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Everything posted by nexbil01

  1. there's the one by forest grove though that's more of a canal lock than a dam. Someone just published a mod about that one. nuka world has one on the far north of the map but you almost cannot explore it because it is on the edge
  2. not really. the geography in the game is similar but somewhat off. The closest thing would be fairhaven bay but there's no dam like in the game it's more like a larger lake on the sudbury river.
  3. If you had even played the game you'd know that the battle royale thing (Like fornite) is a MODE of the game, and does not represent the entire game, but rather only the PVP aspect of it. It's entirely possible to avoid all PVP content and enjoy the game. Don't speculate on things you've only read about and pass it off to people like it's truth. Firstly I never claimed that the vault overseer event represented the entire game. The vault overseer fights are however the focus of FO76 at this time so they do bear some mention. Secondly I never passed off the truth of anything in my post. The only thing I was reporting was a. many of the bugs were fixed and b. the vault overseer battles which as I said ARE the focus of FO76 at the current time. Third, this entire thread is about the fan speculation of F076 being a computer simulation in FO4 and not being canon so I don't think anyone is "passing things off like it's the truth"
  4. It's playable so a lot of the bugs got solved but now you have to fight the other players on your server to be made vault overseer so it reminds me more and more of fortnite than a fallout game
  5. 2 player apartments in goodneighbor 2 new guns customizable vault suits with new colors wonder how much these will cost
  6. I hope they release a creation kit for 76 if just to take advantage of the updated engine
  7. well I mean it's a chip so you'd need not just the chip but also the apparatus that the chip controls so one of those gigantic water purifiers like in vault 88
  8. I ran across this fan theory on facebook today. The idea that this is like a memory den simulation in fallout 4. Anyone subscribe to this idea?
  9. thing is that while Strong respects you for your strength he hates humans and human related activities. That being said, Bethesda kind of breaks this logic by making Strong like it when you help settlements or doing minuteman quests which is how I leveled up his affinity. You can of course also turn cannibal but that's up to you. Think of Strong as a comic book super villain that you as a super hero usually fight against but suddenly you have to team up with because of a new greater threat to both of you.
  10. fallout miami? fallout cascadia.....maybe
  11. I think someone once did a musket model as a modders resource but that's as far as it went. Of course fallout 76 has blackpowder guns
  12. I mean, I would not say Fallout 4 failed. It is perfectly playable as is but I would say it's more linear than other titles in the series and that's what bothers people. I think probably that once people finish some of the other big projects like fallout miami or cascadia or the fallout 4: NV that they should turn their eyes towards fallout 4 and revamp the game to address some of the concerns.
  13. I feel bethesda missed an opportunity with the radio towers. The player should have had to activate and tune the towers in to the radio freedom frequency in order for you to receive requests for help. Also to build ham radios in every settlement. Different factions could fight over the towers Instead of going to arcjet labs, danse could have led the player to a radio tower to send a signal to the BoS The institute could use the towers as relay points for the transportation signal and the player could make life hard for them by disabling them. A lot of different possibilities.
  14. Thinking back on a proposed rewrite of the main storyline I always imagined that the institute would put out a call for mercenaries to fight the BOS or minutemen and a squad of enclave soldiers or legionaires showed up to fight for them.
  15. Does anyone know of an animation mod for making characters cover their ears? I know there is one for explosions where they cover the ears but they also duck down. I am looking for something where the character covers their ears and remains standing.
  16. The funny thing about official canon is that the current publisher can change it at their whim. The whole BoS airships idea came out of fallout tactics but that's about all they took out of that. They dropped the rest of that game. Of course now that F076 has dropped the idea that the BoS was east of the rockies like 100 years early I guess is now canon too.
  17. I guess it all depends on what the owners believe is canon and is not.
  18. reason I ask is to try to figure out where and when a Fallout 5 would take place. Would they continue on after FO4 and expand the timeline forwards or travel back in time like FO76 and do another region of the country after the great war
  19. How long does the fallout era span? I mean obviously from 2077 onwards but how far into the future can it extend? At some point all the wasteland goodness of raiders and deathclaws has to come to an end and someone (probably the NCR or the BoS) comes in to re-establish some sort of law and order across the nation. I think some time in the early 2300s is the end of the fallout era meaning that fallout 4 takes place near the end of this storyline. Any ideas?
  20. So I'm making youtube videos for walkthroughs in some of the settlements I've made. Typically I just have the background game music on but it's kind of lame and doesn't really suit some of the videos. Do you guys have a specific source of music that you use or just grab whatever you can find?
  21. Does anyone have a mod for wine or champagne glasses?
  22. I think Nora's back story should have been her being a cop or even a SWAT team member
  23. totally support this mod. It's an awesome idea and FO4 seriously needed something after the main story ended but....prime prestonian? gotta be a better name.
  24. ... already have a working fusion reactor? ... use conventional robots like protectrons and assaultrons? ... have cars or vertibirds? ... talk to the enclave? ... claim a chunk of the surface commonwealth and put up a wall around it? ... do something for humanity like cure the mutants or wipe out feral ghouls?
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