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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. Its just like all the other browser games that being seen everywhere on the internet. Theyre all scams and virus traps if you ask me. Ill never play them, Ill never downlaod then, never ever ever will I do such a thing.

    Hell I dont even like the adds being on webpages. They make me nervous, my computer has been attacked my corrupted adds on websites before, few times even here the TES Nexus side of the side. All three times it happened I had to reformate my hard drive and lose everything.


    You know now that I think about it, I never really saw too many of those stupid broswer game ads until WoW really exploded onto the scene.

    I guess everyone seen how much money Blizzard is raking in and deceided to jump on the band wagon.

  2. i couldn't beat vagrant story without hacking the hell out of it with my gameshark.. it's was a fun game..the ending kinda blew me off a bit..Riot had this (at the time before it was overused) killer leather trench coat he wore at the end of the game and i kinda wanted it.. instead i got a giant tattoo that opened doors.


    Most sad ending to me.. hmm well it's hard for a big guy to admit.. but i teared up a bit during the end of FFX.. after getting so involved with the storyline , the ending turned me emo for about 15 minutes.. probally why it's one of my favs.


    EDIT: LOl at Harabec and Dkamma. Yeah i remember doing the mish to look for maria and all i could think was "this isn't going to end well".now,that scene where you finally see maria didn't really get to me much,, the entire game is about blowin things to pieces..so naturally i kept waiting for the option to blow her head off..


    PS.. Dom you have horrible taste in women.. talk about a looker.


    Hahaha you know whats even better lol, is that Dom used the massive Boltok handcannon pistol to blast her in the face at point blank range lol. I remeber thinking "wow thats gonna be messy, couldve grabbed the snub pistol??" Haha

    Because as I recal right, you could splatter people into little bits with the Boltok pistol, and he shot Maria...in face.....at piont blank lol.

    Nothing but gooey bloody chunks after that one lol.


    Aside from Dom's strangely funny choice in weaponry, Gears 2 had me choking up only like 3 different scenes lol.

    1. Tie (spelling) kills himself

    2. Carmine gets halfeay eat alive

    3. And Dom shooting his half dead wife with the Boltok pistol

  3. Oh yea I have a pretty good Idea of what Marine Corps boot camp is gonna be like lol, hell on wheels :D


    A couple friends have already come back from it at E-2, one came back E-3. Plus my old friend from high school is a Seargent is the Marines but his contract just ended. All those guys put together I have a good idea of what its gonna be like. But like I said, Im ready to bring the pain!



    Lol as for my general orders, I memorized all 11 of them on my way to PT one day lol. 15 minute drive and I had all 11 down pat just like that, same with rank structure from E-1 to E-7


    All I can say, is read them all the way through, then try it from memory.

    Keep doing that over and over and you'll get it quick.

  4. Wow a new Mech Warrior game would make me all sorts of giddy haha. Might have to even go and dig out my old PC joystick lol.

    The Armored Core series for the play station has always fascinated me, but the combat is just too fast and its just immpossible to keep up with how the AI can manuver and still accurately fire at you. Playing Armored Core with that PS3 controller...the controls are just too much, youre fingers cant hit all the burttons they need to in order to really enjoy the game lol.

    But definately, new Mech Warrior FTW! Or even new Starseige! Or new independant game of equal or great greatness!

    Whatever happens frist lol

  5. Ive been saying it all along, gaming is going down the tubes.

    Just the big developers. Several of those "little guy" gaming companies are actually doing pretty well amidst all the stuff with the economy and piracy issues.

    Lol I fond it pretty funny that all these gaming companies are spending all this money and putting us through all kinds of headaches to stop or limit piracy....but it all seems like a totally wasted effort lol. Like EVERYTHING gets pirated but people who obtain and own the products legitimately have to deal with anti-piriacy crap in our games and systems.

    The real stupidity in all that is that not only does the legal customer inconvenienced by all the security crap, but they're also having to foot the bill for it by proxy. It's essentially like paying someone $10 to kick you in the shins once every time you leave the house for a few months. Copy protection services don't come cheap and have almost no net benefit.


    Haha honestly, Id much have someone punch me in the face everytime I buy I game rather than deal with the copy protection crap. Lol sounds like a good trade off to me. Yea a punch in the face would hurt, but it heals lol, where as anti-piracy software doesnt ever go away.

  6. Ive been saying it all along, gaming is going down the tubes.

    Just the big developers. Several of those "little guy" gaming companies are actually doing pretty well amidst all the stuff with the economy and piracy issues.

    Lol I fond it pretty funny that all these gaming companies are spending all this money and putting us through all kinds of headaches to stop or limit piracy....but it all seems like a totally wasted effort lol. Like EVERYTHING gets pirated but people who obtain and own the products legitimately have to deal with anti-piriacy crap in our games and systems.

  7. Anyone remeber the old Mech Warrior games? Mech Warrior, Earthseige, Star Seige, etc.


    What the hell happened to the ENTIRE genre of games? Its like they all just died on the vine or something.


    Imagine a game like Mech Warrior 4 with all the killer graphics and physics engines that we have available to us.


    I really think this whole genre could really come back. Anyone else miss the old Mech warrior style games?

  8. Oh geeze I remeber Horse Armor and Spell Tombs for Oblivion lol. What a joke that was haha. No way was I going to spend money on that garbage lol. They came with Knights of the Nine, along with the other DLCs all together on a disc. That was cool of Beth, GFWL, not cool of Beth. Most uncool if you ask me, but I dont stoke that fire too much since we all know and hate the infamous GFWL :yucky:


    Im not surpised with what EA is doing, they are ALL about the money, to hell with the customers, all they want is money money money. I know they are company and the whole reason for having a company is to make money, but not the way EA does it (Mass Effect), terrible customer support is my biggest problem with them. Also that whole anti-piracy thing they had on the PC version of Mass Effect made me hate them.


    Ive been saying it all along, gaming is going down the tubes.

  9. Boot has it's ups and downs. For the corps the first 3 phases of boot are mental and phsycial hells, each hell testing your strengths and weak points,weeding out those that can't handle it and building marines out of those that can. After the first 3 phases the real training starts. ( they know you will pay attention and get things done after surviving the last 3 stages)


    phases 4-6 were more of learning combat positions,how to handle a weapon properly,marching and drills etc. phase 7 was mainly breach and clear,wargames,applying learned skills into a simulated battlefield etc. Phase 8 was more of a overhaul review of all the other phases, but in a more serious manner, they also introduced training alongside armored vehicles and different branches of the military. phase 9,which is also the graduating phase, focused on tippy top mental and physical handling while at the same time being able to handle your own composure. For example. a fresh recruit with basic knowledge of his rifle can stand down wind of a 600 meter target and hit with ease,but a fresh recruit with basic knowledge of his rifle staring downwind of a 600 meter target after running 8 miles might not even know where the trigger is when it's time to fire.

    Finally the last part of phase 9.. a nine mile march to an obstacle course you will have to run in tandem with your team a numerous amount of times that will prove your skills during adreniline criticals. once everyone has ran the course,They take a 9 mile march back to camp,where they stand at attention for the last time in basic. Those with passing time trail times for the final course recieve NCO chevrons and move on into the real world,those that failed are sent home with a sad face until the next basic is scheduled.


    on a side note.. regardless of what your recruiter tells you.. don't beleive a word he says.. his job is to get you into the military and will lie his ass off to get you there. Also,once you hit basic,you will be getting paid by the government BUT food and housing is not free and they will charge you..yeah..even in basic..

    Duuuuuude I wanna leave for boot camp SOOOOOOO BAAAAAADDDD!!!!!!


    I wish they'd send me already! Im ready to bring the PAIN! Haha

  10. Oh whats this??????

    No one eating the Pizza of Victory?!?!?! Oh WOW and the Whiskey Bottle of Ownage hasnt even been open yet!!!


    *Eats the PIzza of Victory and drinks from the Whiskey BOttle of Ownage*


    Ah yes that tastes like a win to me :D

  11. Tell me, what game do you play? You turn someones thread about meeting fellow players in a bash-fest for the game? Not everyone who plays get addicted, fat, lose their friends, etc. I personally only still play it because nothing else is out that's half decent besides Dragon Age, and I'm waiting on TOR.

    Me? Oh I play lots of stuff lol, depending on what Im in the mood for. Though Ive gotten very tired of most the games I have. Diablo 2 LoD (sill haha), Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics, Unreal Tournament 3, Hellgate London, Gears of War, etc etc.

    I got nothing against people who play WoW, lol I really dont. I just like being really sarcastic lol, some people catch on some people dont. Hey if youve got the money to waste every month for some silly game, by all means play the hell out of it, lol I dont care since its not my time nor money being flushed down the toilet.

    Its all about preference dude, and I have better things to spend my money on then a game every month out of pure boredom.

  12. Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


    I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


    Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


    It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


    People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


    *long hopeless sigh*


    All of the above are reasons why I myself, would never play WoW. I watched it once at some acquaintance's house, and he eventually got so wrapped up in the game, he practically didn't even shift a muscle for two hours, or so it seemed, as I and a friend visiting decided to watch a movie instead. 



    Can't say if all Blizzard games are like this, but the way WoW is makes me think twice about buying any of there other games as well.



    nah not all of them...StarCraft, Warcraft, and Diablo are free atleast lol...but I have a horrible horrible feeling about Diablo III and StarCraft II...bad feeling that battle.net is going to become a pay to play server as well...but maybe not, they can't betray all of us.


    Played WoW for less than a week and quit...it was like "Wow, how can people be addicted to this?" I found it to be one of the most boring games I've ever played...glad it was the first so called "free" month they give you. Was a huge pain in the butt to get my name off Blizzard's list...had to call them to get my name removed off the CD Key so I could give it to my stupid friend at the time who already had 5 accounts he was paying for...*sigh* Yeah...I blame WoW for his 150 pound weight gain, high blood pressure, and still living in his parents basement *rolls eyes* Spends $90/month on one game..yeah


    From what I understand it wont cost anything to pay on Battle.net with Diablo 3 and Starcrat 2, but doesnt mean anything is set in stone lol. Ive always supported Blizzard North's actions up until the release of WoW. But Im hoping they havent fallen too far fromn grace if you get my drift lol.


    Did you also notice all the people on WoW are ridiculously mean. Like 99% playing that game are total a-holes for no reason at all. I was watching my friend Erin play and she tried to get help killing some monster or something, she went around asking for help and everyone just called her obsceneties and told her she sucked at the game. The online community for WoW is like a bunch of gangs of kids who are 12 yrs old and think they are AWESOME! God I hate those kinds of people, who think they are total badasses because they can play a stupid video game.

    Total garbage lol.

  13. Lol you know whats really funny, when you can absolutely HATE someone so much that you never want to see or talk to them ever again....but you do anyways because for some reason I.....err ummm....YOU (busted!) am crazy about her lol.


    Its sooooooooo funny....in a wierd and really annoying way. I know Im not the only one lol. Like every thing about a certain someone can drive you insane and you can absolutely loathe a person, but also, for some strange ungodly reason, continue to talk and have relations with them......even you might completely hate them!


    ....which is my dilema lol. Just about EVERYTHING about a particular ex gf of mine makes me sick, and I can truely say that I cannot stand her....but at the same time Im always wondering how shes doing, or we talk for hours on end about nothing, or I wanna hangout with her....or something, but I absolutely hate her.


    Talk about a mind bender haha. Funny how relationships end up aint it.

    That's what we call human emotion. ******* up, Isn't it?

    Lol extremely. To the point of it being maddening haha.

  14. @OHW

    didnt you ask that a few month back yet?


    Yes, and nobody answered me.


    Besides, I wanted to at least TRY and stop this mindless bickering over who is best. We're all soldiers serving our countries, that is what counts.


    I'm really getting sick of the arguement over who's best, the Marines or SAS. I'm going to go with the U.S. Navy because we don't bother ourselves with such mindless bickering, and because I'm baised as a Navy DEPper, soon to be recruit. Really, the better man is the one who doesn't go around trying to shove it in peoples' faces that he is the best.

    Haha got a point there lol.

    Sorry about the double post, my fault.

    There is a lot of competition overwho is the "best" but in combat situations the branches all interact and work with one another. So really its a big team effort in a way haha.

  15. Success Rates aren't always the most accurate way to look at things.


    If a Marines have a 75% success rate out of 100 missions


    and an SAS has a 99% success rate out of 76 missions, wouldn't that make them pretty close to even.



    No offense, I'm not saying anyone is better, just stating that there are more things to measure if you want to accurately state which is better.



    But anyways, here's my question.


    Does being in the military hurt or help your chances of finding the love of your life? Are girls more or less attracted to soldiers.


    Ah my friend I can tell you already that being in the military and having a girlfriend or boyfriend that isnt prepared for it, it WILL end between you two. Now on the other hand if you meet someone who is really prepared for the distance and really wants to commit to you, then it will most likely work.

    Think about it this way, if youre not around to keep her company, she'll find someone else who will. ANd you'll be the last to know.


    Lol @ UK47 I do find it funny as all hell how a 15 yr old kid knows all about war and sacrifice. Of course Im going to support my fellow Marines, Semper Fi!

    But its more than that, my father was ARMY and his father was NAVY, its not like I look down on the other branches, US branches that is. IDK anything about branches of other countries, I dont much care either. All I know is that im totally dedicated to the CORPS Oorah!


    @ Uncle Roe, dont gte too burned up dude, UK47 is just a little kid and doesnt know better haha. He' not worth having high blood pressure over lol. Semper Fi

    shut up, I am only 6 years younger than you, it's not of my fault if you are silly.

    you both doesn't even know what is a SEAL or a SAS.


    Haha six years in a numeric sense but you act much younger. Lol "shut up boo hoo" hahahahahaha. Omg it makes me laugh lol.

    from all youre "indepth" research I can see you are someone who is easily mind f-ed. Just an observation lol.

    And to answer you're question yes I am quiet familiar with the SEALs, assuming youre talking about the NAVY SEALs, and I stated earlier my dads father was a SEAL, he served in the NAVY for many years. As for SAS I couldnt less lol.

  16. DId I say Master Chief?? Oh silly me I actually meant to say.....umm....oh THAT GUY!

    *Points at Vash the Stampede*

    Yea my that guy! Vash the Stampede, my good friend!

    Hes got my back woot woot.


    So you know what that means


    *Raises the WIN flag high up on the victory flagpole*

  17. Success Rates aren't always the most accurate way to look at things.


    If a Marines have a 75% success rate out of 100 missions


    and an SAS has a 99% success rate out of 76 missions, wouldn't that make them pretty close to even.



    No offense, I'm not saying anyone is better, just stating that there are more things to measure if you want to accurately state which is better.



    But anyways, here's my question.


    Does being in the military hurt or help your chances of finding the love of your life? Are girls more or less attracted to soldiers.


    Ah my friend I can tell you already that being in the military and having a girlfriend or boyfriend that isnt prepared for it, it WILL end between you two. Now on the other hand if you meet someone who is really prepared for the distance and really wants to commit to you, then it will most likely work.

    Think about it this way, if youre not around to keep her company, she'll find someone else who will. ANd you'll be the last to know.


    Lol @ UK47 I do find it funny as all hell how a 15 yr old kid knows all about war and sacrifice. Of course Im going to support my fellow Marines, Semper Fi!

    But its more than that, my father was ARMY and his father was NAVY, its not like I look down on the other branches, US branches that is. IDK anything about branches of other countries, I dont much care either. All I know is that im totally dedicated to the CORPS Oorah!


    @ Uncle Roe, dont gte too burned up dude, UK47 is just a little kid and doesnt know better haha. He' not worth having high blood pressure over lol. Semper Fi

  18. Lol you know whats really funny, when you can absolutely HATE someone so much that you never want to see or talk to them ever again....but you do anyways because for some reason I.....err ummm....YOU (busted!) am crazy about her lol.


    Its sooooooooo funny....in a wierd and really annoying way. I know Im not the only one lol. Like every thing about a certain someone can drive you insane and you can absolutely loathe a person, but also, for some strange ungodly reason, continue to talk and have relations with them......even you might completely hate them!


    ....which is my dilema lol. Just about EVERYTHING about a particular ex gf of mine makes me sick, and I can truely say that I cannot stand her....but at the same time Im always wondering how shes doing, or we talk for hours on end about nothing, or I wanna hangout with her....or something, but I absolutely hate her.


    Talk about a mind bender haha. Funny how relationships end up aint it.

  19. Well you may be 20000 feet up in the air....umm....but I have the WIN flag locked down in my bunker under Mt. Olympus! And its guarded by....ummm....that guy!

    *Points to the Master Chief*



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