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Everything posted by LFact

  1. Do not necropost nearly 9 year old topic. Usually each mod provides their own installation instruction: If you downloaded OMOD, use OBMM to install it. If it is BAIN, use Wrye Bash. If it is a 'manual install package', you will need to extract the archive to \data\ unless its folder structure is something unusual.
  2. The mod you merged may need their own master or some other mod as master. Have you checked 'mod dependency' before merging? I'm sure you can see 'Master List' by OBMM or Wrye Bash or TES4Edit. Some tools, like TES4Gecko, can edit master list of the plugin.
  3. If Archive Invalidation via BSA redirection did not work properly, reset BSA timestamps. You can do it manually(with some utilities for changing file timestamp), or use OBMM or Wrye Bash to do it.
  4. By the way, where are your installed steam games? I hope it's not under \Program Files or other UAC protected folder.
  5. Some notes: 1. Body replacer DOES work without any plugin, for it simply replaces default body meshes and textures. (It should work when archive invalidation did work) 2. Oblivion allows only one type of body per gender. There is no way to assign different body shapes per race or actor in vanilla game. 3. If a body replacer has a plugin, it is mainly for assigning different body texture per race. And to solve Khajiit feet texture issue...(In vanilla game, male and female share the same feet texture, and since most body replacers use feet texture to wrap around the whole body, it can cause problems for Khajiit) 4. If you're going to use Robert's male body(version doesn't matter, though the latest version is 5.2), do not check Beautiful People compatibility plugin, even if you're using BP. It's for older version of BP, and will cause eye mesh/texture problems. So, if you use RMB and any cosmetic mod, it is recommended to use Wrye Bash to build bashed patch(Or you can make and use your own merged plugin).
  6. NMM is not really reliable when it comes to older Oblivion mods. If the package is NMM-friendly, that's okay. If not, you need to learn how to install mod manually or using OBMM(for OMOD) and Wrye Bash(for BAIN). By the way, have you opened the package with any unarchiver and find the path and filename of graphic resources, then checked said files are installed correctly?
  7. 1. Install OBSE. 2. Install Blockhead. 3. Install OCO2 and body replacers. (clothing/armor replacers as well) 4. install Seamless OCO2 Edition and body replacer editions. Let them overwrite already installed head/body meshes. You'll need both to get (almost)seamless neck.
  8. Macro reply: Give us your mod list, please.
  9. Uninstall Better Cities and check framerate. And some parts of Unique Landscapes, I think Bravil Barrowfields can drop fps nearby Bravil.(The city may not be affected since it is in own worldspace, unless you're using Open Cities)
  10. Some things are hardcoded in game engine, so I don't think such character customization is possible even with abusing OBSE plugins or something. Those screenshots you see, are custom races with custom head&body meshes and custom textures(and a bit of Photoshop).
  11. Read this: http://www.lostspires.com/pages/patches.htm Though you won't need those patches if you downloaded v14 full package.
  12. Have you searched for that with keywords? (There's search button): https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5175 If you're looking for Modular Beautilful People: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37368 Get the requirements and find out how to install them.
  13. The latest QTP is QTP3. And, if archive invalidation via BSA redirection doesn't work, check the (modified)file date of BSA files. They should be like: Oblivion - Meshes.bsa: 2006-01-29 (YYYY-MM-DD) Oblivion - Misc.bsa: 2006-02-08 Oblivion - Sounds.bsa: 2006-01-30 Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa: 2006-01-30 Oblivion - Voices1.bsa: 2006-01-24 Oblivion - Voices2.bsa: 2006-01-24
  14. 1. The unofficial DLC patch should be under its master. 2. Have you read Frostcrag Reborn readme before install? Perhaps you should consider this: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40752 3. Learn how to use Wrye Bash, and build bashed patch. You will need it when many mods are trying to change same record(and sub-records) over and over.
  15. 1. BP(and MBP) replaces eye meshes with Elaborate Eyes meshes. 'Googly Eyes' is quite common symptom when you installed it wrong. (Make sure you installed all required resources) 2. 'Beautiful People' does not make any character beautiful, haha. You know it is another cosmetic compilation with some known(and lesser known) custom races. Making good-looking characters is up to you. 3. Start with getting some better bodies, skin textures, age maps. And check junkacc's 'Seamless~': https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/users/2766128/?tb=mods&pUp=1 4. For vanilla human/elven races, it's possible to transplant face you made with Facegen Modeller to your Oblivion Saves. There are some external utilities to do that.
  16. If rearranging loading order makes Frostcrag disappear, it is likely mod conflict, when you're using two or more different mods that modify the same area. Would you give us your current mod list with loading order?
  17. That's custom race with custom texture(And the screenshot can be photoshopped...). Have you considered to get some better agemaps and skin textures and .egt? Such as: Improved Facial Textures Optimized Facegen Files Seamless Heads - Vanilla and Classic Edition
  18. I do not use MBP, but I can tell: 1. Make sure you installed the whole package correctly. If you use MBP++, that means you should install MBP. Check if the needed resources are in place. 2. Do not tick all the plugins provided. If there are two plugin named like 'blahblah.esp', 'blahblah-no custom race.esp', you should choose only one. 3. I recommend you to use Unofficial Oblivion Patch instead of 'Custom Race fix' for the former has custom race fix and more fixes. 4. Since Modular Beautiful People is Japanese mod, the plugins may not be translated.
  19. BOSS does NOT fix 'missing mesh issues'. It is mainly for rearranging loading order and tell you need to do something for some plugins, like cleaning dirty records. If the masterlist does not know the mod you added(like newer ones than the masterlist or the plugin you made), you have to sort it manually.
  20. OblivionReloaded.ini: [SleepingMode] Rest = 1 RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest. 0 should be changed to 1 to 'Wait' key work like vanilla.
  21. Have you ever used 'Search' and did not find anything?: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9360/?
  22. Just put all files under (Your Oblivion install)\. Well, you won't need source files anyway, so skip them. And you won't need obse_steam_loader.dll as well if you don't use Steam(I don't, either).
  23. Make sure you downloaded latest version here: http://obse.silverlock.org/ And you should launch the game via OBSE launcher when your game is from disc or digital copy from GOG(get the latest loader for GOG).
  24. I have no idea for the framework itself does not have COBL as master, IIRC. But if your house mod uses COBL, check if anything overrides anything. (use TES4Edit will be helpful...)
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