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Everything posted by Bloodinfested

  1. I liked both dlcs but preferred the dragonborn over dawnguard. Although maybe its because I played 1000's of hours of Morrowind and seeing atlest parts of Morrowind brings back good memories... had the same music too :D
  2. I played many mmos some of the best ones were p2p they quite simply don’t come close to playing any f2p game there is a huge quality and content gap. 15$ a month in all reality is nothing ppl try to justify the money aspect, I rather give money to something that will continue to be better overall then any f2p or b2p mmo on the market. I think once the skeptical TES players truly see what its like they will change their tune
  3. I try not to exploit situations as such even if its single player I play many mmos such activates in an mmo would lead to a gm banning you - an unreachable spot witch you can range an enemy and not get hit an instant AOC ban. Although ppl will always exploit game mechanics in some way or another There is a mod that dresses the down state of npcs part of sex labs called defeat or submit theres probably more. Theres a few Sneaking mods one called (sneak tools) off the top of my head... hope that helps
  4. oh how I can recall the 1st IBMs and even the 1st macs i remember playing might and magic 1 on the black and white mac ahh the good old days. I feel old now
  5. lower numbers the less gets loaded often leads to better stability. The higher the # the more your comp will have to work rendering everything. I use 36 myself never had a problem I even tried uExteriorCellBuffer 1024 with uGridsToLoad set at 7 and 9 running completely stable but I use default values now mainly because of the fps hit on my system + load screen times. uExteriorCellBuffer has no bearing on changing the uGridsToLoad from default, you do want the uExteriorCellBuffer to be higher value then uGridsToLoad. Ppl have been trying to solve this out for years to make it run stable but comps have such drastic variances between each other having one value that seems to be stable for one might not be stable for the other, We also all have different mods installed thats will effect stability and perhaps different ini settings....unlike consoles where everything is the same hardware and software ect. My best advice is if you have ctd issues all you can do is try it out see if it works for your comp
  6. Had this happen 2 times never there but I just used the console commands ( player.move to ) ( then a code ) you could reload a earlier save outside somewhere, hit the ~ mouse click on a npc in town to get a npc code so you can port there
  7. Looks like something from real clouds mod when it 1st started, do you have that installed still? On the mod page posts I believe I seen some work arounds for that on his page.
  8. It will never happen the lore and the world for elder scrolls is not like that. Its like trying to add nukes, blackhawks and 50cals to lord of the rings or Conan both in a world witch never recognized in their lore. The closest thing in TES would be the Dwemer witch was an extremely advance culture. Theirs pirates in TES I believe Redguard was a spin off around that also they had a few in oblivion at the imperial harbor. Looking at the TES time line it seems like they were more advance in the early centuries for example when the Dwemer inhabited the land. Thats not too far off from are own history look at the dark ages when advancement actually went backwards.
  9. Joy of Perspective was a great mod but Immersive first person view really demolished that. I wish I saved the links but there was ini Settings witch semi acted like enb without any performance cost there is also imaginator you can adjust many visual aspects similar to enb. I wouldn't really recommend enb for low end rigs.
  10. Its being developed by Zenimax not Bethesda, Bethesda has little to do with it... Bethesda softworks only publishes games. Not that Bethesda game studios is not really new to online everyone forgets about Battlespire witch had multiplayer to tes. Been following this game close because I do like mmos so far it looks pretty mind blowing cant think of an mmo I rather be playing if it was out now.
  11. For the ppl saying that there is a 4g limit on 32 bit application / exe they are referring to the onboard ram not video ram. Far as Vram goes I got 2.5G I have caped it before and it will ctd. I imagine if you really wanted to you could consume more then 4g of vram you start messing with ini ugridstoload combo with other distance ini then mods like warzones that add a bunch of npcs plus using HD textures. More you push out your view distance or more cells to load the more your card is rendering as a result your consuming more vram. I use to have my ugridstoload 7 but I didnt like the fps hit and more important I notice is was kind of unstable. Off hand Im not aware of an cap on your vram itself.
  12. Probably one other thing that I dislike on oblivion was the hole oblivion crisis the hole concept was great in the main story you had some recognition of an crisis but just wondering around seeing all the gates they were so static the daedra just stood there never attacked anyone, villages or cities it felt like there was no crisis similar to skyrims civil war despite a few quests. At least in skyrim they kind of fix that the dragons are so unscripted they really can just do about anything them being as the main crisis. kind of blame Microsoft 360 and the 1 Disk rule for that they gutted so much out of oblivion its not even funny just to comply. I will still pick up Oblivion from time to time I mean is still really a great game despite its flaws every single game has its flaws I'll still pick up daggerfall and morrowind, Im a big fan of morrowind! I knew someone that I tried to convince them to play oblivion and they could not get past the character creation screen they thought the graphics where horrible hey whatever I know by todays standard they are not great but they are missing one heck of an great adventure its their bad...
  13. Oblivion is more accurately described as the Renaissance. Probably what was unique in oblivion was that your just some random hero and not really considered the main character witch is kind of refreshing since most games don’t do this as a storyline most games want to highlight the main character. Skyrim is really a improvement on various aspects of the series there maybe some areas where is suffers but on the hole they got more right. I wouldn’t really say one game is better I think Todd Howard said it best as each game has its own tone. Some ppl like something a certain way like the class system in oblivion might be more preferred over Skyrim, Obivion is your old school rpg class menu then Skyrim you create your class as you go because your perks define your class its not about only skills anymore. I wont go over everything but the things that bother me the most in each game but for the record I love both games to death. Some of the main draw backs on oblivion was the level design the dungeons kind of all looked the same yaa there might have been a few that looked ok but its was horrible level design for the most part. think about the horrible auto leveling system despite a very small amount of monster locations that was forced at lvl thats if you knew where they are at in the beginning. The class system is pointless I loved the old school menu and in the beginning its important what you pick but in the end it doesn’t matter since is all skill based and you got an auto perk every 25 in skill beside the racial bonus. Now Skyrim fixed this in making its not all about skill and rather about what perks you pick, ya you can have 100 in two handed but how is that against someone that also has 100 but invested close to or every perk in two handed. Some of the drawbacks for me in Skyrim by far on my #1 list was the removal of the repairing your gear Im not sure if I can ever understand that one. The faction quest lines although they are very well done they seemed far too short it really felt like you progressed in the factions in oblivion more. Somethings seemed to of vanished in history like some silver weapons or mithril for example. The alchemy was handle better in oblivion I dont care for going to a station to make potions what happened to carrying my alchemy equipment on me. This is really minor but I prefer the old mini game lock picking more. I know a mod has fixed this but the no buffs on screen really bother me, how long do I have on my conjured pet oooh there he goes he just died
  14. Probably one thing that really bothers me on tes games is the lowest detonator of hardware consoles is the set limit for the developers. It be great if they did separate for PC but I can understand that for development time its just not practical for any game company to do this. The big thing for me would be I would like them to work on more randomization on how the quests are handled, skyrim is a big improvement over its predecessors... but for example if there was 15 possibilities for one quest is given with different dialog options per race that makes the replay value quite interesting. Playing as an Khajiit they are regarded as outcasts but the city guards seem to forget what race you are they must of took an arrow to the head as well as your response dialog, its little things like that for me that add a lot to a game. Putting back repairing your weapons and armors is a must on my list I can never understand their logic on taking that out for skyrim. I know beth looks at the more popular mods to possibly implement into their next game kind of like whoever made the picking plants changing its mesh so it looked like you picked it in oblivion... hopefully they end up picking some good ones next go around.
  15. Im not sure if it has to be Dragonborn given the history. In Morrowind you were the Nevevarine witch is quite possibly as powerful or more powerful as an dragonborn in different ways. Oblivion you were some random hero witch is quite refreshing given technically your not the main character that saves the day however you did play in very important roll in aiding the two dragonborns. Skyrim you were dragonborn... I havent played the elder scrolls before morrowind but it seems that they change it up a bit in every game. Its hard to tell what they will do for the next game but for me I would welcome a storyline like oblivion that your not the main character.... just because it seems like every rpg that you are and not being the main character as I said before its very refreshing. So my hopes are that it will be in Black Marsh because I really want to see it and a possible introduction to Akavir
  16. Oblivion had the best quotes. I cant recall the name of the RP Orc he was north of Cheydinhal think it was part of a fighter guild quest, that guy cracked me up 1st time I ran into him.
  17. I cut mine back at around fShadowDistance=5000 because at 8000 it looks horrible in skyrimprefs. I added into the skyrim.ini under display fSunShadowUpdateTime=0.001 fSunUpdateThreshold=0.001 I seen a few different fsun # some ppl prefer a high updatetime so the shadows dont move all the time. If your running a very low timescale I think it looks pretty good. Far as the blocky look you can raise iShadowMapResolutionSecondary & iShadowMapResolutionPrimary - use values like 1024, 2048, 4096 & 8192. Using ENB is really the way to go after finding what you like in the ini settings
  18. For sometime now Nvidia has been smashing AMD in benchmarks, I owned 2 AMD and I normally had problems with the drivers mainly because of the games itself. They take their merry old time optimizing the drivers. I also owned 2 Nvidia they are both now used in my 2 comps never once had any problems with them even when using dated drivers. I got a lifetime warranty on both my Nvidia EVGA so I took my AMD out 2+ years ago and I'm still waiting on my 8 year old card to die one day just so I can get a new one. The EVGA brand reminds me of the old 351 Cleveland motors they will not die.
  19. I can only hope that the next DLC will be about the Aldmeri Dominion I want to slay 1,000's of high elfs !!
  20. ENB are personal preference but I like the bleak ENB http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24828 I kind of prefer an ENB that doesn't have an over vibrant look.
  21. Its all about you creating your own adventure you do want you want to do witch is a very powerful concept most rpgs set you on rails. I love the freedom in the game and mod wise if you have some issue with the game most likely someone made a mod that tailors to what you want. The mod community is amazing for TES witch greatly can add to the replay value itself... I'm always playing some mmo and trying out various single player games but I'm always playing a TES game. You talk about playing skyrim I'll still play Morrowind witch is my favorite then oblivion and skyrim.
  22. You can go to elderscrolls.com on the news feed but it only shows the latest info but if you select any of the news it takes you to bethblog.com witch is the best place to check out everything. When there is a new version out the details will be on bethblog. I could be wrong but I think steam will auto dl it anyways I think that only works if you set it in offline mode.
  23. Go into your Skyrim folder and righthand click on the Tesv.exe, choose properties and then the details tab
  24. Wow didn’t realize the fps and temp on the SS but as alithinos pointed out start turning down some settings ideally you want at least low 30's fps can start by lowering the resolution in your case the lowest setting turning off antialiasing and FXAA you may also have to ini adjust lower your shadows. See if you can get 30 - 40 fps consistently half of your problems maybe from you over pushing your hardware
  25. did you put it into skyrim.ini? its not the skyrimprefs [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000 If you liked Oblivions archery that you aimed up more on longer shots you can add this [Combat] f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0
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