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Everything posted by Povuholo

  1. The esp is just a showcase, you don't need it. I don't know if it would cause crashes (it's supposed to demonstrate fixes) but you should disable it either way.
  2. Kinda annoying how they implemented these RPG elements into the game without actually doing something with it in a good way. It all feels so unfinished. Notch: Okay guys, now we have experience points but they don't do anything. Oh crap. What are we going to do with it, I have no idea! Okay, lets just make enchanting cost XP, not that that makes any sense. You go do that Jeb, I'm going on vacation! Notch: Also look here, I made NPCs and villages now! But they're just standing around doing nothing.... So what do we do with those? Err..... I'm going on vacation, good luck Jeb! Notch: Well, with all this unfinished stuff in the game there's only one logical thing to do: Add dragons because dragons are AWESOME!!!!11!1
  3. Did you install any official patches? Steam GOTY is completely up to date already so installing any official patches on top of that could cause issues. The Morrowind Code Patch should work fine though, that shouldn't crash the game. Did it also crash before you installed the MCP?
  4. An extremely good PC that can max out anything and would easily match the next generation of consoles would hardly even cost that.
  5. And now I'm going to see him live next week! :dance:
  6. Yes that's possible. So technically, it can be done. It's just an impossibly huge task. :P
  7. Imagine getting killed by the Imperial guards for a crime, and then resurrected for questioning...
  8. Dragon VS Dragon combat FTW.
  9. You could get her the mod Nymeria's Faster Walk (It's currently not on the main mod sites I think) which increases the walking speed a bit, but not too much.
  10. When I installed Oblivion on my SSD, I suddenly had access to spears and crossbows. It was amazing. :tongue:
  11. Oh crap, how did I miss this album release? Must get...
  12. If it's the PC version you won't be able to play it early, Steam won't allow you to activate it until 11/11/11.
  13. I'm fine with going in blind. Why people want to know all this stuff in advance instead of finding things out when playing the game is beyond me...
  14. Nice instrumental song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Smc75NTSA
  15. Hopefully there'll be a Grognak the Barbarian reference/NPC in Skyrim. :D
  16. They have. Lots of people from the Oblivion modding scene will probably move to Skyrim. And there'll be new fans. I'm sure the community will be as big, if not bigger, than Oblivion's. I'm not expecting modding to be much more difficult either.
  17. As a modder and ex-mod, I say thank you! :thumbsup:
  18. If it's raining at any time (regular rain, not dragon shout rain) could you go under a bridge or anything else to check if rain still goes through ceilings?
  19. Run a game at 60+ FPS with FRAPS, then press the record button, with the framerate locked to 30 in the FRAPS options. You will definitely notice the difference when it drops from 60 to 30.
  20. Not sure where you're seeing the modding potential, the game is fairly scripted and linear. It's good though. But I can recommend the STALKER series if you're looking for similar games.
  21. Probably just not a meter, I doubt all races can suddenly breathe under water :P Some scans I found on elderscrolls.net: http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-1.jpg http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-2.jpg http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-3.jpg
  22. Shadow of Chernobyl is definitely worth getting. It's not really as open as CoP, and it misses some of the cool game mechanics, but it's still a great game. Especially with the SoC Complete mod. I agree with CommanderCrazy though, don't bother with Clear Sky. It's by far the buggiest game out of the three. By the way, story wise, Clear Sky takes place first, then SoC, then CoP.
  23. Just remember: Corporations have more power than the government... The Illuminati is watching!
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