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Everything posted by greywaste
Due to my line of work I get attacked by dogs all the time - of all varieties (so perhaps I'm a little slanted on this one) In this country though, it seems to be the norm that you use your dog as a way to harass other people. But to play Devil's advocate a little here and get some more commentary going, weren't American Pit Bull Terriers cross bred to create the breed for the express purpose of creating a fighting dog? I welcome correction if this is just urban legend. And going by my own experiences, the time I was attacked by a large German Shepard I could handle it - I'm curious (or not) as to how I'd have managed if it had been a Pit Bull or something like a Bull Mastiff though. To bring in a firearms parallel here, I would wonder why, when there are hundreds and hundreds of different firearms out there that are perfect for home defense that so many people decide they need Bazooka's? Still, I do agree with everybody here in general that the problem is owner related really.
You don't think criminals should be punished for their crimes? Lets try this one on for size then...... I wouldn't mind seeing the "three strikes and yer out" laws taken a step further. Get that third strike, and WE take YOU out. You are done. No longer a problem. And NOT a tax burden either. Why should my taxes pay for three hots and a cot for some killer? Whack his ass dead. End of problem. And no 10, 15, 20, 25 years of appeals either. You get ONE appeal after conviction. If that is upheld, you are DEAD the next day. Yeah, I am pretty cold blooded. What is the logic in punishment? Is there any real point in punishing criminals? What's the logic in nopt punishing them. Have you ever known a victim of a crime. How do they feel about that? So punish people for revenge? Revenge is not logical. That makes both the victim and the criminal bad people in my eyes. Just because your emotions say you want to hurt them back, does not instantly make it OK. If we started locking people up based on what the opposing party felt, everyone every charged with something would be spending years in prison. So quite honestly, I don't care what the victim FEELS. I care about what the crime, and the motivation of the crime. I do not care about the emotions the victim or the criminal feel. @Stardusk People commonly make the argument the rape is good for passing genes, but it is the opposite. People who commit rape are out of the social norm, and have mental issues. Passing on the genes of someone with mental issues is not a good way to help the human gene pool. "female victims are young, not old, which further supports the thesis of rape usually being about sex (or rather the inability to obtain it through normal means)." Not really true, that is simply because a man would prefer to have sex with someone who is attractive. If its rape, the power thing is still there. The man just prefer to do such a thing with someone who is attractive. According to popular theory, it isn't about 'revenge', it is about 'justice'. Of course, given that plea bargains seem to be the rule of the day, I can't say folks are getting much justice either........ When a man that rapes teenaged girls for THREE YEARS gets off with five years in prison, that is a miscarriage of justice. If I had my way, he would have his testicles cut off, and be publicly flogged, dragged thru a pit of ground glass, and tossed into a tank of salt water. (yes, I have a dim view of this guy.....) Then, I might consider taking him out of his misery, with a bullet in the brain. Crime MUST have some punishment, if it didn't, there would be zero motivation NOT to do it, and the crime rate would be absolutely phenomenal. A fair few folks would commit various crimes, if they thought they wouldn't be punished for it, since there IS that chance, they don't do it. Remove that particular deterrent, and they would happily run right out, and do whatever. "Crime MUST have some punishment, if it didn't, there would be zero motivation NOT to do it, and the crime rate would be absolutely phenomenal. A fair few folks would commit various crimes, if they thought they wouldn't be punished for it, since there IS that chance, they don't do it. Remove that particular deterrent, and they would happily run right out, and do whatever." No, that is not even close to true. Studies have been done many times to prove the opposite. You wouldn't go on a murdering raping spree if laws did not exist would you? People who commit crimes do not think they will get caught. What is the difference between justice and revenge? Justice just sounds prettier. Your posts are becoming farcical. Lets see some links to support your "facts" when you post these rather "bold conjectures" of yours please?
Good grief, What doesn't this man have his hands in? I think Hey You was referring to the New York Times - and perhaps reading into my post that I stated that Murdoch owned it - which I didn't.
If the white van somehow 'pirated' all my belongings, hell how could I possibly be pissed? I'd wake up and not even know. Ok, nice strawman there but Thandal was stating ethically - how about if they replicated all of the belongings you had spent your own time and effort creating for the express purpose of selling and earning a living from? If you actually enjoy digital media and want to see it survive this is not a position you can continue to stand by. Except for the fact that none of the pirates gain money from what they do. The point of piracy is that it's FREE. Most of them probably only do it as a hobby. I don't doubt that some of them are professional programmers for legitimate companies, just looking to practice. Although the rest of your post is right. Piracy will eventually bring the industry down. I never said they necessarily make money from it - but they are preventing other people from legally making money.
If the white van somehow 'pirated' all my belongings, hell how could I possibly be pissed? I'd wake up and not even know. Ok, nice strawman there but Thandal was stating ethically - how about if they replicated all of the belongings you had spent your own time and effort creating for the express purpose of selling and earning a living from? If you actually enjoy digital media and want to see it survive this is not a position you can continue to stand by.
A rather large point that is getting missed here is that none of this is new. Orwell wrote about this sort of "journalism" long ago. The reason that this is big right now is mostly because of "who" was targeted, not the practice itself. I've read on a variety of sites, a lot of people saying "I didn't mind when it was celebs or politicians but..." In my opinion we've got a collective responsibility here due to the vindictive journalistic practices that most love to see heaped upon their villain of choice, be it celeb, politician or just some random Joe that has a different belief set. And media empires are hardly exclusive to Murdoch, he's just got the biggest. Jyllands Posten (the paper that published the Mohammed cartoons) and Politiken (the paper that accused them of predjudice etc and later apologised to the Islamic world on behalf of Denmark) (try thinking of The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian for you UK readers) are owned by the same company. It's all just about money and marketing, finding a reader base and then catering to it's every whim. As for US coverage of this, yeah, I'm not remotely surprised that it's not on Fox, but I'm also not at all surprised that it is in the NYT since it's about the guy who owns Fox.
Doesn't seem to be huge difference between those two, so I think either will do - My last 2 desktops have been Medions and for their price, I think they're a pretty good deal - Mine's similar to the top one though with an AMD chip and a radeon 6450 and I can play NV on full settings - I would be wary of shifting too many components out though, we changed a few pieces on my g/f's medion and it was alaways a bit finnicky after that, even though trying different drivers on HCL compatible upgrades.
I think there's been some good beginnings here on trying to address the OP, but these questions are really far too complicated to ever find any answer to. So here's just some comments of mine on the subjects. For instance, here in my 'adopted' country in Scandinavia, Prostitution is legal (they wanted the tax revenue it could generate), it's a supposedly very liberated and unrepressed society and rape is a very common crime -mainly due to reasons I'm not going to risk going into here. It's considered such a paltry offense that the gang rape of a 16 year old will land you just one year in prison and the maximum sentence for any crime is 16 years in prison unless it's regarded as a particularly special case (there have only been a few in the last 40 years) It's an ugly, cruel and unspeakable thing to do to another person. I just can't see how apart from people being raised in a better way that this kind of thing can be averted. But being more open-minded? I don't see that it will bear any relation whatsoever to why rape happens. I'm not keen on suggesting it but I think a healthy fear of the potential repercussions will do more good than this. As for drugs, there's no perfect solution to this. Ideally people would just not have the urge to take such risks, but let's face it, to a lot of people life is very dull, or that risk is acceptable. It's been both in my case at various times. In Sweden for example - A nation that a lot of liberal Americans want to emulate on account of the grossly over-exaggerated "wellness" and "happiness" (just check out their suicide rates) of their society, alcohol sales are all strictly state controlled (oh and they get to generate a nice income from your 'disgusting shameful habit' too) and according to many friends I've had from there, people will look down at you if your spotted carrying a bag of bought alcohol. Is it fair? Do we allow people to have unhealthy habits? Last I checked, we aren't immortal...
This. Not to mention, my g/f and I saved about £8 on travel for one of us going in to buy it hardcopy too.
You missed the point completely. My point is that I should not have to install a third party program onto a machine I own, for a game I have bought with my money. It wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't intrusive or performance consuming. You're the one missing the point I'm afraid. If you do want to play New Vegas legally then you are accepting that Steam is part of it. The only 'right' you have here is the one to choose not to purchase it. Like I said, I'm not keen on it either, but those are the terms.
Perhaps it's something to do with 64 bit (if your win 7 is)? I'm using win 7 64 bit and Max 9, my nif exports work fine, though I can't remember if the civ 4 tools are separate?
bleh, excuses excuses.. The reason why New Vegas is looking like the most pirated is because it's the easiest to spot on account of Steam. And as for Steam being a "breach of rights" that's laughable - no-one is forced to buy the game - Don't like Steam? Then don't buy the game and show your disapproval that way. And for the record, I don't like Steam either, I'm not going to pretend that it justifies theft though :rolleyes: Me and my girlfriend have about £150 a month disposable income after we pay our rent and most of our food, and we can still afford 2 or 3 games a year. There's just no excuse for piracy... None.
Well, I know somebody who has a parent that had intercourse at the first time at the age of 11 or 12, with a man who was over 20, she'd grown up in a horrible home and was left pretty much to her own devices and didn't even really have a childhood as such. Personally I'd quite happily off a guy like that. I do my best to avoid double standards in real life but I think the difference occurs due to the fact that young boy can't get pregnant and that for the probable majority of females, sex is a far more emotional act than for males and so is a lot more complicated and potentially traumatic - also why I loathe the idiotic parallel that people try to draw between sex and violence in games and movies etc. When it comes to people with multiple partners, first thing is, are they aware? Personally, it's a big thumbs down from me and it's a situation where I have the same opinion on regardless of gender anyway.
Well, I've always thought one of America's unique points was that hyphenation in a way, in that it's there but there's still an incredible amount of solidarity. Put it this way, in Britain, the part of the hypenation that usually gets dropped is the 'British-'.. Or the hypenation never occurs in the first place and country of ancestry will be the preference. The big paradox of multiculturalism to me is that it's a left wing clarion call yet their economic principles rely upon just the very opposite.
He also needs to figure out some way of magically locking down your pc and placing an exlosive charge in it, so that once you enter a Nexus site you never get to leave it unless you want to risk doing a runner and him clicking that detonator :tongue: Anyway, the previous poster summed it up nicely.
I couldn't care less so I didn't vote, but I am curious about this 'immersion' thing and how it only ever seems to curiously cater to one ubiquitous element.... So I'm proposing a scat mod instead for some "realism" It'd be so realistic if a character actually pees or craps in his pants when he's about to kick the bucket :woot: or inconveniently has to dash to the riverbank (interupting his banging session with that girl with pointy ears and footballs on her chest ) amid a cacophony of splattering and rasps as the undercooked food/disease/infection kicks in... :teehee: I'd love to see the gamers of today cope with pen and paper games ;) Oh and remember! Everybody who's ever going to play Skyrim anywhere ever is reading this thread so your vote counts! :tongue:
*shrug* Is this any different to all those asian / russian sites that are popular ? But it looks like they are removing stuff if they get an angry message from the author...
yup, it had a bunch of resident evil 5 and modern warfare 2 assets in it.
That's an exact copy of oops :biggrin: a recoloured rip of jill's outfit from RE5. The guns? looks like a G36 and a PSG, should be easy to find and port versions from f03 nexus or NV nexus.. EDIT by LHammonds: RE5 proof of rip here
Hmm, I've had this happen too in 3ds max, but I can't remember if it was actually some sort of viewport bug (and it was fine upon re-opening the save after restarting max) or if it was a smoothing/geometry problem. I hope someone can help you anyway.
Other than that, edge loop deletes would be my guess, the shaft for sure wouldn't need a lot of polys - good luck
ah yes, I understand what you are saying... Yes it did work. However, I have new questions. When they began to resurrect, they didn't get back their missing limbs (the console command for resurrect is definitely better; but I'm assuming this may be the best I get as far as scripting?) Also their animations are really off... Am I not setting something? I did read a little bit from here: "http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/ResurrectActor" but I didn't understand it fully. I think the problems are caused by the 1 after the resurrect, try just resurrect by itself?
sounds to me that some faces are backwards - as a test you could try right clicking on the NiNode -> Node - > attach property - -> NiStencilProperty - This would make any backwards faces visible but regardless it'll still need fixing or it won't render properly I suspect , but anyway, mostly what ghogiel said too.
I worry about things a little more serious than the typical politics or evil corporations tropes, i.e where we are heading intellectually and perhaps even genetically.
All of the belts and the urban camo pants are Resident Evil rips.