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Everything posted by SayinNuthin

  1. I would speculate that the anims and mechanisms are already 'in the game' somewhere. However I don't recall ever having seen a horse in any game.. perhaps they got FEVed or something but; "A horse, or something built around the same general plan, was coming down the street at a hard gallop. Its hooves did not make the pocking noise of iron horseshoes. Bud realized it was a chevaline - a four-legged robot thingy." From The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson - Bantam Books in 1995 A mechanical, rideable Giddyup-Buttercup? Here's Boston Dynamics 'Wildcat' demonstrating proof-of-concept; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3fmFTtP9g And this is their earlier 'BigDog' some jokers put horns on for a laughhttp://media.techeblog.com/images/boston_dynamics.jpg BoS riding into battle on mech mounts sounds pretty cool...
  2. Some interesting arguments here but if I can offer some perspective. Anyone recall the old game/toy where you have to tilt the little tray and get the balls in the holes? Notice how the more balls you get home the harder it is to get more without loosing the ones you already got - I've never played the app version BTW. But thats the position anyone adding to the fallout games is in and most of what people are complaining about here is FO4 got a few new balls in but knocked more out in the process than any previous game, which is why it feels like a step backwards is some respects. Anyone that had given this idea a moments thought knew this was going to happen. Hell, we were discussing it in FNV forums a year ago. What was the alternative? That they didn't try anything new.. Imagine the howls of protest if we'd been offered another FO3 remake! What I'm saying is what many people, myself included, are finding disappointing was inevitable! The chances of the devs not loosing some balls when they tried to move the story/concept along was vanishingly remote. And to be brutally honest some of the balls, thats to say some of the cannon-concepts needed ditching. This because the absurd logical implausibilities were multiplying exponentially when you tried, for instance, to do something with nuclear motorbikes in a world where you apparently have AA-cells with enough power to launch a pound of bacon into orbit! Most of the absurdities we should try to remember were meant as jokes! Or at least amusing whimsy.. So personally I'm no more disappointed with FO4 than I was resigned to being, Annoyed sure at decisions like; lets ditch all the real firearms in favor if a (not very funny) fantasy idea, Buuuuut.. not bitter, things like that was almost certain.
  3. First off I haven't finished the game/main quest (I'm taking it easy) but I can already see what the O.P. is getting at. I ground up to Lvl 18 then ditched that character and started over as a much less 'nice' person who basically tells the settlers to sod off as I've other thing to worry about. But the 90% empty thing, I see as an opportunity and I think this will be the greatest modded game ever! Because feebs like me who are just not up to 'proper' scripted quest mods have a huge canvas of potential locations for some good 'ol dungeon building. So the empty stuff becomes potential.. and the game has (for me) lots and lots and lots of potential once we get the GECK or whatever. So yea between the we-are selling-you-half-a-product-here DLC thing and not having a creation kit it feels to me like I'm playing a beta.
  4. New fraction? Pirates. Shore raiding marine raiders. The strategy would be plausible for the game (assuming someone can make boats 'work'). Being marine-mobile means your pirates/corsairs/vikings can chose their own battles and are pretty invulnerable to everyone except the airborne BoS and there don't seem to be any marine equivalents of Deathclaws, Yao Guai or Red-scorpions... Massachusetts has the 10th largest coastline in the USA at 192miles. "Thems rich pickings me hearties, arr!"
  5. Pipe guns begone! and replaced with some more plausible firearms - or that they blow up in the shooter's face after about 20 rounds would work too. But they were all just a terrible dream...
  6. Err.. dogs attack power armor? Good luck with that Fido, let me know how it works out for you... Ditto raiders armed with tire-irons, flying stinging insect (and I don't care how big they are your telling me this bug could sting a tank to death!) Deathclaws I'll grant could probably pull your arms and legs off and as molerats burrow through steel reinforced concrete they might eventually do more than chip your paintwork but as the cheerful manic in the video explained A.P. is a function of velocity so the only thing that realistically, immersivly portray wearing this incredibly ponderous Juggernaut suit for me is [tilde] TGM
  7. Anyone have an idea how much effort it will take to get some of those broken boats working in the game. Humbly suggest that would be EPIC! http://brownwater-navy.com/vietnam/photos2/PCFops1.jpg Lots of infomation here "Think of the mayhem.. the meyhem"
  8. You are forgetting the power aspect of power armor... It is bulky because their are engines underneath those plates, power armor isn't just simple plate armor. No I wasn't forgetting there is supposed to be stuff under the plates, I liked the Enclave variations and especially the Hellfire which only took 'a little off the top' but made the lower larger which compensated visually and gave a less top-heavy look. More than that the Enclave stuff proved there were groups producing other forms out there so it opened the door to keep on adding shapes, models etc. And yea, we now have the X-01, which is nice I was just kinda hoping they would go the other way... Meh, everyone's a critic huh... :blush:
  9. Anything that gets us away from the 'American Football' aesthetic would be nice.. Sorry but has the player ever, in any game been required to body-check an opponant in combat? So why is the armour modled on protective clothing designed specifically to do that? Google images of medieval plate armour, sure lots of shoulder protection agains strikes (diagonal downward strokes) which is the most dangerous and powerful blow an agent can attempt and this 'look' has been exagerated for effect, but for me its taken to absurdity now especially since all it does in the case of balistic weapons is offer a larger target! If you can see it, you can hit it and if you can hit it, you can kill it anyone? Not so much in the age of archery but modern weapons... Here's some alternative 'looks' http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/files/aic/depts/arms2.jpghttp://lowres-picturecabinet.com.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/101/main/2/429366.jpg And tell me that last isn't beautiful... But there were lots of instances of 'shoulder-heavy' armours through history but one of the reasons it seems to have been used was for the intimidation-effect, however as no NPC in any game seems to be even slightly intimidated by the Player-character walking round in this power armour shall we assume they have all just looked at you and thought "Hmm, nice big target.." :laugh:
  10. Actually, pretty much nothing in the video is part of the vanilla game. I am assuming most of those battles were spawned from console commands and the like. But nothing in that is the actual plot of Fallout 4. I think he did a good job of capturing the mood but not actually doing anything to spoil the vanilla game. Well that's good to know, thank you very much, but that makes the vid even more impressive an accomplishment doesn't it.
  11. Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic Therefore any tech that doesn't appear to be magic is insuficiantly advanced... :ohmy:
  12. Its weird because FO New Vegas u could see holstered weapon, FO3 you could aswell, Skyrim too, idk why they would take a step back. Anyway in Skyrim thers a mod where u can see up to 4 holstered weapons, im sure when GECK is out we will get it here too I may be wrong but I think the reason 'worn' weapons have been left out of FO4 is because of 'clipping' or the item appearing to be embeded in the player character's clothing, power-armor, etc. FO4 seems to have more.. lumpy.. weapons and bigger power armours than the previous games and where clipping was a minor issue in FO3/FONV it's going to be, I think, a bigger one in 4. Not endorsing the decision to leave hostered wepons out BTW, I like my char to look 'armed to the teeth' and its useful to know what your packing when seconds count. I think its a safe assumption to say this will be adressed by the geniuses here when we get the GECK or whatever and to be honest I'd rather the Devs spend their effort making sure we get the tools to mess with stuff like this, as opposed to trying to fix stuff we complain about and palm us off with a hot mess of a creation Kit, if you see what I mean.
  13. Okay, outstanding edit but... Move This To Spoilers! I've only begun the story and unless I'm mistaken, you've just shown me the whole BoS plot there, no? Well done you :facepalm:
  14. /thread all the other sugestions seems irelevant in comparison to this one Hear hear but that, based on the idea that the talented souls here insert some weapons into the the game that are'nt **** ugly! Just keeping track of what weapon your char is toting at that moment given the horrid console layout of the favorites menu.. which I'm certain WILL be fixed in due course (if it hasn't already). But there is so much needing adressing for non-console players, and so much potential my Number ONE wish is a good, stable, effective GECK or Creation Kit because if they bollix that one up we're stuffed! And sorry to say, given how PC players have been treated so far... Console hand-me-downs... ouch! But early days eh? Lot's of stuff could be fixed with a solid update or two from the devs who must understand that the console market will saturate out in 12 months or whenever they do the final DLC but the PC market will be a steady little erner for... what? Five years?.. So perhaps they feel in no great hurry to adress 'our' issues :mellow: But a good stable GECK will make the game sell in the long run, because of what all you guys can do.
  15. "Since porting it directly is not legal" got that, fair do's but is it likely that the 'having both games installed resource share' trick will be possible as it was between FO3 and FNV or is the.. architecture?.. too diferent? That was legitimate wasn't it?
  16. Any full autoshotty would be good but the Jackhammer has provinance in Fallout. Of course with no GECK yet I understand we're going to have to wait a bit, but humbly suggesting we need it.. I feel undressed without one :blush:
  17. Just putting this out there as a concept resource for anyone thinking in terms of makeover-mods. But my character has just gotten out of 200 year sleep, she's launched herself into this world like some Sara Conner type, Kid-seeking missile, she only saw him a few hours ago remember.. Assuming it doesn't all go horribly wrong (and we might safely assume it will) what is the uber-mum going to do next? She has got to be considering the possibility of rescuing him and getting back into the freezer to skip forward to a more hospitable future, why wouldn't you? Especially if you could recruit some age proof individuals such as Codsworth and Curie to look after the hardware while and your offspring (as well as any adventurous people who might want to come for the ride) slept and have individuals like Valentine and Handcock running interference for you outside, making sure no-one messes with the (sealed) vault. This is fairly well understood in Sci-fi and there are many examples, but as a plot device the idea offers modders a plausable way to completely clear the map and start over, so I'm just putting it out there in the hope someone might make a world with less fuggly firearms :blush: http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1404071553l/167847.jpg One of the greatest stories on this theme in case anyone is interested but there are many.
  18. I built a hospital, I made the garden over to the apothecary and carried out her quest and the lower courtyard still has a bunch of people layed out or clutching their bellies. Is this a glitch, is it because I declined to look for Cole (who frankly gives me the creeps) or is it something that could be 'fixed' with a mod? Are the pools of stagnant water in the courtyard the cause of the gut-rot perhaps (for the internal logic of the thing) improving Skyhold could include replacing the lower courtyard sick people with a drinking fountain and some better drains... I have Nooo idea how easy or otherwise this would be to do.
  19.     Lols, definitely credit where it's due to the devs. But many thanks for the guide, believe it or not I still managed a sub-optimal conclusion with Briala banished even (failing) to follow the guide, but that's close enough. Nother question... Is enlisting the remains of the Wardens going to be a terrible mistake? A simple Y/N or N-A if it's not answerable without giving away too much.
  20. Been away from gaming and thought I'd try this, and finding it brilliant but.. I've reached Wicked eyes and I'm going off the whole thing and fast. I'm playing a human rift mage, I've reached level 20 righting wrongs and chasing bits of crap all over the world. I've kept all my companions alive (though I wonder why with the snooty cow Vivien) I allied with the mages got Hawke out of the rift and had Bull save his company etc. etc. My character is a firm believer in Andraste and a suporter of the best of the Chancelry and (this is the biggie) a firm supporter of the Friends of Red Jenny. And now, apparently I'm stuck with sucking up to a bunch of toffie-nosed, conniving, inbred, parasitic vermin who I would cheerfully see sucked into a rift. If I had to chose an arch-parasite to oversee the exploitation of the ordinary people then I'd go with a reforming seeker of peace and her elf lover - being as nuking the winter palace and relieveing Thedas of it's burden of vile aristocrats in one swoop isn't an option. Given all that, a simple request the shortest possible way through this festering pile of parrot droppings. Get the tart in the fancy hat back securely on her chair and get on with the real stuff, y'know defeating the darkspawn demigod who wants to eat the world... I dont want anything from the palace, I don't care about these tossers apart from the fact they are between me and my objectives. I'll happily forgo any XP or points or perks I just want it GONE! So someone point me to a 'republican's walkthrough, please. Or franky I'm just ditching the whole game 'cos this aristocratic crap makes my flesh creep! In case you havent worked out where I'm coming from, in the real world I was once the youngest ever elected representative of a British trade-union - and who's wondering if he's playing the wrong game here... no matter how good it is. But being as this is actually a mod forum (as opposed to one for venting about privilage :laugh: ) how about a Liliana's-agents-get-a-message-to-the-Empress-and-cut-this-quest-out mod? All in favour, say aye.
  21. If I was looking through FNV's cast with an eye to finding government ministers I'd look to the Cananites. Graham as defence and Daniel in the home office (is that 'the interior' in American?) Of course you'd have to persuade them to leave their current situation possibly by generous concessions to the tribals. But I can't see anyone else in the story who will have Joshua's clout when it comes to dealing with the remains of the legion. He's who I'd want dealing with them for me...
  22. You could go about it like this Search something like soundcloud for an unsigned artist's interpretation of the themes, then ask them if they would let you use their work... Of course that is only going to get you the main themes not all the incidental music you'd need to replace everything in FNV so you might try to find some talented musician in there or through Youtube then enthuse them with your idea and have them interpret and reproduce enough of the incidental music to serve. The biggest problem would be the movies were scored for a full orchestra, however a modern sequencer/synth artist could come up with something that would serve, I've heard some very clever cover versions... Someone might be up for it, it wouldn't hurt to ask and you'd get to listen to a hell of a lot of music :laugh: . That's how I got the 14 second clip of Carillon (or the pocket-watch tune) for the mod I'm working on, which in case your wondering includes the searching Sad Hill Cemetery for the grave of Arch Stanton. [Edit] That would be making a mod to replace all the music, if you just wanted to replace the tunes on your installation of the game it's much more straightforward, though a bit of a chore ripping DVDs etc down to MP3s trimming and editing loops and renaming the parts to put into your game. But if you own the movies and your doing it for yourself (as opposed to sharing it) copyright doesn't come into it.
  23. I've been told about that one, based on The Terminator I believe and while that's very cute John Ryder doesn't want to kill you, he's had ample chances to do that and not done so. The point is he wants you to kill him and he's not going to stop until you do.. he's completely and utterly batsh!t mental! So he's trying to drive you as mad as he is. Watch the 1986 movie an you'll get it, it's awesome BTW and the whole story is set (and shot) in the Mojave. But does no one else (apart from JCDenton and I) think the wacky wasteland was absurdly lightweight? I mean if your going to do that poor a job, don't even bother.
  24. As I haven't the knowledge to do a companion (let alone this anti-companion) I can't say how it should be done. But I have the idea that going through some random zone would cause him to approach the player, any conversation or interaction would then trigger Ryder's homicidal fixation with your character. The tricky bit (guessing here) would be balancing the damage he could do so it hurts but isn't so over-the-top as to fails and closes quests for you. He'd be an easter egg as the OP suggests, but a poisonous one :ninja:
  25. I was working on a mod (real life interrupted but I will be getting back to it) that does stuff in the spirit of the Wild Wasteland. Most of WW is based on movie references and given how much has been filmed or based in the Mojave the devs attempt to play on this was just lame. Example, this was shot about ten cells due west of Goodprings; http://www.panamintcity.com/exclusives/image/meo1.jpg And all we got was of all that material was the bodies in Nipton.. Deserts are relatively easy places to make films (dramatic locations, good lighting and predictable weather) and the Mojave is a couple of hours drive from Hollywood. Consequentially the amount of movies made there is incredible and when you look at the lists you can only come to the conclusion that the devs just weren't trying! The problem is doing that stuff justice is going to require some substantial set pieces such as Learner Airfield from Con Air; and finding room to do that inside the gamespace would be problematic without compatibility issues with other mods. All of which is why I decided to 'go west', open the western boundary of the gamespace and build this stuff out there. So you will be able to begin with a flyer in the Prospector Saloon that will direct you to Lonewolf Radio who's (missing) owner was the groundbreaking investigative reporter Charlie Frost; http://www.quietearth.us/img/t/theend.JPG from the movie 2012, and who's letters and notes give directions and clues to the locations in the new lands...That the sort of thing you had in mind? I will take this opportunity to re-punt the Hitcher idea though 'cos there's not a cat in hells chance of me pulling this off but I think the concept is a cracker! John Ryder is an anti-companion, once he's found you he will follow you around (or go where you are going) and basically f**k things up for you until you trap him and kill him. He'll steal from you and your friends, poison you reputation with allies, give you away in sneak and anything else he can come up with. He's merciless, implacable and completely insane, John Rider is The Hitcher; http://www.thesnipenews.com/thegutter/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/The-Hitcher-long.jpg I think this would be a great mod but I wouldn't know where to begin (other than watching the 1986 movie..)
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