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Harabec Weathers

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Posts posted by Harabec Weathers

  1. I love it, but still think the big top end expensive ultra badass untis die too fast. All those resources down the toilet to make your ultimate units only to have then obiliterated in an instant lol.


    Other than that, most excellent Blizzard. I definately approve :D

  2. Nice to see you back Harabec, so when do you get assigned your HERC? :tongue:


    Seriously it's good to see you here.


    Hahaha damn I wish I got one of those things. RUnning around in a 1000 ton robotic war machine ready to unleash 11 barrels of hell.

    Come to think of it, your probably the first person I know of to make the connection to Earthsiege. Gooooood times those were!

  3. Thank you everyone, its been a hell of ride from start to finish. Just all in all I accomplished everything I said Id do there, I shot Expert on the rifle range, scored high PFT and CFT, and came out with a meritorious promotion to PFC. But through all the pain that boot camp put in my body I survived and came back better than ever.


    Gonna spend my 10 days leave with my family and doing some gaming here and there. Probably on Starcraft 2 since I was recently informed that it was released while I was gone.

  4. Heres a bit of good news. Dropped ALL settings to the lowest possible both in "low" settings preset and in the advanced settings. Fired it up and there was no pausing :)


    So I can only assume that there was is a setting set not according to my rig specs.


    Well now that I have something conrete to go on ill start adjusting my settings to find out exactly what it was that was too much.

  5. Well I just did a full removal, deleting the Fallout 3 folder and all save games. Restarted my comp. Then re-installed fallout, ran a defrag, and fired it up with no patches or updates at all.

    And behold!

    its still doing the pausing thing :wallbash:

  6. Ive done what you described. one at a time but it didnt help at all. I opened my inv and it still had this odd pause. I closed my inv with another pause. Opened my inv again and it crashed my comp, resulting in a BSD.

    The error code that was shown after I rebooted was this:




    Error signature

    BCCode: 1000007e

    BCP1: C0000005

    BCP2: BD13BC63

    BCP3: A869DBEO

    BCP4: A869D8DC

    OSVer: 5_1_2600

    SP: 3_0

    Product: 256_1



    Can someone make sence of this? Because these error codes are beyond me



    EDIT: Lol just noticed I posted this in the "mods troubleshooting" section. My fault lol. Will contactor moderators to move this to Fallout tech support section.

  7. Hey there. I have Oblivion GOTY edition and recenetly installed it after a hard drive format. Im using no mods at all, have the latest patch and all my settings are set accordingly to my rig capabilities. Game runs great, however an odd problem ive never enocuntered before has surfaced. While im in combat, and in combat ONLY, the game starts to stutter. Doest matter what Im in combat with, just as soon as I start fighting, the gaem begins stuttering. Its not too severe but its definately noticable.


    Anyone encountered something like this before? Stuttering only while egnaged in cambat?


    The second I leave combat it stops. Ive never encountered something like this before.



    EDIT: I had an idea that maybe the game music may have been the culprit, I turned the music volume all the way down but it didnt help. Still stutters when I enter combat.


    EDIT: Crap I just looked up my sound card driver. I ahve SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD audio and my driver date is 1/16/2007 i think ive definately found my problem.

  8. So any good news on updating on sound card drivers? This is seriously a strange problem, not even reinstalling the game solves the problem. I'm almost all out of ideas, are you running on Vista, XP or Windows 7?


    I havent updated the sound drivers yet, Im getting ready to head out to work so I wont be able to fiddle with it until I get back from work tomorrow morning.


    I agree though its got me stumped. COmplete re-install didnt solve it at all. And none of my games have any issue at all.


    Could it be maybe my hard drive has a faulting sector or a bad block or something like that?

  9. Nah no heat issues. I have ASUS PC Probe and the heat are well within normal levels. VOltages across the board are all good as well. None of my other games have any trouble what so ever. Idk this problem has me stumped. Oblivion, Morrowind, WOW, Gothic 3, and all my other games run great....not including fallout.
  10. Alright so after formatting my hard drive and starting all over from scratch I installed my games again. Im running fallout 3 with a legally purchased copy and with the updated patch. Also running the latest FOMM with only a couple mods. Nothing is different from when I previously had fallout 3 installed on my computer.


    However there is this very odd momentary freeze when I open the menu, bring up the pipboy, or access an in game menu of anysort. Also when I enter vats there is a second long pause when it zooms in very suttery and laggy. Roughly 50% of the time when I open my inventory or access a menu, or enter vats it causes a BDS and my whole system crashes and reboots.


    All my settings are set accordingly and im not pushing my system at all. This problem is beyond me, ive looked into some possibilities but havent found out anything at all.


    Ive also tried a full uninstall and reinstall but still the problem persists. Pretty much making the game unplayable.


    ANyone got any ideas?

  11. *Returns from his long slumber in the shadows and litters with battlefield with pummeling snowballs of mass snowy destruction!*


    *Plants an epic snowball in Thor's face*


    Hahahahaha hows that for a come back

  12. Welcome back, nice to see you around. HE, HE, HE, sorry its just me WOW ssss :ninja: :down: :ermm:


    Lol I dont blame you for hating wow lol, bot at all. Im not paying for it monthly (and never will) but its really just a time waster and I way to have fun with my buddies until I really leave lol

  13. Lol I know I know, Im really bored of all my other games. I still bash the hell out of it, its really not that fun to be honest. Im not paying for it either lol.


    But anyways, yes I am indeed still here for a bit longer. Hopefully leaving eventually in anycase lol

  14. Hey everyone!


    Did you miss me????


    Well heres whats been happening, my shipout date got changed to a later date (4 or 5 months from now)

    Im very very late on every bill I owe because I had to go and find another pointless dead end job since my date got changed.

    Working at Walmart now (Laaaaame) doing overnight stock.

    I upgraded my motherboard to an M2N-32 SLI deluxe (Woot :))

    Couple of my friends got me playing wow and Im a never 66 prot warrior, only been playing for 15 days lol.


    So lets re-cap I was supposed to be a Parris Island right now getting my butt kicked and being molded into the worlds finest, a Marine, but alas....Im still waiting to leave. Still here.


    So hello everyone!

  15. you know... i think companies like bethesda these days are just...

    let me explain..

    lets say the uhh.. fallout series theme is a ketchup bottle.

    and the game, fallout 3, is a plate of fries.

    they just but a little drop, or if you prefer, a milli- second squirt, aka, just a tad bit of fallout on the fries.

    Now you have nothing to dip the game in, as in classic gameplay and content.

    ok. the fallout 3 fries are almost ready? whats missing? salt.

    oblivion is the salt.



    and whats that? they cut away some of the fries too, to feed as snacks later, to keep you eating the fries.

    and i guess our modding community is the buffet. pick your own stuff lol.

    without the buffet, you would just leave the resteraunt, and goto another one.

    you see, the repetitive nature of video games these days are like what i just explained.

    i guess thats all i have to say.

    oh yea, i think the golden age of gaming is 1995- 2004

    i dunno why.

    Man I couldnt agree more. I havent played fallout for months now.

  16. Hey folks, sorry I havent on the forums lately but ive been raeally busy with family matters and training.


    But anyways, I was wondering...

    I know someone, whom I believe used to be someone else, resides currently as one identity but maybe was another sometime ago.


    Is it possible for me to look up records like birth records or something like that?


    Because right now I know this person as what they are now, but I have very good reason to beleive that this person im talking about was not always known as whom they are now.


    Is investigation possible???

  17. Adonnay's Classical Weaponry mod. i LOOOOOVE it for Oblivion. A variety of a unqiue swords (and damn good looking swords) that have a chance to out right kill an enemy on attacking is a great counter for Oblivions horrible health multiplier that leveled enemies have.
  18. Ah, that Bethesda magic. It might be getting back at you for calling it "easy". Have your brother buy you the GOTY version as punishment or a gift


    Well I would....but he's only 11. Not like he has 60 dollars for it :(

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