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Everything posted by ScrollThief84

  1. Ok, I think I got it. The only way that would work is if the mod came with female models. If this is the case, you need to find all the female meshes for the armor you want to replace and follow the same steps ( armor for females usually ends with "_f") . If the armor didn't come with them, then, just skip creating the models for females. You could even use a different mods armor that is only for females and have two different looking sets... I hope that helps, I've been up for a while :smile:
  2. That's my fault, I forgot to mention sence the armor you are trying to use is custom, you need to install the folder for the textures the same as it is in the mod. So you need to keep the mods texture folders and files as they came because that's where the models will look for their textures. If you want it to be completely stand-alone, then your going to need NifSkope to alter where the nif. files point to their textures.
  3. Also, you could try opening up your nif. in NifSkope and making sure that the "SLSFL_Specular" flag is turned off. It can be found under "BSLightingShaderProperty" in the "Block Details".
  4. I know this may be a silly question, but did you also retexture the 1st person model of your weapons?
  5. I know 3ds, but I use a hybrid. What I mean by this, is, I use 3ds 2015 for doing all my obj. stuff. After I have made my model or even edited it, I take it back to Blender for weighting and to convert it to nif. format. Max is good, because it's easy to use once you know your way around. As for the 2013 plugin running on a 2014 setup, I think you'll run into problems. The guys that are trying to work on the newer plugins over at TES Renewal tried this and it didn't seam to work. The lines coming off your armor or clothing to go on forever is usually caused by borked weighting and a 0 and 1 nif is nearly always used as people tend to use many different shapes and sizes for characters in this game. If you want a good place for advice, I'm sure the awesome people over at Dark Creations would be willing to answer your questions a lot better then I can: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/forum/119-beyond-skyrim/ :blush:​
  6. I know this isn't the most creative idea, but this way you can fool around with it until you find something you like the best: http://eso.tamriel.org/BretonNameGenerator.php
  7. Yeah, Windows 10 is working really well for me. I have noticed slightly longer loading times in Skyrim but they aren't enough to bug me, everything runs smooth. On a side note, Windows 10 is much more stable on my system then 8.1 ever was :)
  8. Read this thread for removing master files: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3071454-removing-esm-files-from-esp/
  9. Agreed! This would be most welcome in my game :) There is never enough quests and treasure to add to my hord, muhaha! Just saying.
  10. I was always a fan of this armor: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51569/?
  11. Nice! Creating armor from scratch can be... ...interesting. I've done some, but never put them in game. Anyway, sounds awesome!
  12. Sounds like you've got it nailed :) The silver wolf head will be a nice touch. Are the armor models custom or are they Skyrim asset's ?
  13. Nice to see that progress is being made :) Like I said before, I can't wait for this to be done. Have you begun to think of what type of armor will be used. If not, it would be cool if you could tie it in with the civil war. That way their outfits change in relation to who wins. This might be a different direction then you wanted to go, if so, no worries. Just a thought. Keep up the good work :)
  14. For the first person model, just reuse the nif. your using, for that part. For the DDS. file, if you said it's using vanilla nifs., you'll need NifSkope to add all the DDS. files to it and by opening it in NifSkope, you will see what DDS. files are used. All you need to do at this point is, extract the DDS. files from the BSA. and put them in a texture folder inside "textures" in the Data folder for Skyrim, open the nif. in NifSkope and assign them under all the "TextureSet" Blocks and save.
  15. It will be fine. I upgraded without any problems today myself :)
  16. You need to extract the meshes you would like to use from the bsa. that the mesh is found in. Then create a folder structure in your mesh folder in the Skyrim data folder. After this is done, load up the Skyrim Creation Kit and open the weapon and find where it stores its meshes for that weapon. Once you find them, open them up and point to the meshes you placed in your new custom folder you created. You will need to make a 1st person object as well, as weapons need this for them to work correctly. It's easy, all you need to do is find all the 1st weapon objects in the CK and duplicate one or however many you need and edit once again to point to your 1st person mesh in your folder. That should be it :) Save your new file, and your done.
  17. I think you might need a 3d modeling program in order to do that... NifSkope might work but I do believe in order to edit the skeleton found in a bow nif. you'll need 3d modeling software. Could be wrong. Edit: So I was wrong. Just scale down the bone nodes in NifSkope.
  18. Also, appropriately naming the necklace can help to. The more unique, the better the chance that they will hang on to it. Give the enchantment a unique description as well.
  19. It is this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64532/?
  20. Oh! Didn't know, sorry. Do this instead.
  21. This one is always in my mod list: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17168/? As is anything form aplestormy* I also like: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18916/?
  22. "You can do it in the CK. Open your mod using the Data dialog so you can see the Parent Masters (on the right side of the dialog) and press CONTROL-DELETE to remove the master". :)
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