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Everything posted by nexbil01

  1. bishop ussher calculated that the world began October 23, 4004 BC. a Sunday kind of neatly wrapping up the week
  2. coastal Virginia what about lonesome road? anyone got an idea of what town it's supposed to be?
  3. I'm looking for a mod that spawns NPCs like "We are the minutemen" does for the minutemen but for brotherhood troops instead Something like the minutemen general's table that allows you to create local BoS troops
  4. how bout a tiny normal sized one handed lollipop with the same damage stats
  5. The "flashes" that you experienced in NV when you were coming off Fixer were a good technique for withdrawal symptoms
  6. the rich couple that hang out in the colonial taphouse in diamond city
  7. Polly in diamond city says she gets her meat from the codmans and the codmans say they own a farm where they raise brahmins but where is it?
  8. some developer at bethesda said "let's give the institute some gorillas" everyone else at the weekly meeting said " lol, ok" and the institute got gorillas
  9. liberty prime calculated 5 meters "Warning: subterranean Red Chinese compound detected. Obstruction depth: five meters. Composition: sand, gravel and communism."
  10. who knows if clements is a godfather fan Another possible mod, but more involved. set up a trade route between a settlement and diamond city to deliver excess produce for a set number of caps per month another variation, have settlement produce liquor to sell to bobrov brothers assign a settler to run a caravan to diamond city
  11. fetch quests to make the NPCs in diamond city market more interesting Polly Her meat shipment is late and she needs 10 brahmin and 10 radstag meats repeating quest, she wants exotic foods mirelurk, radscorpion, mut hound, deathclaw steaks Arturo Wants classic weapons. Find and bring back shem drow sword, gen shao's revenge, and zao's sword Becky Fallon Go to fallon department store and bring back folder containing dress patterns left by her pre-war ancestor repeating quest 10 cloths 3 scissors 2 rulers Myrna Needs parts to repair Percy 5 vacuum tubes, 1 fusion core, 2 biometric scanners repeating quest Myrna hates synths. Bring back 3 Synth helmets Clements Needs you to deliver bibles to Goodneighbor deliver 10 bibles to Daisy in goodneighbor
  12. So you can produce MREs or potted meat from a manufacturing plant. Oh, and also a non-ghoul meat potted meat, please.
  13. I am new to vortex and using profiles. So I have my main play through with a bunch of mods but I want to set up a new character with no mods. I enabled profiles on vortex and created a new profile with 0 mods and when i enabled that profile vortex disabled the mods I log into fallout 4 and notice a bunch of mod related stuff still exists like mod created locations, quests, etc. I check in the fallout 4 mod load order and all the mods are still listed there I check in vortex and all the mods are still listed as disabled but the plug-in page lists a bunch of plug-ins as still enabled what am i doing wrong? Also, is it necessary to start the game through vortex or can I start it through my F4SE desktop icon?
  14. I think some youtuber once did a video explaining that iguana bits was actually just code for human flesh
  15. the theory that this is all based on 1950's pop culture understanding of what radiation can and can't do. Personally I was hoping for things like giant strawberries or celery like in the move Sleeper but no luck so far. Plus most of the story we get is based on the understanding of characters living in fairly small geographic areas at specific times in history and they don't have an overall picture so you could argue that what is true for California isn't necessarily true for the east coast. Last but not least this intellectual property is now owned by a company that primarily made its living doing sword and sorcery games and sometimes that comes out really clearly as in the case of the scorch beast. It also means that they don't feel that bound to the continuity established by Interplay and may choose to take the story wherever they think it should go.
  16. hmmmmm not getting Quincy as a settlement after the battle is sort of a dealbreaker
  17. Why they should hire the Gunners if they have synths? Well the thing is that they had no real combat experience. They're scientists after all. They hired kellogg because he knew how to get things done and now he's dead They could hire the gunners and let them do the work on the surface without getting in a fight directly.
  18. It's doable but it would be a fallout miami sized project including voice acting, creating new models for robots, borrowing from mods like fallout commander to have the squad you need for your missions, create companions with dialogue for your playthrough, vehicles are a significant part of that game so you'd have to incorporate them somehow. plus a story that guides you through the beginning, middle, and end. Doable but you would need a team to do it.
  19. what keeps you coming back to FO4? Are you waiting for some of the giant mods like FO4 New vegas or Miami to drop? What keeps you invested in a 4 year old game?
  20. I was thinking what would be an alternative if you wanted to do a mod as a raider or non-vault dwelling commonwealther without a pipboy what about instead of an animation where you check your pipboy an animation where you open a bag or a sack and brings up a menu of items or a map that you unroll to access the map functions?
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