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Everything posted by CasperTheLich

  1. if this is the same issue i had, this should work. first, load a save from before you returned to dragon's reach to return the jarl's axe, and make sure you don't have a bounty (if you haven't already), open the console, type "player.addfac 2BF9A 4" (minus the "", not sure how well this will work in se) then continue on to dragon's reach to return the axe. a few things might be a little screwy, and it might cause more bugs, but you should be able to continue on... assuming all goes well. ---edit and try not to do this near stormcloaks or stormcloak supporters as this might (or perhaps will) turn them hostile.
  2. started having this issue again... think i may have figured it out, at least for me. as far as i can tell my character wasn't attached to the imperial civilwar faction correctly for some reason. so if anyone else is having issues you might give this a try: before entering whiterun's keep try opening the console and typing "Player.setfactionrank 2bf9a 4" (minus the "") should make you a fullblown member of the imperial side of the civil war faction... well, at least that's what fixed it for me. i think setting it to -4 will make you a full stormcloak if the other side of the quest ins't working (haven't tried it yet). ---edit i guess i should also note you need to do this before the Jarl and Legate Cipius start bickering, if you do it after (especially after giving the axe back) it likely won't work, though you can never truly discount luck.
  3. according to the settings in my screen resolution panel it can go as high as 80 with the refresh rate, though i'm not crazy enough to even think about trying it (and i happen to like my eyes i don't need them to explode), at a refresh rate of 60 skyrim was still going bonkers, so i dropped it to 30 and it seems to be stable, well mostly. at the moment if i bump the refresh rate back up to 60, i get nearly but not quite 60fps (i guess, as i said i didn't really check to make sure) that is till it decides to drop the fps to like 1 frame every 15 seconds. and that really irks me
  4. Before I dropped the refresh rate, and loaded up on enbs, I was getting a solid 60fps, now it's about half that I guess, as I've been having far too much fun to actually look.
  5. thanx, that looks helpful... if not a tad depressing. ---edit i set my refresh rate to 30 in the display settings, picked up enbboost and sfuff along that line (and some enb visuals too), and my framerate dropped from fantastic -> good, or ok... but the visuals are better than i've ever seen on any rig i've had access to, so win there. and my issues seems to have resolved itself, though i can't be quite so sure as it's fairly random, but it does seem to have stopped.
  6. just got a new gaming rig, installed a few games, skyrim among them. but first things first, system specs... OP SYS: Widows 8.1 pro CPU: 3.7ghz i7 GPU: GTX Titan X RAM: 32gb DDR4 all drivers up to date, software updated to latest versions, etc. it's been something like 18 years since i've used a Geforce card, first time i've used windows 8, and first time i've used a 40in 4k uhd tv for a monitor, my old pc just had 32in hdtv. so i'm dealing with a lot of new stuff, or at least new to me. now i have a half full load order, around 148 mods (my old pc had between 234-254, depending on my mod loadout), i'm curently using loot and nmm (used to be NMM and boss) to manage my mods/loadorder, i am using a lot of 2k texture mods, but i used the same stuff on my old pc and it ran more or less fine, till nmm killed my loadorder, and backups (which is why i started skyrim clean and fresh on this new pc), but that's water under the bridge, or so i tell myself. so basically im running at a resolution of 3840 x 2160 on ultra graphics settings with no enb mods, and a lot of texture overhauls and for the most part frame-rates are quite nice, however, frequently, and randomly (i've even seen it hit in the middle of a loading screen) all of a sudden the framerate goes from idk 60 or so fps to something like 1 frame every 15 to 30 seconds, at first it looks like a lockup or freeze, but after 30 seconds or so it moves by a frame, then 15 second after one more frame... there doesn't seem to be any improvement, i've sat here watching a frame move every 15-30 seconds for like 15 minutes at a time, i've tried opening menus, using the console, trying to save to quit then reload the save, etc. saving seems to be just as slow. sometimes my whole system seems to run a bit sluggish after this occurs till i shutdown skyrim from the taskmanager. there doesn't seem to be savegame corruption or bloating. i used to use tools like ATTK powerloader, and skyrim configurator (or however it's spelled), though i can't for the life of me find any legit site hosting ATTK for skyrim, nor can i get sc working, basically the window skyrim config uses is so small the tabs don't even fit, and the settings are all mashed together, so it's completely useless, and i've tried toning down the resolution, adjusting any display settings i can think of, fiddling with compatibility settings, the window just stays to small to be useful, and adjusting the window size in the shortcut/app settings doesn't help (that makes the window bigger but fails to un-mash anything). if i had some clue about the insane frame drop, i would be grateful. though someone said using the insanely high screen resolution + ultra visuals + 2-4k textures can cause crashes and sluggish frame rates, though i'd hardly call this just "sluggish".
  7. is it all dlc mounts now? or just red? as i'm now suffering this freeze issue. ---edit nm, it's all dlc mounts... at least for me.
  8. i'm at the end of message to whiterun (imperial) and cipius does give me the proper dialogue, however it doesn't change the quest state. message to whiterun remains active, it still states report to cipius, and the battle for whiterun doesn't start. anyone have any ideas?
  9. I've heard talk that skyrim is finished, no more DLCs (official ones anyway), though I can't seem to find a solid source on that, so fingers crossed... cause I want more dlc, give me my second dominion war. but if it is all said & done, & beth has moved on, well... I can't see why. iirc, there's supposed to be 2 more DLCs, so they just decided to drop them? my best guess if this is the case would be something along the lines of: the suits over at bethesda came to the conclusion that wasting resources on the remaining skyrim dlc content was less fruitful then diverting said resources to completing the TES-MMO a bit more quickly (though I have no idea why this would be the case, seeing as beth is supposedly having little to do with the mmo's production as far as i'm aware). if that is anything close to what is going on, then tes online has already effected the offline tes community in a horridly bad way. though I don't really have any idea about what i'm actually talking about... so I guess i'm just a fat-mouthed fear-monger in the end.
  10. I haven't had that many issues with either questline. and I've put something like 3000 hours & 20 or so characters into it. though i'm using the unofficial patches and a truckload of mods.
  11. the dark brotherhood has female members... so, I can't see why the greybeards wouldn't. before skyrim female members were still referred to as "dark brothers".
  12. I had this issue as well, try talking to dexian (I think that's how it's spelled) before turning the mission into to isran. if you talk to isran first it seems to remove the convo options from the moth priest. well, that's what worked for me.
  13. some amd chips can run quite hot. first i'd check inside the case to see how much junk is filling the venting surfaces in your cpu's heatsink & the vent fan in your gpu, and make sure your gpu's fan is running smoothly. I had a ati radeon x1600.. it blew, then my powersupply went shortly there after. all in all I spent about 250 bucks replacing them.
  14. Do we actually know it was the dragons that crushed the enslaved populations, personally (pre-war)? I’ve only seen references to alduin’s dragoncult itself (that is up until the dragon war). The best I can tell, the dragons (for the most part) left select mortals to rule over other mortals in their stead, and it was they who became overly oppressive. iirc, even esbern said it was the dragoncult, though I’m not sure if the dragons themselves are counted as members of said cult (though I would think not). the dragon war was a war of genocide, for both factions. the dragons and their cult were hunted to extinction. that was justified I would say... under the circumstances, though that doesn't make it right, or good. same with the falmer/nord war. as always imho.
  15. steam says 2400 hours, but I've been playing in offline mode for quite some time, so it's likely over that quite a bit.
  16. kind of like morrowind's likore (sp?) mod, combined with the cursed blade from tenchu wrath of heaven and that sword from the shivering isles for oblivion. I like. wish I knew how to help. what do you think about the enchantment chosen changing the weapons appearance to some extent?
  17. this could be a few things. or even a combination of a few things. first that comes to mind, are you using any follower mods like cerwiden or vilja? if so are you bringing them with you (I've had issues like this with cerwiden sometimes), frist try waiting a few days to give the combat tag time to reset, then go back without your followers (telling them to wait here might not cut it). if that doesn't help are you using anything like warzones? or some other massive battle type mod or mods? if yes try deactivating them, then either go to an older save or just wait a few more days to see if combat clears. i'm not all that knowledgeable about the ins & outs of skyrim scripting or modding. you might get more help if you post this in the troubleshooting section, just a thought.
  18. I guess the main thing here for me would be along the lines of... you don't exactly build the town. you start with a nice inn, or farm, etc and slowly people start moving nearby if business is good enough, and as the town grows you build a smithy, shops, etc.
  19. my first db play-through I didn't kill him, because he was a skilled assassin; and if that particular character was going to kill a master assassin it would be a fair fight. a bit of professional courtesy between skilled life-takers. after that though, none of my db assassins killed him because he was loyal and doing so would be just too wasteful. and if he did try to murder one of my listeners and succeeded he or she no longer deserved to be listener (from their prospective not mine)
  20. it could work. I was hoping for some new bound weapon spells, maybe with new meshes & textures. like akaviri style daedric weapons. something in addition to the standard bound weapons skyrim has to offer.
  21. I was playing around with bound weapons for a while and found they really don't cut it at higher levels. is it possible to create new bound weapon spells that use your conjuration skill + mystic binding as well as your smithing skill level, and maybe your daedric smithing perk or perks to enhance the damage of bound weapons? I just think it's logical for a conjuration mage who knows a bit about smithing to use that knowledge to make more lethal conjured weapons, especially if the have the daedric smithing perk. would some helpful mod maker be interested in making such a mod?
  22. the last day or two I've noticed every so often when I place an item I enchanted into a wardrobe or container of some kind it becomes unenchanted. first time it was a pair of very nice cloth gloves I made and enchanted, the last time it was a pair of vanilla fine boots that I had enchanted. anyone else having this issue?
  23. all I can say is... i'll see how it goes. I just have trouble seeing how an mmo of the elder scrolls can live up to the rest of the games in the series. imho, everything that makes a tes game tes is destroyed by turning it into an mmo.
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