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Everything posted by Arthmoor

  1. Actually it sounds to me like the safeguards in place kicked in and did exactly what they're intended to do in your case.
  2. It's not necessary but in situations like that it's probably a good idea anyway. Otherwise it gets a lot more complicated because you'd need xEdit to be able to bring over the fixes you don't want to lose.
  3. Blocking has its uses and I have found that in most cases, it was entirely justified. Sometimes even resulting in the person lashing out and getting banned from the site as a whole. So no, it doesn't say anything about the mod author who blocks a person, since IMO the person generally has it coming already and is probably a hair's width from a full site ban anyway. There's more self-entitlement in the assumption that the jerks out there should be allowed to run amok than there ever will be with the mod authors who are making legitimate use of a site feature that's common on many sites.
  4. Sorry mate you've missed my meaning. The problem with nexus ads are they're parasitic. Do TV or streaming ads crash your TV or app? Don't think so. And before you refute this, nexus ads in fact do, hogging up so much ram it forces you to have to reboot the internet browser. If they didn't do this it would be a non-issue. Nope. Nexus ads don't do anything of the sort. You may be referring to the ones served up by 3rd party advertisers, but the pop-ups Nexus itself delivers are pretty benign. Just as you can in fact get some nasty badly made ads served up on your Smart TV or streaming service from time to time. But the ones coming in from the company who sold you the service don't do that. Oh, and maybe upgrade your PC. Even the worst of the worst ads won't crash your browser or your system unless you have a potato to begin with.
  5. Reminds me of when this happened :P https://i.imgur.com/tqziR0v.png All 7 slots were mine :P
  6. In response to post #77560588. #77574198, #77575033, #77578333, #77580593, #77583373, #77671558, #77722673, #77839473 are all replies on the same post. Yep, I've seen no reliable evidence about any of these claims. Just angry reddit posts going on about why bother because Steam.
  7. 10.x.x.x is a local network IP, posting it won't cause any harm. That gateway timeout issue is what was happening once before with the same mod and got fixed. I guess whatever CDN pathway it's on isn't happy.
  8. And yet we hear about this happening countless times, so don't dismiss it so lightly just because it inconveniences you a little. Now consider what happens should the site simply be hacked and the data stolen? Then they don't need to hammer the site for a couple of weeks, they can hammer their local system for a couple of DAYS and have the entire password database undone. If you don't think this is realistic, you have no idea what these criminal enterprises are capable of, and if you think they won't be interested in the database here at Nexus, you REALLY don't get it at all.
  9. The only reason companies like Google and Facebook only require 8 characters (right now) is because they're too entrenched with what they're doing to have spent developer time on increasing the requirement. Rest assured that some day they will, because security concerns will force their hand. In this respect, Nexus is basically in the role of early adopter. You should be complaining to other places that still think 8 chars is safe because it really isn't anymore. Going from 8 to 12 characters is a significant improvement in security - on the order of making it take YEARS to crack through brute force even if the database is stolen outright.
  10. In response to post #77513343. #77513408 is also a reply to the same post. Epic isn't going anywhere guy. And who actually complains about getting stuff for free.... oh wait... self-entitled mod users!
  11. Getting the same problem, but only for this one so far: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/864 (for the full version, not the update file) Clicking on the manual download button for that brings up the download screen pop-up, which then slowly fades in the Download button, and after a few seconds it then crashes to the 502 Bad Gateway error. Attempting to use the "Preview file contents" link also results in an error message: "Content could not be loaded at this time."
  12. And I think most people would prefer we not let Nexus become a tempting target for hackers by pretending it's still 2005.
  13. So business as usual you mean? If nobody catches you it's ok? :P
  14. Copyright law itself invalidated your assertion before you ever made it, which is why people are now telling you to contact a real lawyer instead of whoever it is you think you're quoting who obviously isn't one.
  15. If this person is who you think they are then that would also mean they're committing a multiple account violation since this isn't the person I've been dealing with on that subject.
  16. Your overall argument - disregarding the question of copyright law - seems to not contend with what I consider a deeper issue. If I were to create a "patch mod" for the Inigo or Lucien mods that patched the voice lines so the characters would spout homophobic nonsense I would be violating the authors' vision for their characters. I would be taking their creation and perverting it. And I could do all of that without redistributing any of their original files. And that simple scenario, I fully believe, is the crux for why the rule exists. It's also the reason why derivative works are an exclusive right of the copyright holder, and this scenario you describe is something that would in fact qualify as a derivative work since it's directly descended from the original work, and is indeed NOT capable of being a fully independent entity. Clearly Michalius needs to talk to a real attorney and not someone who plays one on Youtube in order to get the correct advice here, but even if they don't, just reading up on derivative works would probably be immensely helpful rather than taking advice typically found on reddit at face value.
  17. The original author's copyright on their mod. Mod X is explicitly given copyright protection via Bethesda's EULA: One of the exclusive rights of copyright is the right to create derivative works based on the original work. Mod Z is a derivative work of Mod X. Thus it requires the permission of the author of Mod X before it can legally be distributed. Mods are not sets of written instructions on how to change something. They are copyrightable data which are classified as literary works under copyright law.
  18. I hate to be the one to shine the light of reality in your eyes, but that's precisely what this site has been for years. A for-profit commercial online venture.
  19. No issues manually downloading here.
  20. Writing your passwords down on a post-it note would reduce your security risk to those in your own home. If you can't trust those people, no amount of site or user security can help you anyway.
  21. I had to change a couple of my accounts to use phrases because the random stuff I had KeePass kick out was too much of a pain to enter on my phone when needed. KeePass indicates those accounts with the passphrase on them are composed of a lot more bits and are thus far more secure. That doesn't mean I'm gonna suddenly switch everything to use the same passphrase though cause if someone DOES manage to bust it then everything using it falls quickly. So most of my logins are random strings of garbage 30+ characters long.
  22. +1 for KeePass. I've been using it ever since the second Bethesda hack (and first Nexus hack in between) and I regret nothing about that decision. If someone gets physical access to my PC, I'm far more screwed than what may happen to my accounts as a result of that. Mainly because they're not gonna be able to do it without me being here in the first place.
  23. I'm not sure whether you realize it or not, but traffic slowing to a trickle would be beneficial to their bottom line. Less bandwidth used = less bill for that month. And you're quite wrong about people going somewhere else that's free. There is no place else that even comes close to what Nexus offers because the various modding communities for years have basically allowed a monopoly state to form in the first place. Which at this point is probably going to be fine by any of us who give 2 f*#@s about the communities we're involved with, and if you really must know, DPs are a pretty darn big incentive for those of us who could actually use the money to remain here even if certain things the site does annoy us to no end.
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