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Everything posted by simsrw73

  1. Vortex switches things up a bit when it comes to ordering plugins and mod files. In a very good, vastly more flexible, and scalable way. Instead of manually dragging all your files around, you set rules to tell Vortex to load mod A after mod B. You identify conflicts, set rules only on the conflicting files and Vortex will handle the rest no matter what mods you install or remove in the future whereas in the past you had to be aware of and keep that info in mind every time you installed something new into the tangle of unlabeled dependencies. Setup: I recommend going to the SETTINGS page, and turning on Advanced mode. Then go to both the MODS and PLUGINS pages and click the gear icon in the top right. Check every column. The defaults Vortex setup is not useful IMO. You need the extra display info. You can later disable any columns that you don't need as you get more experienced with the new UI. In MODS: you'll now have a view of the Dependencies column. Any conflicts with loose files (not bsa) will show here with a red lightning bolt. Click on it to see the conflicts and set your rules to resolve the conflicts by having one mod overwrite the other. Once you make a rule for a conflict it will show with a green lighting bolt in the dependencies column. And in the conflict dialog it will show as an after the mod name. In PLUGINS: Here, I generally use the toolbar button, "Manage Dependencies" to create rules for which mods Load After other mods. You can also drag 'n drop the dependency graph on the dependency column. When one or more rules are defined for a plugin, the dependency graph for that plugin changes to orange color. You can also set priorities to move a plugin to a area of your load order, say if you want something to load near the beginning or end of your load order, where it doesn't otherwise have a dependency on a particular mod. Double click on a plugin to open its details pane (Double clicking on the PLUGINs, MODs, and DOWNLOADs pages is an often overlooked feature, that opens a detail pane). Set the priority using the guidelines in the loot manual. That's a quick flyby explanation. Gopher is releasing a series of videos on how to use Vortex, and should be releasing his video on Load Order any day now. Check out his from the ground up series here: VORTEX - A Beginner's Guide
  2. OK. There is something goofy here. LOOT's master list is at : %localappdata%\LOOT\Skyrim Special Edition\masterlist.yaml Containing the rule: - name: 'Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp' global_priority: -120 after: - 'Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm' For the test, so that there are no user rules, I moved my rules stored at : %appdata%\Vortex\SkyrimSE\userlist.yaml => userlist.yaml.bak Because Vortex/Loot doesn't sort rules for which there are no rules, I leveled the playing field by backing up and then alphabetically sorting: loadorder.txt I opened up Vortex, and it automatically sorted... WRONG. Lanterns was in the wrong place. I closed Vorted, uninstalled LOOT, and deleted %localappdata%\LOOT\. Resorted loadorder.txt. Then launched Vortex which recreated and fetched all the LOOT files to '%localappdata%\LOOT\', and sorted... CORRECT. Closed Vortex, resorted loadorder.txt, installed LOOT, and launched it. LOOT sorted... CORRECT. Launched Vortex, and it sorted... WRONG. Closed Vortex, resorted loadorder.txt. Deleted '%localappdata%\LOOT\', Launched Vortex and it sorted CORRECT. I'm confused. No idea what is going on, but there is some evil interplay between LOOT and Vortex/loot-api that's breaking Vortex. It's like Vortex isn't picking up the masterlist when LOOT has taken ownership of the masterlist. BUT Vortex knows about the rule, because it shows up when you click the dependency graph. It just doesn't obey the rules. Workaround until someone smarter figures out what is going on. Uninstall LOOT. You don't need it and Vortex works correctly without it.
  3. There is no difference except that Vortex applies the additional rules that you create within Vortex. Loot doesn't know about those. You should only sort with Vortex (which uses loot-api + your rules).
  4. Error 740 means the process requires elevated privileges to launch. I believe this is one of the reasons it is suggested to change your Steam defaults and never install games that you intend to mod in "Program Files". Change the default to C:\Games or something. Possible workaround: Try locating the skse_loader in file explorer, right click -> Properties, Compatibility tab, Run as Administrator near the bottom. Thanks for that simsrw73, I appreciate your help and what you suggested is something I did not know to be honest ... well, all my games have been installed in the same path, all the time since I am playing in PC and never had any problem. At this point, I would have to delete everything and reinstall everything in the C:\ drive skipping Program Files(x86) just to make skse64 works as intended via Vortex ... ? I do not think so ! When I click on Open File location ( on my skse64 icon located in my desktop ), skse64 is located in C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_loader.exe ....... Do not have any problem running my game as an administrator via skse64 icon located in my desktop. I guess that in the future, if I reinstall Skyrim again, I will tell Steam not to install it in Program Files(x86). :cool: Did you try changing permissions? Select the file in explorer: C:\Program Files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_loader.exe Right-Click on it, select Properties. Select the Compatibility tab, and Check the Run as Administrator option. Now try to launch from Vortex. Does that work? Windows prevents programs from launching random programs within the Program Files directories among other things without security credentials. This is part of proper security on files within those directories. I think the way it works is that Vortex is granted credentials to launch other programs and has no problem launching skse, etc. But Vortex doesn't (and likely shouldn't) pass that permission on to the process it's launching, thus skse does not have permission to launch another application, like Skyrim, that resides within the Program Files directories. Installing outside of Program Files is the best way around this. Changing permissions and launching as Administrator is a nasty workaround; if you have to do that for any program then it's usually a sign something is wrong somewhere, but in this case it's the best workaround. There are a couple ways to move your games. You can probably Google some instructions somewhere, but if not done correctly it could cause a lot of pain redoing all your setups. Try changing the permission on skse as mentioned and let us know if that works.
  5. Error 740 means the process requires elevated privileges to launch. I believe this is one of the reasons it is suggested to change your Steam defaults and never install games that you intend to mod in "Program Files". Change the default to C:\Games or something. Possible workaround: Try locating the skse_loader in file explorer, right click -> Properties, Compatibility tab, Run as Administrator near the bottom.
  6. Not sure how this works. WAG: is it mentioned in your bashed patch or a merge patch? Otherwise, this error is produced by Vortex, using loot-api. Report it through Vortex’s built in feedback tool.
  7. One thing Vx doesn’t always do well is give feedback when it’s doing something or when it’s finished. Did you wait a bit after Purging or immediately Deploy? I’m not sure if these ops are queued or if they can be left incomplete. But I’d try purging and then after a short wait examine your data directory to see if it looks clean. There are occasional bugs where it doesn’t clean up properly after a purge. I’m also unclear on whether deploying on a dirty data dir will overwrite existing links? I wish we had another more aggressive purge option.
  8. IIRC, there is a program in MO dir, nxmhandler. Run it.
  9. Mods overwrite in the order they are installed. After installing, If you add a rule to load after, then you have to redeploy for the changes to take effect. There are buttons on the toolbar at the top: Purge removes the installed mods, and Deploy reinstalls the mods according to the order you specify by creating Load after rules.
  10. Do you mean show a graph of dependencies for a given mod? This seems the most helpful scenario and one that would rarely grow that large. I would love that feature, especially if it can flag or highlight certain types of errors, cycles, etc. I'm not sure a multi-graph of the entire load order would be helpful. Isn't that essentially what global priorities are? Or is this something more formal?
  11. Who said that you cannot place Scrap Everything at the bottom of your load order ? Of course you can. Go to the Plugins tab and set up Scrap Everything to load after the last plugin in your list and that's it. Or, you can drag/drop it after the last plugin in your list and a window will pop up ( Manage Dependencies ) and Vortex will make you confirm that you want Scrap Everything to "load after" the last plugin you have in your list by clicking on the "add" button and that will do it as well. Actually, I think the "correct" way to move a mod to top or bottom is to use global priorities. Here's guidelines for setting: https://loot.github.io/docs/contributing/Global-Priorities.html Dependency rules are when two mods have a direct relationship. Priority rules are when a mod belongs in a certain range of the load order. I think. Not quite sure about global vs local priorities? EDIT: I see a similar question was answered in the other forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6427966-rule-for-always-at-bottom-of-load-order/ (Still unsure of local vs global??)
  12. I love, love, love the rule system. Best thing I never knew I needed (and was actually using all the time... only on paper, now Vx does it for me). But, It definitely seems to need some rule checking, management tweaks. Or I'm still missing things. The immediate thing that sent me here is a cyclic dependency. I added a rule for SSE to say Gray Fox Cowl [Loads After] 3DNPCs, on the PLUGINS page. Vx tells me that is a cyclic dependency, but... I can't find a conflicting rule? Nothing in Vx, nothing in LOOT, that shows me where and what rule conflicts. I'm stumped. Where is the conflict? Same thing with Gray Fox Cowl and ... Landscape Fixes, I think it was. I'm posting this one here because I'm hoping someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Also, I want to see more checks. Let me know if I define a redundant rule. Flag or highlight if I mistakenly create a rule that is not needed on the MODS page, where no conflicts are involved. Any kind of sanity checks Vx could perform would help tremendously. Feedback from Vx to show what's going on and help resolve the occasional conflict. And this is the first real conflict I've come across so far that I wasn't able to figure out pretty quick. EDIT: D'oh, I think I see it now. Gray Cowl is an ESM. Didn't notice that. Is that why Vx is calling it a cyclic error? If that's it, it is a little misleading and still there is no indication by Vx what is going on. More feedback, please. In fact, Vx should probably refuse to allow such a rule, involving and ESM & ESP, right?
  13. Are you running the most recent update, 0.13.3: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1
  14. According to the release notes automatic updates was just enabled in 0.13.2. If I read it correctly, it will post a notification when an update is available. Then you can respond to the notification to install.
  15. Basically. It means that when deployed (when mods are installed in to the data directory), RWT will install first, and MM will install next, overwriting any conflicting files. The 3 files that are shown in conflict will be won by MM. Remember to redeploy after setting MOD rules.
  16. It was available. There and on github, but they took it down. They may have found a last minute issue with it... fixed: installer didn't work in 0.13.2TanninOne committed 21 minutes ago Yep, they found problem with installer. We'll probably see 0.13.3 up some time today.
  17. That's correct. It's a bug, reported several times. Commandline args are not working. Create a .bat file with the application and its args, then point Vortex at the bat file.
  18. Initially. More likely because it is still young and basics come first. More advanced features WILL come. If not by Team Nexus, then by others as it is extensible, allowing plugins and extension to be written by anyone.
  19. Correct, for now (at least when I tried it). There's no reason it can't be extended since Vortex will allow files to be installed in to the game directory such as ENBs. Sounds like a good feature request.
  20. On the MODS page, double click a mod. A detail panel will open on the right side. There you can edit the mods metadata, including the name.
  21. Chrome works fine. Try switching back. If that doesn't work, look in Vortex SETTINGS on the Downloads tab. There is a Fix for Chrome. Make sure Chrome is closed first before applying the Fix.
  22. On the MODS page, double click the mod and the detail panel opens up on the side. Change the name at the top of the detail panel. That panel stays open so you can click on other mods and continue renaming, editing, etc. I wish instead that that panel was pinnable so it didn't cover part of the screen. On the MODS page, make sure you have the Dependencies column shown. Click on the Lightning bolt and it will show which mods are in conflict and under each mod how many files are in conflict. If you click on the line showing the number of files in conflict it will show a popup list of which files are in conflict. I hope to see much improvement here. Tannin has already stated that there will be file level overrides in the future. Hopefully, we'll also be able to VIEW the files in conflict, textures, diffs, etc. If not in the app then as an extension. If you're talking about launching from the launcher at the top left, you can change that. On the DASHBOARDS page, create a tool with options you want or use one of the preset ones. Click the kabob menu on the tool (the vertical ellipsis) and choose Make Primary. On the MODS page, in the Actions column on the far right if you click the down arrow, you can Open in File Manger to get to the mod directory. I have two requests in regarding accessing the download directory or file. 1) adding an Open in File Manager or Open in Archive Tool to the action menu on the DOWNLOADS page, and 2) creating a Tool in DASHBOARD to launch windows explorer.exe: currently it doesn't take a path to open in correctly. Agree. I wish it showed the active profile along the top of the screen with the active game. Agreed. A link to the forum in the application Kabob menu next to Send Feedback is a great idea.
  23. What is you default browser in Windows? What happens if you change it?
  24. Sorry, no suggestions. Just that I can run it without problems on my setup. Skyrim SE and FalloutNV. Vortex on C:, Vortex Base set to directories on D:. Launch Wrye Bash/xEdit through Vortex and all operate Ok.
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