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Everything posted by edgeburner

  1. BTW....Sorry about the double post....still trying to figure this program out. :)
  2. We just witnessed it in NYC last weekend!! All of those climate hippies who drive their SUV's to work and, to the big climate protest, and, pound those cell phones to the tune of Leanardo Decrapioe and Al wh*%#....Both of whom burn more carbon in one day than your entire family (if average) will burn in a month.....hell... maybe a year! Not to mention all of that garbage those " clean the planet of all human excess" freaks left. Gawd!! Not a one of them actually walks their lofty talk...Never...ever ever.
  3. Selective data manipulation/ presentation has been a constant since early in the is decade. Amazing the way they place some of these temp recording stations, on tar, in front of an air conditioning exhaust vent?? I've seen three such placed stations myself. Not to mention the fact the a certain Aussie university boast the data for the nonsensical "97%" consensus... a certain skeptic has accessed the date used to
  4. Selective data manipulation/ presentation has been a constant since early 2,000 . Amazing the way they place some of these temp recording stations, on tar, in front of an air conditioning exhaust vent?? I've seen three such placed stations myself. Not to mention the fact the a certain Aussie university boast the data supporting the nonsensical "97%" anthropogenic climate destruction consensus... a certain skeptic has accessed the data used to form this 'consensus" and has been threatened with a lawsuit if he proceeds with publication. How can 97% of climatologist be convinced by such a flawed hypothesis?
  5. That dude in that video is a prostitute. That interpretation is an absolute farce, but, it does prove the extremes these warmer-types will got to to force an agenda that the science (as limited as it is ) simply does not support. Now, we in the US have to endure the fact that "global climate change" has now been relegated to our DHS (department of homeland security) ..... Unbelievable!.....they have the unmitigated gall to equate an unsubstantiated climate hypothesis with the an all-too real terrorist threat to our homeland?? I guess that when the science fails, weird sh*t happens...especially to those whom are so committed to an agenda that they are utterly bound to it...to the point where they will deny any findings that disparage their religious commitment.....
  6. Don't trust NOAH either. I don't think that the government fears the science in reality, because there is no chance that the media will reveal the true science....findings from both sides of the debate.... In my opinion, if they think that us evil humans are unabashedly abusing this planet...They should go live in a cave and eat bugs. Set an example and lead from it... Don't fly around the globe on your private jet and dump millions into "green" based political campaigns, Don't tell me to tighten my belt when you loosen yours and eat all of that grilled food your private chef cooks up. Don't preach about conservation when you and your wife take separate flights to the same vacation location....ect, ect... Here is an interesting site...http://wattsupwiththat.com/
  7. Aye....:groups" being the key. When we get to the point where we judge "groups" on their politics, their honest opinion....and not their skin color, their race , their religion , ect. Heck, maybe we'll even get to the point where there are no 'groups'.......just people. That won't happen in my lifetime, I'm sure of that.
  8. Nice one....Pigmentation lol.....If I actually met a person that was pure white or pure black I would be rendered utterly speechless. But, none-the -less, people always insist on separating races with their choice of words, and yet, trying to eliminate the "color barrier" at the same time? Sooner or later it ( no racism/color distinction) will happen. But. it will be when the PC liberals let-up. Not the so-called racist conservatives. I've spent time in both the 'North' and the 'South' and I'll tell you what....The 'races' mingle much better in the south. They are honest friends...not friends of political convenience.
  9. Here in the US, we have a ' huge ' (lol) problem with our professional (mainly the national football league) sports leagues letting the players run amok and beat their wives and their children into submission .... Nah! There are a few isolated incidents of the above, and, the narrative in both cases have switched from the actions of a full grown man beating their wives/child into submission.... to the NFL commissioner (Robert Gudell) being guilty of negligence in both cases. Somehow, Gudell has become the villain in all of this. How so? Is he responsible for the actions of NFL players on their own time? In their private life? Is the NFL a law enforcement organization ? I'm a huge sports fan, but, I cannot stand the way the media switches the focus from the dirty, spoiled player to the management on every single issue that involves these coddled athletes . When does the responsibility (media wise) switch to the actual guilty party......The hero worshiped player?
  10. Yup. But, alas.....all of the dirty deeds executed by the NASA's Goddard Institute, the UN's IPCC, and, let's not forget the Obama administration .....too many to comprehend ! While the climate-gate e-mails may not reveal a smoking gun, the smell of cordite /gun powder hangs heavy in the air. And, the actions of greenie billionaires hypocrites such as Tom Steyer have really hurt Americans, in the wallet as well as on the job front. Another thing.....I'm all for alternative - clean energy.....when is actually viable as an energy source....when it's ready for prime-time. The fact is, it's (solar and wind) not viable at the present time. Yet, our tax dollars must subsidize them.....So they can stay afloat (cause their products cannot pluck on their own merit) and charge us more in the future... While they close down affordable/proven energy providers such as coal plants??...Why not spend some of those dirty dollars on aiding coal plants to burn cleaner?? Y'know, as a stop-gap till we can make the wind farms (ewwgly, yuck...Friggin bird choppers) and solar panel industry viable on the merit of their product? Make to much effin sense?
  11. No doubt! When $$$$$/agenda become the driving force in scientific 'discovery', then we have an absolute problem. Scientist will no longer uncover (or, make public) new and exciting data, they will be subject to the whims and censorship of the power mongers ...... Already happening as far as I'm concerned.
  12. I believe it's both....along with the social aspect, of course that could fall under the realm of 'environment'. Agreeing whith what the Arcadist posted..history doesn't lend itself to revealing alternative scenarios, so, we can only speculate and exchange via theory and hypothesis... We usually learn something from that. *If we are prepared to learn in baby steps, and, not to 'assume' from incomplete data*
  13. Aye....funding is one of the major keys, along with the power agenda of the "green" billionaires who wish to control energy resources.....many of whom are absolute hypocrites that have made billions off of fossil fuels in other nations. The fact is that our understanding of exactly how our global climate functions is still in it's infancy. Even the "proxy" data (such as ice cores and tree rings) they claim to support their hypothesis have failed them miserably. One prime example is in my home state in the US.....Our Governor (at the time) actually told our state climatologist (who is a climate skeptic) that he could not use his earned title as 'state climatologist ' when speaking in public climate forums. If that isn't an example of politics poisoning science......Please! Tell me what is??
  14. I think the word "trapped" is key. If a person/spouse is in a relationship where they believe they simply have no other recourse, they can be conditioned by the abuser to do just about anything he/she wants. They will come to believe that every aspect of their existence is based on the whims of the abuser.....placate the abuser at all cost ? Methinks that this is a form of the human survival instinct. Just look at at how woman who endure abusive husbands attempt to justify the abuse. The passing of time and the consistent abuse becomes rote, so ingrained into their psych that they condition themselves to believe that they deserve such treatment. Humans can be conditioned...just like Pavlov's dogs.... As far as becoming conditioned to the point that they will pass such utterly submissive tendencies on to their offspring...I doubt it...unless they exist in a society that is burdened by some sort of Sharia-like law that encourages such nonsense. The offspring will born with a mind of their own, and the unconditioned mind will always resist abuse.
  15. "90% + of climatologist agree on the anthropogenic angle of so-called "global warming" ? BullSh*t!!......Petition a certain university in Australia to release the actual numbers? Or, how they fudged the data? The fact is that the planet has not warmed in over 17 years. That is not what the vaunted 'climate models' predicted. Even though hundreds of thousands/millions of our hard earned (US) tax dollars went into "upgrading" those computer models. It's time to get the Tom Styer and the Al Gore - types out of climate science. They, and their agendas, are detriment to science It's time to stop referring those who are skeptical about the selectively published results of modern climate science as "deniers" and accept their findings as legitimate for debate? After-all, Isn't that what science is all about?
  16. Interesting.....First off, the Indians would have had to unite amongst themselves before the attempt to accomplish anything you mention in the OP. T he American Indians have a long history of tribal wars the occurred before the "foreigners" landed on the North American continent. Also, one must remember the the Indian populations were devastated by the diseases that the European immigrants introduced them, ones to which they had no natural immunity too. That is how the vast majority of the American Indians perished...Not by bloodshed supposedly initiated by the "white man". All of these things considered, IMO, they would have assimilated.....just like other immigrants. They simply had no other option. As far as "superpowers" go.....Somebody/nations would seize that rein.....don't forget the Asian continent..... If the US had become like the EU.....Would Hitler have succeeded? Would FDR have been capable of organizing all of the different North American factions to aid Europe against Hitlers fascist advance?
  17. It is like the "global warming" debate. People rush to judgement even though the' science' is far from settled....our knowledge - in both theories - is far from able to actually 'prove' an absolute, definitive result. When science relies on proxy data, we are still learning about said theory.
  18. Excellent discussion....A lot of thought provoking points. Personally, it s my everyday experience (in the US ) is that most folks, whether they be black, white, brown, or whatever, aren't overly concerned with this sort of divisive terminology, They seem to take the quality of the individual first and foremost. It is the politicians, the race baiters and any other folks that think they can benefit from the divide that promote this "separatist" mentality....Including the sensationalist media. It is just a shame that every time there is an issue like the recent Ferguson, Missouri incident, that the divisive hate-mongers have to land in town and muck up the waters with the one-sided take and no chance/reason for actual justice attitude....Along their (perhaps unwittingly) allies in the MSM.
  19. so, how may nations have we forced to adapt to our culture??
  20. Amen! No argument from me on that one. Howabout the celebrity worship aspect? It amazes me that folks are actually more concerned with what their favorite celebrity is eating for lunch than is what the government is doing to them in their own backyards......" hero worship" has gone beyond the usual aspect...."what is trending"? Do you utter the word "like" multiple times on every sentence you pronounce? Do you have an insatiable lust to be like everyone else? "r" "u " cool? Gawd help us! :)
  21. So...how many nations have we forced to adapt to our culture, ect? Can you name them? ' One thing that always amazes me is how folks seem to 'verify' history's alternative scenarios to their own liking/political view....unfortunately, history does not offer alternative scenarios ...all we can do is speculate via our bias. Have you seen the bills that keeps these products subsidized? They cannot stand on their own merit (like oil and gas) but millions of our tax dollars are keeping them afloat so they can rip us off even more in the future. You really can't see how politics has poisoned climate science?
  22. Well keyed, Jim! There are no FDR's or Churchill's to wrap everything up and present the policy in logical and sensible terms... If that is possible in today's political environment....None of our currents have the balls to take the stand....to put their ass on the proverbial line to protect their nations(S). politics trump all....
  23. Quite well stated. the 'group separation" is the fascinating thing to me. Why would you want to isolate one race, or, try to unite races that share a skin pigmentation against another that may or may not share the same pigmentation? I guarantee you, if the term were reversed (at least here in the US) you would be accused of racism and referring to dark skinned folks as lacking in color... But, then again, what would the world be without double standards based on.....
  24. Not bad....not bad atall.:) The big difference today is the 'partisan divide' Is much more pronounced than it was back in the days of Regan and Carter. My cousin used to work for Carter and the DNC till about the mid 80's and he often tells me about how both parties of the house and senate used to meet and discuss legislation over drinks at a local bar....as friends!!. He told me that party affiliation didn't really matter back then. They respected each other and put the nation first.
  25. I wouldn't call it a version of reality, but, I often wonder just what this globe would resemble if we isolated ourselves......Don't like what I imagined. The fact is that all of us in the "free world" have to stand together if we want to keep our freedom. Actually, If it weren't for the huge "green" lobby in America we could sell oil much cheaper to Europe that Russia is asking. Unfortunately , the said lobby is playing scientific politics (the worst kind) and not reporting the skeptic findings, and continue to use an unsubstantiated hypothesis as reason to heap a guilt trip on us all, and to push alternative energy sources that are not ready for prime time on us....The climate debate ain't science, it's politics. Putin knows that and probably bellows a huge laugh every time he downs a shot of 'wodka".
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