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Everything posted by nivea

  1. Wow, I am really really diging this house (even though I play a Dunmer I want it). I am just sad I can not take my pretty Hammerfell type horse in there. Suggestions perhaps a hearthfire version with some plantable plots? Perhaps also a couple extra beds for followers (even just some bed rolls)? I hope you keep working on this and release it here. :O
  2. Depends on if its worth it to you, your the one who will have to devote the hours to the site. You also have to know that even if you put months into the site it may never be very popular, you need to be willing to except that and not get to upset (much like modding). Also asking for money is not something you can do so keep that in mind as well, any "pay off" will have to be threw you feeling good about it. If its still something you are interested in, then go for it. So long as your not uploading mods I dont really have much of a opinion as I am not the target audience. Also YOU are going to have to check mods if they are compatible 100% or not, that is going to be the most work imo.
  3. Have you tried fixing the conflict with TES5Edit, you can copy and edit things easily between two mods that way.
  4. A .esp can not be a master to another .esp, you have to turn the mod you want to patch into a .esm and then make your patch. After you have to change your patch to reference the .esp instead of the .esm. I personally use Wrye Bash to do all this when I make patches.
  5. Well really it depends if you find a modder who is passionate about this kind of mods and has the skill set to work on it, its a never say never kind of thing because who knows. But its less likely to happen anytime soon.
  6. You could technically rig the new legs to the old ones, but it would not look the best. You got to admit that Loki is never boring as far as gods go LOL.
  7. You would think lol, but every time I use CH with the horse inventory mod it doesnt register well at all.
  8. I would just post a disclaimer (I will do so anyways), but people always like to be upset anyways too lol. The E button would be a good idea, but for some reason I think it would conflict like crazy with CH since the Horse Inventory mod has that issue? cdcooley: Yeah that is pretty true about mages, but I love horses so it overrides that issue for me LOL. I have bought games in the past just because they have good horses. No rush needed I am not ready to release my work yet since I did not know if it would ever be possible I didnt put to much work into it yet.
  9. I always use SKSE (pretty much any of thier SE for all games), so I have no issues personally with anyone using that in the mod at all. I think it is a must have. I would personally prefer a activation key BUT I know people would want to be able to configure it to whatever they wanted, so depending on that a spell or power would work if a key can not be mapped. I dont really have a preference over power or spell. Truthfully since its someone else doing the work I think whatever is easier but still works is fine. Horse inventories, ah that does make sense then. I was hoping you could do this for any horses (follower for CH ect) but since its like that I doubt it would be possible. Really anything over 4 horses for a player would be overkill. If you would do that I would be very grateful, this is what is keeping me from really digging into making my mod there is no point if I can not access their inventory.
  10. *Stares at strange unknown language* I have no idea? This is kind why I made this topic, because I do not know scripting in Skyrim. Really I did not know that (I mean for horses I know it about followers), is that why no one has made equipable dog armor? I know when I removed the horses Outfit from then in the CK, and then put items on them in their inventory it works in the CK and in game.
  11. Sad thing is there IS a grazing animation already made and working, its just not used at all in game. D:
  12. Well I believe this is officially my very first request in any request section, been a long time coming I suppose lol. I am working on a mod that overhauls horse equipment, new saddles, new bridles, spurs, saddle bags, barding, horse shoes, equipable horse war paints, lots tack and ect. You can mix and match almost all the stuff, want a different bridle with a different saddle go ahead. So far its all going well, the only issue is this. I am not a script maker sadly, if this where Morrowind/Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas I could prolly muscle my way through this and figure it out. But since Skyrim has totally new scripting I am really at a lose on figuring this out. I did try but alas I am a idiot lol. Now before anyone posts about this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15842/? I am aware of its existence, but I am also aware it does not work well with CH and I BELIEVE it does not let me add items as I please you have to use the items it provides. What I would like to see made, a mod that is similar to the current Horse Inventory mod BUT uses either a spell or custom button to access ANY horses real inventory you are currently targeting AND fully compatible with Convenient Horses. By compatible I mean so long as your not using the "horse equipment" feature from Convenient Horses. That is pretty much it, a spell/power or a custom button that accesses the horse you are targeting real inventory. I have heard that horse inventory can sometimes/often disappear, so that could be a issue that might need to be worked out. So there we have it, my first request. Thank you for checking it out. :) If this request is sadly never filled, then my mod can never be released. ):
  13. These have somthing similar to that scarf: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44592/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52013/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45962/?
  14. Yes that is what it means, you need permission if you want to edit anything by someone else. Many modders put in their permissions if patches or translations are exceptable, but if they do not say then you need to contact them. Its not your work.
  15. I suppose I find it hard to have a favorite when you get almost nothing from them, most the time they do not interact at all with the world. For good or bad, only way to know they are even real is you get a buff from a shrine.. I mean pretty much you just get to interact with Akatosh, so its kind of hard to even know they are really there and not just one god (not counting BOOKS, everyone can write made up stuff, and not counting the game makers saying they are so I go by in game stuff) or something? Daedra now those are interesting, always interacting with the world (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim you get to interact with a good amount of them) you KNOW without a doubt they are real and are all different. I mean they have a good impact in just Skyrim. If I had to choose one it would be Mara, only because I believe everyone could do with more love in the world.
  16. Problem is that Beth gave us a CK, which means they wanted us to play in their sandbox so I must admit I do not see how it is disrespectful to play in the sandbox. I mean when I was growing up I had some barbies these barbies where like all barbies, they where pretty and had pretty pink clothing and pretty faces.... I proceeded to cut their pretty clothing apart and make knight outfits for the lot of them, I took their pretty make up off with skin color markers, and I pretty much colored all their pretty pink clothing silver... knights needed armor you know. I was literally trampling on everything barbie stood for, so I guess I was being really disrespectful? When you give someone something (even bought) you are inviting them to interact with your product/world, they enjoy your stuff but like all people we are all different people and sometimes its important for us to let our imagination run wild. Its not disrespect its enjoyment and nurturing imagination. I used to see it as disrespect when I was younger, how dare they change something its not right at all! But then I noticed I was changing things too, changing items, changing NPCs... Its really all the same in the end you know. Now I just let it go if it does bother me, because I think gosh I used to be like that in some way too. I mean I used to have half naked men running around in my game ALL the time, and yet I grew into something more because of it as a modder and a designer. Good things can come from letting people imagine things their way too.
  17. Not enough naked chicks. But really its all about what people want, your mod is going to appeal to the completionist crowd for most of people just having a house to display a few key items is enough. So really having a museum dedicated to themselves and accomplishments may not appeal to most people. That said getting someone to do a video walk through of the museum when its fully completed show casing and talking about your mod will help alot, you will want to post that on your front page. You have SO many pictures is very overwhelming, and none of them have any text description so I have no idea what I am looking at. Another thing is that I am unsure about is this a house mod or not? I see something about a "safe house" and even children beds, make sure you elaborate on that because if its a house mod and a museum it might appeal to more people. It might be the difference on if they download the mod or not. So pretty much you need a video, perhaps better descriptions with your pictures and I would suggest taking "epic" pictures and putting them in image share section. Even if you can not play at high settings turning it up and perhaps even putting in a ENB just to take a picture can really help.
  18. Why do you care so much about the "not lore-friendly" mods? Because it makes your game enjoyable, simple as that. Some people want Skyrim to be what it should have been, some people want Skyrim to be "real", and some people want skimpy anime "waifu" harems. Why does anyone care so much about anything, because its important to them. There is no "right" way to be lore friendly and there is no right way to play Skyrim. I want Skyrim to be better then it was on release, I want depth, I want interest, I want it to be what it should have been, I want it to be on par with Morrowind, and I want a challenge. So I put "lore friendly" mods in, because its what I find enjoyable. If I want to play a game with silly fun stuff, skimpy outfits and crazy insane stuff I would play Saints Row 4 (which I am) because it fits that games "lore" and does not hurt my experience and enjoyment. There are "lore mongers" but on the same note there are "lore dismissers" both can be pissy and displeasing to deal with. There is no "right" way to mod or "right" way to play, its all really subjective.
  19. Well while I can not help you (as I am a girl and I have no equipment) I can say he does sound rather interesting, so I hope things go well in making him. :)
  20. This is what I use for my females when I want a warrior. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44979/?
  21. The new version seems to have a few issues, first one is that my character is stuck in a torch holding pose until I ready myself for combat (or equip weapons/magic), the next issue is when in 1st person and using the new item I get stuck and can not move (I assume it is because of the animation my character is doing). So I think the animation is causing more issues then anything.
  22. What I meant was that the light the candle gives off would look better on the player and horse if it was moved farther away from them, if this is possible or not I do not know as I do not really deal with lighting effects all that much. Its less of a bug/problem and more of a aesthetic/looks suggestion, not something to worry over really.
  23. Morrowind will always be my favorite of the current TES games, I feel it is the most in depth of all three (not counting the MMO, but its a MMO I dont count it at all anyways) and gives you the most interesting experience. Characters are interesting and memorable, nothing was "toned down (aka dumbed down is the term people seem to use now) it had much more freedom and choice involved then Skyrim (since you can not turn down quests in Skyrim), and the world was vast and felt vast you could not travel from one end to the other in a couple days. While it does have it downfalls (Graphics where on the back burner instead of story like it is now, and combat can be odd at times) I feel the good heavily outweigh the bad, even if there where not mods its still well worth the play through. But it DOES have mods and many amazing ones that helped pioneer alot of the mods in Skyrim/Oblvion, so get it and put in some graphic mods (even just a texture replacer will make a difference) and play it.
  24. Feedback: Candle mesh seems to have a slight "glow" (its bright at night) to it, perhaps a material problem. But its pretty minor. The light (not the mesh) itself might be to close to the horse, moving it a tad farther away might make it a more attractive light source. Candle glow issue: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3920/14743106664_07ec2fcd8e_o.jpg Not so great but better then nothing pictures: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3905/14558788620_fda26769dc_o.jpg https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2931/14743106504_bca12bc48f_o.jpg
  25. I think this is the kind of mod someone may not know they wanted/needed until its been released, then they are like "hey, I could use that.". Well I do know some people would be interested in the saddle thing, there are quite a few requests in CH and around the forums to make craftable/buyable saddles. I would then consider making new stuff for horses. But yeah its not going to be the hottest of hot files, just because its not a women armor/body.
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