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Everything posted by Arthmoor

  1. I think that denying mod authors the ability to enable or disable this "feature" makes it a no-go.
  2. Set your profile to hide adult content.
  3. Contact Cartogriffi on the official BGS Discord and explain the situation to him. He'll be able to tell you if it's something they can take care of.
  4. totally agree. the number of posts i've read from tinfoil hat wearing cranks who refuse to update their game for no good reason are legion, and if a mod doesn't work because they're on a version of the game that isn;t relevant any more, its in no way their problem - its always the fault of the mod author. in the real world - if you're running out of support software - then you're pretty much on your own. keep it updated and relevant.... The weirdest part about this is that you can almost always be certain it's someone installing mods to a BGS game that's complaining about old versions of things. Pretty much every other modding community I've been involved with (even just as a user) they embrace game updates and almost immediately update their mods. Mods that don't get updated to fit get left behind swiftly. None of this hanging on to something that's 3 years old and will never be updated and then expecting everyone else to stop updating too.
  5. You might want to think about why you're noticing so much stuff being missing from Nexus lately. There might just be a reason for it you're not aware of. As for OCS, it's not dead, in fact I updated it for SE 1.6 and added Fishing support to it along with adjustments for the other free DLCs that came down with 1.6.
  6. It's not difficult to find at all. It's on Bethesda.net, AFK Mods, and ModDB. Something not being on Nexus doesn't mean it's gone forever, you just need to broaden your horizons.
  7. It doesn't much matter. Nothing in ICAO requires an update for SSE 1.6.
  8. Personal experience over the years has shown that most people reporting bugs lack the troubleshooting skills to even make a claim to have found a bug.
  9. A Google search for mlq_lcoquestscript turned up a hit for the Lawbringer mod. 015F9014 would strongly indicate the use of an injected form ID since otherwise that should be from Update.esm and in Update.esm that ID does not exist.
  10. For all of mine, I have always kept copies of all of them at AFK Mods. The SSE and FO4 ones are on Bethesda.net, which is accessible via the in-game UIs for both. I know of several people who have relocated to ModDB as well. Stuff is out there, and in a lot of these cases always has been. Nexus may be big, but it's not the only place and never has been.
  11. It seems highly unlikely that compacting only changes one global and nothing else.
  12. It shouldn't be working at all. Compacting changes the form IDs, but if you didn't rename the voice files to match their new form IDs, they won't play. Setting the ESL flag won't affect that.
  13. We're a much more tech savvy community today than we were when he wrote that. So part of the problem is that he was trying to explain technical licensing concepts to people who are more akin to artists.
  14. He oversold the Cathedral position because it's the position he supported. That was basically the whole point of why he wrote that essay. He ALSO made it quite clear to anyone paying attention that a migration to a more open ecosysytem had to happen through voluntary action, not heavy handed forced initiatives by hosts or other modders. It was then, is now, and will always be up to the creator of a mod to decide how open they want it to be.
  15. Honestly I think nearly everyone is misusing the terms in the sense that Wrye intended for them to be read. Plus I don't think very many people have actually read his words from his own fingers, so for the benefit of those who have not: https://wryemusings.com/Cathedral%20vs.%20Parlor.html He was attempting to draw an understandable analogy between "closed source" and a form of "open source", but what he was basically after was "open licensing", or "FOSS" (Free and open-source software) in the terminology used in open source circles. What most of the militant proponents of it today do isn't to advocate for that sort of thing, they advocate for basically no copyright whatsoever. FOSS or Cathedral or Parlor or whatever you want to call it all boils down to licensing. You can't license without the copyright, but most "Cathedral" supporters these days really mean to be advocating Richard Stallman's position of "All information wants to be free" and he is vehemently anti-copyright.
  16. Good lord, you're still posting?
  17. I see you've reached the petty insults stage of your line of reasoning. Thanks for the game, but it's over now, and you've declared defeat.
  18. In keeping with the spirit of this thread, I figured people would be interested in knowing I submitted a file deletion form to remove 100 mod pages this morning. You can read about it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/684492
  19. That's because theft is theft, the difference simply doesn't matter at all. I UNDERSTAND the difference just fine, I just don't see it as legally justifiable. This isn't a self defense homicide case after all. There is no situation in which someone can claim the piracy of someone else's content was justified. That YOU don't see THIS distinction is frankly very disturbing and I'd be utterly unsurprised at this point if you're on the Nexus payroll.
  20. It isn't just about morality, but that's one aspect. It's also not legal for it to have been done the way they did it. NONE of the mod authors were consulted, so no legal permission had been given. Of course you don't, because you've shown you do not respect the rights of mod authors one bit. So why should an act of piracy bother you at all? There is no way to spin it being right to trample someone's rights and expect them to come crawling over to beg for their content to be removed. That's the same kind of legal horsecrap ModDrop pulled several years ago and even THEY realized the error of their ways.
  21. Good thing that's not how actual copyright works. Nexus did not have one shred of authority to do what they did with that archive. Filefront doesn't own the content and are not legally able to license Nexus to use it. Well, pretty sure if you remove the files when requested by the author in such a case, most wouldn't see it as a problem. In fact, pretty sure most didn't. The problem with this response is that it demonstrates very clearly that you lack morals in this matter. "Upload first, ask permission later" is a violation of one of the most important rights a content creator has. That's NOT how this works, it's not how any of it works. Supporting a site that decides to upload old mods and hopes that nobody calls them on it makes you as bad as the site because it's people like you they point to and say "see, the community thinks this is ok". It IS NOT ok.
  22. Good thing that's not how actual copyright works. Nexus did not have one shred of authority to do what they did with that archive. Filefront doesn't own the content and are not legally able to license Nexus to use it.
  23. Interesting that someone who has already admitted to multiple account violations and claimed they didn't know that was against the rules is suddenly and specifically able to quote an irrelevant clause to the issue of our ownership of our files.
  24. Kind of hard not to when I was one of the ones invited in before it went public. I remember it was people like you who crap all over mod authors that were doing that too. Piracy doesn't seem to be one of those things you'd be against based on your vigorous defense of Nexus' actions here. Your entire line of argument about how one would be taking away mods from the entire community by removing them from Nexus. That suggests to me you literally think Nexus is the only mod site available. It's either that or you're a troll with a flamethrower and a lot of gasoline to light people on fire with. That would require them to have a valid license for the forum package. Which is impossible because IPB 3.x was EOL'd in 2017.
  25. I think it's become quite obvious Brabbit believes Nexus to be the only modding site on the entire internet, because it's clear they think if it's not here, it's been taken away from the world. This is the kind of dangerous monopolistic thinking that's led us all here to this point. It's too bad Brabbit will never understand that letting one site gain such a monopolistic positions is BAD for the community in the end.
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