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Posts posted by RangerBoo

  1. I just updated NifSkope and I still have this problem. Also I don't see anything that reference Skyrim. I don't know why it is doing this with me. Do I need to go and tweek the game files or something?


    Edit: I think I may have found the problem. I added the textures of ginger9 Gunslinger armor to a different armor and the textures didn't show up.



    I assume that this is a problem with the textures but I have no idea how to fix this. A ideas?


    Edit: Nevermind. I found out how to fix it. I had to go into GIMP and generate mipmaps. Sorry for all the trouble.

  2. They are in the correct location. I told NifSkope where to find the textures but still I have this problem. Everything from the meshes to the textures are all in the right places and paths but still this problem plagues me. I don't know what is wrong with my game. Do I need to mess with the Prefs and Ini files as I can't think of any other solution.

  3. Yes the texture path in NifSkope is a "relative". All the texture paths are in the right place but the armor won't show properly in both the GECK and game but shows up just fine in NifSkope. I have no idea what is the problem. I know its on my end as this armor works just fine for everyone else. Do I need to do something with the game files or something?

  4. Something seems to be wrong with my New Vegas game. For some reason some custom meshes and textures like gringer9 Gunslinger Outfit will not show up in my game or the GECK but the show up just fine in NifSkope. Here is what the mesh looks like the GECK:



    Here it is in NifSkope:



    I have tried everything. Reinstalled the game, uninstalled mods, installed New Vegas in a different area, Archive Invalidation, everything I can think of I have done and still this problem persist. Is there anything that someone can do to help me as I am at my wits end with this.



    Well Rigley Pretzels and Rodney the Friendly Mantis make a cameo appearance?

    Christ alive, I laughed so hard at that skit. Now that you mention it, my modder's brain asks, "What if Rodney survived, only to be twisted into a seething, scorched creature bent on revenge?"


    Rodney The Not So Friendly Mantis? :laugh:

  6. Okay, I need to get off my ass and make a separate thread for The Better Angels, but in the meantime, here are some images:








    More details to follow. The mod is about 75% complete, and I estimate it will provide about 1-2 hours of content, depending on how much the player in exploring every dialogue tree.

    This made my week! Keep up the good work Someguy!

  7. With me, Russell didn't sell me on his anti-NCR views meanly due to my Courier being loosely NCR and also wanting to hit his face with a hot frying pan for his cynical bitching, arrogant attitude and trying to pick a fight with my Couriers other companions but after seeing the Fallout fan film Red Star, I always had a feeling that not all the Desert Rangers agreed with the Ranger Unification Treaty and that some went their own way. Russell helped expanded on the Desert Rangers lore as well as the aftermath of the Ranger Unification Treaty. Russell was a much needed add on for the lore and story of New Vegas at lest that is my opinion anyway.

  8. Thank you for answering, but I wasn't talking about a certain slave trader, I was talking about a certain raider related to Red Bear. I believe either the mayor or innkeeper mentions her by name.

    (Quoting still didn't work for me, replying to the post before this.)

    You mean Polly? If you killed Marko then you'll come across her in a random encounter out in the Mojave.

  9. That pretty much hits the nail on the head. My aim is to make it tight and fun. It will be similar to "Enemy of my Enemy" and "Repaid in Full", which are some of my favorite quests in the entire series. Also, it will wrap up some loose ends through dialogue and the introduction of two new characters referenced in other mods: Ranger Josey and Ranger Watson.


    The Someguy Series image has been updated to reflect my plans. Details to follow NVBIII's release.

    welcome back, glad to see that you're still alive.

    I'm guessing that "Better Angels" is going to be the post NVB III "hope spot" that you were talking about?



    I assume that lose end is that snake in the grass Brookshire? :verymad: Just curious.

  10. I think Fallout NV has more meaningful and nuanced choices than FO3. Sure, in FO3 you can blow up megaton for money, but all that really gets you is a ticking-off from your dad and Three Dog. I don't really count that as a real consequence. You can also open up with an SMG in Rivet City market and it doesn't affect the main questline at all. In New Vegas if you went all trigger-happy in the Mojave Outpost, or decided to attack Vulpes in Nipton, it had far-reaching consequences affecting the entire game (just try a House or independent playthrough after pissing off both the Legion and NCR. If you're very lucky, the Legion and NCR hit squads will reach you at the same time and fight each other instead of you!)


    That's not to say I didn't really enjoy Fallout 3, I just found NV to be a far deeper and more engaging experience.

    Same here. I enjoyed 3. It was my first Fallout game. After I beat 3 I went and bought 1 & 2 and I found myself having a more of an engaging experience despite the outdated graphics and enjoyed them more. Same with NV, I had a much more fun experience with NV then I did with 3. If I was to rate them NV would be my favorite but 3 my lest but that doesn't mean it wasn't an enjoyable game to play. Its just the experience was more rewarding with 1, 2 and NV. I have a strong feeling that 4 will be more like 3. After all the same writer from 3 is writing the story and dialogue for 4. Who knows, maybe Beth will prove me wrong and pleasantly surprise me. However, judging from their current track record with big AAA titles, I am not very optimistic to put it mildly.

  11. You all whine too much. "Oh someguy is taking too long. Oh bethesda sucks at making games even though they all receive game of the year. Oh whine.. Oh people don't like consequences which is why they liked Fallout 3 better." Can you name one consequence in Fallout New Vegas? One? I've played it extensively, yes. "Oh bethesda is marketing it for Minecraft because they added settlement building, a feature that millions of true fans have requested for years." No matter what someone does, you guys will always find a way to complain about something. Tell me, did the creator of wasteland defense market that mod for Minecraft players, or Fallout fans? Or what about RTS? Was that marketed for Minecraft?


    All in all, I will enjoy Fallout 4 extensively, and when someguy2000 releases NVB3, I will enjoy that too. I'll be happy to know that you guys wasted so much time waiting for something because it took too long, has settlement building, or has a voiced character. I hear Call of Duty takes a year to make and no settlement building. Maybe you could try that?


    Honestly I love Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3. There are things both games do better than the other, but to say that "oh bethesda sucks at making games because the world wasn't as rebuilt" or "oh bethesda games don't have consequences" is ridiculous. You do remember the nuclear bomb in Megaton, right? The one that you could detonate? And the citadel which could be nuked from orbit? Aside from that, I feel the unrebuilt worldspace in Fallout 3 is justified to an extent. It's the former capital of America. The GECK hadn't been released yet. (which remember, THE GECK WAS RELEASED ON THE WEST COAST.) If you think that the world would be on the path towards civilization 200 years after undergoing the most catastrophic event that could possibly happen (and one people could survive), without the help of the GECK, you don't understand radiation and nuclear war at all.


    Rant over.

    Mass Effect 3 received game of the year. Your argument is invalid. Also your choices in NV impacted the ending you get which is more then you can say for 3. In Fallout 3 it was nailed down too, Good Karma Ending, Bad Karma Ending and Neutral Ending.






    Hopefully one of the first mod created is the Silenced Protagonist, xD.

    Here is hoping as well. I don't want to play a Mass Effect clone, I want to play a Fallout game. WTF was Bethsheda thinking?


    they should've sticked to distribution and left developement to obsidian.


    That would have not pleased the barking seals who are raving for this game and who Beth is making and marketing this game for. Most of them hate NV, saying it was too boring, hard or that it forced them to think when they just wanted to do was be a badass and shot things in their badass armor, nor did they like that your actions had consequences. They want immersion but no consequences for their Fallout game.



    I'm going to throw my two cents in on this topic of conversation because...why not.

    I tend to see quite often that New Vegas is the better game between itself and 3 -- and it is in terms of it adding things that were missing or just made the game better --, but it is the more boring game of the two, mostly because it doesn't feel like a post-apoc game at times.

    I'll give an example: When I first left Vault 101 in 3, it was...awe-inspiring to say the very least. I looked and felt like it was truly post-apocalyptic. The people in the multiple settlements were actually trying to survive.

    When I left Doc Mitchell's house, I just stared at the town for a moment, shrugged my shoulders, and went to speak with the robot wandering past. It felt more like an old western than post apocalyptic. It didn't so much feel like the people were trying to survive as they were waiting for the NCR to come by and deal with the problem.


    Obsidian did good in the way of characters and story, especially when it comes to your companions, though I'd argue that the main story of New Vegas is worse than 3. But Bethesda knows how to make a world and that is what I've seen so far from everything I've seen of Fo4.


    well, what do you want? it's been two centuries since the bombs fell, people rebuild and go on. post-apocalyptic world of F3 just never made any sense, it felt like the apocalypse happened 200 monthes ago, not years. like most of enclave's personel and material resources never been destroyed, and people who are too young to even know anything about pre-war world can't get over it's destruction. F3 was not a post-apocalyptic world, it was a picture of it with absolutly boring story with cardboard cutouts of stereotypes instead of characters, retarded black-and-white moral and linear quests that don't affect endig in any way at all. at least vegas has more depth and logic, more variability and replay value


    I agree. While I had fun with 3 it was dumb fun. It was dumb but at lest fun. The problem that I haven seen with 4 is that Beth wants to market to the Minecraft and Mass Effect crowd. Nothing wrong with branching out but during the E3 presentation the lines started to blur with how much 4 was starting to look like and feel like Mass Effect, specifically the dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist. However, since those games were popular with casual gamers and made a lot of money every RPG must be like Mass Effect now. It also doesn't help that Beth has the same writer from 3 writing the story for Fallout 4. Suffice to say, I won't be buying Fallout 4 in the near future.

  13. I have an idea! In anticipation for the release of NVBIII, let's all throw down our ideas of what the confrontation with Marko is gonna be like! What I think Marko is gonna look like is that he will have the long dark, combed back hair, with an equally dark colored muttonchops/mustachace/goatee thing (think of Legate Lanius's ACTUAL face, except black colored hair and facial hair). I also always pictured him wearing Alistair Tenpenny's suit. I don't know why. Maybe because it shows a bit of facny-ness and nobility but at the same time a feral side. Or I maybe it's just one evil looking suit. If not, I bet he will have a red duster. I don't know how the confrontation will go exactly, but what I do know is that it's gonna take place in that "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" area, and he's gonna be laughing at you (from the fortune teller, from The Inheritance I think).

    I always kinda picture him being kinda like Frank from Once Upon A Time In The West.



    Hopefully one of the first mod created is the Silenced Protagonist, xD.

    Here is hoping as well. I don't want to play a Mass Effect clone, I want to play a Fallout game. WTF was Bethsheda thinking?


    they should've sticked to distribution and left developement to obsidian.


    That would have not pleased the barking seals who are raving for this game and who Beth is making and marketing this game for. Most of them hate NV, saying it was too boring, hard or that it forced them to think when they just wanted to do was be a badass and shot things in their badass armor, nor did they like that your actions had consequences. They want immersion but no consequences for their Fallout game.

  15. UnfortunatelyI don't know how to take pics with my computer(yeah I know). Its saying that the LOD for the bushes didn't load even though they don't have LOD and its telling me to find them in places that they are not in nor exist in.

  16. I am trying to regenerate the Object LOD for my worldspace but it keeps saying that the LOD meshes for the creosote bushes and sagebrushes are missing but they don't have any LOD file attached to them. Can anyone help me out with this?

  17. Just add another similar ending to the two already designed and call your mod Mass Effect reloaded. Everyone will hate it, but everyone will download the mod and play it!

    With paid critics saying that its the best thing ever! And how its about the journey not the story or lore! :tongue:

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