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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. Its not possible from what I understand. Most of te animations are hard coded in the game.


    This discussion happened a while ago on the forums about crawling around and a mod that lets you do it just aint gonna happen.


    Sorry dude.

  2. Ok so I took a pretty long break from Fallout 3, I just got bored with it.


    Just I recently jumped on the nexus and saw some pretty sweet new mods being released so I decieded to fire up Fallout 3 and play a little.

    Of so I thought.

    Well turns out my game has mysteriously become unplayable (which is really cool btw (extreme sarcasm))


    I havent activated any new mods or anything like that, but I start playing and it will just randomly CTD, or ill fast travel, or enter a cell, or shoot at something....or do anyting and BAM! CTD without fail. Must have restarted the game 15 times, each resulting in a CTD.


    I think I should do a complete uninstall and totally start over.....except (or heres the cool part)

    Except I cant! Why? Because my little brother decieded to lose my game disk.


    So now I have no game disk and fallout 3 is crashing like an asian women trying to drive a car on an obstacle course.



    Ummm....any ideas on how to remedy such a problem???

  3. Fate, above all things, works in the most mysterious of ways.


    Its funny how its has brought me and her together yet again in this world.


    I honestly thought she was lost to me, but it seems something unvisible binds us together.


    Never have I experienced such deniable truth that her and I will truimph not alone, but together.


    Everything I hear our song, I think of her, and everytime I think of her, our song it on. Playing loud and true.


    Never have a laid in a bed so long with another, just resting together, being near her. We laugh, we smile, we live our lives while we still can.


    I wish I cold take her with me, but where Im going, its not for her. I trust that she will be there waiting for me when I return.


    But it is not that my trust so readily lies in, it is her.


    It is clear to me that some ties cannot be broken.

  4. Hmm, Im trying to find something good and controversial to discuss. Hopefully something I could make a valid argument with, and get people to agree to the premises but disagree with the conclusion.


    Anyways, this whole thing was actually brought on by my growing hatred of the need for sleep. I have too many things to do.


    I have exams to study for, friends and family to keep up with, oblivion to play AND mod, I want to read more, I want to work more, and there are so many other things I want to do that those 8 hours a night I need for sleep would seem utterly wasted if they werent keeping me alive.


    So I want some bio engeneering done. Somehow get me to where I dont need sleep anymore.


    Btw, Ive only had about 5 hrs sleep the past 44 hours. Im only going to get about 5 1/2 or so tonight. Im not TRYING to get as little sleep as possible, I just have so much STUFF I want to get done!

    Lol dont be those people who stay awake infront of youre computer for three days straight and them die from exhaustion.

    Yes you can, in fact die, from exhaustion.

    The human brain needs a minimum of 3 hours to maintain functions. But getting that little sleep over and extended duration and youre body WILL suffer the consequences.

    I was like you once. I always said, "why should I sleep when theres so much I could be doing".

    Trust me it'll catch up with you. I still dont get enough sleep as it is now but I also workout twice a day and run so theres some days where I feel like a zombie, just totally out of energy.


    If youre going to deprive yourself of sleep, dont do it with energy drinks. Those things are soooooo bad ans addictive. I have a really bad dependancy to Monster, been drinking like 2 a day for the last 5 years.

  5. I thought it was way too easy to level up. I didn't like the fact you got XP for just completing a quest. I think oblivion was better because you had to earn your XP to level up by practicing your major skills. Plus Oblivion was impossible on the hardest difficulty, imo :P

    Oh geeze at max difficulty it was ridiculous. You did 1/6th of youre normal damage and youre eneies did 6 times normal to you. Lol get stomped by a Clanfear lol.

    YOu would be constantly chugging potions just to stay alive lol

  6. As stated ealier theres some mods I dont care to download, going beyond simple females clothing mods or nude body replacers, Im talking about mods in general.


    If I dont like it I just move on, I dont go and bash the modder for his work or the people who are interested in it, just not something I do ya know. One persons taste is anothers displeasure and vise versa.


    I see tons of weapon mods just dont catch my attention, re-skins I dont like, interfaces I dont like, etc etc. Everyone has thier own taste.


    Also just because someone makes a mod doesnt mean that they should be judged on its content, unless they specify otherwise lol. Lots of people do mods because someone whom lacks the skill requests it.


    I guess all you can really say is dont judge a book by its cover. Ever lol.

  7. I like Gears 2 better, but Ill never play Gears online because its horrible. Gears online turns into a shotgun dodge showdown. Its just stupid lol. But I loved the story in Gears of War, and the second one. Lol plus theres Horde in Gears 2, which I absolutely love haha. I got a wave 37 on my own, a personal best haha.

    I like Halo 3 too, a lot but I dont have xbox to play either one on. Both games are great.


    But im just more partial to Gears of War :D

  8. Oh man Sitebot is gonna kick some butt when he sees all these wild rumors about him


    Oh man Id hate to be in you guys' shoes


    Hes more dangerous than Chuck Norris with a BB gun

  9. It doesn't help that there are vested interests on both sides. We have governments always looking for new ways to tax and control people, scientists more concerned with funding than they are facts, businesses busy selling us new "greener" products and a far too powerful green lobby who won't be happy until we're back living in caves. On the other side there are the oil companies and others who stink the place up. Is it any surprise that people are sceptical?


    "Clowns to the left of me

    Jokers to the right

    Here I am

    Stuck in the middle again"


  10. Your last paragraph, physical strength, speed, and stamina are all things that people develop themselves, example being working out on a daily basis, or running a mile, etc. As for intelligence, everyone single person is as intelligent as they want to be, with the exemption in cases of mental retardation and stuff like that.


    But regardless, if something like this ever came to pass in a court or an actual scientific debate, heres what tons of people are going to say

    1. (insert cultural biases and philosophical differences here)

    2. Who gets to deciede whats off limits and what isnt.



    Changed wording to suit a wider range of applications which mean essentially the same thing.


    - Vagrant0


  11. I guess theres so many different mods because people are just trying to make their own work and get it out there and recognized. Peoples tastes vary from things all over the drawing board so naturally theres going to be tons and tons of mods that do the same thing, sme are going to look better than others of course because that depends on the skill of the modder.

    Lol look at Fallout 3, theres like 20 m16 mods that all look almost identical. Reason being is that each modder wanted to contribute something and get thier work put out there. Same as any artist lol.


    What particular game are you talking about? if any I mean.

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