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Everything posted by nivea

  1. I tend to t let a large amount of stuff not bother me in a game when it comes to modding (however when its a real large name company doing stupid s#*! I let it bother me alot, because they represent more then just a single person they represent a huge part of the gaming industry), modding is about letting people make anything they feel like making and that can lead to doing alot of stuff that is not legal or morally right in the real world. I personally try to look at it as art, people can draw, sculpt, write pretty much anything in my opinion as its about expression and I feel its important to be able to express yourself. However, YOU as a modder have the right to not want any part of those things as well. I have gotten a pretty large share of people asking for my animal mods to be used in hardcore beast sex mods (yes bestiality), I dont care if people make those mods personally but I DO care how my work is portrayed and I did not want my Corgi to be used in that way (the people who asked where very polite about it and respected my wishes, which I very much appreciate). If YOU do not feel like you want to be part of that community or if a mod makes you uncomfy then please DO NOT feel like you must force yourself to please others by making it, DO NOT DO IT. People grow and change over time even as just a modder or game player, I know I am not the same girl I was when I started modding and my tastes have almost done a complete turn around (I LOVE super sexy male stuff, but I find now I put more important on lore friendly items while still enjoying the sexy male stuff) . One day maybe you will feel you want to do those mods, but until then dont worry about it. If you still feel you need to do more for others then simply give permission for someone to port your stuff to the other body, make the requesters do more and you worry about it less.
  2. I would love to see a better dappled grey horse (the vanilla one is pretty bleh), I also love a good flea bitten gray.
  3. I dont think its "voodoo" or anything, I just think you should understand at least where everything is first. I also HATE that people require me to give them installers, its not longer a option its become a REQUIREMENT and I personally have better things to do then make you all installers... Like make more stuff. There seems to be a couple types of modders: 1. Those who love installers because it makes things easier for the user. 2. Those who dont care for them because it makes users more "stupid" (no I am not calling people stupid, just mod stupid). I also dont like jumping on the band wagon of new programs before they have been out for a while and got past their whole beta/tester stages, maybe in my next install of Skyrim (if that ever happens) I will try it. But I dont play Skyrim enough to really devote myself into its new organizers as I am into FNV/FO3 more.
  4. Well there are of course more races then just Nords in TES and in Skyrim, plus why not the Nordic races in RL did tons of bead work and interesting jewelry if your basing it off RL they would be just as likely as anyone else to use feathers and beads. Also what about those who worship Kynareth, her alter in Oblivion had birds as her main theme and her shrine in Skyrim has the shape of a bird with its feathers (same with its amulet). Plenty of reasons why normal non-Forsworn people would use feathers lol.
  5. Suppose I like to install a mod, then go into the folders and change textures and meshes to my liking. If I do that NMM certainly does not let me know which items I have edited and will overwrite and install over them pretty quickly, and all that work is lost in a button click. Of course I am supposed to backup it all up every time I edit anything to custom folders, but sometimes as I am human I forget. Wrye tells me which textures have been edited or changed in the window, so I can say oh crap I forgot to back those up or uninstall the mod and keep the changed items, then just reinstall the missing items and not replace my custom stuff. All I know about MO is what other modders have told me, that its fundamentally harder to edit installed mods. I am prolly one of the few who edit their mods alot to fit what they want, it seems most people click and play lol.
  6. Doesn't MO make it harder to mod things and customize already installed stuff (like textures)? Either way I dont really care for MO or NMM all that much, I use NMM to keep tabs on mods that update alot and then use Wrye for my custom replacer mods and mods that do not have good folder structures. I do it this way because it makes things easier on me a a modder, and I find it best to always know how to install stuff manually its a MUST to know because modders need you to know wtf a data folder is and where to find the stuff in them. Hand more then a few people ask for help about my mods only to find out they could not help trouble shoot because none of them knew where the .esp was installed, what a texture folder was or that there was even a mesh folder at all. You need to know the basics before you grow to installers imo.
  7. That is not how that mesh works, its a vanilla dog texture with the alpha turned on and a new mesh added underneath it for the bones. So if you make it "un-ghost" its just a normal looking dog.
  8. Working on that kind of stuff myself. :smile: You can see WIP pic in my gallery.
  9. I hope you release it. They look beautiful. (And very cool.) They also look like they'd complement KrittaKitty's mod Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds pretty well. Yeah I hope to use her textures as the base for my "primitive" breeds (fjord, perhaps even a few pony like the Exmoor pony), they need some mesh work though to get the right build. My plans are to still release it atm. Valkasha: Thanks I have been editing the vanilla horse too, to give it a more natural proportions but still feel like the vanilla horse. Hope to have some more pics up in a few days to show.
  10. Well I am always working on personal armors/clothing/skins, but I am also trying to work on a Horse Inventory/Horse Overhaul mod. But since suddenly everyone and their grandmother decided to overhaul horses I may or may not release it, we will see. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/446821/? Its mostly for inspiration and to get back into modding though since my forced break.
  11. I am a mesh/texture/creature modder, I am not a scripter or dialog writer. There are many different kinds of modders out there, just because I can put armor and creatures in a game does not mean I can then write a full companion with scripting. Thats like saying your a artist because you take good screenshots, so that must mean you can draw really great too since your a artist so I want some drawings from you lol.
  12. Oh I agree with you there really are no male romance options out there and I wish there was, it took years for a male companion to come out for Oblivion and Morrwind with any romance to them and there still are none out for the Fallout series to this day. Its just something I have come to expect sadly, alot of female companion options with romance and none for male companions.
  13. There are pretty much none that allow for a "romance" there are those who have the quick amulet of Mara and then pretty much dont bring it up ever again, but currently there are no "romance" ones where you spend time with them like Vilja ect.
  14. I dont think the first one is possible, since whenever you hit the use button at a horse you mount it. You would have to have some sort of button change to do that. The rest are all possible I am working on the 2nd actually, you can check my gallery for WIP, lots of craftable stuff but you have to hit a hotkey (changeable in MCM) to open the horses inventory. Or you could try this mod if your not using CH it works well mine is still a ways off: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15842/? There are some horse whistle mods out there, a few use script dragon which is not really "good". But you could try steam it has too: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=10648&searchtext=whistle
  15. One should always give information when asking for help, how can someone know if they can help if you do not say what your looking for.
  16. Well someone would have to remake the mod from scratch as you can not modify or adapt those kinds of things from Oblivion into Skyrim, which means alot of work. People would also complain about the lack of voicing. I think you are more likely to get a new male companion than someone remake someone else's mod, though atm there are indeed no male romance companions out there. And by romance I mean romance, not just put on a amulet and marry and then never really speak of it again like vanilla. But you could try Interesting NPC, Rumarin is a very good male follower who will marry your character (male or female) though he is not a very "serious" person and some people may not like that he jokes 99% of the time.
  17. There are no "pigs" (there are boar in Dragonborn DLC) in vanilla skyrim, if your using a mod you need to tell what mod it might be and post it in their feedback thread.
  18. I dont think the current HDT will help make a tail like that look good, after all cat tails have bones in them. I have never seen a cat running around with its tail flailing in the wind, they are twitch and move but are held in a position. That is true, but hem just flopping around randomly would look a bit better then them being glued to an invisible sheet of metal xD Considering khajiit are designed around sneaking and their tail freaks out when they are sneaking, that alone would make it better. I would love to see a properly animated one, but I don't know how possible that is. Something close to what I've seen with the hair, where it whips around if I turn really fast, would be pretty awesome, if far from 'perfect'. Well your in luck someone already did this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55848/?
  19. I dont think the current HDT will help make a tail like that look good, after all cat tails have bones in them. I have never seen a cat running around with its tail flailing in the wind, they are twitch and move but are held in a position.
  20. I believe its for the Steam Workshop to read the mods on uploading (every time you subscribe on is generated for the mod), they are pretty much not needed and can/should be removed.
  21. As I have been scouring the web for information on Skyrim horses for personal and a upcoming mod information, I can say there are a few mods that do this (most the time only parts not all) that being said I believe as long as your going about it in your own way you should make the mod you want even if a similar mod is around. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31891/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56521/? CH does not edit any of the pricing, so I think that should be changed depending on the horse breed. My beliefs would be this: Whiterun: normal everyday average horses/pony, they are the work horses of skyrim. A balance thing mostly (because they are the first horse you find, and I believe should be one of the cheapest) and the fact that they are in the center of the trade/farming area, they would be less likely to have speed and more likely to have stamina/endurance. All around average horse. Windhelm: The hardiest of the horses because of local, which you seem to be going with. Less speed but better for the cold and harsh areas. Riften: I believe these should be the second cheapest based on what Riften is, because of the fact Riften is not the best of places (rip off central and its pretty poor area) I think they should be fast (not fastest but second) BUT very weak (health and stamina). I would think Riften would enjoy a fast turn over rate of rebuying horses. Markarth: Because of the area and the fact that you can buy trained war dogs I think the horses of Markarth should be war horses, strongest (most health and strength), second best stamina and pricey because of training. Solitude: I think these should be the fastest horses in the game, Solitude is not only the capital (most likely to have higher end stuff) but it is also the port city which is good for importing the best of the best for horses. They should have decent health, good stamina, fastest horses in the game and the most expensive. My thoughts on how I would go about it.
  22. Only if the modder (if its stolen you should report it) feels like uploading it here and only if it does not conflict with Nexus policy, not really anything political about it lol. Just comes down to the modder and the content of the mod. :)
  23. Morrowind is still being modded, Oblivion is still being modded, Fallout 3 is still being modded, Fallout New Vegas is still being modded. You can see where I am going with this, all these games have extreme lifetimes because of modding. Its safe to say that Skyrim will be active in a popular manor for another 3 or more years until the next TES game comes out, then it will slow down but still be active for many more years. The TES modders and Fallout modders do not often stick to each others games well, there will be a surge of interest and it will die out after the TES crowd gets tired of the shooter or RPG aspects of the Fallout game. Then the Fallout crowd will continue on without most the TES modders. At least that is how it was with FO3 and FNV. You still have plenty of time.
  24. Because it contains: rape, extreme fetishes (gore, vore, water sports, ect.), beastality, ripped content and at times questionable content with minor (under aged) characters. All of which is not allowed or supported on the Nexus site, and so your not allowed to provide links and even the name is censored to avoid any issues with Nexus policy. Which is all very understandable since Nexus often works/deals with game companies who do not want their games associated with said content.
  25. Keep in mind this can only be done with 3DMax and not Blender, I dont know if anything like Maya can do it. I would like this information too, the only tutorials I can find are here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Canderes509/videos You can find more info on the site I am not allowed to name (though do be careful if you have any triggers or issues with sexual activities not legally allowed in RL).
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