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Everything posted by SayinNuthin

  1. Can someone do something about the rate of fire for the hunting rifle. It's one of the best looking firearms and it's un-useable as I'm not playing a Cereabral palsy sufferer...
  2. That is actually one of the few things the did keep on point. Despite the fact it's completely nonsensical :laugh: but yes.. Where 'not picking up the place' really jarred for me was FONV's NCR bases. The Military keeps their stuff clean because of the risk of contagious diseases. No-one is EVER going to forget that lesson from the Crimean war, or go long without re-discovering it anyway. Notice how the Legions camps were spotless? I always thought Caesar was just waiting for some horrible outbreak of pestilence to do his work for him...
  3. I already asked about getting the Fo3/NV stuff into the game 'Tale of two wastelands' style, VampireDante reckons the game engines are too different and I'm going to defer to his knowledge on this.
  4. People get wrong-footed by Fallout because it appears to be science fiction and Sci-fi, or good Sci-fi is logically consistent. Fallout isn't Sci-fi, It is Sci-fi themed Fantasy. Fantasy stories value other things over mere making sense, things like humor for instance. Which is why in fallout you have two headed cattle and no other domestic beasts, nuclear motorbikes despite the tech to produce fusion cells that contain enough power to put a bound of bacon into orbit and an apparently stable currency based on bottlecaps. They were meant as jokes guys, those thing were put into the Fallout universe to make you smile at the absurdity by people who couldn't have imagined where it would all lead. You see this all the time in writing, J.K. Rowling was probably wishing she'd never come up with 'Pumpkin Juice' by the time Harry Potter was dealing with bereavement and working out what it means to live in a corrupt society - which is about as un-humorous as you can get. But she'd put pumpkin juice in the first book and was stuck with it.. Fantasy.
  5. An opportunity for a new thread with facetious / sarcastic ending slides (in the spoilers section) along the lines of: In the years that followed the sole survivor wandered far and wide seeking someone to repair their ersatz offspring's dreadful programing glitches... Or to cue up with one of the actual slides: In the years that followed the sole survivor devoted vast effort in an attempt to make power armor that was bullet proof!
  6. Go as far off topic as you want buddy, There is no topic because there is NO plausible MQ. I suggest a quest is something you can achieve or fail, you can't fail the main quest by, for instance responding to Father's dialog by going bat-s**t crazy, killing him then getting to one of those balconies and nuking the place with a fat-boy (not a reasonable reaction but not an implausible one either given your character's experiences). That's to say you can do that (I just did it!) but.. nothing.. report back to the Railroad and Desi tells you to hook up with the Minutemen because the RR can't take on the Institute.. "What Institute, I just nuked them, tracked down every straggler and gunned them down then just for good measure cast a [tilde killall] spell on the way out.. they're dead sweety!" Should I jog over to the Brotherhood? Let them know I've just wiped a major problem off the map.. or will it be more of the same? So.. you can't fail, you can't change what's going to happen, that's not a quest and this is not a game.. it's just whack-a-mole with fancy graphics.. Still clever folk like Someguy2000 will almost certainly make something worth doing in this dogs breakfast eventually. [EDIT] responded to the wrong thread (it's late here) and thought I was writing in the 'What is the date' thread. Apologies in high embarrassment mode.
  7. Cosmetics be damned I want to see the boats working! The minutemen or someone setting up a brownwater navy - river patrol kind of thing. NPCs handling the boat who, if you ask them to take you somewhere might say 'we'd love to but we are a crewman short, perhaps you'd man the twin .50s on the bow?' Tell me that wouldn't be magic! That would be one way to implement it, Getting into the forward gun mount position would lock the player's PoV to first-person and take care of much tricky anims. Probably starting with a set of fixed destinations and routes but.. Anyway, a job for the XRE vehicle gang?
  8. To be charitable I think they did think about what modders wanted, or rather they thought 'what is the most popular class of mod and how can we extend that facility to non-modding console players?' The largest type of mod (I suspect) would be 'player-homes' and I spent last evening watching (and helping) my brother in law construct a base on the roof of Red Rocket. He liked it.. Probably not enough to go and replace his PS4 with a PC but I'd be surprised if that feature doesn't get us a shedload of new people who like it a lot and who do want to go further.
  9. I've already re-started with a kind of alternative start, a level 20 pre-save bat file that reasonably depicts the bad ass retired Marine-Recon (or perhaps Navy Seal) sharpshooter who all this is happening to... "You fools picked the wrong mother to mess with!" Now I'm hoping someone doing these tats will come up with some military/ regimental tattoos. Bonefrog for example, would be outstanding :cool: But began with my marpat fatigues even a marines paint-job for my P-A because in roleplay terms I couldn't imagine someone who wasn't some badazz vet type not going clean round the bend under the shock and strain of what is supposed to have happened to them. Here's Daedledood's Sniper Assassin save if anyone's interested
  10. Moraelin Your not an ass, you are a star! I've haven't left home without one of your pole-arms since Fo3, I wasn't going to pester you but just hope we'd see some your classy weapons sets before too long... in your own time, no pressure from me..
  11. I've played a bit more and 'I have a little list'; Whatever they have done with the movement to (guessing here) get round the turning on the spot without moving problem, you've failed! Epically.. loose it because it makes getting a suit of Power-armor up a ladder just silly Confirm Trade? Yes For F*** Sakes thats why I moved it into my bloody inventory, Confirm dialogs begone! And four keys to do what we used to do with two... Auto-Companion.. with no way of sending them home, their home. That needs fixing. The weapons degradation is gone (Hooray!) and now the power armor appears to be made of recycled cardboard instead [facepalm] Hmm, it's not such a little list now I think on it but on the plus side this plethora of low level niggles is fixable, some is already with mods and I've every confidence in the talented modders here to take on the rest.
  12. I doubt it was, specifically, but Gibson's story was part of a hugely influential anthology in the early 1980s and I cant help but feel that the guys at Interplay found Gibson's 'lost future' concept too good to pass up on. All the stories in the Mirrorshades anthology were groundbreaking at the time.
  13. While we are talking about DLCs, why is there a winterized Power armor coating and BTW who's are the eyebots that are bimbling around the place?...
  14. Indeed, you'd want a suit of power armor to wield something like that :laugh:
  15. Seriously, why would you think any automatic weaopn firing 5mm bullets would match a 10mm pistol bullet, per bullet used. Put it down to some DoD promotional film I saw in the 1980s (?) where a helicopter mounted minigun sawed the top off a high rise building, in one circuit! I've had a quick look and cannot find the footage. It wasn't a Hollywood movie thing and while it may have been faked it was presented as being an advance in the development of the system. It was something along these lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLEGE7k9FD4 but that is is why.
  16. Have you read this? The Gernback Continuum By William Gibson, Gibson brilliantly evokes the 'future that didn't happen' and on which which the Fallout (pre-war) world is based.
  17. A large part of Sean's story seems to hinge on sixty years having elapsed and not ten since he was snatched. Okay so Codsworth's circuits might be scrambled but I'm confused, is there anyone in the game, or a terminal that can tell my character what year and decade they are in? Is this player choice, sloppy writing or just me missing some cue?
  18. What weapon mod? This; Minigun .50-Cal Tri-Barrel by The6thMessenger Which I will stop using when the function is rolled into some firearms makeover, seriously a rotary cannon with less damage than a pistol.. you'd be better off using it as a club.
  19. A role-play implementation of this would be to build a 'special' desk in your settlement and assign one settler who is the manager of that settlement, once done the place looks after it's self. I don't come to the Fallout universe to play The Sims so it can't happen fast enough for me..
  20. Care to bet on the absolute certainty of yet more 'kill-Paarthanax' situations where you are lumbered with a bunch of either-or utterly unpalatable decisions? I haven't gotten past initial contact with The Institute and The BoS and I can clearly see where this is going because there is no option to simply come out and ask the NPCs the questions that would be uppermost in anyones mind (assuming they weren't a complete psychopath) This is a role-play fail that renders the scenario implausible, immersion breaking implausible and they just keep on doing it.. So I think I'm off back to the Mojave where I can use some less embarrassingly implausible firearms and do Someguy's Better-angels mod. And meantime have a poke around in the Skyrim CK for when we get the GECK, but for the O.P.s question.. Sadly not moved to seek out the endgame in Fo4. And betray the Brotherhood.. again, Kill Mr House again, sabotage the Boomers and wipe out groups that might be an asset to humanity struggling to emerge from barbarism.. again.
  21. I found killing the 'mouse-acceleration' was a huge help, a reddit thread I think.
  22. Not having a pop at you mate, but don't you think going running home to mummy when we hit a glitch isn't really in the spirit of a 'modding community'? This low-res texture issue has begun kicking in for me and as it only started when I loaded a ton of textures into the game.. perhaps it is my own fault. So how about we put our heads together and see if we can do something about it before we go bothering mother, we'll almost certainly learn things even if we cant work out how to fix it :blush:
  23. No-one else here think the first DLC will be Easter (or spring break as Americans call it) Then the really boring homefront-type DLC will be released in time for the summer holidays because only the hopeless terminal geeks are still sat indoors at that time of year. Then a strong final DLC in time to catch Christmas next year at which point they have soaked everyone for about as much as they can and then.. they might.. begin paying attention to modders because thats their steady little earner for maybe 4 years.. Sorry, too cynical?
  24. I wanted a ridable radscopion since FO3, standing on it's back like a surfboard, hands (and weapons) free..
  25. Well that's at least good to know, thanks Darkco.
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