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Everything posted by BlackRoseOfThorns
I have already tried to run F4SE directly (not through MO2) with only ENB installed and nothing else. The problem still remains, so it's most likely not ralated to MO2. The funny thing is durring the gameplay I can see and even load the fresh saves made while running F4SE (they must stay somewhere in the game memory or temp file), but they don't save on the drive at all and disappear ingame as well after restarting Fallout4.
Yesterday I've decided to play Fallout 4 after long break. Due all my mods, NMM and F4SE being out of date I went ahead and made clean install from scratch and redownloaded the game after deleting everything. Everything worked fine and I even made some test save files at early game start for modding puposes. However as soon as I hooked F4SE to Mod Organizer 2 I noticed the game was showing fake save file placeholders in menu, while the actual files weren't stored on the drive itself. After restarting F4 the menu placeholders vanish as well, only the original vanilla saves were visible and working. My setup: Steam - F4 with Season Pass Windows 7 16GB Ram / i7-4790k / GTX 980ti Mod Organizer 2 - virtual mod folder in separate location on same drive Game ver. F4SE_0_06_15 executable and scripts installed in the root game folder What I have tried so far: -Disable antivirus and add exclusions -Enable all security rights for all the .exe and .dll files -Try to make the folders non read-only -Run all the .exe's in Win7 compability mode -Change MO2 save file storage location from documents/my games/... to MO2 profile folder -Launch F4SE_loader.exe from F4 root folder (still not saving) -Launch the game with Fallout4.exe from root folder (saves normally in documents/my games/...) -Launch the game from MO2 with Fallout4.exe (saves normally under profile folder) -Downgrade to F4SE_0_06_14 for (still not saving) At this point I really don't know what else I should try. Did anyone have similar problem in the past? Or did silverlock.org post any additional requirement for F4SE that I'm not aware of? The only thing I noticed is that the latest update was releated to save crash fix. Still I'm not sure if it's releated to my issue or not.
Godrays + Fog = Too Bright Skyrim!
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to femfem's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Get Vivid Weathers + Re-Engaged Reshade HDR preset. VW removes god rays only durring sunny weathers and allows you to control saturation via a book accessed from ingame inventory. The new lightning brings out a lot of details. -
From what other people gathered while investigating changes done to SE, the game was not ported to FO4 engine version as a new game. Instead they updated the bare minimum of core skyrim to work in 64bit with directx11 volumetric lightning / ao and integrated some lod + performance tweaks. My guess is they didn't bother with changing anything that was already modded by the community while they knew it will still sell on current gen console platform. They didn't even fix 8bit puddles plaguing Windhelm. What did you expect?
SSE Terrible Wooden Plank Texture Replace
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to DifJob's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
You know that all OG Skyrim texture mods with exception of those using custom meshes, parallax and landscape normal maps work fine in Skyrim SE. Try a mod pack like Noble Skyrim 2k. NSM author even provided SMIM and SE landscape patch. Download and install original 2.3gb version over SMIM SE and then use NSM SMIM + SE patches. This will take care of most vanilla textures ingame. NSM landscape pack has the best non parallax files I've seen on nexus so far. The pack includes brown stockade textures in 2k. However any square 2k / 4k seamless plain wood .dds texture and normal map renamed to stockadewood01.dds / stockadewood01_n.dds should do the trick. PS: From what I remember Langleys Texture Workshop had pretty decent stockade wood in 2k. -
Suggested Gaming PC for $1,200
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to tm2dragon's topic in Hardware and software discussion
The guy from the store suggested i7 6700k cpu that is ment to be overclocked for that PSU and you can't believe he will offer a good one when he gives no details. GPUs can be easily pushed even without overclocking voltage, you just have to boost max power limit and fan speed. This allows auto boost to kick higher and stay there, but also eats power. Gtx 1080 boost to ~1900MHz without OC. When you add peripherials, drives, cpu cooler, more case fans, etc it all adds up. PSUs have 10 years warranty, you don't want to be stuck with one limiting your upgrades and a rig with 6700k is not ment for just for mini 1060 (higher grade 1060 models consume 256W when overclocked). Power supplies work best when the load is between 20-80%. 550W is a much safer choice. ~450W is good for builds with parts you won't overclock much and might be not enough, if you decide to go with something else in next 3-5 years. -
The truth is there is always a tradeoff and it's not all about fps. You see adding a full fledged Enb preset will always result in heavier cpu load and increased script latency. Ideally the latency should sit around 50ms, anything above that gives you slight delay in game responsiveness (@200ms it's totally broken). However for most users it's playable up to 100ms. So you have this small window of 20-100ms and now you have figure out what you can fit into it. There are light and heavy scripted mods and new npcs eating up latency. Mods adding either more detailed meshes or more objects increase your cpu load. If your cpu is too weak, some gameplay mod combos combined with decent Enb will be out of the question. The cpu won't manage to update all the scripts fast enough. Skyrim is very CPU dependent. Even shadows are cpu bound. Poor game optimization and 32bit engine is not helping. Without hyperthreading support it chokes on bigger amounts of draw calls. So what do you want to run modded Skyrim with an Enb? CPU Quad core (4 physical cores) min @3.5GHz. I have tried 2.7-2.9GHz and the experience wasn't that great. Each cpu generation has bigger performance gains per each 100mhz, hence you will be able to squeeze more power out of newer models. I would rank i7 2500k 3.5GHz-4.0GHz and i7 3770k at same speed as an "ok, but with limitations" (also harder to overclock, proper cooling solution might cost you more than you are willing to pay). i7 4790k and i5 6600k @4.0GHz-4.5GHz are high tier and you can get quite a lot out of them. i7 6700k is god tier, though it still won't let you have modded anything you want. Shoulg get a bit better with 64bit Remastered Skyrim. Graphic card: Gtx 660TI is a bare minimum for very light Enb preset and 512-1k texture packs. It won't go past 30-35fps. Gtx 770 4GB with light Enb preset and 1-2k textures will play @35-40fps, but will stutter a lot (might be due to the heat). This card is about as fast as Gtx 960 4GB. Gtx 1060 6GB will be a better Investment (~300$). Gtx 970 performs same as 1060, but slows down when it fills first 3.5GB of VRAM and then access slower 512mb memory part. It was a design flaw. Most of the modern games are not affected much by it thanks to good memory managment. Modded Skyrim is NOT one of them. If you own 970, you will have to watch out for your screen and texture resolution. Gtx 780TI is able to run 2k packs and normal Enb preset @45fps. It has only 3GB of VRAM, which fills fast causing stutter. The only solution is to downgrade some of the textures resolution (smaller size). Runs hotter and less smooth than 980TI. Gtx 1070 8GB and good Gtx 980 4GB model will outperform 780TI. Gtx 980ti is a great card. 6GB VRAM, high clocks. Still I wish it could do more, so I could enjoy heavily moded Skyrim at higher screen resolution (1440p/4k) @60fps without giving up on anything. Some of the mods will have to be dropped and Enb downgraded to play 4k @60fps.
Microsoft just wants DX9 to go away. DX12 is the selling point of Win10 and they want to shorten lifespan of previous versions, so they won't have to overcome user resisting to upgrade. Companies were throwing money at Microsoft to keep Win XP alive for a bit longer. However Microsoft doesn't want to support operating system they can't sell well anymore. That's why this whole sneaky force Win 10 upgrade circus started. You get free upgrade, but they sell your private data to marketing agencies unless you know how to defend yourself against it. Microsoft is as bad as freeware developers right now. Someone will make Win10 4k gaming benchmark with DX9 and 12 and then they will post miraculous DX12 improvements over stuttering 4GB VRAM DX9. Oh, and I forgot to mention. Devil's Canyon also has better thermal compound and heat spreading. It's basically an upgraded i7 4770k. Mine sits at ~65C with all cores utilized under heavy load. That's not bad for 4.5GHz on air. It would run slightly hotter in synthetic benchmark. Maybe at some point I will get 360mm rad to see what it can really do :tongue: I'm still laughing at it's current online value, when I got mine for 230€ just before all the prices skyrocketed to about 340€.
Your info is a bit outdated. Since Skylake, Intel started using better thermal paste inside the chipsets. It's thanks to that we can overclock it to 4.5GHz+ on air. You won't have the same problems you had with previous generation due to heat reduction. The i5 almost always gets released as 3.5GHz model. i7 has stock 4.0GHz clocks, but costs additional 140$. i5-6600k cost only 10$ more than the basic version. Paying 224$ instead of 215$ won't really impact you. The ASUS Z170A motherboard can auto overcklock your CPU. People who overcklock every day couldn't get better and more stable results when OCing by hand then when using the included ASUS software. It launches from the desktop and you won't even have to go into bios. It's combined together with fan profiles and temp sensors, so you don't have to worry about anything. Gtx 1060 beats 960 hands down. Even 1060 has problems with keeping constant 60fps @1080p in many games. It all boils down to what you are willing to sacrifice. Your money or performance. GTX 1080 TI wasn't even announced yet. Gtx 1080 is somewhere in the middle between new Titan X and 1070. Not worth the extra money, unless you really need to sqeeze few fps more. $ to performance ratio is a lot better for 1070. This model will last next few years unlike the old 960. Lifespan of SSDs was increased with new drivers. Average user will get 12 years out of decent one like Samsung EVO 840. To kill it within 3 years you would have to move 500GB every day. Samsung has covered such users with their PRO series for photographers and photoshop professionals. Loading the game, all programs and Windows, saving your work in Photoshop/Gimp/etc twice as fast saves your time. My loading times in Skyrim (modded) on HDD were around 1m20sec. With SSD it's only 40sec. In Skyrim you have loading screens on every single door. Do you know how frustrating it was? Besides that when the game loads uGrids in open spaces HDD might cause stutter when you move enough to force the game to load next grid area. Windows 8/10 has a bug in the programming. It was aknowledged by Microsoft staff, but they never cared about fixing it. It has nothing to do with 32bit limitation. Your VRAM (not RAM) will get cut down to 4GB even if you have 6 / 8 / 12GB card. https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/1263324/gpu-memory-allocation-limit-on-directx9-windows-8
Does anyone still play Skyrim?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to spinspider's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You might like it after you give it some time to catch up to 32bit edition. All the existing mods will have to get re-saved in the CK, but we will be able to sqeeze in more scripts and objects without overloading our rigs. -
Modding help based on my computer specs?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to The8Divines's topic in Hardware and software discussion
You don't need 2 SSDs unless you want to record your gameplay (you run system and the game on the first one and save the video on the other). Otherwise just one bigger SSD will perform better and cost you slightly less than 2 small ones. I recommend Samsung EVO SSD series. Keep your eye on temperatures and bottlenecks. Install Performance Monitor for Skyrim to see how your pc is doing while adding new mods. With only 3GB of VRAM don't go overboard with texture resolution. Install 1k when you can get away with lesser quality. For example ground texture packs look just fine in 1k. Check all the hidden content in the Spoilers under Spoilers within Spoilers. It's Spoilception! (There is Immersion hidden somewhere there.) -
Suggested Gaming PC for $1,200
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to tm2dragon's topic in Hardware and software discussion
That's a bad deal... Where do I strart? 1.246$ and only gtx 1060? Gtx brand and model was not listed? >_> Micro ATX PC case for normal ATX build? LOL!!! No details on the model... It will either be incopatible with motherboard or you will be able to cook your dinner on the parts inside. To build in such small case you need to know how and which cooling solution to pick. No additional fans? Unless you have spare ones at home you should buy some. 450W PSU is too week for rig with high end GPU and CPU that can be overclocked. He is probably just trying to squeeze small parts into micro ATX case. He doesn't even list brand or model, which is extremely fishy. Bad PSU can impact your cpu stability and permamently damage your pc parts. There are quality tiers for power consumtion like bronze / silver / gold / platinum, but sometimes you will find uncertified psu model or one that faked certification (sent cherry picked sample with different parts). That's why you have to research the model you're buying. He shouldn't put DVDRW on the list, unless you request it (everyone uses usb flash memory in this age, 32gb costs like 10$). No SSD brand? This is crucial when picking your main drive for operating system and primary games. He can scam you with some underperforming drive and make you pay like for renown brand. Samsung EVO 250GB costs ~99$. No Motherboard model? He can be as well selling you barenbones platform worth 80$. ~200$ is the enthusiast range with bells and whistles. You should stick to metherboards inbetween 100$ - 140$ (ASUS Z170-A for 137$ already includes additional usefull features). Where is the RAM? You can get Windows 10 Home for 90$, Pro is 160$. Do you even need it? Don't you have like a spare licensce key at home (when you buy the box version you get a key you can use 3 times within your household) or maybe you can transfer it from old PC to new one (if you're selling/trashing old rig)? You can buy Windows key on the internet (Newegg / Amazon) anytime. Why i7 6700k cpu (most expensive gaming model) when he tries to sell you 1060 gpu that won't be able to push it? You could get i5 6600k for 230$ and invest 140$ you save into a better gpu. If you want i7 6700k that badly (for video editing, etc), stretch your budget to get at least gtx 1070. Going i5 6600k > i7 6700k gives about 5-10% performance increase in hyperethread optimized games, but costs +50%. It might be harder overclocking i5 from 3.5GHz to 4.5GHz than i7 from 4.0GHz to 4.5GHz, but it's doable with a good sample (silicon roullette). Run like hell from that shop. We already had a person with mini ATX case asking for help last week. She decided to go with new pc, because what the guy at the store sold her was unusable. Here is a build I put together for her and tweaked a bit to fit better your needs. 1.226$ without Windows 10 and additional HDD. It's possible to cut corners to fit those too, if that's what you need. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/8k3GPs ~EDIT~ I just remembered I made small guide in other thread. -
How is this guys game even alive
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Luka25565's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yep. You know buisness is buisness. If they pushed out cards faster we would have to pay for them 10 times more. Then majority of gamers would say they don't need such cards, because they can't afford 8k monitors and then go back to playing their first person shooters at 60fps on a lesser card. It's funny that tech develops faster when it's sponsored by military or gooverment projects and then just get reinvented as mass produced daily life commodity. Too bad we don't have enough income to stimulate hardware developement rate a bit more. -
How is this guys game even alive
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Luka25565's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
There is 3 and 6GB version of 1060. I would model with 2 fans. Nowadays gpu auto boost clock can get very high when the card is not limited by power or high temperature. The clock speed will be much more stable at lower temps. I think it's your last chance to sell 380x at decent price. In November people will get just new 480/1060 at big discount from Newegg. Get Nvidia ASUS Strix or MSI Gaming. They are whisper quiet. Sometimes when I do gaming night parties with friends I fell asleep on a couch right next to my pc. I could put a pillow on top of it and use it as headrest and it wouldn't even overheat. -
How is this guys game even alive
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Luka25565's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Reference RX 480 with fans at 100% will perform similiar to GTX 1060. However it will have bigger fps dips in tough spots. -
750ti should run vanilla just fine. It might be your cpu. What else you should be using: Enboost SKSE Unofficial Skyrim Patch (USLEEP if you have all DLCs) Crash Fixes Bug Fixes cleaned Master Files with TES5Edit Skyrim Performance PLUS (helps your cpu in locations like Riften) Optional: Insignificant Object Remover Reduce distant lod / grass / shadows view in options or manually in .ini files.
Does anyone still play Skyrim?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to spinspider's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It has more to do with Bethesda team not increasing their staff numbers. With limited resources when you try to improve visuals and animations, content will suffer. Bethesda studio is really small, only about 120 members during peak of project development (Fallout 3 was done by 80 people) where other big studios hire help in such situations (over 1.000 people were working on GTA 5 for example). The logic behind this is that they do not want to give jobs to new people and then let them go after a year or so. They are sticking with core team only. After Fallout 4 success a big chunk of the income will be invested into new engine and training developers how to work with it. They will have to do it fast before they run out of money. You can see why modding community has an upper hand when creating new content without any manpower or time restrictions. Nexus is more like a triple A studio when you combine together all the work which has been put towards improving the game. -
Generally I like to play sneak builds with bows. You can get the enemy attentioan by shooting your arrow towards far away corner. They'll turn around to inspect the noise making themselfs easy sniping tergets. Something like TK Dodge 2.0 would help you escape from mele range when your stealth fails. Try it together with Attack Commitment No turning during attacks.
Grey chrome textures bug?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to KentuckyFriedSpy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
It still might be packed into an .esp file. After checking the .ini files the only thing left to do is disabling .esp mods until she finds the culprit. -
Does anyone still play Skyrim?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to spinspider's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
With new 64bit / DX11 Remastered version being released soon and all the possible customization due to 49.000+ mods on nexus, I suspect people will refuse to stop playing it even when TESVI gets published. Modders made some preaty amazing content and breakthrough mods withing last few year. Go and search titles like: Skyrim Ascendancy Engine framework (there is someone working on combat animation plugin for it) Relationship Dialogue Overhaul INIGO Interesting NPCs Inconsequential NPCs iNeed Frostfall Immersive Horses TK Dodge 2.0 Wildcat Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 Vivid Weathers Jaxonz Positioner all the animation packs for FNIS Enderal Just by looking at those few mods you can see the hidden potential for transforming your game. Not to mention all more personal mods like Druid spell packs, Undeath for Necromancers, Thief mods, quests, walking mushroom / lamp followers. There is no end to it. Even MxR is still releasing his Skyrim mods reviews at least every two weeks on his youtube channel. It's all about the mods really. I haven't played vanilla game since like end of 2012. I don't know where did you get that idea. This couldn't have been more wrong. Where have you been all this time? -
Recommend me a GPU suitable for nice modded visuals
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Mortimer's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
In your place I would wait till Nvidia announces gtx 1080ti. By then 1080 will drop on price and 1080ti probably will sell for around 770$. -
Grey chrome textures bug?
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to KentuckyFriedSpy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
How about glass clutter? It might have been added to one of the settlement crafting mods by accident. It's also highly possible it might have been a gun mod. It would be easier for you to make new profile in Mod Organizer, start the game without mods and then activate textures/.esp in batches untill the bug appears. -
How is this guys game even alive
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Luka25565's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
No it isn't xD Install optional 512p resolution textures and set your mingrasssize=70 or 100 in skyrim .inis (for Mod Organizer users those are located in Mod Organizer/Profiles folder). There is also optional .esp with no unique plants/region edits. My friend can run this mod with Enb, SFO trees and his gtx 650 ti @30fps xD -
How is this guys game even alive
BlackRoseOfThorns replied to Luka25565's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Np. You know you could just swap Verdant green grass types for yellow tundra/marsh ones in TES5Edit. Verdant is pretty realistic (softer than normal grass textures) and looks good with lesser density like mingrasssize=70. How green it is depends on the ENB really. Vivid Landscapes includes rock textures. The base mod shouldn't cause any issue, it's just a mesh and texture replacer. Did you install optional .esp Whiterun wall replacer? One of your mods might be conflicting with it. I was using SLO (including .esp) for some time now without any problems.