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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. Dow closed down 600 points, worse day since 2011 and losing most 2016 gains. That was a news title on my phone new thing just now.
  2. That means you have a missing mesh of something. If something was all purple like that is a missing texture. As to doing it over it is hard to say without more info. Do you have a mod list/load order? Did you verify your game cache in Steam (which could over right your mods. Are you using any race mods?
  3. Not really entirely the same thing here. What is going on here would be more like drawing a base for people to use to draw their own characters, but then having that person upload that base somewhere else. Personally, I don't care ... that type of thing doesn't bother me because I feel it's hypocritical to care about such a thing, but then repost other art from companies and such and also drawing their characters. As long as no one is claiming it as their own nor are the some how misrepresenting my work, it's all good in my opinion. First part, no it isn't like a base for others to use. Many times a mod is a single, enclosed creative work. It isn't a connect-the-dots they give someone. And it is great you don't care. You make something and share it then are ok with others doing whatever (and many mods are like this) then superior attitude. But your single opinion can not over-ride the hundreds of mod authors that do not feel the same. That expect they can share what they want, where they want and have it used in the way they intended. You may think this is shallow or naive or even an attitude of asshattery. Nonetheless there is not a single thing saying they can not do as they please with their mods and that the mods are, copyrighted to the mod author as soon as it breathes life on a medium it may be demonstrated. It's similar. It's still an act of redistributing something without permission. Also, my "single opinion" is not meant to over-ride anyone else's. It's called having a discussion and bringing light to sides some may not have thought about. Unfortunately this isn't a new issue to the modding community. Now it just happens to involve Beth's official site. :(
  4. Not really entirely the same thing here. What is going on here would be more like drawing a base for people to use to draw their own characters, but then having that person upload that base somewhere else. Personally, I don't care ... that type of thing doesn't bother me because I feel it's hypocritical to care about such a thing, but then repost other art from companies and such and also drawing their characters. As long as no one is claiming it as their own nor are the some how misrepresenting my work, it's all good in my opinion. First part, no it isn't like a base for others to use. Many times a mod is a single, enclosed creative work. It isn't a connect-the-dots they give someone. And it is great you don't care. You make something and share it then are ok with others doing whatever (and many mods are like this) then superior attitude. But your single opinion can not over-ride the hundreds of mod authors that do not feel the same. That expect they can share what they want, where they want and have it used in the way they intended. You may think this is shallow or naive or even an attitude of asshattery. Nonetheless there is not a single thing saying they can not do as they please with their mods and that the mods are, copyrighted to the mod author as soon as it breathes life on a medium it may be demonstrated.
  5. Let me see if I can take a shot at this one. I am an artist. I love to paint and draw but it is a hobby not a career. I just like when people like them. So I paint a lovely scene of a church and country lane. I make them into a bunch of small prints and give them out on the street to whomever would like them. My name is at the bottom as all artist typically are. People are happy. I am happy. So I pack up my things and go home. A few weeks later I walk by an art gallery and there is my print, I did not give the print to the gallery. I go in to talk to the gallery owner and they kinda brush me off even though I have proof the work is mine. I walk out upset and there is a large group of people pointing at the work and they look mad. One person yells, "That is the one that painted the cards like the picture! Get her!!" I then run for my life...possibly regretting having shared something I loved with others. I now see the print everywhere. And most people no longer know I painted it. It is being used in all kinds of places I did not intend and I am not given credit for it. So this is how I see the mod theft thing.
  6. Yes..if they are stand alone armors (which means they do not replace a version already in existence) then you are fine. If say you get Merta (and that has more that just the CBBE requirement I think so read it) and then get an armor that makes the Merta all red and replaces it..then no you can not use that at the same time. You have to make a choice. So read all the descriptions carefully and you will know what you can and can not use. Good luck.
  7. No problem and again good luck.
  8. All XBox1 and any console mods are handled exclusively at the official Bethesda site. I would suggest you go there and seek help as any people that want to mod consoles will be checking in there. Good luck.
  9. Some things require a hard read. I appreciate this article and that someone that knows EXACTLY what it takes to run a site like this, is speaking out. Robin, from your site alone and its growth over the years gave them a perfect template off which they could have built something great. Instead it seem like they took every mistake and bad idea to heart from all the sites over the years and copied it. They should not have just tossed that out there right before E3 and thought they could wave the magic wand of "it just works" and made it so. I don't make many mods so I have no reason to be upset with Beth as the mod authors who have had their work taken without permission. But I resent the heck out of what has happened with all this because it is 100% avoidable. Beth has made a decision that once again drew first blood. To paraphrase a statement I heard from Robin on another matter recently (i loved the phrase), the relationship between Beth and the community is a death by a thousand cuts. Eventually either the body dies or it gets up and goes. I don't relish either of those options. So thank you Robin and staff for all that you do to keep this going.
  10. It is really apples and oranges here. Many folks are enjoying Fallout 4 and are happy enough with the base game. However that being said, modders can do amazing things (even in this "dead" world to use your words.) There is nothing wrong with cuddling up to an old friend while you wait for the young one to get its head turned proper. I have absolute faith that modders will continue to work with Fallout 4 and make it a much better game that it was out of the box. But fantasy is my heart's joy. I think the people that work on these games love it also. Still there are core people here that favor one or another in style and play. Remember that your Skyrim has been out for almost six years now. It has had all that time to be made more wonderful by the great modders here. Your Fallout 4 isn't going anywhere. It isn't milk, it won't spoil if you leave it for some time. So set it aside for now if Skyrim is your pleasure. I have gotten games then come back later and my enjoyment is even better as many fixes are done and mods are made for me to make a game more worthy of my time and enjoyment.
  11. Cindermuffin is correct. Your file must be dependent on the DLC.
  12. And porn sites don't care. They are more than happy to make a new site if one goes down the tubes. There are many reasons this site asks you to register. Some for the security, some for the running of the site in ways that are due to moderation and other things. Some is so that mod authors can have more control of their files. This site takes the things it does and provides seriously. A small request to register an account, which unlike many sites, will get you no spam mail or other junk..is a very small thing to ask to get access to literally THOUSANDS of mods and their support. Even with the trouble you had (which I think perhaps you got worked out?) it is still a small price to pay. I been here for nine years and well...it has more than paid the price of inconvenience. As far as links for downloading, each file is controlled by its creator. Many folks don't mind where their files are uploaded but many more do. They want them here (or specific places) so that they can manage them better. The Nexus has no right to upload these files to any kind of mirror, this is the mod authors duty and right. Many have asked over the years for this. The Nexus has not changed its policy in that time and I personally don't think they will (though I do not speak for them.) I am sorry you had issues with your registration. It doesn't happen often but it seems it is all sorted. That being said if you become an active downloader and member of this site's community and can still tell me it wasn't worth the "price of admission" (registration) then I will owe you an apology. Somehow I don't think I will need to worry about that.
  13. You need to post this in its proper place..in the Witcher 3 forums. This is the feedback about the actual site itself. You can always get to the Witcher forums from the file side, at the top is a tab marked FORUMS. Also the direct to mod request: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3349-the-witcher-3-mod-talk/
  14. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/? read the documentation as it is VERY important but yeah, this can be the best friend you ever had. Works for multiple games. edit: I got ninja'd here a bit but I think (dont quote me) my version might be the more recent?
  15. They get put there is they are marked by the uploader as adult. If you think that people are loading in non-adult images (though keep in mind some adult may not be adult to you..then some may not have anything at all but violence, language and having adult in the description can count also) on purpose then report it.
  16. People love to parrot eachother in the echo chamber. It creates a sense of community, a "us vs them" that can be nice to feel part of a group. It is a stupidity of great proportions. Get facts, read for yourself. Your concern *is* invalid. It *IS* a separate game. Two different folders on your computer. Two different games. You can run one or the other. You can have all the mods you have now. Nothing changes. You can play the 'old' version with all your Mods, and the new version. Or both. Or none. Or everything in between. Stop worrying and start enjoying we will have more choice! https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/742200753520050176 Sep game it seems...one less thing to worry about,yeah?
  17. No there is not. The mod authors took them down for a reason and attempting to circumvent that here is a really bad idea and the Terms of Service is pretty well spelled out for sharing content without permission. Yes it really sucks (I use them also) and sad and I personally with there was something different they could have done. The best thing to do would be to make your opinion known to Bethesda about the serious nature of people using content without permission, people uploading content without permission. Hopefully Bethesda will address these issues in such a way that the mod authors that have hidden/removed their mods will once again feel confident to share their works.
  18. I'm sorry to tell you but that really isn't how the debates section works. We debate with each other. It is not a place to upload and link to whatever diatribe of which you have uploaded to YouTube. You seem to be debating this other person. Great. Go post about it in the Off-Topic forum. Unless you have something to debate with here...I'm not real sure you are going to get much of a response.
  19. First, paying for mods is illegal per Bethesda and also not allowed here on the Nexus. Second, unfortunately if you read the permissions on that file, though it is a modders resource for F3 it does not permit the use in other games (look under the permissions tab) You will need to get direct permission from the mod author. What the tab says- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  20. nevermind I was posting during the move! lol
  21. You need to request a post move to the Skyrim section. Here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/422-skyrim-mod-requests/ Anytime you need to get to a game specific forum go on the file side and a tab at the top is FORUMS and that will get you there. Good luck.
  22. In frustration, Sin rose from her place fast as a spear and pounded again on the walls. She knew they were still outside of the city. There had been no movement of the caravan at all. Screaming she pounded and kicked, anything to be heard. She had tried the two times the unknown Drow had entered to bring her food and sneer at her in arrogance. Tried two times to somehow overpower him to escape out the door. Tried to trip him or hit him with the now offensive bolt of fabric. Both times she failed, one failure coming with a powerful backhand slap of a ring-bared hand that threw Sin back against the wall. She was left bloodied and bruised for her efforts and had her food poured down on the floor. The rats had come then. Crawling from parts unknown to partake in the floor feast. SIn was happy that they retreated after their lucky dinner. Sin knew that her efforts of being heard were probably futile. That her Drow captor would no doubt soon be in to laugh at her, smirking at the energy wasted and then give her a slap or two just to drive the point home. Sin did not know when she would be moved but had no doubt she would be taken back down to one of the Drow cities. She had heard stories of such captives being taken and used for slaves or worse. Living in the sun was just about the worse offense a Drow could do. Still Sin beat the walls, screamed and screamed, trying to make noise between the rhythmic noise of hammers and looms...trying through sheer willpower alone for someone, anyone to hear. Finally running out of energy, the young Drow slid down the wall back to the floor. Hot tears proceeded her, falling off her dark skin catching the dim light, like falling stars. Sin pulled her knees up to her chest and laid her cheek upon them. She quietly rocked back and forth wondering if there was anyone to know she was gone, or to care. Sin continued to weep, wishing she could find some peace in sleep and knowing none was to come.
  23. I am not sure why this thread was double posted. Perhaps a site issue. So I will just cut and paste a response from your other thread. It is not permitted to use models from other games without the express permission of the game company. Please refer to the Terms of Service here (I have quoted the line of interest) Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned. https://forums.nexus...tion=boardrules A mod maker would need to make this from scratch.
  24. It is not permitted to use models from other games without the express permission of the game company. Please refer to the Terms of Service here (I have quoted the line of interest) Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules A mod maker would need to make this from scratch.
  25. *waves* Thank you for your service. Now, better yet..thank you for being a maker of mods!! I jest of course! We really love your type here. Glad you stumbled onto this place. Please enjoy the site, the mods and if you feel like it share your experience of modding and the world. Hang in there about the green card. I've heard they eventually get the paperwork caught up.
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