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Everything posted by Povuholo

  1. They didn't take it out, they slowed it down. You move much slower backwards than forwards.
  2. Decals should be things like blood spatters and scorch marks on terrain. Could you post your full ini Blocky?
  3. My expectations from Bioware are still a game called Dragon Massage Effect, which would be a dragon romance simulator in space.
  4. It would be great, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
  5. True, but not sure what the folder is all about then. http://s7.postimage.org/dhu19vy8p/Capture.jpg Offtopic:Could you make a screenshot of the data-folder? :) You know you can preload it yourself, if you have it on Steam. Not sure if you do. http://s9.postimage.org/nt7wn93od/Capture2.jpg Interesting to see that the voice bsa file is 1.3 GB while the Oblivion ones were 1.66 GB together, and Fallout 3's 1.72 GB. Looks like they managed to compress it better, as I doubt we'll have less voice acting. Also there's an update.esp (or esm, can't see) , which I assume is what they'll be using for those quick updates they promised. Better than having to download the whole 240 MB Skyrim.esm for every patch! :P
  6. If this is right then the PC version does sound much improved, not that it could be any worse than SR2, CD Projekt made a right mess of that. http://www.videogamer.com/pc/saints_row_3/news/saints_row_3_pc_isnt_a_simple_port.html @Vagrant0 A 360 pad might be an idea. CD Projekt did the port? As in, 'The Witcher' CD Projekt? :huh: I know they used to translate popular games to Polish but I didn't know they ever did PC ports. The Saints Row 2 one could definitely have used some more... :) 8) polish.
  7. I bet most of the Creation Kit will look familiar to modders. After all it's what those guys at BGS are used to, so unless there is a need for a drastic overhaul they shouldn't have to make it very different. If they keep it as similar to the FO3 GECK as possible that means they won't have to spend much time relearning how to use the CK. Cell view window in the CK: http://i.imgur.com/tLj25.jpg That looks pretty familiar, at least.
  8. Dragon Age : Origins is great. I haven't played DA2, and will probably wait for the ultimate edition or whatever with all DLC in it to be released. I wasn't impressed with the changes to the combat or graphics style in the demo, and a lot of people don't seem to like the game.
  9. Looks absolutely insane and I love it. Now that they're doing the PC port themselves hopefully it won't be as awful as the Saints Row 2 one.
  10. Does it matter? I don't think the people who usually work on graphics mods are the same people who usually work on gameplay mods.
  11. Indeed. Anyone who pays 1 cent is a complete douche. Because it's going to cost them more than 1 cent in transaction fees, so you're actually taking their games while costing them money.
  12. This page should be useful. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Morrowind_for_Oblivion_Players
  13. What's more fun? Reading the plot summary of a movie first, or watching the movie first?
  14. Oh wow, that must be a big secret Bethesda has been keeping behind. If it's legit.
  15. Do you have a source for that, or is it just speculation? Because there was no such thing for Fallout 3.
  16. This is good to know. After Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion all had them, and a frost atronach was shown in Skyrim already, I wasn't sure we were going to see Flame Atronachs again in Skyrim! :teehee:
  17. The arachnophobia topic has popped up quite a few times on BGSF, so I'm pretty sure that someone is already planning to make this mod.
  18. Pete Hines has a Twitter account. I don't know what you want to ask exactly, but maybe he can answer.
  19. Go Valve! I wouldn't expect it to ever happen to Bethesda games though. Adding mods to consoles that were made on PC, maybe. But not making the mods on consoles. The tools they use for creating open world games are much more system intensive and complex than a Portal 2 map maker.
  20. Haven't played in ages (only barely touched the big DF2010 update) but it's a great game. Or should I say, fantasy world simulator.
  21. Starbreeze is a good developer. Even if it's not a 'true' Syndicate game, there's a good chance it'll be a nice game. For those who want a game closer to the original Syndicate, keep an eye out for Paradox's Cartel. Little is known about it so far though.
  22. I think he's using a special dragon shout that speeds up the attacks, normally it shouldn't be that fast.
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