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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. you both win..harabec gets me..he's adult

    Calliton,you go out become rich and famous and take care of us......how's that! :biggrin:

    im almost an adult! just one more year!

    ah fine, but you guys can take care of yourselves... and each other

    after we worked and slaved to raise you properly,you treat us so bad!!!! *cries*


    besides*sniffles* you have a girl friend*blows nose*...


    Oh dont worry dezi my sweet minx

    Im sure one day he'll come around and give us lots of money and a big house and many old classic cars for us to drive around in.


    *Hugs tightly*

  2. Eeeeeewwwww fast food :sick:

    just thinking about burger king breakfasts makes me sick... almost as sick as thinking of everything else they serve AND Mc Donalds... *barfs uncontrollably*


    Oh god now Im throwing up again!


    *Harabec and Calliton begin to puke uncontrolably for hours at the thought of fast food*

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