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Everything posted by SayinNuthin

  1. Is there anyone in here who could manage (a) Cheech Marin's Mexican/east LA accent, and (b) is good with some adult themed script? Basically an FNV version of this; http://www.monologuedb.com/comedic-male-monologues/from-dusk-till-dawn-chet-pussy/ I don't think this needs to be a 'perfect' impersonation as I believe the material is good enough to carry the performance but it really needs the Mexican sound.
  2. Yes, I am still very interested. Fallout Who Vegas is incomplete without a fez! Have you asked the 'Who-Vegas' folk? Fezzes are cool....
  3. There are several ways of various degrees of complexity. Here's a thread about setting up 'Acoustic Spaces'; http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1059598-trying-to-get-an-acoustic-space-working-screenshots/ But I found selecting a convenient static, editing it and giving it a [Looping/Random Sound] was by far, the simplest way to do this.
  4. Is this a fez of the heart then? Modelling and armour isn't my thing but this would be an ideal project for a beginner, no. There are several broadly fez shaped statics in the game such as the bucket and I'm sure something could be kludged into place to serve as the tassel. Re-texture it, set it as one of the helmets and your off... Just like that... I wanted some camouflage gear, but I couldn’t find any
  5. There are several mods for hiding and changing the Pip-boy an that's the end of the good news. Ever wondered why FNV has no whip weapons?... because there are no animations for whip weapons in the game, like there are no animations for aliens or predators or exotic predator weapons - there isn't even an animation for lying down to shoot any of the hundreds of sniper rifles forinstance. I'm not saying it isn't do-able, it's just probably going to be a substantial task. Learning modeling, rigging, animating, then all the texture stuff then the scripting and getting all that to work. But there is actually one more bit of good news, the extremely knowledgeable people here will be able to advise you in this project.. So D/L the GECK and go for it! And BTW, Dont bump threads.
  6. Project Brazil is in the all time top 5 mods for FNV, and probably for any fallout game. I'd go as far as to say it would be in the top ten mods if you include Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind, it is that f**king good! The only reason it isn't a clear winner is the other top mods such as Bounties, Warzones and the other greats are not trying to do remotely the same thing as Brazil, so it's not comparing like with like. If I had one suggestion for the team I'd have to say a map of the vault. The Pip-boy 'local map' is nearly useless anywhere in the game and worse than useless in the Brazil vault. Running round and round during the final pre-escape part, trying to work out how to get to places becomes immersion breaking - your supposed to be against the clock - and you somehow have time to circumnavigate the vault six times to get where you need to? And the super mutant's dialogue, in the dream sequence becomes a bit obvious when you get outside and begin exploring the eastern side of the map (think it's the east) apart from those niggles it's a masterwork in every respect and I'm happy to have (another) opportunity to say how much I'm looking forward to the next instalment (just in case the team needs encouragement : )
  7. Sorted, good so can I ask is anyone else's render window is... flakey? specifically if you have done something in render window then click on something in the cell or object window, or the scroll bars of either you find you're still somehow 'in' in the render window - on the other side of the screen... After the first couple of times I thought it was down to the cell or object windows overlapping the render one. Nope that aint it. Spend two hours manipulating something in render just nice, try to click or scroll on a different window and find you've just wrecked everything! To be completely safe click on the cell or object's menu bar first, but your most likely to forget after a period of intense concentration on a task then... Arrgh! (And somethings are [Ctrl-z] un-undo-able). Or is it just me.....
  8. I may be wrong but I think your into LOD with this, here is the (paltry) official guidance; http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:World_Spaces And this thread contains one of the single best explanations I've found on the subject http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/782478-generating-lod-one-cell-at-a-time/ As I'm still trying to get to a position to try this stuff, I'd be happy to find any more info... anyone.... PS, I got around the problem by using geography to 'hide' things I've added so they wouldn't be seen from a distance :mellow:
  9. A simple Revert-To-Last-Saved on the Geck's File-Menu would be the single most useful improvement I can imagine. It's the little things y'know :blush:
  10. Thank you, but I'm wondering how much of the original game and official DLCs would qualify as 'adult' were it posted here as a mod? How about Lonesome Roads with it's amusingly profane bosses or the Whole Gomorrah section... See what I'm getting at. The Fallout New Vegas has PG/MA 15 (parental guidance) rating in some countries so do we need to be more conservative than that, because the site is international in a way the game with it's 'local' licences and ratings is not. Naturally if in doubt, label it adult but I'm trying to understand what is the 'standard' and how it works (I didn't find the site's terms and conditions too helpful on this).
  11. The mod I'm working on includes a bar/brothel, like Gomorrah, but with a twist... This makes it an 'adult' mod? The flyer or poster to attract clients would be some variations of this (adult content :laugh: ) ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcKORA_5XdE Does that tip it (further) over into adult or is it still within the games frame of reference? And if I found someone to do some form of a cover of Cheech Marin in that vid (which isn't actually that likely) would that change anything? This is the reason I published the 'drop the F-ing laser detonator' (micro) mod. to see what was involved before I put a shedload of time doing things that may offend... The whole prostitution aspect of the game seems pretty 'adult' to me but I'm trying to understand how Nexus approaches this stuff.
  12. Interesting, I had hadn't seen the Murderous Gomorrah Greeter Glitch, but then whenever I've gone head to head with the Omertas the greeter is the first to go down. And Replicated Retribution is pretty close, plus Tranced0nline seems to be currently active. Another thought, the 'Mysterious Stranger' might have some useful attributes. The 'damage-reputation' idea would (guessing here) depend on John Ryder (the Hitcher) having companion status no? Companions get to affect your character's rep, such as killing fraction members after some stray round in a fire fight has triggered their defence. In my current game Willow killed an NCR trooper who shot at us because we were in Khan's drag. Therefore... companions scripted to steal or piss off people should have similar effects?.... In the game, Ryder's supernatural ability to be everywhere ahead of the young guy he's tormenting might be easily achieved because we know where the courier is going to go and what he has to do. Hmmm... This begins to seem like a Willow level project (sans dialogue), something that could shift the shape of the whole game. Quite beyond my current abilities to do reasonable justice to, and more like Someguy2000's level of expertise, as opposed to another 'element' in my current Mojave-Film-Fun project. But if any script orientated modders are looking for a idea (requiring minimal voice work) go for it... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_izD68UiAE8Q/TIPwRn2U3gI/AAAAAAAACN0/l6lIVv3jwaY/s1600/hitcher_banner.jpg The film's definitely worth watching and it could be years before I'm good enough to pull this off. :laugh:
  13. Going through my movie list seeing what I want to use and stopped to review this; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_izD68UiAE8Q/TIPvfQdEfVI/AAAAAAAACNk/aPLfj5m7Xts/s320/hitcher_poster_01.jpg Superb horror story of a young man being stalked by a psychopath with a death-wish. For those unfamiliar with this 80's classic, wherever the young guy goes, the hitcher (Rutger Hauer) is murdering everyone and foils every attempt to get help by massacring the cops and framing the kid. Pursuing him across the Mojave piling more atrocities at his door until the authorities are prepared to shoot (the cop killing kid, they think) on sight. So how about an anti-companion? Some murderous Cable-Guy type NPC who latches onto you, follows you around and f**ks things up where ever you go until you trap and kill the swine :laugh: a more proactive Ulysses who's not going to sit and wait for you to come to him but follow you everywhere, kill your friends, damage your reputation, steal from you when you sleep and steal from everyone else so your character is blamed. So is this doable? Has it been done? Or is there some profound technical reason that it wouldn't work or wouldn't work well enough... If it isn't practical would someone tell me before I waste a load of time on it... Please...
  14. You're going to need a copy of the door on both ends, since you need to attach scripts to their base forms. Duplicate the doors in the object window, place them where you need them to be (or replace if you already placed vanilla versions) and connect them. For the 'outside' door, the one that you want to be timed, attach this script to the base form: ScriptName DoorTimedScript float fTime Begin GameMode Set fTime to GetCurrentTime If fTime >= 0 && fTime <= 6 && GetDestroyed != 1 SetDestroyed 0 ElseIf fTime > 6 && GetDestroyed SetDestroyed 1 EndIf End This should make the door accessible only between midnight and 6 AM. Now attach this script to the other doors base form: ScriptName DoorDestroyOnLoadScript Begin OnLoad SetDestroyed 1 End This will make it inaccessible as soon as the doors 3D model loads, preventing you from going back once you've entered. Outstanding! Thank you, just as soon as I'm done wrangling dead Alices over at the Umbrella Compound I'll see if I can't get that running. Is this a 24 hour clock though? 18 being 6 at night... And what time does the sun go down anyway
  15. Mind if I dust this off for a 'door script' question. I need a door that is timed (that only opens at night) and only works in one direction! I've fumbled my way through building and connecting doors so far but I need more and messing about just unravels what I've gotten so far. As a terminal dyslexic the whole scripting thing has a fairly low probability of success for me, so does anyone know of any vanilla resources I could steal to achieve this? Any examples of anything similar I could copy/paste, I know the Mojave like the back of my hand but I'm not recalling a 'clock-timed' teleport/door.
  16. Might help to know what system your 'cheap laptop' is running. My machine is good quality just old and I can give you lots of stuff on XP if that's what your using. But your probably on 7, 8 or (shudders) Vista and most of my tricks wouldn't apply... shrugs sorry... I do know someone who runs Skyrim (plus a shedload of mods!) on Linux Via WINE, on a mediocre machine and it flies but you are going to be pretty desperate to start on that path as the amount of variables are huge.
  17. A shame about dead money really as it was quite a lovely level/gamespace design. But it wasn't the bugs or the contrived 'plot' which annoyed me as much as the painfully obviously ripped off Bioshock ghost-whatsits. And specifically it was (after much reflection) that the seminal Fallout franchise had fallen so far as to feel the need to rip off other games concepts!.... Oh come on....
  18. The Long-15 turns out to be so encumbered with lore (of which my understanding is incomplete) and other mods that I've pretty much given up on the location and built Columbia Pass and Sandy Valley road N.W of Goodsprings. And the dessert-mod idea has morphed into Movie-Sets-of-the-Mojave (though still has lots of empty dessert in it). So here's one of the almost complete locations, the best I can do with vanilla components and a screenshot inset of the original from the film. The thing is I've basically no chance of learning what I'll need to do the interior and whole fight thing together, I've still got thousands of hectares of dessert to do, and quite a few more sets/scenes... Would anyone here be interested in doing it? And I can get on with graveyards, plane wrecks and my open spaces. Now I'm being coy about exactly which movie that shot or set is from because if I or anyone else could get the interior together I'd post the mod and not spoil the surprise :devil: (but well done you if you spot it without having to look here). Needn’t be anything very clever, I had some wonderfully impractical setup ideas but I'd rather be out in the badlands playing with rocks than trying to work how to turn hookers into bloodsucking deathclaws so I'll settle for anything. Y'see this is just one of my locations, not even the central one, which is the Sad Hill Cemetery so I want to crack on. Is there an etiquette to this, can I post it and just invite anyone to f**k about with it and see what they come up with? It's almost all vanilla so far...
  19. Speedy Resources is probably what you're looking for. You may also want to check out Q's Sign Resources. That's the bunny, many thanks. I wonder why it didn't come up when I searched for 'SIGN'?
  20. Am I misremembering or thinking of another game, or has someone made neon-sign letters as a mod-resource? If so anyone know where it's to be found?.... Thanx.
  21. Yea.. you make good points. A legion - gangs connection would almost certainly facilitate the process, which is 'implied' by the Khans story - You'll notice Carl is in civies though and I always chose to think he was the reason there was a hit squad waiting for me in the middle of Red Rock Canyon... But more pieces for our theoretical insurgency mod no? A mod that actually puts some of these pieces down rather than the player having to 'divine' them. I've never done anything, added any mods that is to change the legion. I suppose I should look and see what's been done.
  22. I'm not sure you are comparing like with like as regards Afghanistan where as you say a formal military (comparable to the NCR) are fighting guerrillas/insurgents. In game even the Powder-gangers, who may be the closest equivalent, wear identifiable uniforms. But wouldn't an 'insurgency mod' be cool! IEDs targeting civilians in Freeside and the strip, covert cells to uncover and destroy or set up if you wished.. :ohmy: As regards WWII examples, I'm pretty sure that at least in the early days commando operations and successes were.. exaggerated for propaganda reasons. If you read Evelyn Waugh's 'Sword Of Honour' semi-autobiographical novels you can see an extremely plausible account of the setting up and implementation of the British Commando regiments. As I say Waugh was there, he knew those people and was involved with the events, and he was a journalist and understood how the (often hilariously inept) actions became inspiring propaganda stories and why. And of course after that war everyone claims to be the 'eyes and ears of the resistance'... What was the alternative, that you were a collaborator? Where as if all these eyes-and-ears had been the fists and feet of the resistance then the occupation would have been as effectively untenable as the Americans (or Russians for that matter) has been in Afghanistan. But a simple mod to change the hit-squads clothes to mufti would go a long way for me... That git with the banner on his back (lols) you've crossed the whole of NCR territory with that have you? :laugh:
  23. Could you elaborate on this please. You don't mean you would like to 'remake' the whole game do you? As for working with the GECK being 'time consuming and/or hard', I'm finding it so. Something like working on a high end motorcar (that happens to have some horrible design and engineering flaws) with budget 'made in China' tools that keep breaking. Want to change the oil or tighten a hose, no problem. Want to fit a new wiring loom or transmission, oh s**t!...
  24. If your machine runs skyrim fully loaded with mods then it 'should' run FNV without any problems. I haven't used all of the mods on your list but I can see somewhere you may need to take care; Beware of girl type 3 Desert Succubus Willow follower Jasmine pretty save Yoko littner Veronica replacement Are all going to either do stuff to the the fem body, or require things of it. Except Willow who I pretty sure is self-contained but then you want to do the stuff like Kristina's closet... Not saying you can't do it or even that it will definitely cause problems but you may have to jiggle the load order around to get all those things to run smoothly together or use BOSS to sort it all out. But a machine like yours with the G4.exe should fly! And mods? "Guns, lots of guns" http://kara.allthingsd.com/files/2009/09/MatrixWeNeedGuns-20080503-084716.jpg
  25. Nice one Charwo, I do like your reasoning as regards the roads, which would put Hopeville in the south end of Sandy Valley. Someone here (think it was Someguy2000) told me that there were plans to include Pahrump in the game but it was cut due to time and budget. It looks as if they had Nopah cavern done so dropped it into the game anyway. And that in turn makes me wonder if the NCRCF (and Vault 19) wasn't originally going to be west of Goodsprings. Of course that messes with the Primm story to some extent but might explain why you don't loose reputation with the Powder-Gangers for killing 'escaped convicts'. To say nothing of why you'd place a correctional facility in a territory your trying to annex? talk about making friends and influencing people :laugh: ... But it hasn't solved my problem of what to do with the divide, I can't make it in the world, I'm nowhere near good enough with all that heightmap stuff and all that busyness isn't my thing anyway so it looks like I'm stuck with pretending it's somewhere else - at least I'm in good company there eh.
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