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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. It's been awhile since I've played Ob but yet I do recall my character looking around.
  2. For some reason the meshes aren't being accessed, that's what the "red triangle things with a "!" " are about. Since this is about DLC, please make sure their files are in Fallout3's "Data" folder just like a regular mod (if you got them through "live").
  3. If you get the >Groovatron< you can move NPC's by using the "grab" key.
  4. I agree that would be better but I believe that PC behavior is hard-coded IE unmoddable, though I would love to be proven incorrect.
  5. If you use one console command a lot before you quit (or it quits on you) just tilde then the "up arrow" key, that brings up the previous command. @evilneko, I think you would really like the Groovatron, it's so much more than just a pose accessibility mod
  6. I agree though I'd suggest using >FO3Edit< so the whole mod-list can loaded & can have an accurate formID (since the first two places is loadorder specific)
  7. As far as I know presets are the only way to get a face from NPC to player. And >FaceGen Exchange for FO3Edit< is for player to NPC
  8. Why is that? (coming from one who doesn't own either system)
  9. I really recommend >Darnified UI< It makes the UI look a lot better
  10. I wonder if Beth went ahead and put the patch in the DLC installer?
  11. Can you right-click the GECK icon on the bottom & select maximize?
  12. Actually they mean missing meshes not textures though the purple could mean that invalidation is needed
  13. The only friendly (at least non-hostile) radScorpions I've ran across are those small ones added by MMM
  14. Have you tried 1.6 or 1.7 patches yet?
  15. >Groovy Followers< is a another good companion mod that let's you recruit almost anyone
  16. Especially since with all the men around she was the "heavy weapons specialist"
  17. I would've went with Vasquez but yeah a woman can tough without looking like the "Govinator" :P
  18. It seems we are both correct A quote from http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Supermutants ---Woot Woot possible spoiler alert Woot Woot----
  19. -lore- If I remember correctly the FEV just made them sterile they have the equipment it just doesn't work for reproduction never underestimate just what fetish one might have in such a wasteland. Maybe a guy might like a really strong woman @BackHump, I don't think a nude body is easily possible since SMs really are a creature "race" they really aren't wearing the armor you see them in, that armor is the body. And all the SM's in Fallout3 seem to be of a male nature but best of luck to you
  20. Simply put, they are creatures & not just a race set as unplayable (such as kids, raiders, ghouls & the elderly)
  21. Fox eh, maybe Joss Whedon can't make a show dumb enough for Fox. How long has the Simpsons been on? to clarify, I'm not saying "the Simpsons" is bad just don't need to think as much as a "Joss Whedon" show
  22. Wha?! Mechwarrior 2 doesn't belong here, it's a classic 90's title for me it was Neverwinter nights 2
  23. Sorry, I couldn't find an overpass mod
  24. I've had this problem before, check the Fall0ut3 installation folder for the file "fose_1_7.dll" the .dll should be with the .exe files like "FalloutLauncher.exe" or "Fallout3.exe". if it's not there check the fose download & if it doesn't have the file (happened to me) you need to re-download fose. Hope this helps.
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