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About Lisnpuppy

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Pathfinders, old school RPGs and stuff
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    Bg3, Morrowind

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  1. Anyone watch Vikings last night?
    1. Carah


      Malachi and I did... darn good episode to start-off the season... betrayal, home-wrecking, a good old fashion turf war... fun, fun, fun. :)
    2. Lisnpuppy


      I liked it. The hot brother...its like..No don't kill him off the show he is so pretty...then the next min...he needs to die kill him!! lol And that pole hiding...so freaking funny
    3. Carah


      I agree Rollo is the hottie on the show... great character writing for him; so beautiful yet so flawed. You either love him or hate him or both. Lol... the great Ragnar afraid of his baby's mama or what his wife will do to him... he was busted. ;)
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