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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. Haha I just thought of a good comparison to what WoW is.


    WoW is like cancer

    Anyone can catch it without warning and it attacks all audiances. It makes people weak and feeble. It drains bank accounts dry. For some its incurable, some people are just too far down in the hole to be saved from the WoW beast. And it will ultimately be the death of some people.


    See scientificly proven



  2. Yeah, I know...something about Maxis games...Sim City 4 is like that too.


    I'm not into those games, but my grandma loves them and we're computer tech support for her...so we get to listen to how crap the game is haha. Bugs galore...ah the wonderful world of PC gaming, eh? ;) Bugs, annoying "anti-pirate" software, $6 DLCs, what's next? :P


    Windows 7 haha

  3. Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


    I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


    Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


    It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


    People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


    *long hopeless sigh*

  4. Listen kid.. you are starting to piss me off a bit... first off.. i was on the frontlines while you were still sucking your moms nature juice in your daipers..2nd off.. if a man writes a book.. and in that book claims to be the best.. then why would you beleive him? it's time for you to grow up a bit.. and lay off the judging.. I usually don't care who tells me things like that.. but when it comes from a 15 year olds brain.. it just makes me wanna explode a bit.. you are not even old enough to know what a frontline is.. i've defended my country and taken damage for my country.. and while your best friends are wondering if they will pass the 9th grade.. mine are looking up from their graves.. the only frontline you've seen so far is a pissed off hall monitor telling you to get back to class or he will tattle on you. You wanna brag about your nations military.. that's fine. you got that right..but you shouldn't claim every other military void because of it.. and you definitly should not tell a marine he hasn't served his country.. you're in a potential world of hurt when you make that mistake... You should learn to respect both branches instead of taking up for one and downing the rest..that is how wars get started.



    peace. :smile:




    I too have lost several friends in service, Marines is the only branch we wanted to serve. I feel bad because I wasnt enlisted when they were killed, if I had joined when my friends did, maybe things would be different and they would still be alive. Though more than anything else, thier memory drives me, and will continue to drive me through recruit training and all other endevours that lie ahead of me.


    Semper Fi

  5. I wish people would boycott more. I don't buy any game from EA...so yeah I won't ever be getting Dragon Age :P


    Dragon Age is a great game, sadly EA are doing what they've done with The Sims. It's not as if you can ignore the DLC either, they've put a saleman in your camp. :verymad:



    haha well EA doesn't get my business ever, no matter how good the game is. They got me with Mass Effect, and boy that was a waste of $10.... just really didn't like how the game was put out...I don't want to play a movie, I want to play a game. Dragon Age looks like the same exact thing. Plus, EA has always been the biggest jerkwad of a company forever now it seems...


    Really, I think this DLC craze is a sad attempt at combating piracy. "HA! I got an idea...let's make DLCs so you have to activate your single player game online to get them...and we'll charge for them! That'll stop the pirates!" :P How wrong they are..."where there's a will, there's a way" I say that just makes the pirates want to pirate it more haha...


    Like all anti piracy measures it only affects those who paid, the thieves are never bothered with all the crap the rest of us put up with. I don't know any other industry that treats its paying customers as bad as the games industry does.


    One of my favorite anti-piraracy flops is for the PC version of Mass Effect. There is no online play or multiplayer function....yet you CANNOT start the game unless youre connected to the Internet. The game must first verify owner ship as well as periodicly check for ownership with the internet. If the game is running and it cant contact whatever master server it contacts, it freezes the game.

    ANother example is Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King. I have the game BfME2, and bought the expansion pack Rise of the Witch King over the EA store....after having to download their stupid Download Manager. I also cannot play that game unless th download manager can connect to the internet to "verify ownership".

    So for people like me who sometimes have NO INTERNET connection, we just screwed over.


    I love it hahaha it so awesome. I wonder what wacky things they will think of next.

  6. Well Im glad you think so :)

    I wish it ran as good as th Chevelle but the transmission is about to go out on it and the carborater needs to be re-built. Both of which require money I dont have right now :(

    what a shame! The color is beautiful also

    Yea the interior/ exterior are in great shape, and Im the third owner of the car with means only tow other people have owned it before me. Ill get it all fixed up one of these days. I wouldve taken a good picture of the Chevelle but I was busy all day today with appointments. The Chevelle is in MUCH nicer condition lol

  7. Well Im glad you think so :)

    I wish it ran as good as th Chevelle but the transmission is about to go out on it and the carborater needs to be re-built. Both of which require money I dont have right now :(

  8. See this is one of the main reasons why I dont:

    A) watch tv

    B) Read the newspaper

    C) Observe or take in any form of mass media what so ever.

    Lots of people have lost the ability to formulate their own idea of what could or could not be happening. They see something on TV, or hear it on the radio or whats worse, reda it online and any itelligent arguement or debate worthy conversation immdeiately fleis right out the window.


    For most people

    Mass Media = Mind (F-word)


    Lol please dont assume the word "most people" implies any here on the forums as no one fits into the catagory off the top of my head.

  9. There could be ;)

    I'd love to leave mine on it.....

    fast cars and fast women...yummy

    MMMM Hmmmmm minx ;)


    heres a picture of my Cutlass Supreme, its not nearly as nice as the Chevelle, but has all original equipment, 350 small block. Its a small Oldsmobile 350s dont oumo horse power like GM 350s but its still a pretty sweet car :)



    Ill take a picture of my Chevelle and show it off....er..I mean I share its prettiness with the community haha :D

  10. you both win..harabec gets me..he's adult

    Calliton,you go out become rich and famous and take care of us......how's that! :biggrin:

    im almost an adult! just one more year!

    ah fine, but you guys can take care of yourselves... and each other

    after we worked and slaved to raise you properly,you treat us so bad!!!! *cries*


    besides*sniffles* you have a girl friend*blows nose*...


    Oh dont worry dezi my sweet minx

    Im sure one day he'll come around and give us lots of money and a big house and many old classic cars for us to drive around in.


    *Hugs tightly*

    oh,good..a 64 GTO,389 w/Tri-power is my dream car. :biggrin:

    Oh well now this is a pleasent surprise, someone else who appreciates the old school muscle car :D


    At the moment all I have is a 1970 SS Chevelle with a heavily modified 350 small block, custom heads, Speed Demon carborator, custom fit camshaft. 17 to 1 compression ratio :D


    It frightens children when I turn it on hahahaha

  11. hehe that's why wonderful modders make such wonderful things ^_^ But yeah...Beth was kinda lazy on that part...I hate the old interface, I refuse to play the game with it.



    Haha...I love it...Diablo II is good because of what it is....just the whole design of it was crazy for the time... and you can make one uber lightning sorc ;) (VanishingLight on USEast *wink wink*) and one crazy barb with the right gear. The hardest part of that game is trading for fricking high runes to get that gear (and Uber Trist if you don't have a smiter :P) Haha, Amazons used to be so godly back in 1.09...

    Haha I loved playing as a Paladin. I made like 8 or 9 high level paladins over the course of my gameplay. my highest level was my 89 Paladin Harabec lol. I hated people who always wanted to duel. Duel duel duel its lame lol. I always build my pally for gameplay not lame dueling.

    Zeal, Fanatcism, Holy Shield, and Charge. Wicked combo lol, plus everyone in my party got a nice bonus from Fanaticism Aura :)

    I remeber I had a socketed Baranar's Star, and an elite Enigma plate armor haha, also had Sanctuary in a Aerin Shield.

    Lol that character was my best, had like 1500 health, some 14000+ defense, all resistances maxed in hell difficulty. I miss that paladin haha.

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