize for the delay in my response to you. The simple truth is, I have not slept well in many days. And while pondering how to begin, my explanation, I fell asleep in my office chair. Such is the life of a man who has passed the half-century mark. My explanation begins now nearly 18 months in the past. So many things have happened, it will take some time to tell. So I ask you for your patience and forbearance, and in return I promise, you will receive the full unvarnished explanation, I believe that you deserve. Please allow me some latitude in my description of events. Not in the truth, for that you will receive unvarnished. But in the way, I tell it, because it is my story, and parts are dark and gray. So if I inject some humor, here and there along the way, it will be to dispel some sadness or another, that would make the words too grave. Also, I and others have noted, when I am in great fatigue, my mind falls into rhyming, the words I try to speak. It is not a form of flippancy, it's just the path my mind travels. Ben knows me well, and has seen me in states a great fatigue. I believe that he can tell you it's not unusual for me. Perhaps it is an attempt to maintain a pattern, that is logical to me. As a child under stress, I practiced rhyming, to distract me from some things. There are also others who have seen me in this state, and will verify my words. You have asked me to place ambiguity aside, so henceforth it will be. I'll begin my explanation with a little bit of humor from the last twenty four hours. I will call it "prelude to the moment," and hopefully it will be a way to break some of the seriousness to follow. In truth, not everything that's happened is darkness, there have been moments of great joy. But it is most certainly been an adventure that has taught me many things. These things will reveal themselves as the explanation travels, through the many months of the journey, for which you have asked me to explain. Again I ask your patience, as this will take some time. Perhaps, the Druids Gardens would be a better place for this, as it will take far more than a post or two, to describe this journey, I will leave that decision up to you. This may not be the appropriate forum for an honest description of events, that simply cannot be described, in a simple post or two. And so begins my journey with laughter, I hope it will please you. Sincerely, Storm Raven :cool: My heart leaps in gladness that you dance at my return. I hear your quite a dancer. I've always thought you were quite a man.
  10. Mr. L. Hammonds, For that addition to this topic, you will receive the award for the funniest post of the topic. I began laughing, when I saw the secret ninjas. And nearly fell out of my chair when I read the reference to the gift card!!! That is absolutely, positively the funniest reply, I have ever seen, to one of my periodic rants about the good people of this community. Now let me tell you about the award... You will be added to the Hall of Heroes, which is located in a secret library, of which you may heard tell. I just can't keep Ben quiet, but you'll have to give me time, to compose something "appropriate" for your addition, as I'll have to do it up right. But for now I just can't stop laughing, at what will be, your most famous line! *the old man cried in laughter as he thought how he would design a proper ode to heroes, so funny, and so fine.*. You know who...
  11. Beyond time, beyond space, there is a place... Where words alone, do have no meaning, But somehow, I would express my gratitude. For your words have touched my soul, with tears of joy. *the old man tips his hat.*
  12. Mr. LHammonds, Wazzup Salad!!! Now that is one of the warmest and friendliest greetings, I received a long time. FreddieCashMercury, if you recall, always returned the greeting "Wazzup", with "Wazzup Salad!!! " I once asked him where the salad part came from, and he told me he didn't know. LOL. Fond memories of days long past. Now this is a secret LHammonds so don't tell anyone, but I have always been a great admirer of yours. ("I think I can say that without fear", as we have both been married to wonderful wives, for many years LOL. Did anyone catch the Morrowind reference?) Your tireless efforts, on behalf of the Nexus, and your incredible contributions to the education of all who would mod, have made you a legend, in the Oblivion community. I have always felt, as in the case of Buddha, a certain awe, and a desire to be more like the two of you, every time I see your name. You have both contributed so much time, thought, and energy, to the Nexus, and so much guidance to the community, that your lights shine like stars in the heavens. So I would like to say, quite publicly, and for the record, that no member of this community could go wrong, by endeavoring to be more like the two of you. And Ben of course, the old man said, laughing out loud. It would be best not to forget Ben, lest he burn his own library down, so that I should not forget him. Nor have I forgotten you, dear AlienSlof, as you have blazed the trails for many in our community, and suffered so greatly for it. You are all living Heroes in my book. If only I could, I would be more like all of you. From my heart to yours. (There may be those of you, who upon reading the last paragraph, might think that the old bird was kissing up. Let me tell you, in your life, you could never be so wrong!!! I know these people, they are all honest hard working individuals with hearts of gold who toil ceaselessly for no recompense to benefit the Nexus community, and the Oblivion community at large, and if you're reading this, that means you.) It is good to be home, and among some of the finest people I know, thank you all for your replies. *the old man smiles, very broadly, and rumbles off into the darkness.* Storm Raven Lifetime Member "All hail the Dark0ne for without him...None of this would exist. - SR Wizard At Large"
  13. I am left quite nearly without words, at the honor of your poetry. And I am greatly honored by your welcome, a fellow modder, and poet (Although for myself. I must use that term loosely. LOL.) Since your arrival, you have brought, much joy and light to this community, and for that you have my gratitude. You may consider your offer of friendship, accepted without condition. Please consider me, at your service, Storm Raven
  14. And I tip my hat to you as well, kind sir.
  15. Buddha, My good friend. Thank you for your kind comment. As I truly do love this community, but you already know that... Of Course, we both know, I do require yours, and Ben's benevolent oversight, on an unfortunately regular basis, to keep me from going astray, and making a fool of myself, as my passions are often quite heated, when it comes to the subject of this community. Laughing out loud Storm Raven
  16. Thank You, for your truly kind welcome, and I look forward to your friendship. *the old man smiles*. Storm Raven
  17. The Storm Raven Returns. I am the Storm Raven I have flown many years, and faced many tests. I fly many places, but this is my nest. I've been gone many months now, flown through fire, and pain. I return to my home now, for a while, I'll remain. I fear in my absence, I have lost a few friends. But I am home now, hope I'll find them again. New friends are welcome, just ask and you'll see. The old man is friendly, though he lives in a tree. It's not very far, you can see it from here. So stop by and see me, there's no reason for fear. I have wondrous stories, from my travels afar. Of storms and bright lightning, and peaceful blue skies. High over seashores, and blue Mountains high. A few peaceful valleys, where I've met some new friends. But now I am home, and at rest, once again. *the old man smiles*
  18. Thank you for your welcome, Stomraven Unfortunately I have not yet learned to fly and float on the clouds is not the same. Old birds know how to fly, even in the storm. young birds need to still learn in the storm. *the young girl is looking pensive* +LadyMidnight+ *the old man tips his hat, at the pensive young lady.*. The key to flying in the storm, is learning to keep your face into the wind. Listen to your heart, because your heart tells you which way the wind is blowing. Always follow your heart, or you will face many regrets. But regrets can be your friends, if you learn from them, they are not so bad. *the old man smiles again.* Storm Raven
  19. Welcome, Lady Midnight. You will probably receive greetings for a while, as people notice, your introduction. I just wanted to say, that I really liked your personal statement: "We are all angels with only one wing - in order to be able to fly, we must embrace." I think it is very profound. Not to mention quite true. I feel fortunate in that I have found my other wing, my wife. 25 years together now. But it took a great deal of practice to learn how to fly together. We look back on some of our early attempts today, and laugh, because now they are quite funny. Seriously, we are all clowns here, it's just sometimes we forget that fact, and pretend to be something else. Sooner or later, we fall on our faces, and our noses honk, just like the clowns. At least I know mine does. Laughing out loud, *the old man smiles* Storm Raven. Bben46, is a very good man, and he has taught me well. LOL.
  20. Well, you have certainly done a fabulous job in your presentation. But this is going to take a bit of experience, if you plan up to turn out a project as good as this sounds. What do you have in the way of experienced modders to help you with this job. Is there anyway I can be of assistance? My talents are quite varied, and I do host a mod project site. Invitation only, of course, but we do offer resources and services of considerable value to the projects we host. Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss this in private. Storm Raven Edit: The wiki looks good, and it's terrific for brainstorming, but a mod project site is something much more. If you are familiar with mod projects, you already know this. A mod project site is designed to take the ideas and turn them into product. Our objective, is to produce quality mods. This requires the right organization, experienced modders, and a knowledgeable site staff support team, that will allow you to focus on the mod. As individual mods require varying resources, we are dedicated to assisting you in the acquisition of those resources. We have learned to be very flexible in meeting the needs of mod teams. If you are interested, let's talk.
  21. Security is a skill, that without training, seems to require more locks than there are in the game to bring up. So the Skeleton Key was always an essential item for me to keep, besides, I always enjoyed the fights with the ogres. I kept coming up with new and imaginative ways to kill them off. LOL. I always gave up the Masque, because I didn't like looking like a poorly maintained statue of some Spanish conquistador. I mean the artifact is a little green around the edges. If you know what I mean. I never had a problem with giving up Umbra. It was too easy to create a sword with X. amount of fire damage (choose your poison) and a soultrap spell. Storm Raven :cool:
  22. I like the fact that the topic "You Know What I Like" is well over a hundred posts ahead of the topic. "You Know What I Hate".
  23. Also be careful not to install the Oblivion V1.2.416 if you are installing Shivering Isles. As has been mentioned, you only want to run only the SI 1.2.0416 patch in that case. If you try to install both patches, you will get an error that will cause the Shivering Isles patch to abort. And then you have to start all over from scratch. I had to learn that the hard way. I hope you don't. Good Luck, Storm Raven 8)
  24. To a fellow old-timer and knowledgeable man.
  25. A very knowledgeable individual.
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