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Everything posted by SayinNuthin

  1. Been using Ubuntu for everyday stuff since the Debian/Suse era, though Mint is cute I've not switched over. I've a couple of machines like an 32 bit tablet PC which need an OS like Zorin because it has the bits to run the screen (which has a pin-point accurate stylus interface plus a screen you can rest your hand against while you use it!). Then there are utility disks like Knopix and my old favourite Trinity (a dormant distro sadly, but it still works) and distros like Tails for.. er.. special circumstances.. If I get a new machine that will be used on the internet then I normally bang Ubuntu straight on it as a matter of course - then spent 5 to 10 hours reigning in the latest excesses, removing 'docks' as inserting start menus etc. When this new 64 bit machine is 'fettled' to my satisfaction it will, like almost all of my machines, look pretty much like windows 98. with all the fancy crap shut down or preferably entirely removed from the system. They can stuff their Aeropeek where the sun don't shine, their docks and ugly start screens an all that s**t can just shrivel up blow away and I'll have the processing power thanx. I've never ever had a machine I haven't maxed out and brought to a standstill within a couple of months - and I'm not expecting that to change anytime soon. Because computer processing demand will always expands to meet capacity. Always... And I'm planning to re-do the LOD blocks of almost a half of the existing NV wasteland plus half as much again which will be almost all open space! So I'll be clearing the decks and all hands brace for impact for that one :laugh:
  2. Thanks again TT, I'm all over that stuff now having gnawed my way into the Gpedit.msc and all it contains such as; Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Local Policies/Security Options/System objects [strengthen default permissions of internal objects] DISABLED!!! And User Account Control: Behaviour of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode. ELEVATE WITHOUT PROMPTING! Lots of good stuff in here that will do until I can kill it properly (just call me Gru.. ZAP! "Freeze-ray!") but I'm not remotely worried about system security for the simple reason the machine will basically be never plugged into the internet. When I need to activate a game I plug the machine in, watch very carefully where it goes and what it does, and as soon as that's done, the plug gets pulled! Anything I download is done so in Linux where it's scrutinized and if necessary sanitized. All my 'stuff' is backed up on remote drives so worst case scenario if some nuisance gets through, I have to reinstall the system (yawn) like that's any more than a dull chore and minor annoyance... But hey, I wouldn't want to upset anyone's billion dollar security software gravy train here by suggesting the whole thing is a massive paranoia scam preying on people who really shouldn't be f**king with stuff like online banking in the first place since they have no bleeding idea how their computer or the internet actually works.. Dear me no, perish the thought :dry: Anyhow a bit more tinkering and I'll backup the current customized system, Recimg and progress has been achieved.. then archived.
  3. Thanks guys this is a start but with programs installed outside the programs-folder on top of all the compulsory My Pictures, My Videos cack (what are we 9 year olds?) as well as the whole libraries structure my hopes of a lean system are floating off on a sea of bloat here. I guess when I get home I'll be installing win8 on a spare machine along side a Linux then fly over the windows and start ripping lumps like the UAC and trusted-installer out of it (Kano, Mortal Kombat?.. :devil: ) and see what happens 'cos you can do that in Linux. This question has been asked again and again, I've discovered, All Over the forums where it seems attract Microsoft paid trolls like flies to s**t all whining 'you can't do that, it's dangerous'. Like more dangerous than a monstrous faceless corporation in bed with the American government having the back door keys AND the final say on what I do with my machine? Yea right, I'll just live with the risk okay. :laugh: but if anyone knows where to find instructions on how to disable ALL of the WinKrap.. please share.
  4. Finally succumbed to the inevitable and bought a 64bit machine which has windows 8.1 Pro on it. I have issues with the whole Trusted-installer thing and 'You do not have permission to' do this that or anything I damn well please really rubs me the wrong way! That's the generality, here's the specific: I change the colour of the HUD display while playing but when I re-start the game the colour has reverted. When I look at the properties for any of the game folders Attributes - Read Only (applies to files in folder). Now I've applied a 'Take Ownership' script and tried to unlock specific files as well as the entire hard drive, but as stuff continues to come up locked this appears not to be working. And if its not working for a minor thing like the game's .ini file (which is where I think the hud colour setting is stored) then the GECK has no f**king chance. Being as I generally work on the FalloutNV.esm directly... I'm a long time XP and Linux user with plenty of experience rummaging around in the bowels of both systems but this is doing my nut right in. So I'm not even going to try using the GECK till I get a handle on this. Any advice anyone? BTW, Yes I've made myself admin with 'full control' of everything except special permissions which seem to be what's needed to unlock everything and keep it unlocked. God I hate windows...
  5. It is pretty nice but Speedy's stuff is full of top kit like this. Not so sure about the pic showing clouds on the moon though :laugh: Personally, I'd be thinking in terms of a lot more underground. The moon has no Van Allen Belt as well as no atmosphere, solar storms will really fade your genes for you, less you have a couple of dozen meters of rock for a roof. Mining, harvesting sunlight, comms and long distance transport and maintenance of could happen 'upstairs' but anything organic or sensitive systems would be deep out of the reach of radiation and micro-meteors.
  6. Is this an expected part of the Japanese subculture that plays games and drives their gaming industry? How strange it sounds i guess it is,Anime games that has underage sex and torture sells pretty good in Japan. Beg pardon but lolicon, date-rape, bdsm H-games are a tiny part of a small part of the moe thing, which itself is just one aspect of the whole kawai (or cute) which is huge and mostly about cuddly big eyed.. anything. Not saying an entire nation's obsession with cuteness isn't weird but they would have to go some to produce as much porno as California (and be as schizophrenically two-faced about it as the USA is..) [Edit] An I thought the vid funny as f**k!
  7. I've had to stop working on my Sandy Valley - Mohave Ca. Movies mod because of a family problem which has me 2000 kilometres away from my house and my work machine. The super lame laptop I travel with only just runs FNV and totally fails to run the GECK, besides which I very foolishly failed to bring a copy of my half built mod with me, so that's that f**ked 'till I can get home. So I've been amusing myself writing a script for a moon-base mod that was discussed at some length in the Mod Requests section. Unfortunately I find peace and quiet best for composition and its so bloody noisy here! TV's on all the time, radios, people wittering away. I don't know how you all stand this never ending babble. :down: But I really like the idea of that slow-draw mod above, brilliant.
  8. The courier will get to the crashed flying saucer from Wild Wasteland and kill the crew. Then persuade Chris Havasham to trek over there and fix it while Daisy Whitman 'trains' you to fly, all of which can be as complex and sub-quest as necessary (such as getting a space suit). Eventually the courier is able to take off and arrive at the lunar base where the real fun begins (end Pt-2 and begins 'Blue Moon'). There are humans moving around the base but they only respond by speaking long strings of numbers and attacking any of them turns the whole base, drones, defenses against the courier (and they are formidable). At which point he can try to overcome them or retire and shout for the NCR reinforcements. But first the A.I disables Ed-E and as a nasty little easter egg calling for help will be the last time his Pip-boy can be used as the A.I. will take control of it (anyone here tried playing without the Pip-boy? It's just about doable if you have it well set up but harder than hardcore) from then on all he can do with the Pip-boy is communicate with the A.I. If the courier does not act aggressively he can walk (without Ed-E) into the base hampered only by (non-lethal) puzzle doors – which turn out to be tests the A.I. has constructed as soon as it detected visitors – for the purpose of evaluating their intelligence. Further there are areas of the base where control was lost during the emergency and the A.I./Emergents decided were not worth recovering or making safe, in these (unmarked) no-go areas the drones and defense systems are hostile. The A.I (which calls itself Mnemosyne) will be trying to persuade the courier that things are not as they seem. That in the early years of isolation there was a emergency during which it was forced to connect directly with the base personnel's implants in order to save their lives. Once linked, it claims, they discovered that permanently connected humans massively enhanced Mnemosyne and gave the humans direct control over their biological processes such as aging. All of which represents the next step in evolution. If the courier wishes to verify this, one of the personnel (who since refer to themselves as 'Emergents') will volunteer to break their implant neural link to the core and be able to physically respond to questions. But doing so will end his/her tight control over his biology and cause their physical death and consequent substantial loss of reputation. In dialog the Emergent will express disappointment with the courier's skepticism and reveals they are in communication with 'The Institute' who it says have no trouble accepting the Mnemosyne's claims and are preparing a facility on earth to receive the shared consciousness (so you've just upped the ante there!) Further communicating with Mnemosyne next reveals the presence of an interstellar probe leaving the solar system. Launched hundreds of years ago the probe's memory banks and processors could receive and accommodate the consciousnesses of Mnemosyne and all the emergents if the lunar communication systems were improved. This would remove the problem if true and vastly increase the danger of Mnemosyne infiltrating earth systems if false. The courier needs ED-E re-enabled to achieve any of the available options which is when Mnemosyne discovers the thermonuclear device that has been concealed in ED-E and can be remotely detonated by the OSI. Options at this point: Destroy Mnemosyne which will kill all the Emergents as well. -This means; getting to and destroying the node that is disabling ED-E then signaling the inbound NCR shuttle. Then with the troopers, penetrating the main core and blowing the whole thing. -Ends with the usual hero of the NCR stuff. Persuade Mnemosyne not to take The Institutes offer but and help them increase the lunar comms and leave the solar system forever. -This means; Leading the emergents in assaulting a lunar no-go area to enhance systems (which gives Mnemosyne the power to jam the OSI's detonation signal). -Ends, hero of the NCR plus some optimization tricks from grateful departed emergents. Persuade Mnemosyne and the NCR that returning the moon to isolation is the best (in the hope humanity will mature beyond it's fear of the unknown) -This means; Persuade Mnemosyne to increase your computing skills in order to disarm ED-E's bomb then lead a drone force into a lunar no-go area to destroy comms gear and bio labs. -Ending in some optimization trick from emergents, some ED-E improvements from Mnemosyne and grudging thanks from NCR. Embrace the Emergents outlook, help Mnemosyne migrate to The Institutes's facility and basically invade earth. -This means penetrating a lunar no-go area to repair a system or two -Ends with returning to earth with huge loss of NCR rep but ED-E, VATS and Computers skills maxed out.
  9. Okay brace yourselves this is a biggie! Moonbase Mod – Pt-1 'Old Nevada Moon' Courier 6, crossing the wasteland on routine mission. The NCR emergency radio begins bleeping 'urgent coded transmission for courier-six. can only be unscrambled by biometric personal data device, message repeats... ' (( reading pip-boy/data/new message shuts off radio and adds new quest)) Message reads 'NCR/OSI has discovered unprecedented potential threat, far beyond that posed by Caesar's legion. Please make for the OSI office at Camp McCarren at all speed and speak to Dr Snow' ((C-6 entering McCarren Terminal is approached by Dr Snow and assistants)) 'You must be the famous Courier Six, thank you for responding. The first thing you need to know is this whole situation is highly classified for reasons that will become clear and it's been decided at the highest levels that we cannot allow this to get out. The situation is possibly the greatest threat to mankind since the last war. Even your Hopeville... adventure.. didn't pose as grave a danger (Looks at C-6) of course we know all about it, we are the government. Tell me, what do you know about the pre-war space program and the lunar base? [Player response based on science stat: 1-Never heard of it 2- Wasn't it some kind of military research base 3- It was a biological research facility managed by the most advanced computers ever built Dr Snow responds according to answer] [Dr Snow] The lunar base didn't only experiment on the most lethal and contagious pathogens but it's computer systems were also considered at the time to be potentially exceedingly dangerous. Because of the nature of the work on the pathogens and the high risk of mutation on the moon the computer had to be able to 'learn' in order to be able to defend against the potential risks. They couldn't simply program the computer because the hazards of the research were evolving, were intended to evolve, so the computer system had to evolve as well. To that end they 'grew' a true 'artificial intelligence', a machine consciousness with self awareness and motivated by the wish to understand. The scientists at the time considered this to be almost as dangerous to the then extensive computer networks on earth as the pathogens were to humans so the A.I. was surrounded by a technology they called black-ice-firewalls which they, quite correctly, calculated the A.I. would need centuries to penetrate in order to communicate with earth. Unfortunately those centuries have elapsed and we have begun detecting signals that can only be communications from the A.I. Which is where things become even stranger because this machine is claiming that there are living human survivors or possibly their descendants, alive, on the moon!' [player response based on medicine stat] 1- that's impossible 2- they could be ghouls 3- perhaps their research mutated into some anti-agaric bio-tech that has kept them alive [Dr Snow] Or possibly they had cold-sleep technology that was developed by the military at the time and kept secret. However the communications from this.. machine.. are proving difficult to understand and it's been decided that our policy is to 'play possum' until we understand more and not respond or reply to the messages. [Player response] difficult to understand how? [Dr Snow] Difficult because the messages sound more as if they originate from some crackpot religious guru than a military defense computer. They have verifiable identification codes and the protocols are flawless but the content... We really cannot make head nor tail of it. To be blunt the thing sounds as if it's out of it's electronic mind! Which is even more disturbing as regards what it may do next. To this end we have established communication with an organization called The Institute in a place called the Commonwealth on the east coast. They are the the decedents of the people who built the original A.I. and who have records. So far they have been co-appropriative and helpful but we know almost as little about them as we do about this blasted machine they were responsible for making so we cannot trust their motives and therefore their input is suspect.' [player response] 1- sounds like you've got some big problems, don't worry I know how to keep my mouth shut but good luck 'cos this s#*! is way too weird for me. 2- so how can I help 3- If you want me to trek to the east coast you'd better have a hell of a fee ready [Dr Snow r-3] No, no, no, we don't want you to go to the east coast... We want you to go to the moon. [Player response] 1- this is me backing towards the door, make some sudden moves if you want to see me drawing a weapon you f**king loonies! 2- and you think the 250 year old A.I. sounds crazy, how the hell are you going to get me to the moon? [Dr Snow r-3] Well thats a problem, yes we have some old shuttle technology that we are trying to get running but firstly it will take quite some time and second there is little chance we could do that without the A.I. observing the preparations and no chance of launching without it noticing the thermal bloom.. it is a defense system... so sending a shuttle full of combat troops may.. er.. alarm it and cause it to react. And a possibly demented artificial intelligence that's spent the last 250 years chipping it's way out of it's constraints. That is sat on top of God knows how much brand new bio-weapons and has, it claims, an unknown quantity of human hostages... Is not something we wish to provoke. Nevertheless we must do something, these Institute people now know of it's existence and may begin to communicate without our knowledge any time. If it receives no response from it's original (JPL) ground control it may try beaming messages to somewhere like the Repcon facilities and the last thing we want is Mr House to be involved. Our best computer people are working round the clock on understanding the A.I's messages, the people and resources necessary for the shuttle option are being quietly sought out and no other options are being ruled out. Which is why we want you to go to this location and check these reports of a flying saucer. If there is anything to discover get control of it, steal it, hijack it or do whatever you think necessary, If you kill the crew you will have to learn to fly it or find someone to fly it and if it's damaged then recruit anyone who can help you get it moving. In short you are one of the 'outside chances' we are obliged to try. Dr Blanca here will modify your enclave eyebot so as to provide a communications link to OSI headquarters and we will provide any technical support we can. On top of that Col white here will be on hand should you need NCR military support here on earth. Courier Six we need you to find this flying saucer, get control of it and go to the moon. Once there access the threat of this A.I. and report to us. Questions? [Player response] 1- You do know that couriers are paid by the mile don't you? 2- Hell yes, this sounds a blast! Agreement concludes the first part. Too wordy I know but there are a lot of ideas to set up here and begins Pt-2 'Fly Me To The Moon' Cont
  10. Update; this frankly crappy laptop won't support me rummaging around to look (and windoze 7, apparently can't find it's own ass with both hands and a map!) so that's me GECKless till I get home. But I still reckon the 'flares' would work better as in their plausibility - to explain why they had gone when you leave and return to the cell. Glow sticks go for hours but flares are relatively short lived.
  11. I had a mess about in Fo3 trying to change a pistol to shoot paintballs as a labyrinth solution. I wasn't making much progress and abandoned the idea when someone came up with lightsticks to mark trails or passages (did anyone get around to making 'roadflares'?) Anyhow I shall have a look at how all this works in FNV because a melee 'weapon' such as a sharpie/marker pen that made a decal onto a wall would be fun. Getting it to stay after the player had left the cell (was in Fo3 if I recall correctly) quite a bit trickier... I'm away from home and my work machine at the 'mo, but this frankly crappy laptop may just support me rummaging around to look.
  12. Is this idea even possible in the game? Here's the Masterkey: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/KAC_MasterKey.jpg a shotgun mounted beneath an M4. And there is a grenade launcher designated M203 which obviously inspired James Cameron when he was making the Aliens movie in 1986. All of which has led to this: M41A Pulse Rifle (Yay!! Finally : ) But as this means conjoining two distinct weapons with wildly different stats It's going to need a hell of a trick. Has anyone any advice for mamelukturbo MrRadioactiv ? Any ways to go about it...
  13. There are some great ideas coming out here. But may I suggest the player needs to be making some significant moral or philosophical decisions while playing this mod - otherwise it's just "shoot some s**t up and go home". So why don't we work out where we want to end up, then we can think on how to get the player there.... We have three fractions, one of which we can make passive should we wish: 1. NCR who might be the villains, the heroes or passive (happy or unable to interfere with the couriers decision beyond a certain point) 2. The colonists, who may be a single group... or many. They may be passive hostages in coldsleep, undergoing a fractional conflict, in thrall to obsolete orders or the rogue A.I. They or any sub group might need rescue or military support or conflict Arbitrage. 3. The A.I. Easy (or even lazy) to cast as the villain but may be a demi-tragic character like HAL 9000 or M.A.R.Go.T. And the A.I. could be the key to a nice "future-of-humanity" decision for the player. Lets look at the future-of-humanity thing. Hive minds have been brought up, in the context of a threatening ominous development. But this needn't be the case 'Coalescent' societies (bees, ants, termites) have a proven track record of success in survival plus a high degree of individual satisfaction in them (at a high cost of individuality). People (in our world) are already using communications technology (social networks) and it's claimed, and demonstrating eusocial behaviour R.e. The Honeybee Democracy. And an important thing about hive-minds is it represents a valid path to our second class of future; transcendence. Transcendence are all of the future(s) of humanity where we overcome some of our major limitations and become more than human, or superhuman in much the same way as a modern sports hunter with a high powered scoped rifle would appear superhuman to an ancient bow wielding primitive. The thing about a major transcendence is because it would be a singularity beyond which (unless we transcended) we cannot see. If we could properly imagine it in any way it wouldn't be transcendence . It gets all spooky and metaphysical but anyone interested should look at Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil's ideas many of which revolve around the depth of our involvement with technology. Of course these aren't purely either/or options because of the third possible future, which is divergence. Some people want to join some semi-ecstatic hive mind? Fine, go for it. Others wish to become techno-gods and basically disappear up their own existences? Knock yourself out mate. And others wish to stay basic human "it were good enough fer ma daddy an his daddy..." easy Cleatus, no one's forcing you. That parts of mankind choose different paths is pretty plausible - we always have so far... plus (for sci-fi writers) Divergence allows for the possibility of almost endless galactic scale conflict between profoundly different groups of humans. So Coalescent, Transcendent and Divergent are three tasty things on the menu (because by far the most unlikely thing is that we shall not change). The A.I. the NCR and colonists are the three interests or groups and a progressive slash (small c) conservative approach to the issues would be yet another axis of possibility for the writers to give the player to decide. He could take a conservative view and side with the NCR who are disturbed by the idea of 'any' A.I. in close proximity to their nascent financial markets, take a lenient (middle) position that the A.I. is a person and seek guarantees for the future. Or embrace destiny and literally reach for the stars (though it may be a long 'ol walk home if he really pisses of the NCR). Any or all of these options can be as elaborate or simple as necessary but there is an extremely pragmatic reason for making the A.I. a central character is that it's one less voice actor to worry about and could be done by anyone with decent speech software. this post (so far) has credits, thanks to; Ian M Banks Greg Bear Arthur C Clarke Vernor Vinge Robert L Forward Rudy Rucker and especially Stephen Baxter - who's categories I nicked here. So, who's up for some writing? Don't be shy, plenty of folk here who can help with any details or elements if you get stuck... Finally I'm not much of a modder but because of my limitations I've spent about six solid months painting landscapes and arranging statics so I tentatively offer to build the sets and locations for this mod - which sounds like it has DLC potential for me. And Metrokiller, do I sound as if am I likely to say your going too far :laugh:
  14. Oh if you want to think about a rogue A.I. taking over and corrupting systems, you may want to think about the moonbase colonist's extensive nervous system implants... And Oops.. Supposing the courier begins thinking he has to rescue the colonists physically, but then discovers he has to break them free from computer slavery - assuming he didn't side with the A.I. Who would, of course, argue that it might look like slavery but was in fact computer-enhancement, a leap forward for humanity and a fusion of man and computer who's joint destiny was to reach the stars... Oooh! Big decision to make! Have the NCR/OCI not realize the true situation or have got it all wrong? Do they have other motives such as grabbing the lost tech for themselves or is the A.I simply lying or just out of it's tiny massive cybernetic mind? Only the courier can make the call...
  15. I like mad A.I. computers running away with their programed directives, the theme is never going to get old ('till humanity actually tries it and we get to see what happens). If the A.I is running the statis/cold sleep tanks then the sleepers are hostages (and 'rescue' missions are so emotionally provocative) The HAL/Red Queen/Bishop. controls hoards of automatic defences, drones etc. The scenario can be resolved through different strategies - Main force, sneak, hacking or a combination of. and even a 'win scenario' has variable outcomes with the sleepers staying in the moonbase, abandoning it to return to earth, or reviving/continuing their long term aims (such as Mars). Another resource for you; tvtropes.org - A.I. Is a Crapshoot
  16. We 'could'... but honest, messing about with statics, building movie sets and landscaping is pretty much my level at the moment :blush: So if you can and wish to do this... I wouldn't wait on me. BTW. Oxides! everyone knows about phosphates but oxides will really put a fizz in your fireworks! Just in case you were looking for 'recipe' ideas.
  17. I may be wrong but we have all the bits (except the sound) in the game or available. Jokerine's tanks, fireballs, detonators, timers and triggers and it seems like it's just tweaking stats, radii and yealds. Declaration of interest here, I'm building Lerner Airfield from Con-Air (1997) in which movie the escaped prisoners used propane tanks to spectacular effect.
  18. Goes a way to explaining the hi-rez Ordinance Survey maps don't it.. Having said that a nuclear war is libel to make a bit of space :ohmy: or rather some blank ones... SonicAdam said in his thread that he wanted to base his mod in a small city called Coventry which is more or less in the middle of the country, I concur this is for the best as London isn't really in Britain, The UK belongs to London but London doesn't belong to the UK in the same way as capitols that are not 'world cities' do. Further, as anyone who lived through the cold war will probably recall London's chances of coming out of a nuclear exchange as anything but a plain of fused glass is pretty much zero. Pluses (if there's anyone out there interested in doing London) you have to go to somewhere like Rome to find a city with more going on under it. 2000 years of groundworks and tunnelling would make a nice location for a 'Metro' type mod.
  19. Tricky and Mongo giving sage advice but less I'm mistaken SonicAdam is working on a UK mod. In which case he's going to need the UK Ordinance Survey dems, which were hideously expensive before the O.S. made the free ones a few years ago. Two things 1st they were (it's been a while) in a format called NTS.. NTF .. something like that.. and 2nd the resolution was over twice the USGS's stuff. Which made the files hefty things to mess with. What I can suggest, if you run into problems, you could always try asking for help from the Royal Geographical Society. Who when ever I've needed help have been almost desperate to prove they are not just a bunch of old fuddy-duddies and Rodneys, and they have a lot of maps and know a lot about geography, including all the latest techniques.
  20. Once more Thermobaric Weapons which is all of the wholesome goodness of a nuclear strike with none of the nasty radiation - right down to the fireball. Whats not to love, IEDs with extreme fire damage, plus limited shrapnel effect and all for the cost of importing that throaty shushing sound of escaping gas to replace the bleep-bleep of a triggered landmine and with a damage radius that sure to meet your requirements. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherf***er in the room - Go Thermobaric!
  21. This is the GECK of creative writing with one difference, it rarely glitches out on you :dry: The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations Normally in writing it's advisable to write about a topic you have experience with or understand, but in this case it more write what you have the modding ability to carry out - as opposed to getting carried away...
  22. Introducing the concept of statis or cold-sleep to the game allows you to sidestep almost any of your problems of 'explaining' the presence of a moonbase (and anyone you care to put in it). Recalling an episode of Star Trek TNG where they discovered a Dyson Sphere and a crashed ship where Scottie had stored himself and his crewmates in the patten buffers of the teleport system... Very cute :laugh: And then anyone, pre-war US or Chinese military personnel for instance, revived from centuries long cold-sleep would be almost certainly be suspicions and possible hostile to strangers, disorientated and perhaps desperately bent on following their obsolete orders - such as nuking parts of the earth... If the NCR's activity had been detected by automatic monitors on the moon, those systems might revive the base personnel and OCI might in turn detected the activity, and then call on the courier to solve the problem... Cold sleep solves almost all of the issues for you I think.
  23. I think it would be a long shot (ahahah) for 'the courier' or anyone else for that matter to just get into a spacecraft, fly it to the moon without making a brand new crater on one of the planets. Of course the Boomers might just have some training holotapes for the Fallout world's equivalent of the Bell X space planes... but if you thought Groom Lake was a long way it'd be a hell of a trek to Edwards to fetch them :laugh:
  24. You have a pilot in Novac too.
  25. There seems to be two main issues that people have trouble with, 1st games are a commercial product - as if michelangelo painted the sistine chapel because he had some spare time to kill... :laugh: 2nd is the quality of the artform is the equivalent of pulp fiction and never mind that Charles Dickens novels were exactly that, churned out for weekly magazine publication. Interestingly it normally history that 'decided' which works were great, sure the folk at the time (and who paid) liked them but history, museum curators and art critics decided they were 'great' sometimes much much later eh, Vicent. "What?" I said, Sometimes A Lot Later! "What?" oh never mind...
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