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Everything posted by Argomirr

  1. Try /warp mario. If you promise not to touch any of the note blocks, that is. Tuning those things is a nightmare.
  2. No problem. Queen and Pronam managed to fix it without too much trouble. :)
  3. Set it for me please? :P I already promised Queen I won't try to show him my creeper impersonation even though it's pretty good. (Group issue has been fixed, by the way)
  4. Seems I lost my admin rights. Was that supposed to happen, or is it just another group glitch? :P Oh, btw, where is the construction site for the town located?
  5. Plus a no to keeping it and a yes to starting a new map from me. ;) It's just too big of a mess right now.
  6. Not without modifying the client, no.
  7. I wouldn't mind starting a new world, a change in scenery is always nice. And this time no cheating! (I got the impression some *cough* of the admins like Cuboid and /item a bit too much... :P That includes me, btw)
  8. Argomirr


    It's not LAN only, you can also do online co-op, though the required bandwith can be a bit demanding.
  9. Argomirr


    Anyone else play this awesome game? It's pretty good, especially if you're doing coop.
  10. LWJGL.dll? That's probably a false positive.
  11. Yup. It's still a messy thing, but it works again. All four sites with a single script now. [EDIT]Not the hidden page thing though, but nonexistent pages should be skipped now. (It actually did that before the update, but it was unreliable)
  12. It's also a tad broken at the moment. :P I should fix it up a bit... [EDIT]There we go
  13. It's his sixth... :D No seventh chance it is, then! :P Of course not! Welcome! Nobody builds near spawn because it would just be griefer bait there. You're probably just not looking in the right places.
  14. The major problem I see with hat is that most people don't even bother to visit the forums, they just download their files and leave. Such ads wouldn't get a fraction of the views the ads on the sites get. That, and ads like those might send out the wrong message: it's essentially an off topic post so it certainly wouldn't contribute towards a good discussion and people may think it's okay to spam or advertise.
  15. Agreed with the above. One more chance, but no third (or whatever number is the next chance :P )
  16. It seems your browser (or an extension, don't know) is blocking the cross domain scripting. Maybe you have it disabled somewhere in your settings?
  17. Sorry, but mods are PC only, not for PS3, 360 or any other console.
  18. I was experiencing some issues with these ads too, even with NoScript turned off it glitched occasionally. (It pains me to have to leave it on, but I got a rather nasty infection from the ads some time ago and I'm just not comfortable without it anymore. I don't download much these days, though) I wrote a very simple userscript to get past that ad (only that ad, not the others) for people who really can't go without their NoScript/have problems even with JS enabled. I'm making this available with good intentions, but if you'd prefer it wasn't around, Robin, I'll remove it.
  19. Noble: What I got is mostly building supplies and coal, nothing too valuable. I still have it laying around somewhere though. I was wondering why I couldn't find the good stuff... :P I think an apology and the promise of stopping that behavior is enough to earn you a second chance. If the others agree, we can let you back in. (Beware however: we won't hand out third chances)
  20. Um... ... I guess I have his stuff for safekeeping then? Mostly building materials though, his valuables had already been claimed when I got there. I did get that diamond shovel that he "lost" weeks ago back. My diamond shovel. ;)
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