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Everything posted by sgtKraigO
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
So here's a list of the technology and information inside Hidden Valley that could be of some use to the NCR/Independent Confirmed: Captured energy, conventional, explosive, unarmed, and melee weapons. Captured armour CANDLE Fusion Power system DERVISH camouflage system Information on power armour Information on various energy weapons Various medical equipment and medicinal drugs Here are confirmed weapons that can either purchased from the BoS or seen on their members 12.7mm submachine gun anti-materiel rifle caravan shotgun hunting rifle Marksman carbine minigun riot shotgun service rifle varmint rifle ballistic fist displacer glove super sledge thermic lance Fat Man laser rifle plasma rifle Gatling Laser Tri-Beam Laser Laser Pistol Plasma Pistol Gauss Rifle Heres a list of confirmed armour that can either purchased from the BoS or seen on their members combat armor combat helmet Combat armor, reinforced Combat helmet, reinforced Combat armor, reinforced mark 2 Combat helmet, reinforced mark 2 T-45d Power Armour T-51b Power Armour Recon Armour Optional technology and information (This information would be limited and depends on the completion of multiple quests done in a specific way): HELIOS One, Archimedes II, Euclid's C-Finder Farming Technology Pulse Gun 5 Mk VI Turrets (this depends on if the player shut them down before killing everyone) Speculative information and technology: Information about various factions throughout the Mojave (This would most likely be limited and outdated) Information about various locations throughout the Mojave and possibly in California (Again, limited and outdated) Information on the inner workings of the BoS Information on western BoS chapters that survived the NCR-BoS war (Some of this could be outdated, but I would suspect not all) Medical information and techniques that may not be known to the NCR (The BoS do have advanced technology and knowledge, I think it's safe to say they know more about medicine than the NCR) Knowledge on how to produce and maintain various weapons -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I have always liked the idea of "a small army of Duraframe eyebots." and wish they could be expanded to other factions. I'd like to have those little guys roaming the Mojave. But I tend to think that other than the BOS & Followers, no other active faction in NV has the know how to put them together. And if the bunker is leveled I don't think you could extract teh relevant data. Wish we could, but I don't think it all fits togetehr :sad: I agree that if the bunker is destroyed than other factions would have difficulties building Eyebots on mass, but if the bunker is left intact then I could see them being produced, even if it's at a slower rate than the BoS. There would be a lot of information in the bunker, maybe we could see other advances in NCR/independent military and civilian tech. I'll try looking into it and see what I can dig up. -
This isn't really a question about this mod per-say, but in NVB2 there was mention of a mercenary company coming to the Mojave, are we going to see them in other mods to come?
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I never really felt like the courier had any control over Big MT, just the SINK. Everything else is just doing it's own thing. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I'm pretty sure some of this has been mentioned before but just in case it hasn't here are my thoughts. One of the endings of Old World Blues says, in lamest terms, that the Think Tank sends the robotic dogs out into the wastes to help protect towns. I was thinking maybe add a few robotic dogs around a few towns in the Mojave and if the Brotherhood is alive they acquire them for their own use. For the NCR ending then they acquire some, but not all, and this goes the same for the Independent ending as well. For ED-E I was thinking that if the player gives him to the Brotherhood and ends up killing them but leaving bunker intact then whomever takes control of the bunker finds the data on the Eyebots and begins using them. I could see one or two being sent with a patrol for either Independent or NCR and a few in/around their bases. If the Brotherhood is left alive then their patrols are seen with one or two Eyebots. -
S.P.E.C.I.A.L every 10 levels.
sgtKraigO replied to Leandro63's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Just use the console commands -
Yes, and we can do more than one version. So we could have Falloutgods69's vision of the mod and another one that would tie in to our independent NV mod a little better. I think that's a safe bet there are fewer 51b's. The Mojave chapter is listed as; "This Brotherhood chapter uses a mixture of both the T-45d and T-51b models of power armor, with the T-51b being much more widely used". So maybe 3/4 45d, and 1/4 51b? It's no problem to add the bear heads to just Falloutgods69's version of the mod, and 86 them for our version (for the VivaNV). Won't take any appreciable time. For the VivaNV version it might be worthwhile adding in some recovered BOS weapons as well; "Their weapons are all extremely advanced, with tri-beam laser rifles being almost standard issue to the ordinary guard, while Gauss rifles are also used in high volume. Like most of the Brotherhood they will never have plasma rifles. Patrols sometimes even include heavier weapons such as the Gatling laser." 1/4 sounds good, maybe have the salvaged T-51b troopers around hoover dam, Camp McCarran, and Hidden Valley if you decide to throw in the NCRs capture of the place that is.
Your favorite (non-overhaul) mods?
sgtKraigO replied to HalfordOfTiptonia's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I might be mistaken but you just missed Fallout on sale. Next sale should be around the american thanksgiving holiday, if it's not then it will be around Chirstmas time. -
I haven't read all of the comments since I'm suppose to be doing homework that's due in 8 hours (yay!), so sorry if someone brought this up earlier. Isn't the "Trooper Sniper" a 1st Recon? Why not just have more 1st Recon squads in and around bases. They are suppose to be less deadly than the rangers and since there is only one squad of 1st Recon and 2 retired members it always seemed odd their lack of numbers compared to the rangers.
- 72 replies
Thanks for the feedback, but this is just how i always imagined the heavy troopers. The power armor must be valued in the NCR as they went through all that trouble to have the wearer not have to have power armor training to wear it. Also i would assume the wearers of the armor would be NCR-Brotherhood war veterans so the armor would be decorated with bear heads as a sign of the service they have done for the NCR, or as a sign of rank. As Colonel Royez is the only one with a bear head I can only assume he fought in the war as well. I beleive the t-51b would be easier to aquire as that is probaly what the Brotherhood was wearing during the war. Colonel Royez leads a lot of men and women and has a high rank so I would assume they would allow him to alter his uniform a bit as long as it was respectful. Power armour is sought after by the NCR because it offers more protection than regular armour and T-45d is easier to come compared to T-51b because it was what was used by the US military shortly before the end of the Great War. Since the armour is salvaged and has it's servos ripped out I would assume the NCR would use a set even if it was missing a shoulder piece or had a few dents. After all the vanilla salvaged power armour doesn't have the shoulder pieces.
Preferably an M4 carbine with a reflex scope, laser pointer, etc. I've seen pictures of different M4s with reflex scopes floating around Nexus but I can't seem to find it.
[Mod Iead] Nipton's rebirth
sgtKraigO replied to KaydenMoon's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I've thrown something similar around in this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/691109-an-independent-new-vegas-mod/page-111. I've always wondered why Nipton was just left abandoned especially since it is on a trade route and was surprised no one has picked it up. As far as I know Nipton is on the list of things to do so try messaging devinpatterson, see if he needs help with it. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
So I was looking at this mod http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1186479-ncr-power-armor/ and thought if it's edited to something similar to what I mentioned in the thread it would fit really well in this mod. -
This is just my thought and I don't really care if you decide to do this, but could it be possible to have most of the heavy troopers wear the vanilla armour while a few have the new armour. Since the T-45d is easier to obtain compared to the T-51b it would seem more realistic to find more troopers wearing the T-45d. Also the Scorched Sierra Power Armour is unique so having a bear head on every shoulder of every trooper would diminish the Scorched armour and make it seem average. Try adding some colour to the T-51b in a way that it looks rusty and maybe slightly dented, you could also have some missing a shoulder pad.
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
One difference though is that the NCR just summary executes the convicts (end game slides) they catch, so in that respect the NCR is all business. I was thinking that too but if the correctional facility is up and running again and the rails are being cleaned and worked on then I could see the NCR wanting to keep some of the survivors and put them in jail. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Also I thought it would be a cool idea if you had merged most of the Jackles, Vipers, and possibly the Scorpions and some Powder Gangers into one gang. The reasoning behind this would be, after taking losses from almost every group in the wasteland they realized that they will be wiped out by who ever takes over New Vegas. So the Jackles or Vipers decided to contact the other and most of the members of each gang agree to a merge in order to survive, the ones that don't agree are either killed in a bloody fight or escape and continue to raid under their old gangs name and symbol. After a short time the Scorpion gang and some Poweder Gangers decide to join them as well, most of whom are accepted into the gang (this depends on if the Scorpion gang wasn't wiped out and how many Powder Gangers are still around after the second battle of Hoover Dam). They could take over Bonnie Springs, the Tribal Village to the south west, and the Spring Mt. Ranch State Park to the north west. This would force the NCR to wipe them out or capture them if they want to take over Vault 19 in order to get the sulfur located within. I was thinking tactics wise the NCR would send it's main force to Bonnie Springs coming from the west while smaller forces holding the line north of the State Park and south of the Tribal Village. Once Bonnie Springs is captured, the main force would split into 3 forces, 1 holding the town, 1 moving north towards the State Park, and the last one moving south towards the Tribal Village. Simultaneously the troops north of the State Park will move south and the troops south or the Tribal village will move north, having two pincer moves simultaneously cutting off the two remaining forces of the gang. The player can help the main force, then choose which way to go (If the player chooses to aid the assault on the Tribal Village then they have to aid the State Park assault after. If they choose the State Park first then the one at the Tribal Village is successful, or you have to go aid the Tribal Village.). The Legions assault will just be a few waves of troops, nothing special, and the Independent will be a mix of NCR and Legion showing that the military leaders has some learning to do. For the House ending I don't think they should be wiped out, showing the lack of interest House has for the area. After the battle the Legion will either enslave the survivors or put them to the sword, while the NCR and Independant will send them to correctional facilities. This event will also add some more action in the game. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I'm pretty sure I have over looked the Sharecroppers as I don't remember mentioning them in earlier comments so here are my thoughts on the Sharecroppers and some of the things you mentioned in your comment. 1. Have a second farm near Westside. The water pipeline goes there and it will please the locals there if they have jobs, food and water by working the farm. (I could see this happening in all endings, but the Legion would most likely use slaves instead, and in the NCR ending some of the workers could be brought in from other parts of the NCR while some are from Westside and Freeside) 2. There are plenty of farms around New Vegas that can be populated by farmers who could grow some crops, even if a small amount compared too the population of NV. These farms can be family/independent farms that are not owned/ran by the government or large corporations. 3. The NCR has been plagued with corruption and lack of jobs. Losing the war in Mojave would cause even more friction between the government and civilians as they aren't in favour of this war. The corruption in the government, the loss of life in the war they lost, lack of jobs, sudden loss of electricity, possible water shortages (Chief Hanlon mentions there are no more lakes in the core region), and an uncertain future could and most likely would spark protests, riots, and possibly open rebellions. 4. NV does in fact have exports, mainly being electricity and water from Lake Mead and Lake Las Vegas. Also on a side note I remember mentioning turning some abandoned mines around NV into working ones again and I ran across this map that I thought would be helpful. http://keeg.com/hostile/cijid/falloutnv/Fallout3MapCaves.jpg -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
The problem I had with Fable 3, and all of my friends who played it, is that it honestly seemed like you bought out the darkness. I think you should keep that in mind and try not to make it feel like if you save up enough money you will win the day, of course you will need caps to win but through in some events or something so the player doesn't get the same feeling I got while playing the ending of Fable 3. -
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Thanks Gunslinger. Starting back up. Although there might be somewhat less time for modding, I'm going to do what I can. I think I'm going to release the base mod for beta testing on nexus, so we can get some feedback. Glad you're back. Can't wait to start playing the mod! :D -
I'm not a modder but if my vote counts I vote clone war era.
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Could it be possible too have Brotherhood Eyebots along side paladins patrolling the Mojave depending on the ending the players choose? -
three headed horse?
An independent New Vegas mod.
sgtKraigO replied to devinpatterson's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I sort of agree, but at the end of the game it says "constant attacks from the legion" in the novac slide, so it would definitely open up routes to Novac. Also at Helios One the NCR could have easily just sent a couple troopers to retake it, and honestly it doesn't make any difference because the map marker still shows as if it's NCR controlled. They could enter Novac from the south since Ranger Station Charlie wouldn't give them any problems and they have a camp not far from the town.