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Everything posted by Skotte

  1. There has been reports that some need to install the DLC disc while in "safe" mode, maybe that will help
  2. actually the absolute mod limit is 254, though there does seem to be a memory issue when there is a lot of mods in use. though it could also be a regular conflict of mods, you can save your modlist to a text file by "copy to clipboard" in the "load order" tab then paste to a text file. then you can copy-paste to a post, saves the keyboard keyboard much misery :whistling:
  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!! And may it be golden for all of you. edit: drat, forum time is a bit slow
  4. If you are to be using mods you will want the tools to really use them. First off you'll want a launcher that can help you actually manage them >Fallout mod manager< AKA "FOMM" then you'll want a utility that will come in handy when you get mod conflicts >FO3Edit< Then, some of the best mods use >Fallout Script Extender< or FOSE And to make your PC UI more um, PC here's >DarNified UI F3< I hope this helps & welcome to the nexus
  5. the trickiest part of making a "twi'lek" race would be the tentacle "hair" IMO. but the beauty of mods is that they are optional (aside from dependencies) so what doesn't appeal to you may appeal to another.
  6. the "Fake Xlive.dll" option is found in "install tweaker" which is in the "tools" menu on the latest versions of FOMM & on the right side buttons on older versions
  7. I don't know about easier, it's just that it worked for me when I wanted to use one of my PC faces on a NPC character. Here is a good manual for FO3edit if you need one >Web-enized by csb<
  8. If you have issues with getting console commands typed on the 360, >pipboy cheater< may be something to consider checking out
  9. Have you tried using >FO3Edit< with >FaceGen Exchange for FO3Edit< since wrye bash is more for oblivion than Fallout3.
  10. By files I hope you mean the "Meshes" & "textures" folders & not the actual .nif & .dds files (Meshes & textures) a question did you try removing the armor/clothing? because it wont show if they are clothed
  11. after a quick search (alt) I found... >Alternate Start<, >Alternate Start - Roleplayers< -I'm guessing this may be the one you want- or >Alternate Start - Roleplayers plus Grognak The Barbarian< could be it. I hope this helps BTW: welcome to the Nexus forums
  12. Have you set the video settings in Options yet? & if those are set you might consider trying out >FOMM<
  13. I've read the other thread & I'm boggled because breezes & type3 are the adult body replacers I use. are you using one of the dimon race mods or just the body-texture mods
  14. I think I'll quote myself from the other thread... What do you mean that neither work together? what sort of problem are you experiencing? please explain in as much detail as you can. Condemn you? No, I welcome you to the Nexus.
  15. What do you mean that neither work together? what sort of problem are you experiencing? please explain in as much detail as you can. Condemn you? No, I welcome you to the Nexus.
  16. I assume the reason that the .bsa aren't really mentioned is that the original .bsa files generally aren't reccommended to be messed with. IMO if you need to make bsa files I'd make them per mod I haven't installed from my Fallout 3 Goty disc 1 yet but I don't see why beth would stop using the format since it tends to make modding easier for the average user (people can add files to the data folder without needing them to be in .bsa files) & keeping the base .bsa files vanilla can save some headache. BTW: Welcome to the nexus
  17. Pre-Goty, I believe the DLC were hidden on the C: drive. in the Goty version they should install to the Fallout3 installation folder the latest >FOMM< hosted here is version 0.10.2 though I did find a version 0.10.3 at >sourceforge< If the DLC don't show I don't think FOMM uses them. Hope this helps
  18. true, and the outfit could be set up so it can't be used-removed by the player
  19. Some DVDs, Diablo 2 W\expansion a tin of homemade chocolates & other goodies, a light-up shirt & a picture set of some of my nieces & nephews
  20. Did you install it to the same place as fallout3? And a merry Christmas to you.
  21. when I installed my GOTY DLC disc, it was able to find my nonstandard location of Fallout3 And Merry Christmas
  22. I still have to wait 5 1/2 hours for C-day
  23. another thing to try is check the control settings from the main menu. fallout3 often forgets some of my controls so I have to reset them
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