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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. This is why I advocate limits of money spent and being paid with government money and government access instead of how it goes. Let me explain because I been thinking about this for a long time. Each candidate receives X dollars from the government pool created for such things. Each gets so much tv ad time and so much placed in certain blocks of time. Same with radio, etc. The internet would also need brought into line with this. No one could purchase more. Any private or corporate donations would with need to be made illegal (and it really bothers me that the supreme court had been treating corporations as individuals) or shared between all the candidates with one getting slightly more as the prime person being given to. Everything must go through certain source board made of a few people nominated by the candidates. They would have to do something with the money for the running in a certain amount of time. They would also have a way to block the assets in something is wrong. However they could only hold up the funds for limited days then the entire body would need to vote to release and why or vote to return and why. Once someone stepped out of the running then only one of their people can stay on the committee if their original candidates pull behind someone else. Look, I know there are holes in this. It has just been things I have been rattling around in my brain for a while. It started just with the control of ads paid for in tax dollars which several other countries have tried. More is needed cause money comes from all directions. Basically though, what it comes down to is not to "spend your tax dollars on some asshat I don't support," but rather to level the playing field of the huge amounts of money spent on these elections and the ability to see and or stop big money from influencing elections. We often tell our children, you can grow up and be president someday. Under the current system it isn't true. If you don't have money or the ability to raise money your out. It should not be that way. You think these candidates are the best we have in the U.S. ? No..no they are not. But people that should be, can't be cause they don't have the spending power. Giving money to candidates and people once in office is a huge problem and not one new to this process. It has been happening since the first Neanderthal Cave Elections when the hunters gave the cave mayor his first zebra-skin loin cloth so he would vote to allow more woolly mammoth hunting. Much of this could be fixed if more people paid attention to these things but that probably will never happen. Every, single penny should be able to be seen of its source. What company, what committee (and who is on it) and whatever should be known and traceable. The lobbyist system is seriously flawed. All their activity should seen including money they give to re-elections. So we can keep doing what we are doing or we can try to fix it.
  2. I am happy to hear that you and your loved ones are well, despite the loss of the porch. Hopefully you all can get a new one built up soon.
  3. Welcome. Should I ever can be of assistance, you have only to ask. Otherwise enjoy the wild ride that is The Nexus moderation.
  4. I'm going to bet that in the most conservative interpretation of the above quoted TOS line it would be no. As the rule says "do not solicit RATINGS.....for you or another...for mods.." However I could be wrong and there (I think) is some revisions coming to the Terms that may address this more clearly. Kudos though not an endorsement is a rating of sorts. I would be curious about this also. Somewhat related I hope the kudos becomes easier to give as it is kinda hard to find. When I first joined it was under the username in posts and could easily be given.
  5. You may not find a tutorial. I am unsure if you plan to use this for your own amusement or what. However as for releasing it on the Nexus, well that is a no-no as Bethesda does not allow asset sharing between their games and the Nexus Terms reflects this. Anything you want to know or to do with this will need to be off the Nexus.
  6. Seems to work like a charm again. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for that. I went and added in what happened to me.
  8. I don't know where you all are located but I tried this on a few files. The Washington Prem Server seems to work fine for me. If I use the Dallas Server it just jumps to the game list page. Has anyone filed a bug report of this yet?
  9. You need to download the file manually and put it in the download folder or desktop. Then you open it with RAR or Zip to unpack it. It won't work otherwise. When you look in the uncompressed folder there will be the save game (if they used F4SE there will be 2 items and you can see more info and its name). Copy and paste in your saved game folder. It should be there for your game to see. That doesn't say it will work but....
  10. I went and looked at your mod list and you do have lots of downloads. However those downloads are primarily spread across like 50 files or so. Some only have maybe 20 DL while one had over 800. Some people just like to check things out, play with them..sit on them a while then will use it in something. Some people won't. Some just will use it for their own self. With the amount of DL you have per mod you may not see the results immediately or maybe at all. With a game with as many mods, mod users and downloaders you may not see these things immediately. Even if half the people that downloaded your mods used them in an upload...there are alot of F4 mods in the world. Share because you want to. Share because it makes you happy to do so. Don't share if you have some pre-ordained thoughts on how it will play out. Modders tend to be happier when they make something they like then share it, just because. Not making something with the express idea to sharing it to see your name in credits somewhere.
  11. The best place to put this is in the Fallout 3 section. This is just a "hello I am new here or lets talk about whatever" kinda thread. The Fallout 3 section is here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=278,281 You can either repost your question or click the report button under your post and req a moderator move your post. Good luck and have fun.
  12. I like being married to my husband for 13 years today. :)
  13. Your Honor, I will show to this court that it is indeed, the long-loved, juiciest and most well-shaped Pear that is the best fruit. After all, we know that the Apple, even from the beginning of time, was known to be an evil fruit. It was the one that The Highest Power said not to eat, it is the tree mother of the Apple from which the Serpent incited the human Eve to bring on the Fall. Please see Exhibit A, a painting of Eve before the Fall offering the Apple to Adam. The Apple, is used at horrid parties where humans almost drown themselves trying to catch the Apple in their teeth. You can see the Apples laughing causing them to bob up and down in the water. Further, Your Honor...is that the juice from these most terrible of fruits can become such that makes humans drunk and sick. Also it becomes a most foul smelling and tasting liquid known as Vinegar! Exhibit B *holds nose as the vinegar is submitted to evidence* The righteous Pear on the other hand is none of these things. It is shaped in a way to remind us of our loving Mothers and Grans...it has never led humanity into vice. The juice is used in many drinks and indeed in APPLE Snapple it is the main fruit juice...being able to bring the taste of the Apple to all..without the evil so sown in the other fruit. Here Your Honor, Exhibit C an Apple Snapple with its label attached. One does not have to peel the Pear to enjoy it. The skin being tasty and thin enough for human teeth. The Apple however has such hard skin that most humans choose to peel it all off. To add insult to injury...once so done the Apple quickly turns brown and takes on a most unappealing look. D now *presets brown apple slices* So, in conclusion...The Lovely Pear...good to eat, no baggage of sending humans from the Garden, no nasty vinegar juice, no making humans drunk or drowning them and reminding us of our Grans. And the Apple is not even needed to get its taste to which the Pear can provide. So please, Your Honor...send this Apple from our sight so that we may behold Nature's Perfect Fruit, The Pear. *Sets a Magnificent Pear up to be seen* Exhibit E
  14. Maybe you shouldn't make a forum post to just talk to yourself. They are on the hot files because *le gasp* people like and download and endorse them. I've been here 8 years...well 8 1/2 now and we been through one of these or a why are there these crappy skimpy armor mod threads a few times per month. We did it in Oblivion, F3, FNV, Skyrim and now in F4 also. If you don't want to see it, use the filters. If you are planning to release a mod and are going to get upset because it doesn't got to the hotfiles in 5 min or FOTM then you are probably setting yourself up for hurt. If your mod is good people will find it. There are people that feel like you that go searching for those gems. Now if you think that is all that gets attention then maybe you should think of ways in which you can support mods you like? Like maybe endorsements? Sharing mods you think are great instead of pulling down the things you do not. And if you look at the top files category in the drop down menu, then pick top of all time..a menu for each category appears and will show you the top mods in each category of all time. So I guess that is kinda there. Now I seriously doubt this site will make use of a means to push mods aside. Some very good ideas have been made as to changes in the hotfiles or what you can see. Like having a hotfile list for each category you can tick through. If you have any ideas like that then share them. If your ideas are, I don't like x type mods and therefore they are of no account...well I think you will be barking up a dead horse butt for that.
  15. Nope, not tired as I know how to use the great blocking functions that the Nexus has. The few that get through the filter I just follow the Golden Rule of The Nexus, Don't like it, pass without comment.
  16. Your argument is an inherent logical fallacy as the point you raise about women in women's colleges and their ability to perform vs males in their respective fields has really nothing to do with the original issue (and just because you can play seven degrees of Kevin Bacon with it really doesn't make it work.). I think you have a straw man argument going on this one. I am sure you will disagree to the extreme. Now I meant my post to be anecdotal as I know it has no "facts" in it. However the already hostile turn this topic has taken has given me stomach pains and I will take my leave at this time.
  17. The filter system (and there is a companion tag but it will take them ALL out obviously) is only as good as the tagging. Some authors don't tag, some let the community help tag, some don't some tag things that maybe should not be (and sometimes this is a language issue not a trolling issue.) I encourage you to come up with ideas. I have discussed a few of my own, the one I have always liked best being the ability for members (maybe after a post count or something) be able to have a page perhaps in their member page, with mods they enjoy and a link to them. Then, if they wished, could use the siggy option to link back to that page so others could see them. So if you like a mod author's mods and they have a link to a page of mods they use or like or whatever...profit! It also allows the community to share and not just some endorsement number or having the staff to cherry pick mods, or some "group" to do so.
  18. I don't think it is discriminatory. As I raised my daughter I explained to her that there were times she would have to face certain things and have to learn to deal with them properly and not hide from them. I agree that there are situations where this safe space would be beneficial, but I do believe it is, at least a temporary measure to an illusion of safe. If you believe in something, or something has happened to you then you should be able to share it and not feel like someone would physically hurt you, you should not have to face patterned abuse. But sometimes you have to learn to stand your ground. We can not always be in a safe zone. I hope that I have taught my daughter how to stand up for herself and her beliefs (even if sometimes that means leaving the conversation or debate.) We can not change people, you can make safe zones, offer information, educate, etc and there will still be those that are against whatever it is that a person is, likes, works at , what have you. Learning how to deal with the world, to me, is a much better thing. Learning to deal and find help if you are not dealing well to learn skills that would help you, is in my mind best. Safe Zones only encourage the illusion and serve to self-segregate and possibly cause even more issues later. If you want a true safe zone then go to support groups, counseling or a psychiatrist.
  19. Really!? that's just stupid! it isn't just people that have 1000+ unique downloads that get trolled as seen here your first mod could be a small shopping stand and some ass can come in and acting stupid despite requests to stop and you can't do a thing about it! Besides anyone should be able to control who sees there stuff and who doesn't. This restriction on blocking is overall unnecessary and puts a limitation on newer modders whom are just as likely to be trolled as experienced modders. if it is possible I would like to put in a formal request to have it removed. You can of course request this. But the report function works very well and all you have to do is hit the report button on the comment and list why you believe the comment is, trolling or whatever. The moderators are very good at what they do and they can take care of it. If the person tried the stuff again (assuming they are not banned) then that is probably going to show them the door. So report the comment and move on. Don't engage and feed the troll. You can even request the comment to be hidden by the moderators and if they think it is necessary they can do that or also they can leave a moderation note in the comment. Most of all don't let a troll get you down or the fact you can not yet block them from your files. You can still block them from PMs by coming here on the forum side and blocking them. The option is up on the left under your avatar pic. It is listed as manage ignore pref. Good luck.
  20. Turning off adult content and using the tag system to block more specific things is also useful. You can also block mod authors if they make content you don't like. The system isn't perfect but you can switch blocking on and off very easy so if you are looking for something you can do so at your choosing. The hot files are..well..hot because people like them. If you don't you will have to block content on the site. We have all discussed for years a way to get more of the less known mods some love and have not found any good and accepted answers. I would suggest when you do find one make sure you endorse mods you like. Vote for the as mod of the month if you so choose. Remember also to look at the top 100 for each category (your filter will still work here I assume) and you can even search the most endorsed in like the past 59 days or simply got to the advanced search to find more thing to your liking. Unfortunately the tag system to allow up to block or find content is a I understand, as resource hog. To make each member be able to filter like you wish would really be problematic. Having the filter blocks and adult content block we have now when properly used, will get you most of the results you desire. Good luck!
  21. This really needs to be in the off-topic forum. It is not a debate nor have you phrased it as such. While I appreciate the intent, it needs to be elsewhere.
  22. Are you talking about the forum side or the file side?
  23. I can't say if you will have better luck, but perhaps you should place this in the mod request section?
  24. There are any number of really good quest mods or new land/quest out there though I can't speak to their added content. Things like Falskaar which is DLC sized. Helgen Reborn...there are tons of these. Also Enderal which is a total conversion has been released and I can attest it is a wonderful thing. Completely different world and it is beautiful and to me at least, more interesting than much of the Skyrim things. Hope you find some things. If not, just let her rest a while and I am sure new things will come up!
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