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Everything posted by nexbil01

  1. Thanks! This looks to be what I need
  2. I'm looking for something that has arches or archways like the front entrance to the castle. Does anyone know of an existing mod that offers walls like that or is anyone working on something like that?
  3. The BoS says they're there to defeat the institute but then stay to fight mutants and ghouls. In fact they're expanding their footprint outside of the capital wasteland. The prydwen was a massive resource sink and now they need to tap new sources of stuff and apparently food since they cant seem to resupply themselves from home. The Institute says they're just expanding science to save mankind but they haven't even provided a single gas generator to the outside world. In fact their old synths keep scavenging the commonwealth for parts. You have to wonder what will happen when they scavenge the last toaster, camera, or desk fan in the wild and have to turn to obvious sources like goodneighbor or diamond city for more parts. The railroad wants to smuggle synths out of the commonwealth to some unknown paradise for synths but when they find out about acadia all they can spare is one agent. Doesn't really make sense. The minutemen are running round killing mutants and raiders but have no ideas about setting up a government. They're all about frontier justice. Honestly the only one that has an eye to the future is Hancock
  4. something like tie dye t shirts or peace symbol t shirts or giant smiley faces. headbands, shorts
  5. One thing I found that was a bit counterculture was that on the road going west from boston going to oberland station is an old organic vegetable stand. Under the counter you can find daytripper and in the back is a chem lab where they were obviously were making and selling illicit prewar chems. Also, Sunshine co-op seems to have been something of a hippie commune style community which is how I am building it out as. I am still looking for a mod that makes hippie style clothes though. Bethesda itself has been pushing this lovecraftian side quest involving dunwich borers in Fallout 3 and 4. That might be something to explore.
  6. My crazy theory is that kid shaun" that escapes with you after the institute falls has the old man's mind implanted in him and is just waiting for the right moment to emerge
  7. I remember a few years ago that the board game dungeons and dragons tried to introduce lasers in one of their expansions and it didn't go very well. They pretty much pretended it never happened. I think that a lot of people get invested into a motif or genre and resist any changes to that but it can be done successfully as in the case of shadowrun
  8. During the character creation screen you get a further set of character creation options. On very easy mode Nate is a war veteran but a non combat veteran. Nora is a prosecutor with no training. Start at level 0 no extra perk points On easy mode Nate is a war veteran with minimal combat experience. Nora was a rookie cop before becoming a prosecutor. Start at level 3 gain 3 perk points On normal mode Nate is a combat veteran and Nora was a regular cop before becoming a prosecutor Start at level 5 gain 5 perk points On hard mode Nate was an Army ranger and Nora was a SWAT team member before becoming a lawyer. Start at level 7 gain 7 perk points On very hard mode Nate was an Army ranger and Nora was a SWAT team veteran member before becoming a lawyer. Start at level 10 gain 10 perk points On survival mode Nate was a green beret and Nora was an BATFL SWAT member before becoming a lawyer start level 15 gain 15 perk points Also what about a quest mod at the start of a new game that gives the player options in how he runs through the game and meet the different factions? Instead of running into codsworth in sanctuary you get out of vault 111 and run into an NPC that gives you mod options to meet the minutemen in concord, run to cambridge to meet the BOS or near boston commons to walk the liberty trail.
  9. I was looking at 2 already published mods for those areas (roadside pines and natick banks) when I looked at the preview pics and noticed that the boundaries might cross. I installed natick and sure enough it crosses into the roadside pines area by quite a bit. The two areas are close enough that if I install one or the other settlement mod that I will forever be going back to fight respawns from the unmodded site so I guess my only option is to create my own settlements or make one large merged settlement.
  10. thanks. I kind of figured that it might but I wanted to check in to get other opinions.
  11. I am thinking of adding mods for natick banks and roadside pines as new settlements but I notice that the boundaries of the settlements will overlap. What might happen if they do?
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