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Everything posted by nivea

  1. Make a copy of the creatures mesh (name it something easy for you to identify) and then redirect its texture path to the new texture, then place the new mesh in the creatures specific folder meshes\creatures\molerat. Now you just have to open geck and change Snuffles to the new mesh. You have to put the creature mesh in its appointed folder other wise it will not use animations correctly, textures it does not matter for a creature put it where you want i would suggest a custom named folder in the creatures folder textures\creatures\molerat\snuffles or the like.
  2. First one I will give you is sexual, but no more so then the normal real world stuff I see every day walking down the street or on the TV. You must live someplace very different then I do in RL since things like that are everywhere, and unless you know about jerking off onto a women's face already then you would not even see anything sexual there at all. So you kinda already have your mind set dirty on that one lol. I would have more problems with the prostitutes then some silly ad for a drink. I think your REALLY reaching with the second one, because that is literally a style of clothing that was worn and is still worn to this day. Its just a drawing to me with no "hidden" penis in it unless your strictly looking for a penis.
  3. I am going to just shake my head in disbelief at you. I would like to point out that there are officially 6 male characters who are gay in FNV, the rest are straight and a couple (literally 2) are bi. Only ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE even mentions anything gay to you without the Confirmed Bachelor Perk and its Dr. Alex Richards, who is either just a bug and they forgot to include the perk check for his comments OR he is just confident in his sexuality and you can avoid him. Long Dick Johnson is also not homosexual he is a man who likes women and has a very long penis, according to Cass of all people ONCE. She says it ONCE, he is not in the game at all except through her lewd joke ONCE. Also if you walk around ANY city and look at the "street" art you will see Penises ALL over, and I can guarantee you most of them are not made by anyone other then straight men. Men like to put their penises places, it was all over the walls and stuff in my schools (middle school and up to college). Though I have to admit I just looked through all the FNV graffiti and saw no penis or penis like pictures, are you sure your just not seeing penises when there are none? Maybe you mean the mushroom cloud, which is in FO3 as well. As for Old World Blues, I am so sorry you where accosted with sexual innuendo by a insane brain who has lost all sense of the human anatomy and thinks your fingers and toes are penises. He is not mentioning them in a sexual way he really thinks your toes and fingers are penises. Also not gay, it makes the comment to both genders. The Biological Research Station says that to everyone its meant to come off as a smooth talker joke, also its not gay or homosexual its BI (if even that since its a computer program) because it says the SAME lines to female characters too. So the only homosexual stuff you have even encountered is Dr. Alex Richards, the rest are not gay your just taking them as gay for some reason. The only one I would even consider umcomfy is the Biological Research Station, which I agree is meant to make you feel odd or umcomfy.
  4. Your using blender? Select the mesh (right click on it) TAB A Now either hit B once for a box selector or hit B twice for a circle selector If you need more control over the selector use CTRL AND + (num pad +) Or if you want to be cheap and not do as good a job: TAB Mesh menu Normals Recalculate Outside I am not going to go over rigging because there are TONS of tutorials out there, if you can not figure it out from these tutorials try google: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1 http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45444/
  5. You need to rig the new boot, its using the left side rigging instead of the right side so it only moves when you use the other foot. To mirror a item easily go to: Editing section (its the little box icon on the tray) Add Modifier Mirror Then hit Apply You should now have a mirrored boot, you still need to rig it though. If the boot is all black you need to flip the normals, select the boot you need to fix in edit mode. Mesh Tools Flip Norm Or Mesh menu Normals Flip
  6. Do Oblivion creatures come with the correct Fallout shaders, if not then no you can not just put them in game without Blender/Max work. Plus skeletons are different in both games so you would need to do something with that, and then rig the creature to it. Its more complicated then waving a magic wand and it appearing in game perfectly. Someone COULD take a Brahmin/Bighorner model edit it into a horse then rig it to a Bighorner skeleton, then make the scripts and mod to ride it... But again its always harder then it sounds, not somthing I would personally have the time or knowledge to do. No horses are NOT supposed to be in Fallout they are dead and the comic was not supposed to have them in it, but tons of mods are very popular that are not lore friendly.
  7. I would have personally like it BETTER if Obsidian HAD been ALLOWED to make a all new Fallout game instead of having to use Bethesda's FO3, then we would have gotten much better content imo then them having to scrape Beths bottom of the barrel. Beth owns Fallout now so Obsidian has to play by their rules and in their sandbox, I personally wish Obsidian owned Fallout, since it worked on the old Fallout games and has people who worked on the old Fallout games in the company. I am sorry you bought FNV expecting the same thing as FO3, but you seemed to have missed the part where Obsidian was the one making the game and not Beth. You can not expect the same game from different companies and you can not expect the same linear story type from Obsidian because they are known for less linear stuff and more in depth story. I think this is less a mistake on Obsidian's part and more a mistake on your part for perhaps not reading up on FNV and seeing that it is NOT a "sequel" to FO3 and was never billed as one. "While New Vegas is not a direct sequel, it uses the same engine and style as Fallout 3."
  8. I believe FO3/FNV should get a pass when it comes to the whole its been however many years and the world should be rebuilt debate, because MOST people who came to play FO3 have NOT played any of the older games. This will have been their first introduction into the Fallout world and the first Fallout in a new era of games (and new engine), so not having it post apocalyptic would have just made it another first person shooter with miner RP elements (FO3). Now if FO4 is skipped ahead in time again then YES it should have a more recovered feeling and it should be more developed as a society, because most people would have or will play FO3/FNV at least and have gotten a feel for the game from that. That is when time should march forward imo. I think they should have had FO3/FNV in a different time period, but it doesnt really matter to me as its a game about the "fallout" and sometimes you just need a game to stay in the same theme/setting I try not to judge on this part.
  9. Facegen Exchanger? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36471/?
  10. neko1kitty: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47818
  11. Yes, yes they are. I know of only 3 people who actually MAKE their own hair one for FNV (and they do not get many downloads) and two for Skyrim, the rest are ports of hair from the Sims community (they still are great though).
  12. Very sad, but its also true there have been modders who have passed away rather suddenly. ): Also some have been in accidents, had major medial issues, lost limbs, been hired by gaming companies or even are deployed troops. So many reasons (good and sad) as to why a modder is not answering 2 year old mods, much can happen in just 2 years. Personally anytime a modder drops off of modding I simply hope its because of boredom, because I know bad things can happen as well.
  13. You got to think about it like this, does the modder have the time to check everything all the time for the rest of their lives? Do YOU have the time to field answers 20+ mods every week for the past 4 years? Of course not, alot of us are adults (or soon to be adults) we have things to do in our life other then spend time on FREE stuff.
  14. *Shrugs* I do not keep tabs on my Oblivion mods, they are all final and they all work. But you want me to check in on all those mods 1 or 2 times a week, I am sorry but I have better things to do then deal with old mods I would other wise just remove if they became bothersome.
  15. Looks like a rip from a different game, which is not legal on Nexus so you will not find it here.
  16. A .esp can not be the master of another .esp, you need to turn the armor mod into a .esm or copy the armors into your mod with FNVEdit.
  17. I dont use it, the font bothers my eyes. I use the other UI mods to make the font fit my game better, like MTUI it keeps the vanilla feel but makes it more playable and its easier to install if you do not want to play around with your ini. But yes NO mod is essential for playing most games (unless its Darksouls and you want to use a keyboard and mouse).
  18. I have to admit to never feeling like I learned anything or felt that I grew as a person by playing FO3, other then perhaps the fact that shotguns are fun in FO3 like they tend to be in alot of shooter games. I feel like FO3 was supposed to be gritty and darker then FNV, but they made is so main stream that they could not delve far enough into the dark and gritty so it didnt leave me with a overwhelming sense of anything. I did like the buildings in FO3 but they wouldnt make sense in FNV so I can see why it didnt have the same feel to it. Also do not bash other games and call them worthless, because these are ALL GAMES in the end and its more easy for people to laugh at someone playing a Fallout game then playing a sports game. Because at least those are based in reality and not some made up fantasy world. Also games had to start some where so why bash games that made things like they are today Tetris may not be the end all of games, but it DOES make your brain think and work to solve puzzles. More then I can say FO3 or FNV does.
  19. Fix the texture file pathes, open the nif in nifskope/Geck and then change the textures to the correct place. Alot of times people put file paths that start with C: but that does not work for everyone and can cause issues, it appears to the mod author to work (and even many mod users) but then someone has a drive named D: instead and then it will not work correctly.
  20. I had this happen to me as well, I posted in my mod thread to answer a question and then later I posted in someone else mod thread and it overwrote my last post.
  21. Click the download button, either manually or for Nexus mod manager.
  22. Is your game up to date, its a odd question but thats one big reason why stuff does not show up in areas.
  23. In response to post #11788435. I used this on my older computer which had 3GB of Ram with no problems, I have optimized all the meshes and textures so it should cause very little issues for you at all. The Scavenger armor mod was not optimized at all so all the armors in this mod should be much less demanding for you.
  24. I think perhaps you need to finish a full texture before people can really judge what you can do, right now you have only done small pieces and the rocks are hard to see. My suggestion is to finish one full texture including normal map, then take more pictures like you have but also take pictures of in game shots too. Because what it looks like in photoshop/gImp is not what it looks like in game, makes it easier to see the difference. :)
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