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Everything posted by nivea

  1. What I do to make pipboy compatible clothing is to take a vanilla armor/clothing similar in size to your outfit you are making, and load that in blender instead of the pipboy and then fit my outfit around it.
  2. Do you have the Pitt DLC meshes and textures in your FNV folder, if not you need to take those and put them in your FNV Data folders. You can extract the bsa using FOMM or you can just put the whole DLC bsa in the folder and not extract them.
  3. You can not post it here for public use, its not legal to take assets from one game and put them into another. FO3 and FNV are NOT the same game, you can NOT port assets between the two unless its already in both games. Which is why its not showing up in your game, you need the meshes and textures from FO3 to make the armors work.
  4. Because nexus has a very strict no port policy, ports are content taken without permission from other games and illegally placed into FNV. Nexus is on a very good standing with the companies that make the games we mod for, so Nexus (rightly so) does not support theft or piracy. Anyone caught handing out illegal content or providing links to the illegal content will be banned from Nexus.
  5. Its like a blanket statement at this point lol, if someones looking for something just point them at the spice of life they'll find what they were looking for. Ah yeah, Nivea will hook you up. XD I am almost done with your Skyrim stuff, stupid dismemberment issues...
  6. I should have that as a Signature. "Nivea usually has something for everyone." XD
  7. Of course you can its about the same as porting hair from oblivion. Though if the mod uses ANY skyrim assets then no it is not legal to post it on nexus. But if the mod uses brand new meshes and brand new textures, then possibly if you get the ok from the mod maker.
  8. If the textures and meshes are in FNV then you can release it, if they are NOT in FNV then NO you may not hand them out. Some FO3 textures and meshes are in the FNV .bsa, so those are fine to make use of and release.
  9. Rofl your not talking to me are you? Let me count how many First person brainless shooters I own, ahem.... 0. Also no FO3/FNV are actually not first person brainless shooters, they are more RPG then FPS. Which is why a lot of people complained when FO3 came out, because gosh it was not a FPS but a RPG with guns in it. can As for the gore, eh I can live with or without I mean its so cartoon its not something I can take seriously. The only gore that actually fits is pretty much what you see in Skyrim, though in truth Skyrim could use alittle more reality with its dungeons (actual dungeons you find in castles) and places that would have less pleasant stuff. Dont take it to seriosly. but wouldnt it be sad if the future only holds fps games. I love gore,zombies and darker themed games, bethesdas games are about experience and having fun, fps are just competition alas you need the right headset,gaming keyboard,fast internet bla bla bla. Fallout games are quite good,But if you really want a serios rpg buy The witcher 1 or 2. Yeah except I dont like the way I am forced to play a premade character in the Witcher, I dont like being forced into things that much. I mean all the female nudity (might be able to change that with mods, but the theme is still there) and "forced" romance, its not my taste at all which is a shame since they are decently well made games. Maybe Witcher 3 wont do that as much since its a larger scope. Of course FPS being the only games would be sad, which is why it will never happen. Its more likely to be "Action" games that take over rather then FPS, Action RPG/ Action Horror/ Action survival horror/ ect. daventry: How do you know there are no Beth people here, we are all under anonymous online names. For all you now I could be a Beth employee, of course I am not but you never would know for sure. More then likely the next game they will announce will be FO4, its been in the works longer then the next TES game so its just mostly to be the next game to be talked about.
  10. Rofl your not talking to me are you? Let me count how many First person brainless shooters I own, ahem.... 0. Also no FO3/FNV are actually not first person brainless shooters, they are more RPG then FPS. Which is why alot of people complained when FO3 came out, because gosh it was not a FPS but a RPG with guns in it. As for the gore, eh I can live with or without I mean its so cartoon its not something I can take seriously. The only gore that actually fits is pretty much what you see in Skyrim, though in truth Skyrim could use alittle more reality with its dungeons (actual dungeons you find in castles) and places that would have less pleasant stuff.
  11. Too true. The Elder Scrolls series cater too much for the young children to have the depth of the Fallout series. I hope Fallout never changes, and I SERIOUSLY hope the Elder Scrolls changes. Come on, they've already got the MA15+ rating, so why bother making a game that is obviously intended for little kids? The only thing about Skyrim that I consider "mature" content is the decapitations. Without that, Skyrim would be a PG. Doesn't mean Skyrim had to be suited for kids though. If anyone thinks that Skyrim wasn't intended for kids... watch this: This is the best possible explanation I can imagine of why Skyrim was dumbed down. The "Dumbing down" for a game like Skyrim happens because fleshing it out as much as a simpler game like Morrowind would take a massive development team and a much greater investment of time, to the point where it would be financially burdensome. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had more depth, but the stylistic elements were much simpler. Simple textures, terrains, soundtrack, animations, AI, NPCs, and, as befits every recent Bethesda game, a cadre of bugs. I think the recent games of the Fallout series get looked at through rose-tinted glasses because of the maturity of the content. Yes, there were consequences of actions, but most of it was totally inconsequential to the endgame, mainly because there really wasn't an endgame. Just an end of a campaign, whereupon all the sidequests were back to the status quo. Skyrim's not really any different in that sense. Just something Bethesda has been doing for a long time. Well I dont even care about the "consequences of actions" in FNV/FO3, that has very little impact on me because almost no choices in any games have a real impact. For me FNV/FO3 had character as in people where like actual people, they had likes and dislikes and the only cop out I can think of is women joining the legion. But in Skyrim no one cares about what you are or who you join, so Khajiit are not aloud in cities yet you can go in cities without any issues as one... Dark Elf player in Windhelm, no problem. I dont know it just felt so fake, you get back story and information and the game never seems to follow through with it. I also felt FNV did the best job with how the main quest was set up, you had a clear goal at the start that evolved into something more as you went on. BUT there was no hurry to it, you just saw a f*#@ing dragon in Skyrim that is something you might want to get working on. Skyrim just felt hurried/rushed you could take the time sure but it never felt like you "should" as a character. To me something was really really missing in Skyrim, something I cant just put my finger on. But it was missing that soul that feeling, I felt it in Oblivion for some but for Skyrim I cant even name a vanilla character I really really enjoyed. Its not about the mature rating to me, its more then that.... I find myself just sitting in Skyrim saying, gosh that sure is pretty... but what now? I got to say, I have never felt that way in a TES game before. :(
  12. Fallout 4, because both FO3 and FNV where better role playing games with more soul then sadly both Skyrim and Oblivion combined.... Which is somthing I NEVER thought I would say as a major lover of Fantasy games.
  13. I make armors for me, I fit them to the bodies I use and thats the support I give. So you want me to spend 30 hours working on a armor, rigging it and making the _1 for both male and female versions (so thats 4 items already). Then on top of that another 40 hours converting it to UNP/CBBE/NHGIHG/DDDDD++++/DDJJJJJJ+++++++++++++, female bodies when I dont even play female characters? I think that is absurd, I know some modders who thrive on the attention on doing that kind of stuff but I am not one of them. Modding is for fun, it stops being fun for ME after I HAVE to make a female version but I do so everyone can enjoy the items. You say its advertising for body mods, but you know what I dont give a crap about their advertising. Im sorry, its just they advertise their bodies through the image share section enough as it is on top of all the skin textures. They dont need me to do that for them.
  14. In response to post #7921672. #7921868 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you, I do like this update with the old search it was harder to find what you where looking for. :)
  15. Is there any way we can have the old feature where you click on the search bar and it would open up the file name and author, but the file name was automatically selected so you could just start type in your words again? I didnt notice you had changed that and started typing in my search like I had yesterday, only to find none of the words where showing up. So we dont need to do a extra click, yes I know its only one click but its soooo much faster if we dont need to do that.
  16. *Snorts* Senviro, you are freaking awesome. XD
  17. Neither, they both annoy me. I guess Frea would win, because I dislike Serana just alittle more then Frea. I like Teldryn or Mercurio, they seem to have the most comments out of vanilla followers.
  18. "Dude" thats like totally hawt.. :P Sorry, had no choice but to post that. XD
  19. Everyone is naked that is something no one can doubt, we all have genitals and both male and female bodies are works of art and beautiful. NO nudity should be wrong or viewed as wrong, none. Now, mostly naked ladies running around in snow storms with nothing on but a fur cloak (MY fur cloaks, oh I do hate that alot lol)... I consider that just silly and ridiculous, I also do not like the DDDDDD Breasts and Butt bodies either. But you know what I do, ignore it. I dont put them in MY game, you wont find overly endowed women in MY game. NO ONE is forcing you to put them in YOUR game. I block the mods I dont want to see, I hide the nude female images in the supporter images. Those mods have just as much a right to be here as any mod I made, does it annoy me to see these female body mods taking the top mods spots all the time... Sure, but thats just what the male user base likes. The main male user base seems to like, largely endowed females with very thin waists and extremely flawless skin. You just have to except that and try to move on with your modding, this is what "most" men want and that is what "most" men will post. Part of being a grown up is accepting people have different beliefs and tastes then you do, and being mature enough to say thats fine.
  20. Oh dear, I can tell that's going to lead to some kind of moral dilemma already. Or will it??? .... :devil: Oh jeez, that would make me feel like a horrible person.... Or will it? XP I wonder if raiders had babies, would people love to kill them as much?
  21. Oh you mean its pirated, well there is your problem. Buying the game will more then likely fix your issues.
  22. Better dialog options for the player, most the time its simply "yes" and not even a no. Your character is nothing, just something there for you to see and have no personality in the game itself other then what you imagine in your head. Better personality, they did much better then Oblivion with voice actors but I could not even bring myself to care about most the people in the game at all.. Even less so then Oblivion, there was just no feeling or emotion I should care when someone I worked with or know is murdered or dies... Either by being sad and morning them, or being happy because I hated them. Better interaction with NPC/Followers/Guild members. A actual need system, I mean they put one in FNV I assumed it would be in Skyrim what with the cooking... and it supposed to be the better and more immersive RPG game. I suppose coming from FO3/FNV I expected more from a TES game, but the fact that FO3/FNV are better immersive RPGs then Skyrim to me was rather shocking.
  23. I am always happy to have more interesting companions, its my weakness... XD
  24. Pretty much, just how its been on Beth games since Oblivion. Morrowind was different but now its not possible to do that.
  25. First the errors it spits out, are benign they are just telling you i used odd slots for the most part. So you can ignore all that. Now the real problem, a esp can not be the master of another esp. That is why everything goes away when you save, your esp can not find any of the items located in my esp. You need to either just edit my .esp, or make mine into a ESM temporarily. You can do that with either Wrye Bash or TES5Edit. Wrye Bash: Right click on my mod-> copy to .esm TES5Edit: (make back up) Open my mod-> File Header-> Right click on record flags and check .esm box Now make your patch. After that you need to change your mod to use my .esp instead of your temporary esm. Wrye Bash: Click on your mod-> (located in the box on the right side)Masters-> right click on 1nivWICCloaks.esm-> Change to 1nivWICCloaks.esp. TES5Edit: Open your mod-> File Header-> Masters-> right click on 1nivWICCloaks.esm and rename it to 1nivWICCloaks.esp. That should do it.
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