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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. And here is a dragon for Loremageddon http://www.awesomeinventions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/recycled-watch-parts-steampunk-sculptures-dragon.jpg
  2. First please don't bump your own post it is against the rules. Second, this is a mod request for Skyrim and would need to go here: general Skyrim Forum skyrim mod request Good luck.
  3. When I look at the download page (where the update shows downloading) it says scheduled for 1:39 PM (or close to that and I am in EST) so it may be it just hasn't dropped for everyone yet. It did allow me to get on offline mode so I didn't have to take it yet. lol
  4. The parents are just as likely to want to medicate them. I don't know how many kids I have seen who as they got older that I suddenly find out they are on ADD meds. And many that I felt it was a lack of discipline and not a illness. We are a medicated society and many think a pill can cure anything (or hide it so you don't have to deal.) ADD meds are supposed to be augmented by therapy to help kids learn coping skills and add discipline and organization skills. It is not supposed to be in a vacuum. I DO think schools should have some training on being able to recognize possible mental health issues but only to bring them to the attention of parents with recommendations to followup with the child's physician, not to make a diagnosis or put something in their file without the child's doctor having confirmed anything (should the parents want the school to know.) If we think about it, our children spend a great deal of time at school and with extra-curricular activities and less time often with parents. Once the kids are home with parents more and more everyone is sticking their nose in a computer/phone and paying even less attention to each other. I absolutely think the schools should not be diagnosing mental illness, but training to recognize there is a possible issue and discuss it with the parents would be a good thing. In a perfect world the school, parents and physician would be able to work together to help these kids. These children can suffer from some debilitating mental illnesses and education on these issues both for parents and the schools is paramount to be able to address possible mental illness versa discipline issues.
  5. Lisnpuppy

    Ad Issues

    First have you read this? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3906517-ad-reporting-functionality/ Also ads are regional so reporting one needs more info as all members do not see the same ad. The name of the product, screenshots of the ad and etc are usually needed. However you may wish to read the article I linked before doing anything else. Good luck to you.
  6. Since you can look at the top files by category and by endorsement or download that seems to be an answer to your question. Quest are a varied thing. What you like and what others like may or may not be the same. Finding a few of your own then asking for further direction would be the best. Again I would go look. There are like 600 mods under the QUEST category. Go look at them and see what you like. You can easily find some yourself in the top 25 that would fit your needs. Have you even looked yet?
  7. The file side where you download has not only a robust search system but categories you can search and you can sort by endorsements, downloads, most recent, etc. There is a quest category. The link to the site is here (though you can get to it through the top menu system of the Forums.) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/? Use the dropdown menu under files to let you search by category. Good luck.
  8. Well, it isn't in the debates thread. Do post in the NWN forums.
  9. Lisnpuppy


    Sorry I haven't responded about my daughter. She is graduating high school here in like 3 weeks and it has been busy!
  10. I like that my daughter also plays trumpet and some piano. I like that I was a drummer. I like that your daughter is on the honor roll. I like mine is in the Honors College and garnered her a few scholarships. I like when hard work pays off.
  11. here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/422-skyrim-mod-requests/ To get to the forums of a certain game go to the file side and at the top is a tab FORUM and it will take you to the Skyrim (or whichever) forum Good luck ps Also alot of music is copyright and the live recording of a free use may still be copyright and so if it is that can not be done.
  12. Been kinda bus with some graduation/college stuff for daughter. She is trying out for the marching band this weekend. *cross fingers* I haven't been able to sit down and concentrate on something concrete so it will likely be a few more days before I post. Hopefully you all won't have too much fun without me. *looks at thread* to late! haa ha haaa kidding
  13. I like my daughter is getting ready to graduate. (Only 29 days) I like that she is going to West Virginia University I like that she will be trying out for their marching band this weekend
  14. This is the Feedback and Question section for the FORUMS in general not a game. You need to post this in whatever game you are talking about (and you didn't say which one.) The easiest way to get to the game forum is to go to the file page for that game, look at the top and there is a FORUMS tab. Click and it will take you to that specific game's forums. Good luck.
  15. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49953/? though the sexier version you may want could be on Loverslab somewhere. I think that pic you show has a link to it
  16. I'm not having any issues on the file sides.
  17. Not all are CBBE but all are (at least my version of) feminine. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12534 (not CBBE but it is feminine shaped) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49827 (one of my faves) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40626 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42169 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36431 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31229 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29411 (Tera Armours some tanky some not) Just to name a few (though one or two might be light armor but they look tanky to me) There are many more but it required some just hard-done searching. The tags are not completely beneficial as some thins are just not tagged by the author's appropriately. Hopefully one or more of these you will like and allow you time to search for more. Good luck.
  18. How each RP is run is different and the rules set are dependent on the person running the RP. Typically conflicts are per-determined but if you wished to run an RP that used a number generator then that would be entirely up to you. Also it should be noted that you are replying to a 13 year old thread with the last post being 6 years ago and thins have changed somewhat. :smile:
  19. Hello! And etc etc etc We don't have noobs here really. Not the same mentality for the most part here. We just think you are a great big brain to shove modding knowledge into! *cough* Little weirder when I typed it. Anyway welcome and and hope you have fun. Lots of games here and the easiest way to navigate is to go to the file page of the game, look at the top tabs and it will say FORUMS and click that to go to that games forum. You can bookmark it from there. (The forums are a bit difficult at times to get where you want to go.) Don't forget to check out the Terms of Service, yeah its a bit long but it is taken seriously. If you have questions there are usually people to answer them. Have patience, some common sense and a bit of manners and you will get along just fine. Again welcome and have fun!
  20. I am not sure if you have seen this thread here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/321-3ds-max/ I don't model so I can't say for sure but if you have not seen it, you may want to check it out. Good luck.
  21. I just make sure mine fits BEFORE uploading so I don't have to use the crop feature. Never had a problem (watch now I said that when I do it next time it will bug out on me! lol)
  22. Did you actually read the directions of the mod and ask in the thread of the mod? There is some specific directions if I recall about installing and playing and when it should be installed. So you have other mods? Posting your load order (in spoiler tags) would also be helpful.
  23. No problem. I probably get it a bit more since I was in on a little bit of ToS madness. Hopefully they can rein it in a bit more this time around. lol
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