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Everything posted by edgeburner

  1. Give this one a shot.... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32505/?
  2. Chrome was using 3 gigs of RAM?? How many tabs did you have opened? Where you chatting, downloading music and watching vids at the same time? Or maybe Googles Info gathering probes were ramped up? :) You have planty of RAM clearence, but, CPU threads are another thing. Someday, down the road (when I get serious about modding this game) I'm gonna start to do some research on which Windows services can be saftley disalbed or set to manual, especially some of the Asus/ATI crap that is always high on my thread count. It's a shame that 7 doesn't let you create "gaming profiles" with minimal services running to free up CPU resources. If you wish to delve into this boring and time consuming process, this guy has a nifty site: http://www.blackviper.com/
  3. You should post your systems specs and maybe the info from the performance monitor if possible, I don't use that program so I wouldn't know. Are your framerates capped? What do you mean by "pushing" your hardware? Overclocking? Unparking CPU cores? ini file edits? I woudn't attempt to OC your CPU or GPU unless you know exactly what you are doing as it is quite an involved process, not to mention the extra heat that OC'ing hardware usually produces. An Aftermarket CPU cooler is usually a must if you wish to attempt to trod this route If you have a multicore CPU and Windows 7 it is possible the the OS is 'parking' some of your cores as an energy saving feature. Some folks claim to get a gaming performance boost by forcing all cores into the unparked state via a registry tweak instead of letting Windows manage the park/unpark process. It is usually safe to do, and there are programs that will do it for you (http://www.coderbag.com/Programming-C/Disable-CPU-Core-Parking-Utility ) just create a system restore point beforehand in case something goes awry. As far as ini tweaks, mostly they are useless, unless a mod requires them. More often than not (with FO3, FNV and Oblivion) I ended up replacing 'surefire solution' tweaked ini's with my original backups. Only made one to Skyrim so far and only because the creator of a mod I added sugggested it. Anyway, try posting more specific info and maybe somone more knowledgable than I can help you. :)
  4. I have a system similar to yours - FX 4170 quad , ASUS HD7770-DC-1GD5-V2 GPU, 16gigs 1866 RAM and a WD "black" 1TB HDD - and my "Legendary Edition " copy ran the 'ultra' recomended preset fine (with just occasional micro stuttering, mainly in the Rim....Those falling leaves :) ) out of the box/ un-modded at 19 by 10. Since then, I have added about 30 mods, some of which affect performance, such as; Tamriel Reloaded (no enb) Pure Waters, RLO (with select plugins) Better Dynamic Snow and Claralux. These mods didn't have a major impact of performance, but collectively, they did increase micro stutter occurrence. Here are three mods/programs that helped (along with ticking my "view distance" setting back a tick or two)... SSME: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/? Project Optimization: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32505/? SMCO: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13529/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D13529%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I've also read where SMIM can deal a major performance hit, though I don't run it so I can't say for sure. I've only been playing Skyrim for about a week myself (with only two CTD's ***fingers crosssed***) I'd also be interested in any AMD based system tip's n tricks that actually work. :)
  5. The site is experiencing technical difficulties? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, the green tab is for downloading via the Nexus mod manager? You do have NMM installed? Did you try the "download manually" tab? If the problem persist, you may need to post more info, Such as the mod manager you use, any srcipt/add blockers you employ with your browser....
  6. Exactly my sentiments, camycamera... I Got to about lvl 30, had played up to the assassination attempt of the NCR prez at Hoover (along with the OWB and Lonseome road DLC completed, and no clear-cut alliance to any faction) before I got mod fever. Then, it was on to downloading FOMM, NVSE, NVSR, FNV4g, BOSS, FNVedit, googling my fingers stiff and eyeballs rolling in an attempt to learn the in's and out's of modding this gem of a game. Now ( about 75 mods later), I still have a lot to learn....but, to me, it's all part of the experience. My only real problem is with a cronic restarting of new characters. :smile: IceEEXY - One thing you could try after you get an idea of what sort of game you wish to inplement (via mods) is to go to the main Nexus FNV mod page, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'top list' under the 'files' catagory and scroll through. Click on the ones that garner your interest, read the description and browse the 'post' tab to get some more info on the mod. Alternativly, you can select 'index', browse to a catagory and select 'most recomended'.....Just something to help you narrow it down. Believe me, the Nexus is the absolute mega-vein for FNV mods. No other mod site can compare.
  7. Just curious about what you gurus have experienced when forcing graphic setting for FNV via the AMD - CCC or NVidia control panels? One helpful and regular contributor to this forum made a suggestion concerning AA setting that worked well for me (thanks, jim). Jim also mentioned a previous dicussion on this topic, but , my attempts to locate said dicussion have failed, hence, this post. :smile: My system specs are moderate at best by todays standards....The much maligned (but I like it) AMD FX 4170 black quadcore (well, sort of), AMD Radeon HDDC-1GD5-V2 7770 GPU ,16gigs of Crucial Ballistics tactical tracer DDR3 RAM @1866MHz, a 1TB WD Caviar black spinner along with on- board sound and networking. I am also loading the following graphic mods: NMC small with Poco Bueno on top, WRP, the Dynavision combo, NV interiors, Electro city, EVE, buttet impact increased LOD, FNVWRLO, Improved LOD noise, Performance of the gods, along with Game Compainion to fake fullscreen from windowed mode. I am also forcing 2xeq supersamling AA in CCC and capping my FPS at 40 via NVSR......Smooth and pretty with rare CTD's *fingers crossed* Anyway, How have you fared with forcing? All tips, tricks, to do's or not to do's, recomendations and constructive criticism are welcome.
  8. I would play through un-modded the first time, just to get a general idea of what you think could be improved/enhanced, then, you can install mods that suit your preference...For instance; The first thing I noticed - on my first play through - was that the dull, yellowish tint to the gameworld had to go, it was definitely not for me....so i installed a weather mod that gave me the option to nuke it (no pun intended) . I now run about 75 mods that do various things from enhanced textures to increased spawns, to removing unnecessary clutter (which aslo wore thin with me after a while) and other mods that just do 'minor' things, also, some mods that can really make a difference in gameplay but are scalable to personal preference, such as Project Nevada (for gameplay) and the Dynavision package (for enhancing visuals). Have fun. :smile:
  9. Jim, Mixed results. I experienced occasional micro stuttering with the settings @ 4x super samples, not too bad, still playable... but all is well with the AA setting at 2xEQ. It definitely looks a little better than the application settings. My experience with higher sampling rates is that the trade off (eyecandy vs. performance) is often not worth it. The difference at higher settings is very subtle. Just my opinion. Then again, my Radeon HD 7770 (1gig) isn't exactly a beast. :smile:
  10. This is a shot in the dark, but, did you start FNV via the NVSE loader option in FOMM? You may want to take some time to watch Gophers FNV modding tutorials, they contain easy to follow instructions on those mods you mention.... http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42832/? They were a big help to me when I first started modding FNV. Another thing, with the unified hud mod, you have to deactivate it and then reactivate it everytime you install a mod that installs elements for uHUD.
  11. I have the same issue (mainly on the bushy type of brownish yellow grass) It looks almost like i"m staring at a CRT display close up. It never bothered me that much, I actually had chalked it up to the visor overlays in Project Nevada, even though those block are larger and obviously intended around the edges of googles, lol. Has anyone had success forcing graphic settings such as AA on AMD cards via the Catalyst control center?
  12. No apology necessary. I also understand about your 'ohh shinny' reference, I assure you I am not one of those folks who thow programs on their PC willy nilly without looking before they leap. Though I am not a trained IT pro, I am no novice when it comes to copmuters. I posses more PC related knowledge than the average joe or jane....so to speak. My MoBo does not have an onboard graphics chip (Asus M5A97) and I am running an ASUS, HD7770-DC-1GD5-V2, Radeon HD 7770 1020MHz, 1GB GDDR5 4600MHz dedecated graphics card with the latest drivers. This card is factory overclocked to the 1020 MHz mentioned, but I don't think that is the issue. I have done no OCing via the BIOS or the GPU tweak program that came with the cards software installation disk. I didn't leave IE 11 on long enough to test it for everyday and gaming use, but, when I installed IE10 last winter, the only issue was with TES Oblivion ( i did not own FNV at that time)...everthing else was fine, which I why I posted this here... to see if anyone else was (or has) experienced similar issues.
  13. Acutally , this pc was built by an IT professional with about twenty years of experience who is a personal freind. I was was there when he Instaelled and updated everything, graphics card drivers, chipsset drivers, OS ect, set the RAM timings, ect, and put it through a 48 hr stress test. (BTW, my machine is a desktop) This update installed itself with IE 11. As I stated before, when I deleted the update, IE 11 went with it. Just like with IE 10. Perhaps it is some sort of prerequisite? I don't know, nor do I care as I don't use IE and IE 11 it's not going back on my machine....at least unil Microsoftt stops supporting IE 9 which, i believe will be 2020? And again, FNV was running like a charm until I installed IE 11 then it stared crashing literally within 10 to 15 minutes of gameplay, and, after uninstalling that patch , it runs like a charm again....As I stated before, nothing, absolutely nothing else was done to the system or hardware in that timeframe. Seems odd to me that the issue I had with Oblivion and IE 10 installation, then, the exect same issue FNV and IE 11 installation (both of which installed (KB2670838) are mere coincidence.
  14. bjornl, My system is' in order'. I have never had issue with any other Microsoft update. I In fact, the first time this occured, my system was only a month old....damn near virgin. I have reinstalled graphics drivers many times on more than one system, i am aware of the full uninstall and reinstall process. I also installed this update manually....Twice. Also, the fact the Microsoft has admitted to the issues merits the "blaming microft" post.
  15. jim uk, Strange thing happened concerning my GPU.....I had updated my drivers about a month ago, after installing and unintalling that IE update, my CCC ( I run an AMD based system) got borked. It's icon dissapeared from the systerm tray. Both Process Explorer and the Windows task manager listed it as running, but with less than half the resources it normally consumes. I couldn't open it at all. I had to reinstall my GPU drivers to remedy this occurrence. I cannot doccument the update as the culprit, but after some Googling, it seems the issues caused by (KB2670838) are widespread and varied...and not redtricted to only AMD based systems.
  16. I decided to install IE 11 the other day (even though I never use IE) and guess what? FNV started crashing consistently after only about 10 minutes of gameplay....Off of 5 different saves. Now, FNV has been running as smooth as butter on my machine for over a week, I haven't altered the game in any way shape of form in that time frame. Since I had the exact same issues with Oblivion after installing IE 10 last winter (which employs that very same update) I decided to uninstall the update (which takes IE 11 with it) and guess what? Not a single crash in two days. I have now 'hidden' (KB2670838) to make sure it doesn't auto-install somehow. I was just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues with (KB2670838) or, if anybody is aware of a workaround? I haven't been able to find anything. Seems odd to me that this 'bug' could still persist through 9 months and two IE rollouts? Then again, it is Microsoft. :) Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the advice guys.... I am fairly savy with computers and keep all of my hardware drivers, OS, and other software updated and have my machine locked down fairly well security-wise. I am, however, hitting the proverbial wall trying to find a way to create service/hardware profile in Windows 7 Home Premium. I imagine that option no longer exist like it did with XP. My machine is only about 9 months old, and has 16gb of high performance RAM, I am just looking for a way to trim the fat out of the services that load at startup (especially all of the fluff the ATI and Asus load automatically) I guess I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way.....Research and then experiment with what I can saftley disable, set to manual or leave on auto. Off to Black Vipers webite, I guess. :)
  18. http://www.razerzone.com/gamebooster#community Personally, I am always a bit hesitant about installing and running these "one click" performance/tuneup enhancers.
  19. I never used NMM so i can't really comment on it. I don't mind the extra steps that are sometimes required to install mods with FOMM (such as repackaging archives with esp/esm's placed into the same folders as the data folders) . I guess i'm just used to FOMM and see no reason to change over. The 'download with manager' feature for NMM isn't enough to swing me over. I installed NMC small with FOMM by just using the 'AddFOMod' option in the package manager, it installed fine. Just point it to the archive. If you decide on a fresh install, you could always backup your FNV data folder before you install any texture replacements/enhancers. I would try the simple merged patch with FONVedit before nuking the game and it's related folders/programs......it's worth a shot. I create a new one everytime I install a mod (except for bare bones basic mods). You could also look into the 'post' tab on the mod page of the mods that you think are causing issues. You may just find some information relevant to your problems with a particular mod. OMT, I you do decide to go the absolute nuke route, I would uninstall everything....The game, mod manager/s the mygames/falloutnv folder, then restart your computer, run a registry cleaner (such as the one included with CCleaner), reststart again and reinstall the game, then install just one of the mod managers. Oh, and make a copy of that saved game you want to keep and place it in another non-game related folder before you repave FNV, you may be able to put it back into the saved games folder in mydocuments/mygames/falloutnv/saved games folder and replay it after you get everything reinstalled and your mods playing nicely together. Again, worth a shot although you may have to make a "clean" save from it. Good luck.
  20. Funny thing concerning the DLC....On my first playthrough, I got all of the DLC load messages, including the level cap increases, the caravan pack ect, when exiting the docs house on the hill. I only played for a little while to get used to the game controls ect, Next run I made some graphical adjustments in the launcher, then looked in the data folder and none of the DLC boxs were checked? Not to push this thread off topic, but, I found the a little odd.
  21. Funny thing is...I tweaked the hell out of my Oblivion ini's and it really helped with stability. I'll probably try some more edits for my next playthough, mainly wtih the LOD settings. I just discovered that that the "enhanced shaders lite" may have been causing the stability issues. I run NMC small with Poco Bueno on top, inproved LOD noise, cinemantech+ dynavision+imaginator combo, Nevada skies URLified and the Weapon retexture project, so i don't actually need the shader pacakage. I have and AMD based system and have read where some folks with AMD systems have had issues with the .dll file that runs that shader package. I do use those threaded AI, morpher, particles ect but they don't seem to make any difference. I will, however, try returning my cell buffer values back to default and upping my preload size. Thanks for the tip, LordCaptainCommander. Oh, I tried to run the buffers and the preload to the 4gig recomendations, and got smoother preformance, but corpse looting and container opening slowed consideralby after about a half an hour of playtime. I was forced to purge the buffers way too often (I use the PCB hotkey mod)
  22. Could very well be a mod conflict. Load orders are a lesson in progress with me, but I think I can make a few suggestions. Make sure that you don't have any mod 'DLC' patches running along with the 'no DLC' counterparts for the same mod. Example: WMX-GunRunnersAresenal.esp and WMX-EVE-NoGRA.esp Check for newer versions of mods that combine all DLC patches into one single .esp. also, I know nothing about the DEIMOS mod but, should it load before the lonesome road DLC? You could try running your load order through BOSS as a starting point, though BOSS is no longer maintained (to my knowledge) for FNV Create a merged patch with FNv edit . Just load FNVedit with all of your mods active, right click in any entry on the left hand pane, select "other" from the drop-down menu and then click 'create merged patch' and let it run for a second. Close FNVedit, you should get a pop-up box, name the patch then click "OK".....load up you mod manager, tick the box to activate the patch. Make sure it loads last. I have only benn playing FNV for about a month and a half myself, so I know how frustrating modding this game can be...Hang in t here. :smile:
  23. Could be a VRAM issue, assuming your GPU has one gig of VRAM. You could try to uninstall NMC again ,( i believe there is a tool designed specifically for that purpose) and reinstall the medium or even the small version. I use the small with Poco Bueno installed on top of it and my Radeon HD 7770 is quite happy with it. Then you could run Optimizer textures again and select just the textues folder, don't want to go bonkers with that tool unless you know exactly what you are doing. :) Also, I believe there are issues with running both mod managers together, there is a workaround revealed in one of Gophers mod tutorial vids...
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