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Everything posted by zixi

  1. I've been here a long time. I belong to very little these days. I kind of come and go here - depending. But I haven't posted that much really and most of what I post these days is so far into nonsense that it doesn't register a count. In other words, I'm expected to post nonsense. I enjoy the surreal and the other enjoy-the-surreal people here make me smile. I doubt I'd go as in never come back but I do fade in and fade out... We are about to get very busy so I might be less chatty for a bit (you can all breathe a sigh of relief) as we're having to do some quite serious work on the garden and we're ancient so it takes us ages... And it's not pulling up a couple of weeds and pruning the roses... It's the sort of stuff that Superman should be doing and failing that maybe one of those digger things... a plough might do if it could dodge the trees... My husband has a weird sense of humour and he says it will do us good and keep us fit and ensure a longer life... I'm not sure what state we'll be in though...
  2. A: The person who is not sitting in seat 41 or 43... Q: Why are there twelve months in a year?
  3. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    Goodness... that was heartfelt. I think you can really technically ban only those people who are actually here. Because otherwise - trust me - the list would be long and contentious... Banned for banning someone who is exempt from banning.
  4. I miss Grumpy's work. He was special. He was so very generous with what he built and he'd love it that some people have picked up his (and Emma's) material and have done things with it. I'm sad you lost friends. I lost a few to the collections thing and I've lost some who got fed up with criticism levelled at their mods. But actually, I've never posted much on the rest of the forum and I haven't made many 'friends' as such. I prefer to take mods, use them and then say thank you. I think I cam across Ban for Fun and the vending machine, oh and Snow Arena and found it hilariously funny because it's so surreal. I like the 'silly answers' thread too for the same reason. Some answers are actually quite convincing.
  5. A: 8 fingers and two thumbs unless you've lost some somehow or didn't start off with that amount. Q: Why does water appear to be wet?
  6. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    Hah... I may not have a judgement mallet but I do have both Sunder (beat that!) and a mattock... And banned for not recognising the rights of unsympathisers. Unsympathisers have feelings too. Just not sympathetic ones...
  7. A: As long as you don't mix it together. Serve the Chardonay in a glass. Eat the cake with a fork from a plate or bowl. Q: Why do spiders have eight legs?
  8. @Pickysaurus I'm sorry. You don't deserve that at all. Those of us who were there at the inception of the web never ever thought it would become the monster it has. But it has and it grieves me that so many people are so incredibly nasty. We really thought it would be liberating. It would allow people to share - just as it did at first. We never saw any of this coming - nastiness, the advertising, the greed, the pornography, the ranting, the deception, the maliciousness... I could go on with my list of disappointments. Actually, if I had to do that positive and negative list I just hope I could still come up with more positives...
  9. A: NASCAR is caught in a competitive loop. Once it used to be highly watched and commanded huge TV audiences however, people have had to buy increasingly large screens to fit the increasingly large cars onto the screen and unfortunately their houses are no longer large enough to house them so they've taken to building their own much smaller stock cars (as they did in the past) and racing them on their own, proper dirt track routes. So, NASCAR is trying to keep up with the past and is competing against itself... There's no escape from that. The infinite loop problem... There's only one real fix for that... Q: How does yeast work?
  10. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    George - How can robins be annoying? Banned for being ill-tempered in this thread. It's called Ban for Fun. You need to be in the Feeling Cross Thread... Pagafyr - Banned for being unsympathetic.
  11. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    Banned. Spirits of any kind aren't allowed here under section 23 c of the agreement you signed. I do wonder if anyone actually read that agreement. I think you all just ticked...
  12. A: It's an anagram of Rob Givy who was an early 20th century artist born in Australia. He was famous for his painting of kelpies. Rob Givy also wrote under the name of Roy G Biv. He was famous for his detective stories set in the outback and featuring Boy - his dog. Of course, you may also be referring to Ivor Byg who used the same anagram. He was a crossword compiler from the Isle of Wight. Q: Why do trees have leaves?
  13. A: Only if you enjoy it... Q: Why is summer warmer than winter?
  14. People following you doesn't make leaders.
  15. Out: A Turing Machine. In: An apple. (Ashmeads Kernel)
  16. Or you go with the flow.
  17. Everything should be done in mod-eration...
  18. Out: A recording of The Beach Boys singing Fun, Fun, Fun. And some candyfloss. In: The candyfloss... It got stuck to the vending machine on the way out... I hope it's not broken...
  19. A: I'd use words if I was describing it to a person. However, I'm not totally sure what those words would be. But words is what they'd be. If I was describing it to a dog I'd be stumped. Q: Why do weeds grow more easily than non-weeds. (By 'weed' I mean an unwanted plant not an indigenous plant).
  20. Hope it's OK for Shakespeare 's contribution. Just remembered this little casket rhyme. "All that glisters is not gold; Often have you heard that told."
  21. Silence is golden. So they say! Time for a song I think.
  22. How about you, George? Or isn't there much time because of the modding?
  23. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    I don't know. It's unfair and it excludes people. You're unbanned. And anyone who disagrees is banned.
  24. Out: James Bond himself. Frankly, I'd rather have Superman he could dig the new flower border much faster than we can... and do some others while he was at it. But anyway, we have 007 and we'll have to make do... In: A (garden) fork.
  25. zixi

    Ban for Fun

    Pagafyr, banned. We have to show some tolerance towards George and his befuddlement over the ISP. PS I've long suspected that George is a spy... there's that mysterious attempt to confuse us with the change of name which actually I haven't managed to replicate as yet... And when George saw we were too clever and could figure out the change of name then there was that you can call me George thing... Ha! I'm not convinced. George knows that health and safety means any employees can't come here so George is pretending not to be important when he really, secretly is. Banned for spying! Banned for violating health and safety. Banned!
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