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Everything posted by nivea

  1. This is really a obscurer small time hobby, there are no books printed and there more then likely never will be. What you are asking for is just not realistic I am sorry to say, the book you want is already out there its the Wiki it is everything Beth would have printed in a book explaining the Geck. I have a hard time reading scrolling pages as well, I have ADD too (on top of other learning problems) and I will not say it was NOT a struggle to learn to mod. It takes me double the time at least to learn these things compared to other modders who I even taught myself. The only thing I can say is print things out if you can not read website stuff, find a page glance through it and if it looks like what you need print it. I see modders I taught the basics to learning Z-brush and making huge amounts of things from scratch while I still am struggling to figure that stuff out, it makes me sad and discourages me because I know for a fact it will be harder for me to do then them. But I am still willing to push through the best I can with trial and error, it really is one of the only ways to mod if tutorials can not help you.
  2. The only way I know how to fix that is to make your mod a .esm, I sadly can not recall why that happens.
  3. Im sorry but I am one of the most slow learners, learning disabled, uneducated people I know in my life and I learned how to mod I learned by tutorials and asking questions in forums but mostly I learned by just trial and error. I started modding in MORRWIND, you know what kind of tutorials we had? NOTHING, just a here take this thing here and have fun figuring it the f*#@ out. That is where alot of us come from, a time before there where tutorials everywhere WE are the ones writing the tutorials for others it was years before FNV had any tutorials its gotten alot better lately. I learned because I was angry about not having the kind of content I wanted, so I forced myself for a year to sit down and figure this stuff out when I had the time. So dont get all upset at us for NOT have the time to walk you through everything in the Geck, that is not possible we have lives too you know. There is a whole FORUM right here for you to ask questions in, I dont know why Scott is suddenly not the right person to talk to HE IS THE PERFECT person to talk about this because he is a modder who learned how to do this. I am sorry but if you really require a person to actively tell you over video or Skype, then modding may just not be for you. There just is not enough time in most of our lives to sit there and do that, I answer questions ALL the time I get a pm at least once a day asking for my help and information on how to do things for FO3/FNV/Skyrim and I do my best to answer. But I can not hold someones hand through the whole learning process of all of GECK. I am not a teacher, I almost failed most my schooling I dont even like doing it. I only do it because its the only way I know to give back to the community. I know you cant use a premade tutorial video, but this can at LEAST give you a explanation for what some of the boxes are for and some of the UI.
  4. I dont have issues with a weapon or two in the house, I can easily just remove them in game if I find them to be not to my likening I either use the disable command or just sell them if they are not pricey. Things like that are simple to get rid of so I dont let them bother me at all. For the scripting you can try downloading other peoples mods and taking a look at what they have, that can help you learn alot quicker then reading the wiki on simpler things. Alot of them even let you use their scripts so long as you edit them to not conflict.
  5. I enjoy the mods done by WestEmperor: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/users/2357927/ Also the Courier Home, though it has alot of stuff in it (I removed that in Geck): http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42132/
  6. I would personally say unless you have a great story/lore to back up why you have infinite clean water or infirmary then yes I feel it would be over powered and not really fit the world. Now if you had to say power the devices (batteries or cells) that gave you clean water and provide radiated water to be purified, then that would be much more fitting and make you feel like you where not getting things for free. The infirmary would be alittle harder since your getting free treatments which should not be available for most people, perhaps a skill limit in place so you can not use it unless you have the right skills.
  7. Thanks much for the response. I will definitely implement choice esps from the Puce Moose tweaks. Especially those that remove items, make things more expensive, give you less caps for sales, etc. Will be great on my next playthrough. Have you noticed any compatibility issues? It seems that a lot of those functions were implemented in PN. Fall height damage, slower backpedeling, responsive kill reactions, etc. The XFO NV seems kinda vague and sounds like it will definitely cause conflicts, so I'm not sure about getting that. I run a ton of mods, so I try to be careful about what I'm implementing. Thanks again! I, admittedly, haven't used FNVEdit much, other than to remove unwanted master references and to check for conflicts. Are you referring to the creation of a merged patch by loading only these esps from those 2 mods? Or do you mean you created a single esp file and aren't loading any of the separate esps? The former I think is easy enough to do by loading only the esp files I want from these mods, then selecting the "create a merged patch" under "other". Does that sound right? Or do you load every esm/esp you have in your load list and then create a merged patch from that? No I mean combining all those mods into one single .esp to save space for more .esp after I remove the conflicts in FNVEdit, you dont have to do that I was only stating what I did for my load order stuff. Merged patches must have ALL mods loaded that you want to use, not just a few. We are however taking this topic away from its original post, so if you need more information just pm me I guess.
  8. All the stuff in XFO is in its own separate .esp so you can easy pick and choose anything you want, I just use the ones that lower the chance of Medical/Chems/Caps/ect. I also run all these mods through FNVEdit to remove conflicts (they all seem to edit some different level lists but there are ones that are the same you need to remove) and then combined them into one .esp, make sure that PN loads AFTER them and you should be fine I use them all together without trouble. PN does not change all the items with their scripts. I dont use all of Puce's stuff just these: Reduced World Items Lonesome Road Mod Pack Old World Blues Mod Pack Destructible Ordnance Reduced Ammo and Chems Tougher Economy Rude Awakening
  9. There are mods to change the companions, that is the one thing I did not like about hard core just because the AI is not smart enough to handle these kinds of things. Most Beth games the AI is not strong enough to keep companions alive even if they have health items in their inventory they tend to not use them smartly or at all, they also run into line of fire on all Beth games and dont always use their weapons correctly. ):
  10. I do, it makes the game much more fun. Vanilla hardcore isnt even that hard really, it just gives me another connection with my character and worry about his needs more then just oops he got shot.
  11. I modify vanilla races myself for all my custom race needs, the only issue you would have (to my knowledge) is in FO3 where it is required to have a child version of your race for the into and a part later on where you are turned into a child again. So If you wanted to go above and beyond to make sure things are 100% make a child race (and perhaps even a elder race) that connects only to your adult race. I am excited to see your work, because its always f*#@ing amazing... excuse my french.
  12. That my friend is a TON of work your requesting, the sheer amount of work for decent companions and voice work alone is very demanding. To add onto to that all the quests your wanting and scripted events would be a nice amount of work too. YOU (or anyone wanting such a large mod) could start work on the mod, start by doing the landscape and building work that is something a newbie can easily get into to get their feet wet in modding. I highly suggest you crack open Geck yourself to get a mod of this size started, its much more likely to get done if you start yourselves. :)
  13. FishNeedles: I use a combo of Puce Mooses and XFO tweaks and then I went through myself and hand removed and change level lists of alot of items (water,food,ammo,caps), but these two should give you a good start: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35015 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37871 Graeystone: I used to have to upload my patches like that, I had a bad internet connection where I could only download and upload so many gig a month (which I had share with 3 other people) so there was no way I could upload larger files more then once. ):
  14. Well no offense but I dont even CARE about what the guns look like, there could be NO guns and I wouldnt mind all that much. None of those "issues" you brought up even bother me in the slightest, I dont care what the armor or weapons look like I care about the story and characters. Also so what if people want to talk about it, why not? Its something we are all interested in and if Beth thought there was NO interest in FO4 they would not MAKE the game... Then where would we all be, with great older games that are not nearly as popular or stable as we would all like anymore. I know most modders for FNV and FO3 are getting worn and tired of modding the same game for all these years, we are looking forward to new ideas and new things to work with.
  15. I play my game on harder hard core mode, I removed about 80% of all placed food and lowered the chances of it showing up in most level lists (along with water and ammo). I found for a post apocalyptic world both FO3 and FNV had WAY to much food laying around, my first play through of both I found myself throwing away food which should never be the case I feel. I like my characters to fend for themselves hunt Gecko for meat and then cook that meat themselves, have to drink irritated water at times instead of having 100+ bottles of clean water. Some people dont like that kind of playing, but its one of the things I enjoy the most. Keep trying and keep working on your mods, but most of all keep learning. My first mods hardly got a glance, but all it takes is one thank you to make you feel its worth it imo.
  16. House mods are some of the less interested mods in the Fallout games, so its not surprising your getting so little interest. This game is no longer largely popular as it once was (not to say amazing modders are not still modding for it <3 ) so dont expect Skyrim numbers for your downloads to begin with. Some suggestions for House mods: Location is key. Innovation can get you noticed. Lore friendly is nice, but will not be as popular as fancier places. Naked chicks will get you noticed... for some reason. Nothing I hate more in a house mod then tons of food and free stuff, I like a house that gives me access to what my character needs bathroom, bed, kitchen, work benches. Looking at your homes I would not use them simply because I see a ton of stuff I would have to remove in Geck myself, there is so much free stuff. Also dont mod and upload for votes or comments, its a number game and very few people "win" it. I know you want feedback and thats important but you have to understand FNV is winding down, less committed members are around to look at the mods and comment.
  17. Borderlands content will get you banned as well as most other games, you will have to read that games fine print but for the most part only Stalker and Witcher 2 content are aloud to be ported and used because those companies are awesome and gave the OK. My rule is, if you didnt make it all yourself you need to get permission from the people you used the content from. If its a large cooperation you may as well not even ask, chances are its a NO and you may even get a cease and desist. Fan art is fine for the most part, as long as everything you made is 100% scratch or used parts from FNV.
  18. You will need to pm me so we can talk about what outfits your wanting to do.
  19. Much better, I think the shadowing of the mesh was just alittle to much in that area making it really large and strange looking compared to the body size. I think the common problem when someone releases a "teen" race everyone automatically thinks jail bait sexy time not almost adult 18-19, at least its been my noticing with other mods lol. I think he looks very awesome, might be a good base to build off a less muscular adult body too.
  20. Companions you should have: Willow: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41779/ Niner: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48002/
  21. Well I do like the underwear style, and FNV could use some good male underwear. I am not sure how "teen" you where going for there, I would assume more in the upper range almost 18? Because that is a very very large bulge going on for a anyone under 16-18, just tossing that out there as constructive crit... You might want to add upper teen in there some where so people dont assume he is 13-15 and get up in arms. Other wise more male stuff always good.
  22. If you install a body type it will overwrite the vanilla body and its vanilla armors, to easily test a body use NMM to install so if you dont like it when you get in game you can just hit the uninstall button and try something else.
  23. Plenty of modders here everyday, but we are busy with more interesting and important ideas... then just removing the option for your character to sit down in a chair.
  24. I would do both if your not using any alpha in your mesh at all, they can both cause problems. Sometimes doing a all darkest black alpha and saving in photoshop can actually remove the alpha which the game can read as all white then.
  25. You have a all white alpha channel, the whiter the alpha in a normal map the more shine it has so try to make a darker or black channel.
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