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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. Yes, MMM, UFP, WMK & Darn's UI are all very good to have Personally I haven't felt the need for a texture pack like I have for oblivion & Morrowind before it.
  2. While it may be overkill for now that that graphics power should prove useful for future games
  3. Sounds as you might have Fallout3 installed to "Program files" in either Vista or Windows 7 (Windows doesn't want anything there changed) I'd suggest uninstalling & reinstall to another folder outside of "Program files" ("Games\Fallout3" for example)
  4. Now the trick is finding out what your system is capable of using & I couldn't tell you how well it'll work ( I haven't used ATI in years
  5. I was wondering about ya today *makes mental note not to say anything about WOW* It's good to see you again
  6. I use type 3 for women & >CUTE< for girls I like Type 3 & there is a huge selection of clothing & armor for it.
  7. granted the Atlas (skull-head) typically has very thick leg armor & the warhammer pretty much would just have enough firepower to maybe breach the leg armor in ideal situation (going by classic stats) that makes me wonder, will leg-damage leave mechs immobilized (mw2) or able to limp like in mw4 Yeah, I haven't heard anything lately on the new Mechwarrior & last I've heard of MW4 free release was that there was going to be a meeting back in November
  8. This may be possible with >FaceGen Exchange for FO3Edit< & since it requires >FO3Edit< I give a link to that & a good manual
  9. This error basically only happens if Geck isn't installed to the same location as Fallout3
  10. For Fallout3 Live is used to chat & show achievements but mainly it's to sell the DLC, same ones that came with "the GOTY" (Game of the year) edition the reason I linked that thread is that live don't typically delete saves if uninstalled so I was thinking that the game was logging in before so I was thinking Fallout3 might not be looking for them in the correct place now
  11. My game does this as well, for me it seems to get worse the more saves I have.
  12. "MASTERFILE: Unable to complete operation due to failiure removing previous file. Plugin 'Data\Gary invasion - Hard.esp' may be locked or read only." Did you check the properties of the .esp to see if it was indeed locked or read only? And is Fallout3 installed to "program files"
  13. Chances are, the saves are still there, it's just that Live demands it's own folder for them It may help to check the "Windows LIVE Disabler" section of this >How to install Mods for Fallout 3<
  14. I still don't understand the "logic" in that Hopes Avatar makes it to DVD ;D
  15. It has for a while, So I didn't see the need to mention it I must ponder on this for awhile. Muhahaha!!
  16. What an interesting way to improve the DLC
  17. very common problem, if you're using >FOMM< (Highly recommended) Just "toggle invalidation" on BTW: Welcome to the Nexus
  18. Sounds like you would want it Weapon-mod-kitted out -Silencer -laser sight -Extended clip -Auto fire -Scope These are potentially doable Yeah I second this request
  19. after a quick look at that site, IMO it seems to be a parady site to me.
  20. What sort of error did you get? if it's ok to ask
  21. I have to say PC, not only for the modding potential of some of the games. more about control usability. gamepads just aren't for someone who doesn't have two good hands yeah, I mouse & KB with my one good hand
  22. I have been wondering lately if it would be possible for a mod to let the player to change the looks & hair of NPCs in-game (not just for any specific one) but my scripting isn't good
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