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Everything posted by edgeburner

  1. I think the extremes matter. We are not maiming these turds for life, we are not chopping off their heads. Anyone who tells you that people will say 'anything" under duress aren't being truthful...at least not when it comes to a skilled interrogator. these folks can extract the truth, via drugs or physiological manipulation. Do you think we pussy-footed around with Nazi POW's in WW2? Were those 'atrocities' worth it? Believe me, those German POW's were abused much worse than the Gitmo country clubbers are. Freedom comes at a cost, you must weigh that cost against your moral code and see which one is more important to you. I am a born and raised Catholic, i don't like putting anyone under duress, but, sometime the 'rules' are trashed by the enemy.
  2. Oh, believe me, availability factors in also. For instance, many folks in the US cannot watch FNC because it is a cable network, They don't have a 'world news tonight" like - scenario th at is available to anybody that can hook a pair of rabbit-ears to their television. The main stream media is not solely to blame for the rigid partisanship that is now engulfing our nation, but, they play a huge role in driving the wedge into the fabric of the nation....Think- Ferguson, MO......A sensitive issue like that, and, well, if you have two eyes and ears......Cannot go further cause it is a sensitive issue on this site also.... Not blaming this site. I understand your stance , :)
  3. Have to disagree here, He has not only used many of the policies that he criticized GWB for, he's put some on steroids.....like the NSA 'spying'. It's a combination of both, as far as what he's done and what he hasn't done. In typical idealouge, head in the clouds, holier than thou fashion....he's managed to piss everybody off. You must remember, with his ilk, everybody else is wrong and he is right. He's the first president I can remember who's ego actually got in the way of his decision making. It's like Bill Clinton said back in the 2007 dem primaries....."being POTUS is not a job that lends itself to on the job training"...
  4. I think it's more about that 'kardashian'(?) woman with the mega-butt. Exactly why i stated the following.... "people have choices now, and a much broader scope of news coverage to choose from. " As have I. There are always those who love to preach to the choir. The A-typical ignorance is bliss scenario. they feel secure in the talking points the keep them kosher in the framework of the members majority..... I have seen sites that cater to both 'sides' closed down because dedicated partisans refused to act civilly and respect each others opinions. It even got to the point on one local site where law enforcement became involved. Nowadays, political opinion are attache to ones pride. Sort of like and appendage.
  5. I agree ...to a certain extent. Who has ordained us with unfettered access to the high-road? To be the only ones blessed with the title of holier- than-thou? We are not the conscience of the world, not the ones who possess absolute judgement rights. Are we really that full of ourselves? Or, is that an honest human concern, because if it is an honest concern, we are going to get chewed up and spit out eventually....by the very ones who's 'rights' we are concerned with. This is war....whether people acknowledge that fact or not. It's not like we were/are pulling fingernails and executing the death of a thousand cuts in our interrogation techniques. Christ! the turds in Gitmo have all the comforts of home! Allow me a moment of stereotypical judgment.....Probably more comforts that their actual home!!
  6. Interesting concept, sometimes it's more satisfying to chuck their ignorant bias right into their face though, :) Nah....you're right, subtle manipulation is very useful at times. Though I guess i'm old skool.....I don't judge any opinion by what nation the individual has endured, when it comes right down to it, in this day of internet connection and instant communications, I'm convinced that folks have more in common that most of them realize. Many of us use nations, religion, race, ect as a separation mechanism, even though all are basically good individuals and agree on most basic social concepts. Some feel the need to be loud.....even if it's loud and wrong.
  7. Because it is funny (too me anyway) I talk to people on the streets, try to garner a little bit of their opinions, and NONE of them trust the media. Especially the "big three" TV networks. Love 'em or hate 'em, FOX is still the most trusted....... at least 4 years running now. (according to PEW research) Ratings rule that roost...and always will, unless an alternate source of trustworthy news is presented to the public. The internet is a start, the downfall of overly opinionated print media is proof of that. people have choices now, and a much broader scope of news coverage to choose from.
  8. K.....you should be used to that by now. Anymore, i just shrug it off as little brother syndrome.....Kidding! Human greed.....two simple words, two simple words that transcend government, race, religion, country, and anything else that involves the utterly fallible mammal known as man. As far as nations go, don't judge 'em unless you have lived in them....The only real way to grasp the mindset of the inhabitants is to dwell amongst them.
  9. Indeed, Jim. Same over here. Media trust is at an all-time low.... Funny how the media and the politicians cannot seem to grasp that fact.
  10. I'm tired of seeing him allover skyrim..... cowering at the sight of a skeever. "I give, i give, I cannot best you!" Lord, for someone who travels the dangerous trails of skyrim, he should be capable of defending himself somehow....Or, maybe he can be made into a rug. Somebody give M'aiq some intestinal fortitude!!! .....And a few spells. :)
  11. A bit of a "random" statement, don't you think? But, it does matter how, and, who is being 'tortured'. If the SOB is responsible for killing thousand of innocent people, and, you have evidence proving his involvement, Go right ahead.....I won't shed any tears.....I gaurantee you that. :)
  12. This has been my experience in political blogs/debates also...It is the main reason I don't participate in political forums much anymore. It seems to devolve into a hyperlink posting contest more often than not....along with personal insults thrown in. Funny thing is, I can remember the days when discussing politics with people never went personal...crack another beer and move on to sports.....and go home friends every night. Tolerance is not a one way street. These mid terms were definitely a judgement on Obama's policies...If the moderate liberal faction of the democrat party were in support, they would have turned out to support them. Instead, we had house and senate dems distancing themselves from him. It's so blatantly obvious.
  13. I have been digging though pages of post on all of these mods (all of which are excellent, by the way) and cannot seem to realize an absolute solution concerning including - or not- them all in a bashed patch (revlev/delev tags). Leave 'em all out, include them all, include some of them? Conflicting opinions have been my experience.
  14. Where do you draw the line? In light of the recent news that USA congressional democrats plan to release evidence of CIA 'torture ' techniques used on suspected terrorist to pull information from them, I am left (no pun intended) to wonder why?... KIDDING! It is obviously political, Is water boarding/sleep deprivation, ect akin to fingernail pulling/cutting, ect? I understand that we must not regress into absolute midevil-esque torture methods to extract information from enemies, but, you cannot give 'em milk and cookies and expect them to talk either. After all, they are prisoners of war. not to mention that they are extremely dedicated to their cause. Remember also that we subject our own spec-op warriors to the same 'torture' methods....Is that torture or training? Will taking the moral high-road /holier-than-thou atty hurt us in the end? Will we endanger the lives of our military/intelligence folks? How will such a report affect our allies? And again, what is the possible benefit of releasing such a report outside of the obvious political nonsense?
  15. Amen to that. There are many factors that feed into this nonsense.....24 hour news cycles, political alignment, racism (from all angles), social media, ect. Egotism, personal preference and partisanship have replaced the honest reporting of the facts and let the reader/watcher decide method. "LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK AND FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!!!!" The new credo of today's journalistic reporter.
  16. edgeburner


    And all of this time I thought it was simply a matter of cold air connecting/crossing with warm water??? Damn!! I shoulda known that it was either Bush, or, us evil humans existing that is the actual cause. :)
  17. Just fishing for opinion here. The majority of folks i have 'sampled' agree with the grand jury's decision. Apparently, there are some who think that race trumps the process.... If we ever get to the point where we will sacrifice a mans life for a political agenda.....we are doomed. And deserve to be. A tragic circumstance, but, one we can grow from, one we can learn actual tolerance from, or, one that enhances and drives the racial wedge further into the heart of America. Your thoughts?
  18. Wow. Your insinuated lack of tolerance is only exceeded by your lack of understanding. Loose the stereo-types and the labels and get serious.
  19. Absolutely! The evidence is our there, Tom Steyr, Al Gore and other assorted hypocrites looming the largest. You could slam that one directly into reverse...Flip the subjects and you would be knocking on truths door. It's the left and the driving, take no prisoners, hell bent for leather green lobby that is the evil entity. THEY are the liars. At least the oil companies have a viable product that can stand on it's own merit and doesn't suck down our tax dollars, and, benefit no one but self-righteous, elitist, holier-that-thou left wing ideologues who think that they know how to run your life better that you. Give them suckers an inch and they will take your feet. Let's face it..... actual climate science does not support the global warming hypothesis.....In spite of what the so-called "consensus" of cowered scientist claim. Grant funding, tenure ship, ect......They are bought, molded and intimidated by the billionaire green lobby..... Ssshhhhh! Don't tell them that the climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years!!! Don't tell them that we have only been keeping temperature records for about 200 years, and, only been incorporating satellite data for about 30 years.... Let 'em fudge the proxy data... like ice cores and tree rings that they use to fill in the other gaps they can't actually justify.
  20. Well stated (though I disagree with the 'moderate conservative vanishing' take, I believe the the moderate conservatives are actually increasing in number). As far as Reids "nuke option" goes....I think the republicans will restore it to it's original intent.....they may take advantage of it for a while before doing so. Harry Reid has been Obama's protector since his (Obama's) reign began, It will definitely be interesting to see just how many of the 300+ bill that Ried buried will actually be put to vote with the new senate majority. Remember, on jobs bills alone. Reid has buried 40 or so bills that passed the house with bi-partisan support. Now, Obama has to commit, one way or the other.... At least it will reveal that the moniker of "the party of no" that has been hung on the republicans will be exposed as utter nonsense, Just like the "war on woman" nonsense that has basically blown up in the dems face. The whole 'Republicans anti - everything that is not a white Cristian male" crap has grown old with the public, There is no logical evidence to support it and the dems have overplayed that hand.
  21. Just exactly what is a "hate crime"? Does hate distinguish and judge by race, gender, nationality or religion? I really have a hard time grasping this concept. For example, I'm a white Christian male, If I assult another white Christian male that I hate, it's not a hate crime. If I do the same to a White/black Muslim of any gender, it is surely a hate crime.....Even if I don't actually "hate" them. Perhaps the folks that designate and attempt to qualify such terminology are the ones who harbor real hate in their hearts?
  22. SOMEBODY SAY "AMEN"!!! Pretty soon, we will all need to purchase the "scroll of Political correctness" and study it before we venture out through our front door. We surely cannot take it with us, as it will be a huge burden to bear physically..... a real back breaker due to it's sheer size and volume. How else are we to learn addressing someone who is different from us? Keep the divide alive.....separate and divide the people via political correctness.
  23. We should be careful in judging folks only by their "online" persona. It's a whole different scenario when you can read body language, establish eye contact, and interpret voice intonation while sitting across the table from someone with beers in your fists. Online opinions are one thing, but, they don't necessarily reveal the true person.
  24. This is why you cannot have self-righteous ideologues running a government..... http://youtu.be/CPdClw_Ir6Q And, believe me, we have a government chock-full of liberal elitist ideologues. When the "I" comes before the "we" - "we" have problems. As far as I know (and I have been tracking) FNC is the ONLY news outlet that has aired this video. A culpable media is another problem.....Call 'em enablers. This legislation has been fraught with a history of lies, deception and behind the doors dirty deals from the git-go. Personally, i don't think the American people are stupid....just a little naive and trusting....That is also changing.
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